Wednesday 18 October 2017

Forex Fo Revisión

FOREX. com

(Estados Unidos), la Comisión de Valores y Futuros (Hong Kong), la Comisión Australiana de Valores y Inversiones (Australia), la Financial Conduct Authority (Reino Unido), la Comisión de Valores y Cambios (Estados Unidos), Organización Reguladora de la Industria de Inversiones de Canadá (Canadá), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Estados Unidos)

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Revisión Forex. com

Revisión Forex. com Si usted está buscando un corredor de la divisa que sea confiable entonces el Forex. com es el mejor corredor para este propósito. Está gestionado por la empresa de servicios financieros denominada Gain Capital, que se creó en 1999. El barrio principal se encuentra en Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos.

La compañía le da dos plataformas principales para el comercio. Uno es el Forex Trader Pro y el otro es Website Trader. El sitio web de la compañía le permite tener un fácil acceso a la plataforma y si se desplaza hacia abajo, entonces también verá la opción de plataforma Meta Trader 4. Durante la revisión de la empresa se encontró que esta empresa tiene una plataforma basada en web y que es Diferente de todas las otras empresas de divisas. Esta plataforma es la mejor para los principiantes y los nuevos operadores que están en la búsqueda de la opción compartimentada. También se encontró en el estudio que si la plataforma de negociación no se utiliza durante unos minutos, entonces se vuelve inactivo. Usted puede mirar esto como una cosa inconveniente pero lo principal es que sólo toma unos pocos pasos para proteger la seguridad del comerciante. Muchas actividades forex tienen lugar en la plataforma comercial llamada Quick Dock. Puede encontrarlo en la parte inferior de la pantalla. También puede minimizar la pantalla si desea ver su comercio en el modo de pantalla completa. El Forex Trader Pro es un sitio web avanzado de Forex. com y todos los silbatos y campanas del mercado de Forex están disponibles en este sitio. El Forex. com también da el beneficio del comercio móvil a sus comerciantes por el uso de su aplicación para el iPhone que es muy especial.

Visite Forex. com y registre demo o cuenta real. Características de Forex. com Las características periféricas no son ofrecidas por Forex. com como todos los otros corredores de divisas. No ofrece las características de apalancamiento como el Ava FX, ya que está regulado por la NFA. Forex. com proporciona el comercio simple y directo y es el mejor en su rendimiento. Algunas de las características apreciadas de forex. com son: 1. Últimas actualizaciones Hay los expertos entrenados y de los analistas de mercado en el forex. com que proporcionan las últimas actualizaciones sobre el mercado. Las actualizaciones pueden ayudar a aumentar la eficiencia de la negociación. 2. Webinars de Forex: Esta es la sesión de entrenamiento que es muy útil para los comerciantes y es mucho mejor que el material impreso. Pero puede no ser muy útil para los nuevos comerciantes. 3. Servicio al cliente: Los mejores servicios al cliente son proporcionados por forex. com. La empresa presta sus servicios el viernes desde las 10 de la mañana hasta las 5 de la tarde. También está abierto los sábados y ofrece los servicios de 9 am a 5 pm. Ver video:

4. Fácil de usar: El sitio de la empresa nombrada como forex. com tiene el diseño único y realmente nos quedamos muy impresionados por ella. Usted puede tener la información de contacto del sitio, así como de la plataforma de negociación. Usted puede tener la comodidad durante el proceso de registro en forex. com. Sólo toma diez minutos para el registro y es un proceso muy simple. El único problema que enfrentamos durante la revisión fue encontrar una solución para tratar con las diferentes plataformas. Pero este problema se resolvió después de tener una charla con el oficial de soporte al cliente. Forex. com es muy fácil de fácil en todos los aspectos y puede visitar este sitio para el registro de la demo y las cuentas reales.

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Copyright Forex. in. rs 2007

Miembro Desde Sep 11, 2009 4 mensajes One Capital Fellowship (one_fx) Nov 14 2009 at 07:47

Cuando yo era un novato, su servicio al cliente me estaba haciendo hincapié en abrir una cuenta con ellos. Como si él no me diera ninguna opción, y me mantuvo enviándome por correo electrónico para depositarlo rápido. Es gracioso porque si realmente están bien financiados corredor, no necesitarían desesperadamente mis $ 300 si no me equivoco. Su plataforma es más elegante, y habla que es un poco gracioso (su acuerdo es confirmar). En general, está bien.

Miembro desde 25-dic-2009 22 mensajes 4EverMaAT 02/02/2010 a las 21:22

Son un poco exigente cuando se trata de patrimonio neto. Así que poner números altos en su aplicación. Y su departamento de accts corporativo es una decepción, pero abrir un acct individual toma cerca de 24 horas.

Sus sistemas de negociación están totalmente automatizados?

Miembro Desde Apr 11, 2010 33 mensajes Brandon Roberts (biqut2) 22 abr 2010 a las 04:02

En general muy contentos con este corredor, son muy novato y el servicio al cliente es rápido si tienes alguna pregunta. La única falla que puedo encontrar es que en comparación con otros corredores que he tratado de propagación a veces es un poco más alto, pero me sale mucho menos re-cotizaciones al entrar / salir del comercio que he conseguido con otras empresas.

Miembro desde 31-ago-2010 21 mensajes tumbleweed 16 Sep 2010 a las 02:56

No está nada mal. Tuve una buena experiencia con ellos corriendo EAs en su plataforma Meta4. Los Spreads son razonables, no los mejores, pero tampoco altos. Elija propagación fija por seguridad si está operando con EAs. Sin quejas.

Miembro desde 23-oct-2009 2 mensajes Jawahn Thompson (jthompson) Nov 03 2010 at 03:39

Estos individuos apenas conseguidos la multa para conseguir cogidos usando el enchufe virtual del distribuidor en mt4. no se. No un montón de buenos corredores de izquierda y he tenido ellos hace mucho tiempo en el camino mt4 antes de FIFO restricciones. Hay una razón por la que no me quedé con ellos. tener cuidado

Mantenga sus enemigos cerca y sus paradas más cerca

Miembro desde 14-ago-2010 219 posts Will Schaarrand (pipinvestment1) Nov 13 2010 at 04:18

Jthompson publicado: estos chicos sólo se multó por ser atrapado con el concesionario virtual plug-in en mt4. no se. No un montón de buenos corredores de izquierda y he tenido ellos hace mucho tiempo en el camino mt4 antes de las restricciones FIFO. Hay una razón por la que no me quedé con ellos. tener cuidado

Sí. Leí esto en FF también. Me alegra que hayas hecho el comentario ;-)

1 pip a la vez

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

FOREX. com


FOREX. com es una división de GAIN Capital Group, un socio dedicado a los comerciantes de FX profesionales y gestores de fondos en todo el mundo. Los servicios institucionales incluyen programas IB y soluciones de etiqueta blanca. Los comerciantes de divisas individuales pueden aprovechar la experiencia del mercado y la solidez financiera de GAIN Capital Group y acceder a una plataforma de trading FX institucional, FOREXTrader Pro, junto con nuestros poderosos gráficos de divisas en tiempo real, investigación de mercado forex profesional y suite de avanzadas herramientas de trading forex . Para los comerciantes nuevos en el comercio de divisas, FOREX. com ofrece programas de formación de forex, minis forex, e información sobre el comercio del mercado de divisas. En FOREX. com, las avanzadas herramientas de negociación, el servicio de atención al cliente las 24 horas durante las horas de mercado y una experiencia de comercio en línea segura forman parte de nuestro compromiso de ofrecer más al inversor individual.

Tenga en cuenta: Forex Trading implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores.

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FOREX. com opiniones


Qué puedo decir? PEOR broker NUNCA. Son un escritorio que negocia, y no subestima las transacciones sucias de un corredor de escritorio que negocia. Por supuesto que tienen servicio al cliente increíble antes de abrir una cuenta - que se llama "marketing". Esa es una cosa en la que son buenos. Eso y el deslizamiento, olvidando de viaje sus paradas cuando el comercio cae más allá (por tanto como 10-12 pips en una parada de 30 pip). Dos veces he visto una parada no ejecutar en absoluto, y afortunadamente mi posición se recuperó antes de que mi cuenta fuera en bancarrota; Liquidar su cuenta cuando usted no está cerca de su parada (yo tenía el margen para cubrir el comercio y se liquidó a 4-5 pips), mencioné SLIPPAGE? ¡Santo Moly! He observado mi posición chug lentamente durante horas en una posición general "ganar", pero a un ritmo de caracol, y luego de repente la pip dispara hasta 40 pips y luego 40 pips en una fracción de segundo, los viajes de mi parada, y continúa Su manera alegre. La parte divertida? Ningún otro gráfico de plataforma en vivo muestra ese deslizamiento enorme excepto FOREXTraderPRO. Cada uno de estos trucos sucios que he mencionado se ha tirado en mis múltiples veces desde finales de enero. Absolutamente harán lo que sea necesario para conseguir su dinero. Por favor, escuche a todos los otros que le dicen que un escritorio de negociación sólo hará dinero si pierde dinero porque es un hecho!

Sobre los retiros de tarjetas de crédito: he leído la crítica aquí mencionando la política de 60 días, así que pedí. Esto es incorrecto - tienen una política de 6 meses. Sin embargo, 6 meses? Después de 6 meses usted tiene que pedir un cheque para ser enviado a usted o pagar por un cable de banco. Incluso con los retiros de tarjetas de crédito se tarda aproximadamente 3-4 días hábiles.

Ofrecen un entrenador gratis si usted deposita $ 1000. OK por qué no? He aquí por qué no: yo quería ver lo útil que un entrenador profesional podría ser, así que me colorea un lechón. El entrenador me pidió que ingrese a una página web a la que me dio una contraseña, y WOAH! Estaba en mi computadora, y se había olvidado de mencionar que iba a entrar por la puerta trasera. Así que ahora tengo este extraño en mi computadora portátil, mientras que tengo 2 navegadores abiertos y alrededor de 20 pestañas abiertas en cada uno, y se supone que me está mostrando cómo utilizar el software ForexCharts, verdad? Bueno, él me mostró un poco tontería que ya sabía, no me ofreció ningún consejo utilizable o responder a cualquier pregunta de manera funcional, y después de unos 10 minutos de perder mi tiempo me preguntó si me importaría si él marcó Su regalo del día de tarjeta del día de San Valentín para su novia en EBAY. Uh. Por supuesto? En vez de abrir una nueva pestaña este chico abre una pestaña existente que tenía abierta en mi navegador alternativo, encuentra una pestaña donde estaba investigando otro corredor, dice: "¡Hmm, me puedo deshacer del sitio de este competidor!" Y entonces mecanografía rápidamente su subasta de EBAY sobre mi URL. Luego pasa más tiempo pidiéndome consejo sobre la calidad del brazalete, presumirme de lo que es robar el brazalete por el precio del oro y preguntarle si pienso o no que a su novia le gustará esta cosa . Vaya, un entrenador, eh? Después de que su subasta terminó mi sesión de coaching había terminado. ¡Yo no había aprendido nada excepto NUNCA DAR UN ACCESO FOREX. COM COCHE A SU COMPUTADORA !!

Vamos a revisar: 1. Deslizamiento excesivo demostrado por comparación con otras cuentas en vivo 2. Liquidación errónea en las oscilaciones comunes en las operaciones ganadoras 3. Falta de detener la pérdida cuando se llega a la pérdida de stop pip como resultado

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones

EE. UU. Jeff

Comercio desde 2003 Total 1,5 años con este Broker

Son la esencia de todo lo que es malo para un 4X Broker. Ellos te van a convencer de que están a tu lado, y quieren que tengas éxito, pero se detendrá la caza de la pérdida cada vez que usted está en el beneficio, y aumentará sus spreads siempre que quieran. Habrá momentos en que no se puede salir de un comercio, no importa cuántas veces intente, y su sistema se cerrará muy convenientemente en los momentos más cruciales. Estancia lejos si quieres mantener tu dinero. De lo contrario estaría listo para derramar algunas lágrimas. BUSQUE UN CORRETOR ECN CON UNA PLATAFORMA MT4 Y BAJA PROPAGAS Y COMISIONES y usted hará muy bien. Manténgase alejado de Corredores de Negociación como Forex. com causa que el comercio contra usted todo el tiempo.

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones


16 de enero de 2011

1 año Total 6 meses con este Broker

Usted puede financiar con una tarjeta de crédito. Después de 60 días cortan la opción de retirar con la tarjeta de crédito y usted tiene que usar el banco TT. Pero el problema es que te darán todo tipo de mierda porque dicen que sólo puede transferir dinero a través de la fuente de la que procedió. Yo financié la cuenta con tarjeta de crédito y TT y cuando llegó el momento de retirar tomaron una eternidad y me dio todo tipo de basura sobre cómo recuperar mi dinero. También TTed el dinero una vez a una cuenta de corretaje y posteriormente se negó a repetir la misma transferencia diciendo que era anti lavado de dinero reglas; Pero ya hicieron 1 transferencia anterior a esa misma cuenta sólo semanas antes.

En otra solicitud de transferencia obtuvieron la cuenta bancaria equivocada y mi banco receptor envió el dinero. Obtenga esto, el costo TT fue de 50 USD más la conversión del tipo de cambio (alrededor de otros 50). Cuando mi banco le envió el dinero de vuelta a ellos se convirtió de nuevo y me clavaron con los costos de conversión de nuevo y clavado de nuevo con las tasas de TT para enviar de nuevo a ellos. Después de revisar todos los documentos descubrí que habían cometido un error en el número de cuenta de su lado. El no me reembolsó por los costos y las pérdidas del tipo de cambio. Después de eso todavía tuve que pagar otros 50 USD a ellos para volver a cablearlo de nuevo.

Grupo de idiotas. Manténgase alejado de ellos.

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones

Singapur, Hombre Verde

1 de noviembre de 2010

Un año Total de aproximadamente a con este Broker

He probado dos corredores y no los encuentro satisfactorios.

Este corredor Forex. com ha existido por más de 10 años, parece estar bien establecido y de buena fe.

Cuando estaba a punto de solicitar la apertura de una cuenta con ellos la semana pasada, NFA me envió un aviso sobre la multa de este corredor de $ 400.000 por algunos tratos indeseables con sus clientes.

Para un corredor tan largo establecido, regulado y bien conocido todavía podrían hacer mal, realmente pierdo la confianza en este negocio de comercio de Forex en línea.

Cómo vamos a llenar el comercio seguro con cualquier corredor en línea?

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones

Estados Unidos, Michael

6 meses Total después de 3 semanas, todavía no han abierto acct. Con este corredor

Hace más de 3 semanas llené una solicitud, lamentablemente he financiado la cuenta en ese momento para ayudar a acelerar el proceso. Ahora 3 semanas más tarde, y 4 aplicaciones más tarde, todavía no han abierto mi cuenta. He pedido el depósito a devolver a mi tarjeta de crédito - en vano. Estoy muy cerca de contactar a la compañía de CC para pedirles que inviertan la carga, esperanzadamente no fue depositada en la correduría BRITÁNICA. Estoy seguro de que hará aún más difícil obtener el depósito devuelto. Si va a hacer algún bien también planeo quejarse a la FTC (Comisión Federal de Comercio) y la NFA (Asociación Nacional de Futuros), ya que tienen una oficina de EE. UU. BTW tienen varias quejas y han tenido que pagar multas y reparaciones a varios clientes debido a sus prácticas de negocio. Esto es a partir del 30 de junio de 2010.






"Incumplimiento de altos estándares de honor comercial", "participación en márgenes engañosos y prácticas de liquidación", "participación en actos o prácticas de manipulación en relación con los precios recibidos por los clientes en la plataforma de comercio de MetaTrader"

No sabía nada de esto hasta después de que tuviera problemas con ellos. Por qué cualquier corredor de buena reputación le pedirá que financie una cuenta que ni siquiera existe todavía?

Me pregunto cuántas personas fueron arrancadas antes de que alguien pudiera probar que estaba sucediendo.

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones

Este corredor es realmente estafa. Nunca dieron la propagación que mencionaron en su sitio web. Por ejemplo, mencionaron que el EUR / USD es tan bajo como 1,1 pip para los titulares de cuenta Pro. Pero, en los últimos 7 meses, nunca he visto una propagación de este tipo, incluso durante Londres y EE. UU. tiempo abierto del mercado. Es trampa simple sólo para obtener más clientes. Su atención al cliente no fue capaz de decirme cuando hicieron tal difusión en la realidad.

Además, cuando cambian el precio, primero lo amplían por un segundo y luego lo llevan a la normalidad. Por ejemplo, GBP / USD está operando por 4.5 spread Bid 1.60415 Pida 1.60460, asuma que el precio sube 1 pip ahora, primero lo que hacen es cambiar el precio de la solicitud y esperar un segundo o dos y luego cambiar el precio de la oferta. Así: Oferta 1.60415 Pida 1.60470 durante 1 o 2 segundos y luego cambie la oferta a 1.60425. Si lo observa cuidadosamente, lo verá en todos los pares. Esta es su práctica habitual.

Un problema más es que su sistema no advertirá sobre el margen insuficiente. Lo que sea, usted quiere comprar, va a comprar y luego inmediatamente el sistema le liquidará. Usted terminará pagando el spread. Para comerciantes de pequeño volumen, puede ser una pequeña cantidad, pero para 10 lotes estándar. Fácilmente vendrá a $ 300 a $ 400 dólares que pierden apenas en segundos.

Además, estoy recibiendo muchas citas.

Yo sugeriría a "STAY AWAY" de este corredor.

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones

Estados Unidos

6 años Total 5 años con este Broker

Les encanta recitar, y cuando se pregunta por qué sucedió que no tienen una respuesta. Durante 3 semanas me levantó 22-25 pip clic cerrar botón y cuando a o negativo, tuvo que hacer clic en el botón Cerrar varias veces para finalmente salir.

Así que ya no es mi corredor

Etiquetas: FOREX. com opiniones


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Quién está en línea

Actualmente hay 17 visitantes online.


Forex. com

Forex. com es operado por Gain Capital Group, un grupo que gestiona la división de comercio minorista Forex. com y los clientes institucionales de Gain Capital. Es tipo de negocio es creador de mercado.

Descripción de Forex. com / Gain Capital Group

Gain Capital Group LLC fue fundada en 1999 por un equipo de comerciantes profesionales de Wall Street. Forex. com es una empresa muy grande que tiene clientes de más de 140 países diferentes. Su base de clientes incluye comerciantes individuales. Los gestores de fondos, asesores de materias primas y clientes institucionales son los clientes de Gain Capital. Forex. com se encuentra en New Jersey y también tiene una oficina en Wall Street.

En cuanto a la regulación de la empresa tiene una buena reputación y está registrado como un Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). Forex. com / Gain Capital es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) y está regulada por la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Plataformas de negociación

Forex. com tiene 5 plataformas de negociación: FOREXTrader PRO, FOREXTrader PRO Móvil para el comercio móvil Metatrader 4 FOREXTraderWeb para el comercio de sitios web

Independientemente del tipo de cuenta de negociación que decida firmar con usted tendrá tanto FOREXTrader Pro y FOREXTrader Java. Para poder negociar sólo desde cualquier computadora hay una plataforma web FOREXTrader Web. MetaTrader 4 también es compatible como una de las plataformas más versátiles y potentes.

Instrumentos comerciales

45 pares de divisas, CFDs, Metales

Tight se propaga tan bajo como 0,9 pips se ofrecen a los comerciantes de Forex. com. Una vez que tenga cuenta de $ 10.000 sus spreads se aprietan 0.5 pip más a medida que están alcanzando el nivel de ForexPro entonces.

Apalancamiento: 50: 1 Major Pairs, 20: 1 Minors (EE. UU.), 200: 1 (para GAIN Reino Unido y Australia)

Los depósitos mínimos para abrir una cuenta mini y mini son $ 250 para Forex. com UK y Australia y $ 500 para Forex. com USA. Para abrir una cuenta regular, el depósito mínimo es de $ 2500 y $ 5,000 para la cuenta administrada. Así que, dependiendo de sus necesidades y necesidades, puede elegir entre estos tipos de cuenta que uno mejor para usted.

Métodos de pago: Tarjeta de crédito, Transferencia bancaria, Cheque


Carretera 202/206 Suite 11 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Teléfono: 1 908-731-0750 Fax: 1-908-731-0701 Correo electrónico: info@forex. com sitio web: www. forex. com

Forex para principiantes

Forex para principiantes

Forex para principiantes es la precuela de mis dos primeros libros, un enfoque tridimensional para el comercio de divisas. Y una guía completa para el análisis de precios por volumen. Es su primer al mundo de la divisa. Se ha escrito para

Más Forex para principiantes

Forex para principiantes es la precuela de mis dos primeros libros, un enfoque tridimensional para el comercio de divisas. Y una guía completa para el análisis de precios por volumen. Es su primer al mundo de la divisa. Se ha escrito para sentar las bases y proporcionar el marco para empezar en el mundo de la divisa, en lo que creo que es la manera correcta. Mis otros libros luego se basan en lo que aprenderá aquí, para desarrollar aún más sus habilidades y conocimientos comerciales.

Aplicando lo que aprende

Lo que trato de hacer en todos mis libros, es para mostrar cómo aplicar ese conocimiento para ayudarle a convertirse en un comerciante más seguro. Después de todo, el aprendizaje está bien y bien, pero si no se nos enseña cómo aplicar ese conocimiento de una manera práctica, entonces es de poco uso. Es la aplicación del conocimiento lo que potencia, y esto es lo que he intentado hacer aquí, y en mis salas de entrenamiento en línea, y todos mis libros.

Todo es cuestión de riesgo

Por supuesto, hay muchos libros sobre el comercio de divisas. Lo que es diferente en este libro, es el enfoque en aquellos aspectos del comercio que creo que son fundamentales. Después de todo, sólo hay dos preguntas que debemos responder al considerar una posición en el mercado: -

Cuál es el riesgo en este comercio - alto, medio o bajo? Cuál es el riesgo financiero en este comercio? La primera es la pregunta más difícil de responder, y el libro explicará en detalle el análisis y el enfoque a utilizar, con el fin de responder a esta pregunta con confianza. La segunda pregunta es más sencilla y se responde a condición de que tenga una comprensión del riesgo, la gestión del dinero y el dimensionamiento de la posición en relación con su capital comercial. Una vez más, esto está cubierto en detalle en el libro. Como la línea de la etiqueta en la portada dice "Lo que usted necesita saber para empezar, y todo lo que está entre" que realmente resume lo que aprenderá.

Este libro es para ti

El libro lo explica todo, desde la mecánica pura hasta la metodología comercial que defiendo, y que he usado en todos mis propios negocios e inversiones durante más de 17 años. Forex for Beginners también está dedicado a todos aquellos comerciantes que me han pedido que escriba una introducción, basada en mi conocimiento y mi metodología. Este libro es para ti.

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Información general sobre Forex. com

FOREX. com es un líder global en el comercio de divisas y CFDs para personas de todo el mundo. Primero introdujimos nuestros comerciantes al por menor en los mercados de divisas globales en 2001 y una década más tarde seguimos siendo un líder de la industria. Estamos comprometidos a ofrecer precios competitivos, ejecución de comercio confiable y herramientas comerciales innovadoras para ayudar a nuestros clientes a tener éxito en el comercio de los mercados más importantes del mundo.

Precios transparentes competitivos Nuestros precios son ultra competitivos, confiables y totalmente transparentes. Hemos pasado más de una década invirtiendo en tecnología y construyendo una profunda red de liquidez de socios comerciales de bancos, para que podamos citar consistentemente spreads estrechos, en todo tipo de condiciones de mercado.

Líder del mercado de confianza En FOREX. com se negocia con un socio sólido y de buena reputación. Nuestra compañía matriz, GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: GCAP) cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York. Como una compañía global que cotiza en bolsa, GAIN debe cumplir con los más altos estándares de gobierno corporativo, información financiera y divulgación. Obtenga más información sobre la estabilidad financiera y la fortaleza de FOREX. com.

Herramientas de negociación innovadoras Siempre nos desafiamos a ofrecer a nuestros clientes las mejores herramientas y recursos para ayudarles a tener éxito en los mercados globales. Ofrecemos múltiples plataformas de negociación para satisfacer a todo tipo de comerciantes y herramientas únicas y de investigación para ayudar a identificar oportunidades comerciales.

Todos los eventos

Tokyo IPC ex Alimentos, Energía (YoY) (5h 12min)

Índice de Precios al Consumidor de Tokio (YoY) (5h 12min)

Tokio IPC ex Alimentos Frescos (YoY) (5h 12min)

Nacional CPI Ex Alimentos, Energía (YoY) (5h 12min)

Nacional CPI Ex-Alimentos Frescos (YoY) (5h 12min)

Nacional CPI Ex-Alimentos Frescos (YoY) (5h 12min)

Todas las noticias

BRIEF-American Honda Corporation de la Corporación Financiera. (Hace 51 minutos)

BRIEF-Mid Penn Bancorp nombra a Michael Peduz. (Hace 43 minutos)

El petróleo puede haber tocado fondo - BTMU (hace 38 minutos)

ACTUALIZACIÓN Los tenedores de bonos de 1-Oi contratan a Moelis para restr. (Hace 37 minutos)

Petróleo: recuperación de $ 39 en tacto en recuento de perforaciones (26 minutos)

Petróleo: recuperación en $ 39 en tacto en el equipo de perforación. (Hace 6 horas)

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Negociación móvil

El tiempo ha llegado definitivamente cuando el software y hardware para el comercio de divisas en teléfonos móviles es lo suficientemente bueno.

Si usted está interesado en el comercio de divisas, pero no tiene tiempo para sentarse por su computadora para aprenderlo, por qué no instalar una de las plataformas de telefonía móvil para el mercado de divisas y hacer uso de su tiempo al viajar al trabajo, durante el almuerzo o pausas Por qué no delante de la televisión en su sofá?

Proporcionamos una guía completa paso a paso con cada uno de los corredores sobre cómo registrar e instalar las plataformas de negociación móvil. Ve a continuación echa un vistazo a las plataformas móviles que hemos revisado a continuación y sigue los pasos para registrarte y puedes comenzar a operar desde tu teléfono móvil en tan sólo unos minutos.

AvaFx teléfono móvil de comercio

AvaFX tiene clientes móviles de comercio de divisas para iPhone, teléfonos Android y Blackberry. Las plataformas de comercio de iPhone también funciona con iPad y iPad2.

ForexYard comercio de telefonía móvil

La plataforma de trading propia de ForexYard & # 8220; FX-Trader & # 8221; Es una plataforma de divisas muy funcional para teléfonos móviles. Soporta tanto el comercio demo como el comercio en vivo sobre la marcha, con pleno apoyo para el comercio de iPhones, dispositivos Android y una gran variedad de otros teléfonos inteligentes.

Comercio en su computadora

Si usted no tiene un teléfono inteligente o prefieren el comercio en su escritorio o portátil, echa un vistazo a la lista de los corredores de divisas top aquí.

Revisión Forex. com

Antecedentes de Forex. com

Fundada en 1999, Forex. com es una empresa estadounidense operada por la compañía de servicios financieros Gain Capital. El corredor es un miembro registrado de la CFTC, de la National Futures Association y de la FCA del Reino Unido. Gain Capital cotiza en la Bolsa de Nueva York. Forex. com es uno de los corredores en línea más grandes y está acorralando actualmente la escena comercial en línea de los EEUU. Forex. com ofrece dos plataformas de negociación principales. La plataforma basada en web es buena para los comerciantes principiantes que prefieren menos noticias y análisis para confundir sus oficios. La plataforma FOREXTrader PRO es completamente personalizable y ofrece una amplia variedad de herramientas avanzadas de trading y un avanzado paquete de gráficos, por lo que es una mejor opción para los comerciantes más avanzados. Una aplicación de comercio móvil está disponible para los usuarios de iPhone.

Características de Forex. com

Forex. com está obviamente motivado por la protección de la seguridad de sus comerciantes. La plataforma se queda inactiva si no se usa durante unos minutos. Ofrece un QUICKDOCK para los resúmenes fáciles de la cuenta y los nuevos pedidos. La plataforma Pro ofrece una fuente de noticias en vivo, una lista de vigilancia, más de 70 cartas técnicas y un calendario económico para dar a los comerciantes información crítica rápidamente. Incluso con todas las características laterales, los comerciantes encontrarán Forex. com para ofrecer una experiencia comercial directa. El corredor ofrece actualizaciones regulares de su personal de analistas de mercado y seminarios de formación de webinar excelente. Han emparejado con el comercio de Zulu para ofrecer el comercio automatizado.

Pros y contras de Forex. com

Uno de los destacados de Forex. com es su servicio al cliente. La compañía ofrece soporte las 24 horas del día 5 días a la semana y apoyo diurno los sábados y domingos. Los representantes responden a los correos electrónicos en 2 horas y las llamadas telefónicas en un promedio de 2 minutos. El personal de servicio al cliente es notablemente paciente, servicial y bien informado. Forex. com también ofrece una opción de chat en vivo. Mantienen su información de contacto obvia tanto en el sitio web como en las plataformas de negociación.


Forex. com es un corredor muy conocido en el mercado minorista de divisas. Han demostrado ser un corredor confiable con servicios de calidad superior y productos sólidos.

4.40 sobre 5 basado en 5 calificaciones 5 opiniones de los usuarios.

Incredible Trading Platform Comentado por Mar Rodriguez en 2015-03-09 06:10:59. Forex. com es sólo una increíble plataforma de trading que me encanta simplemente debido a su presencia en todo el mundo. Ser un líder mundial de mercado bien establecido, ha demostrado ser confiable y confiable una y otra vez. Simplemente no puedo nitpick nada acerca de ello porque it†™ s amplia variedad de servicios y actualizaciones inmediatas en Forex statistics. В - Rating: 5 5

Regulated and Well-Established Comentado por NoyLover21 el 2015-03-09 06:11:27. Si usted está buscando un sitio web de comercio minorista en línea regulado y bien establecido, entonces forex. com es para usted. Mi principal preocupación siempre fue el fraude cuando se trata de sitios web de comercio de divisas como una gran cantidad de sitios de estafa existen por ahí. Con Forex. com no tiene que preocuparse por eso, no sólo está regulado, sino que también está vinculado a una empresa holding registrada en la Bolsa de Nueva York.

Plan de Compensación de Servicios Financieros Comentado por The ForexMaster en 2015-03-09 06:11:59. Después de mi primera incursión en el comercio en línea, las finanzas de mi familia tomó un buceo de nariz cuando el sitio web que estaba trabajando con la tienda cerrada por completo dejando mis finanzas en ruinas. Esa es la razón por la que he elegido Forex. com por encima de cualquier otra persona, no sólo está bien establecido que también me dio acceso a los Servicios Financieros de Compensación Scheme, que garantiza que cualquier desastre suceda, al menos tengo algo para mantenerme en pie - Puntuación: 5 5

Bueno, pero necesita mejoras Comentado por The AverageJoe en 2015-03-09 06:10:26. Forex. com es un buen sitio web para los corredores que quieren empezar porque es uno de los sitios web de mayor corredor por ahí. Sin embargo, siento que sus servicios necesitan mejorar si quieren continuar. Un número de sitios web por ahí son mejores en términos de accesibilidad y apoyo que me encuentro Forex. com a ser de want. В - Rating: 4 5

Tablas y tablas imprecisas Comentado por The FunnyMan en 2015-03-09 06:08:51. Las tablas y gráficos dados por Forex. com son simplemente cómico. No en el sentido de que son inexactos, sino que cambian cada vez que los abren. Sólo encuentro imposible comerciar con ese tipo de datos. A menos que usted sea un corredor realmente experimentado usted no debe intentar forex. com e intentar y educarse un poco más antes de incluso try. В - Rating: 3 5

Forex. com

Información general

Forex. com es un nombre comercial de GAIN Capital & # 8211; Forex. com UK Limited, que se incorpora a una gran compañía estadounidense GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. Actualmente, la holding es uno de los participantes más poderosos del mercado global de divisas.

Forex. com se estableció en 1999 y tiene una posición de liderazgo firme entre los corredores de Forex en este momento.

La compañía está ofreciendo a sus clientes el comercio de 50 pares de divisas, commodities y opciones de divisas; Y futuros, así como CFD y metales preciosos.

Sus clientes son comerciantes de 180 países del mundo.

Depósitos y Retiros

Existen las siguientes opciones de depósito y retiro en Forex. com:

Todos los pagos se procesan en 1-2 días bancarios.

Los retiros se realizan de cualquiera de las formas anteriores. La moneda y el método de retiro no dependen de los del depósito inicial.


Forex. com está autorizado y regulado por las siguientes agencias:

Autoridad de Conducta Financiera del Reino Unido (FCA);

Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC) en HK;

Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones (ASIC);

Agencia de Servicios Financieros en Japón;

La Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA) y la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) de los Estados Unidos;

Organización Reguladora de la Industria de Inversiones de Canadá (OCRMV).

Numerosos premios y premios de diferentes organizaciones financieras internacionales demuestran alta reputación y fiabilidad de Forex. com. Estos son los siguientes:

GAIN Capital FOREX. com fue elegido Mejor Broker de Forex por los lectores de World Finance;

Forex. com fue elegido por los lectores de MoneyAM como el mejor proveedor en línea de FX en 2011;

FOREX. com fue elegido como el mejor corredor de divisas en los EE. UU. 2013 en los premios de ForexExpo en Moscú.

GAIN Capital Group ocupa el primer lugar entre 500 empresas con las mayores tasas de crecimiento en América del Norte.

El equipo de Forex. com siempre estuvo ansioso por desarrollar nuevas áreas de actividad, introducir nuevas tecnologías (tanto comerciales como de información) dirigidas no sólo a mejorar la calidad de los servicios, sino también a proteger los activos de los clientes. This is one of the first Forex brokers that started to use segregated accounts allowing to keep customer funds separate from the broker funds. Such segregation is additional insurance for the customer.

Forex. com is paying great attention to insurance issues. In particular, its clients can use multiple hedging strategies (risk management), with many of them developed by the company specialists.

Bonificaciones y Promociones

Customers of Forex. com can get additional bonuses.

Referring a friend to FOREX. com is not easy. There are the following conditions to be reached so that the bonus is credited to the customer account:

The “friend” must open a live trading account and make at least 5 standard trades of at least 3 lots (within 90 days from the initial deposit).

The “friend”, who introduced a new customer that opened a live account and deposited no less than $1 000 USD, must also make 5 trades of at least 3 lots within 90 days.

The second bonus program is similar to the first one. A customer gets an additional bonus for the initial deposit. The bonus of 5% is credited for a deposit from $1 000 to $200 000 USD. Thus, the maximum bonus could be $10 000 USD.

For the bonus to be credited to the customer’s trading account, it must make a minimum number of qualifying transactions of a total size of 1/10 lot within 180 days from making a deposit.

Trading Accounts Types

Forex. com is offering two types of trading accounts to its customers: Mini and Standard. The accounts differ in the following parameters:

Minimum deposit:

Mini – $250 USD;

Estándar & # 8211; $2 500 USD.

Minimum transaction size:

Mini – 0.1 lot;

Estándar & # 8211; 1 lot.

All other parameters are identical:

Variable spread;

Apalancamiento & # 8211; 1:50;

Medium spread – 1.5 pips;

Minimum spread – 1 pip;

Five-digit quotes;

46 currency pairs.

Apart from the above live trading accounts customers can set up demo accounts.

The company customers can open PAMM accounts of two types: manager’s account and investor’s account. The differentiation is to protect investor’s funds from manager’s dishonesty. The manager’s account does not allow to withdraw funds. At the same time, an investor can conduct any trade operations with its assets.

Trading Platforms Types

Forex. com offers its customers to trade on the following trading platforms:

MetaTrader 4. This is the most popular trading platform among Forex traders of the world.

Tradable. The platform allows to trade currency pairs, CFD and precious metals.

ForexTrader Pro. The platform was developed by GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. It is not regarded as the best trading platform only because it appeared later than MT4. ForexTrader platform was selected as the 2008 Best Retail Platform by the readers of Profit & Loss magazine. It was voted Best Arabic FX Platform at the Saudi Money Expo 2012 in Saudi Arabia.

FOREXTrader – for US traders.

Servicio al cliente

Forex. com targets a wide audience of customers. Its research and information catalogues on the website contain plenty of information useful for both beginner and experienced traders.

Customer support service follows the same principles. Getting in touch with the support center, a customer can receive detailed advice in the following languages:

There are the following means of contacting customer service that is working 24/5:

Communicative highly professional experts of the company will not only answer any question but also assist in solving problems.

Pros of Trading with Forex. com

The main advantage of the company is absolutely transparent pricing. Stable partnership relations with largest brokers and market makers let it offer competitive (in some cases even unique) prices to its clients. The entire pricing process is available to a registered customer, who has its customer room on the company website.

The company specialists developed training programs for beginner traders and those who want to improve their trading skills. The tutorials allow to achieve good results is mastering Forex trading within quite a short period of time.


Somewhat complicated registration procedure is considered as a disadvantage. This is characteristic for all big brokerage companies.

Forex. com Reviews

Zaroom: I’ve been working with the company for long. It’s not perfect but there were no money withdraw issues at all. Excellent professional staff, always helpful. Great platforms, there is everything you need for successful trading.

Kate: First of all I would like to express gratitude to customer support of Forex. com. No matter what I asked, I always got a full and clear reply. It’s a pleasure to work. As for trading itself, I have nothing to reproach the broker for over almost two years of my work. Surely there were some unpleasant moments but it’s a common thing.


It is difficult to overestimate Forex. com contribution to global online trading in general and Forex market in particular. This company is one of strongholds of the foreign exchange market.

Probably, realizing its magnitude, the company is slow to respond to rapidly changing conditions. In particular, it’s not quite clear while it is ignoring online e-payment systems. Although being so forward-looking and eager to introduce advanced information and trading technologies, in some issues (not essential though) the broker is strictly following old (sometimes even obsolete) rules.

FOREX. com

On June 30, 2010, NFA issued a Complaint against Gain and Stevens that cited Gain for engaging in margin and liquidation practices that had a detrimental impact on certain of Gain’s customers on certain slipped trades, failing to maintain records for certain unfilled orders that were placed on the MetaTrader trading platform prior to May 2009, failing to adequately review the activities and promotional material of Gain’s unregulated solicitors, failing to respond promptly to certain inquiries and requests made by NFA during NFA’s audit of Gain and, together with Stevens, failing to supervise the firm’s operations.

On October 27, 2010, NFA’s BCC issued a Decision accepting an Offer of Settlement submitted by Gain and Stevens, in which Gain and Stevens neither admitted nor denied the allegations of the Complaint and agreed to settle the case on the following terms: Gain agreed to refund to customers the amount of negative slippage they experienced on the trades that were placed in their accounts between May 1 and July 31, 2009 and which were attributable to the Virtual Dealer Plug-in that Gain used on its institutional and retail servers, Gain agreed to refund to customers the losses they incurred as a result of Gain’s practice of adjusting leverage and margin requirements on Fridays, as alleged in Count I of the Complaint; Gain agreed to pay $459,000 to NFA as a monetary sanction; Gain agreed that in the future any and all slippage parameters that Gain uses in determining whether a customer’s order will be executed or re-quoted, shall be symmetrical in nature and neither advantageous nor disadvantageous to the customer or to Gain; and Gain agreed not to reinstate its practice of adjusting leverage and margin requirements on Fridays, as described in Count I of the Complaint, which it has discontinued. The Decision made no findings with respect to Count V of the Complaint charging failure to supervise.

Did you find this review helpful? si no

Feedback: 2 positive

NFA FINE $100000 (06/01/2007) says:

On December 8, 2006, NFA issued a Complaint charging GCG with using deficient promotional material and failing to uphold high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade; failing to establish and implement an adequate anti-money laundering program; and failing to notify NFA that GCG was carrying customer accounts.

On January 30, 2007, GCG filed an Answer to the Complaint in which it denied the material allegations contained therein.

On May 17, 2007 GCG was ordered to pay a $100,000 fine. On motion of NFA, the Hearing Panel dismissed Count III of the Complaint.

Did you find this review helpful? si no

Feedback: 2 positive

Forex Brokers Guide

Forex Broker Types: ECN vs DMA vs STP vs Market Maker

Forex brokers that accept US Clients

Forex regulation and regulated forex brokers list

Forex trading platform - Metatrader 4. Metatrader 5 and other platforms

Forex account funding

CFD Brokers: Forex brokers offering CFD

Forex brokers offering Gold, Silver, Oil Trading

Su capital está en riesgo. Trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade forex or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.

Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser precisos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Therefore TradingT. com doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.

Forex. com Review

Revision completa

FOREX. com is the forex brokerage brand of Gain Capital LLC. This company provides currency and commodity trading opportunities to traders from selected countries. The company commenced operations in 1999, and is located in the United States. Being a US forex broker. it is subject to regulatory oversight by the Commodities and Futures Trading Commission. The company also has branches in the U. K Japan, Australia and Canada.

Sign up to FOREX. com and Trade on over 300 Forex Pairs! (Including CFDs)

The trading platform offered by FOREX. com are:

a) MetaTrader 4 – Those who love the MT4 and all that the platform has to offer will love Forex. com’s MT4 platform. The MT4 platform on Forex. com has a robust news tab that delivers expert analysis on the currency trades for the hour. Traders can also use their expert advisors on the platform.

b) MT4 for Mobile: Allows users of the iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows smartphones to trade with the MT4 on these devices.

c) FOREXTrader PRO – This platform has three versions. There is a web-based version, a downloadable version and a version for mobile devices. With this platform, traders can perform advanced charting analysis

d) GTX – Forex ECN: This platform is used by ECN traders for direct market access trading.

Traders on Forex. com can operate two types of accounts:

a) The practice account is basically a demo account that allows traders to carry out simulated trading with virtual money.

b) A mini account which allows traders to deposit a minimum of $500.

c) The standard account is the live account type available for those depositing at least $3,500.

d) An ECN account which requires deposits of up to $50,000.

Probably the best feature that Forex. com has is its unrivalled technical analysis suite. Traders who use the MT4 platform can get access to the news tab. The news tab is like none other. There is a team of technical analysts that actually call trades as they occur. Yours truly has been in a situation where a news release was made and the markets were unable to decide where they wanted to go. But the technical analysis provided through the news bar made all the difference via a call using the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, which ultimately decided the outcome of the trade in favour of those who followed the trade call.

Depósitos y Retiros

The following methods are available to traders to make Deposits on FOREX. com:

a) WireTransfer: The wire transfer time for Forex. com is about 4 working days, which is faster than for most brokers.

b) Credit/DebitCard: It takes 24 hours to process a withdrawal request with credit cards, although deposits are usually instant.

c) eCheck: This is only for those who own and operate a U. S. checking account. eChecks are paid directly into the trader’s account.

Withdrawals can be made via Wire Transfer, credit cards or by checks.

The minimum deposit required to commence forex trading on Forex. com is $500. There are no limit impositions on maximum deposit amount, as well as minimum or maximum withdrawal amounts. There are also no limits on the number of withdrawals that a trader can make in a month. Deposits and withdrawals do not attract any fees.

Being a US forex broker. Forex. com is required to maintain a leverage of 1:50 for all its traders. The UK office submits to FSA regulations of account segregation and very stringent certification of the identity of traders using its platforms.

Traders and those wishing to make inquiries can reach the customer support desk on Forex. com using the following channels:

b) Phone: 1.877 367 3946)


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programa de afiliación

Copyright Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de instrumentos financieros conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital con la posibilidad de perder más de su inversión inicial. La negociación de instrumentos financieros puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores y sólo está dirigida a personas mayores de 18 años. Asegúrese de tener plena conciencia de los riesgos involucrados y, en caso necesario, de obtener asesoramiento financiero independiente. También debe leer nuestros materiales de aprendizaje y advertencias de riesgo.

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Descargue nuestro Indicador de opciones binarias con una ganancia de 83% ahora!

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Proporciona señales a través de todos los marcos de tiempo

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FOREX. com Review

Overall Impressions

Forex. com has a good reputation among reviewers. The broker is backed by GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GCAP). It is one of the major players in the US retail forex market. Reviewers point to regulation, tight spreads, reliability and capable platforms as the broker’s strengths.

Some expert reviewers consider the broker’s market maker status as a point of caution. However, this status also allows Forex. com to provide tight spreads, which reviewers appreciate. Another criticism of Forex. com has been their ECN service. It is only available to professional traders or institutions and requires a minimum initial deposit of $100,000 with daily trading volumes of 5M.

Características principales

FOREX. com offers regular and premium accounts. Premium status offers lower spreads, interest on cash in your account, specialist support and no fees on wire transfers. A minimum opening balance of $10,000 and monthly trade volume of 3M is required to continue receiving all the premium benefits.

For professional traders or institutions looking for ECN execution, GAIN Capital provides GTX. GTX allows professional FX traders, high-net-worth-individuals and institutions to trade on a true ECN model.

Traders can sign up for a practice account with any of the three trading platforms offered by the broker. With a capital of $50,000, the practice accounts allow traders to develop effective strategies while getting use to their chosen trading interface.

Funding an account with Forex. com is quite straightforward. Deposits can be made using debit card, wire transfers, eCheck (for US bank accounts) and checks. There are no fees charged on deposits.

Withdrawals are made using the same method used to fund your account. Withdrawal by wire transfer will incur a fee ($25 for US; $40 for International). All other withdrawal methods have no associated fees.

When it comes to trading software, reviewers have no major complaints against any of the three main options to choose from. FOREXTrader, MetaTrader 4 and Tradable all provide capable charting functions, technical indicators, and order management tools. All platforms are mobile compatible.

Reviewers of FOREX. com consider their support to be decent. The broker offers the latest news, market reports and insights, currency pivot points, and an economic calendar. They also provide webinars with trading experts, and additional support for premium accounts.

The customer service team can be reached via telephone, email, and live chat. Dedicated customer support is available for customers who are based outside of the US.

Forex. com Review


Summary : This broker also features a technical analysis suite where it is possible for professional analysts to call a trade as it happens. This ensures that you have up to the minute information, which could easily be the difference between a great trade and losing out on an opportunity.

Forex. com is a leading forex trading site which welcomes traders from all over the world, including the United States. It began its operations in the US in 1999. It currently has branches in various countries, including Japan, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. This platform is owned and operated by GAIN capital. It has been regulated by the CFTC and NFA. It is powered by two main trading platforms, the FOREXTrader Pro and MetaTrader 4. Both of these platforms are web based and created specifically for online forex trading. They also come with versions that can be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.

Practice makes perfect, and that is why forex. com offers you a free demo account. This means that you can practice your trading without having to make a real deposit, so that you figure out how to use the trading platform.

To begin using Forex. com for real money you must open a trading account. There are two accounts that you can choose from. The standard trading account requires a minimum deposit of $500 and you can get started. The Premium account requires a deposit of $25,000 to begin trading. There is an incredible gap between these two types of accounts, and it is recommended that you should open an account with $3000 as your deposit. The reason for this is that this is the amount that is required to enable you to gain complete access to all the tradable instruments that are available on the site.

Forex. com Trading Platform

When you start trading you will be given a free trading eBook that will provide you with an introduction into forex trading.

Depósitos y Retiros

Three main methods exist for making a deposit with this broker. There is the bank wire transfer which takes a total of four working days for the money to reflect in your account. Then there is the check which is available for customers who have checking accounts in the United States. These checks reflect almost immediately as they are paid directly into the account for trading. Finally, you can deposit using a credit or debit card, where the deposit is instant.

You can make a withdrawal in the same ways that you make a deposit, although the timings for processing are different. Withdrawals by credit card for example have a 24-hour delay as they are being processed.

With this broker, there are no minimum withdrawal amounts and there are no charges for making a deposit or taking out a withdrawal.

FOREX. com Explain What is Forex?

This site has developed a skill for being open and honest in all dealings, so as to gain the trust of the customer. For that reason, it continues to grow in popularity as customer believe in what is has to offer. As well as maintaining high standards for customers, it also offers educational material to help with the development of trading skills, free market research to provide an idea of what is happening in forex markets, tight spreads that help to minimize risk and the services of Expert Advisors.

This broker also features a technical analysis suite where it is possible for professional analysts to call a trade as it happens. This ensures that you have up to the minute information, which could easily be the difference between a great trade and losing out on an opportunity.

Open Free Account At Forex. com

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Forex. com Review

Revision completa

If you want to stick with a reputable and well-known forex broker then Forex. com is the right choice for you. Forex. com was founded in 1999 by GAIN Capital Group, the leader and most respectable company in the global currency trading sector. Forex. com has clients and trading partners in more than 140 countries worldwide with well over $250 billion in transactions per month. GAIN is the actual corporation that runs Forex. com, and is well-known throughout the world as a leading Forex dealer.

The broke is among the largest in United States, which is heavily advertised in US mass-medias.

Forex. com is regulated by wide range of regulators – Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the USA, Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom, Financial Services Agency (FSA) in Japan, Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

The minimum deposits for opening a mini account, a standard account and a managed account are $250, $2,500 and $5,000, respectively. No matter what account type you chose, the process for setting up a real account is easy and takes only a few minutes – you need to their official website and fill the form, if not you need to mail or fax the application form.

By choosing Forex. com, traders are faced with two trading platforms – website trader and the Forex Trader Pro. We found that the website based trading platform is a bit different than other platforms, but you’ll get compartmentalized news and analysis part. Forex Trader Pro, as the name states is better suited for advanced traders.

Forex. com is providing wide range of features that are doing an excellent job:

& # 8211; You’ll get on regular basis quality market updates provided by Forex. com analysis team, the advantage of this researches is that they are written in comfortable and understandable way.

& # 8211; You’ll get invaluable trading webinars and useful forex trading educational materials.

& # 8211; You can link ZuluTrade to your Forex. com account, this is a great help for novices who need a bit of extra help.

Today we will take a look at a very mature and well established forex broker; Forex. Com . They have been around for a very long time and are a very stable and reliable forex broker. Being owned by Gain Capital does not hurt either. Before we dig a bit deeper into Forex. Com, let us mention the obvious negative here; they are a U. S. based broker which means they have to operate under the idiocy of the U. S. regulatory system.

This handicaps Forex. Com, but the good news is that being owned by Gain Capital this forex broker has a few intelligent people behind it and they set up operations in the UK as well. This does not really help their U. S. clients but for everyone else it is a positive factor. The best would be if Gain Capital follows smart money and closes down its U. S. operations while moving their headquarters into the financial capital of the world; London .

Their website is designed as we would expect a mature broker to present themselves which is in a very professional manner. All their accounts bolster a minimum deposit of $250, but we always recommend operating an account with no less than $1,000. They offer a range of great trading platforms which are:

MetaTrader 4 – They have improved this platform and made it much better than the out-of-the-box solution offered by many other forex brokers

ForexTrader Pro – This is a much higher quality trading platform for serious forex traders and fully customizable; a much better alternative to the MetaTrader 4 platform

GTX – This is Forex. Com’s ECN platform for all the ECN trader’s out there and is an acceptable solution, but inferior to cTrader

Trade – This is their brand new trading platform and may be their crown jewel from what we can tell; it is an excellent trading platform and professional as well as retail traders will find it quite user-friendly and easy to integrate

Forex. Com offers over 300 currency pairs . equities . commodities . bonds and interest rates and makes it a good addition to a serious and professional trader’s overall trading repertoire. Overall this forex broker offer tight spreads . great customer support and a fantastic parent company. An almost must-have for all serious traders and we recommend having one open account with Forex. Com which made it to the top of our Mature Forex Brokers list.

As mentioned above, the only negative we have to report is that they are regulated in the U. S. which is about as bad as it gets. The fact that they were smart enough to set-up shop in the UK makes up for their handicap. A fantastic range of trading platforms with very competitive pricing and over 300 assets to trade there is very little reason not to have at least one account open with Forex. Com. We give this forex broker two claws up; the Last Bear has roared!

10Markets Review

Read the 10Markets Review and get all the information you need to know before open an account. 10Markets is an innovative brokerage company, which combines several trading opportunities on the same platform. It is possible to trade Forex, CFD, Indices and Binary Options. There is only a few firm, which offers the combination of binary options and Forex trading with the same broker. Thus, it is a huge advantage for individuals, who trade both instruments. The website is professional and provides 10 main reasons why you should trade with them.

10Markets Forex Trading

The broker gives an opportunity to choose between floating and fixed spreads. First, we advise you to understand the difference and make a choice in the favor of one, which best fits your trading strategy. If it confuses you, contact us and we will assist you to make a right decision. 10Markets offer different accounts types and it comes with special features; webinars, personal account manager and more.

Classic – Min. Deposit 250 $ / ‎£

Standard - Min. Deposit 2 500 $ / ‎£

Premium - Min. Deposit 20 000 $ / £

Tailor Mode – Discuss in details with your account manager

Also, you can get a bonus up to 100%; we advised you to read agreement terms or talk your account manager when you accepting the bonus. The deposit and withdrawal are available via Credit/Debit Card and Wire Transfer. Withdrawal process only takes 3-5 business days.

Trading is available through a number of the platform: traditional MT4, Web Trade (there is no need to download software, you can trade online with your web browser), and Mobile Apps for Android, iPhone and tablets. Website provides trading tools such as Financial Calculators and Calendar. It automatically calculates Pivot Point for your technical analysis. News Calendar provides all the fundamental information happening in the market.

In addition, it is important to note that 10Markets make available binary options trading. Investors can trade indices, commodities, currencies and make a profit up to 85% on a single trade. It is fully web based; even you can take 60 seconds trade. You need to predict the direction of the market and set expiry time. If your prediction is right, then you are in the money (profit). The minimum investment amount for binary trading is 10$.

One of the great features of 10Markets is their trading school. It includes the materials for any level of trader. Mostly, it is a good start for beginners, who are looking for learning materials and guidance to succeed in the financial markets.

Their support team is professional and ready to answer your questions 24/7. Live chat is an effective communication method to get quick replies. Also, you can contact them via email or localized phone number. Website language and support is available in English, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.

We strongly believe that this 10Markets Review will be helpful to choose the 'honest' Forex broker for your trading.

Forex. com rating: ( 8 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5, rated )

Forex. com is a division of Gain Capital Group, LLC, one of the most respected online forex brokerage companies based in the United States. The parent company Gain Capital is widely used by institutional investors and professional money managers alike. Forex. com is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (NFA ID # 0339826) and a member of the National Futures Association. Since it is an FCM, it is regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Company’s Market Position

The Company’s trading platform along with its powerful real-time forex charts, professional forex market research and suite of advanced forex trading tools offers the traders the best possibility of achieving success in forex trading. Demo accounts are available for practice. In opening a real account there are two possibilities. One is the Standard account with a leverage of 100:1 or 1% and this is suitable for active forex traders. Then there is the Mini account where the leverage is up to 200:1

Tipos de servicios ofrecidos

The demo forex trader can be test driven for 30 days Forex. com has a feature for providing a guided tour of the trading platform, and that is a good feature. Forex trading can be started by opening an account with as little as $250 Forex. com provides a facility of dealing in 37 currency pairs with 1% margin for mini deposit of US $250 and 5% for deposit of US $2500. The spreads are tight with 1-2 pips per trade and apart from that there is no commission leviable. This is for the most widely traded currency pairs. With Forex com fractional pips, there is an extra digit of precision as you could take advantage of smaller price movements. There is also an option for traders who prefer to trade in a fixed spread environment.

Plataforma de negociación

Forex. com’s trading platform is known as the Forex trader The platform provides a fully automated click and deal trading facility. In order to afford the customer a good choice in terms of maximum flexibility, convenience, and speed, forex. com offers clients four different trading platforms to choose from. All the platforms provide the full suite of professional charting and order management tools on a single screen. As a customer you also have the option of using the same User ID and Password to switch between platforms at will.

The 4 different platforms are forex trade java

Real time web based platform that runs on both PCs and Mac as well as on various web browsers. Forex trader

Windows based platform with enhanced charting functionality. Forex trader web

Even if you are away from your computer you can use this platform to function in a highly secure environment. Forex trader wireless

you can use this platform to trade via internet enabled cell phone, PDA or Blackberry.

Soporte del comerciante

Interactive customer support is available 24 hours a day. Contact numbers and addresses of offices are readily available at the website. International toll free numbers for 13 different countries is also available. Overall Forex. com offers great trading support

Site Design and ease of Navigation Comments

Overall this is a highly focused website enabling clients to access information and provides every tool to manage their investment accounts. Forex. com is indeed a very informative site.


—Multilingual support 24 hours a day. —Tight spreads. —Contact details are readily available at the site.


It takes some time to learn to navigate through this site. However, once you have gone through the options it becomes easier to use.

Artículos Relacionados

lost 2750.00 dollars the first week… charts suck so you dont make good judgement calls on buy and sell orders. spread to high so you never get to a decent profit to square deal… one system for small investor another for larger investors… where does the money go that you lose> does any one make money at this job….went on a game program at another forex company made 5400.00 this week…it would be nice if it was real… are they really interested in just there pip spread or are they taking your money to…………

david blackson did not rate this post.

Comment by kevin

I found Forex. com pretty well regulated by the authorities via FCM and NFA affiliation. These days, those are vital things to be looking out for, when solid companies elsewhere in the financial markets are falling by the wayside. I tried the demo and it is pretty impressive with great real time forex charts. Their platform is called the forextrader. They have a way of giving a guided tour of the trading platform, which was very informative. But I was allowed to use the demo only for 30 days. 37 currency pairs can be traded at forex. com, and it is the spreads which are great, never exceeding 1-2 pips for all the majors. They have this unique concept of fractional pips by which you can take advantage of minute price movements. But I don’t know how this actually works. Interestingly you also have the option of working on a fixed spread basis. That apart the platform shows great speed, flexibility, and maximum convenience. I was told standard accounts would give a leverage of 100:1, and mini account up to 200:1. The mini I think can be opened for as little as $250 and the regular for $2500. I think that their interactive support gives extra value for their platform which comes as four types, namely the forex trade java, the forex trader, the forex trader web, and the forex trader wireless. The last one of course, you could use it with your Blackberry.

kevin ratings for this post:

Comment by winfred

Forex. com Review

Open a New Live Account at Forex. com and Reveive a $50 up to $5,000 Bonus plus Open Trades from just 1.1 Pip Spreads!

Forex. com is one of the most recognized brokers around the world, servicing over 240,000 accounts from over 140 countries. The run offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney and Seoul. Forex. com is fully compliant with the major financial regulators, including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and National Futures Association (NFA) in the United States, Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom, Financial Services Agency (FSA) in Japan and the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia. Over the years, they have won many awards for their service, including Best Online FX Provider in 2011 by MoneyAM readers and Best US Forex Broker in 2010 at the Forex Expo Awards in Moscow.

Range Of Markets Offered By Forex. com

On Forex. com, you will be able to trade up to 45 currency pairs, including the EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and AUD/USD, just to name a few major pairs. You can also trade a range of markets, including all the major equity indices like the DOW, FTSE, Nikkei and ASX200, the major metals like gold and silver, energy contracts for crude oil, heating oil and natural gas, and grains like wheat, corn and soy beans.

Spreads & amp; Margins Offered By Forex. com

Forex. com will allow you to have leverage of up to 200:1 on your Forex positions, and their spreads can vary depending on liquidity. Typically, you can expect a spread of 1.6 pips on the EUR/USD, 1.3 pips for the USD/JPY, 2 pips for the AUD/USD and 2.6 pips for the GBP/USD. During periods of high liquidity, these spreads can tighten to 1.1 on the EUR/USD, 0.8 pips on the USD/JPY, 1.1 pips on the AUD/USD and 1.3 pips on the GBP/USD.

When you open a new account with Forex. com, you will qualify for a deposit bonus depending on the sum of your first deposit. For deposits from $1,000 to $2,499, you will receive a $50 bonus. For deposits from $2,500 to $4,999, you will receive a $100 bonus. For deposits from $5,000 to $9,999, you will receive a $250 bonus. For deposits from $10,000 to $19,999, you will receive a $500 bonus. For deposits from $20,000 to $49,999, you will receive a $1,000 bonus. For deposits from $5,0000 to $99,999, you will receive a $2,500 bonus. And for deposits from $100,000 and more, you will receive a $5,000 bonus.

Features Of Forex. com’s Online Trading Platform & Negociación móvil

Forex. com supports a range of trading platforms, from online web trading and mobile trading to full Metatrader 4 compatibility and support. Using their FOREXTrader platform, you will be able to access your trading account from any computer with an internet connection. Their FOREXTrader platform allows you to manage your trades, access all the relevant charts and news releases as well.

If you’re keen on trading Forex on the go, FOREXTrader Mobile will allow you to trade using your iPhone. Androide. Blackberry and even your iPad! You will enjoy a full range of functionality, including the ability to manage your trades, access professional charting software and read up on news releases as and when they happen.

Forex. com Trading Tools & Education Resources

Forex. com is one of the top providers of Forex education online, with a range of video tutorials, live webinars, online Forex courses and guides at your disposal to help you get up to speed with your Forex skills. They also have market strategists at your disposal to help you with every aspect of your Forex trading. This service is provided to qualified clients only, so you can contact their support desk and enquire on how you can be a part of this service if you need it.

Minimum Deposit Requirements

The minimum deposit to open a standard account with Forex. com is £2,500. The minimum transaction size for a standard account with Forex. com is 1 standard contract, and has 100:1 leverage. The minimum deposit to open a mini account with Forex. com is £250. The minimum transaction size for a standard account with Forex. com is 1 mini contract, and has 200:1 leverage.

Forex. com is without a doubt one of the premier Forex brokers online, so why not give them a try? You can test out their service with a demo account for a month, or open a live account today!

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FOREX. com

Forex traders looking out for a reliable and reputable broker with the ability of trading more than 50 pairs of currency can finally breathe easy – FOREX. com has come a long way to provide exactly what you have been looking for. Operated by the Gain Capital, FOREX. com is a financial service company that has existed since 1999. Taking a closer look at the business profile, anybody can understand that this particular online trading platform was developed by the most proficient financiers and industry veterans.

Trading Accounts and Platform

FOREX. com comes with 2 primary trading platforms:

FOREX Trader PRO downloadable

Website Trader

The website of the company has done a commendable job in keeping up the network of users. The website directs users to their own platforms, but the ones who want to scroll down further can find their way to access the MetaTrader4 platform that opens up in a new window.

It is pertinent to mention that the web-based platform of this company is quite unique and different from most of the other private trading platforms. Even though it is not clearly mentioned on the website, it was noticed that the platform is more suitable for novice traders who would prefer to have access to compartmentalized analysis and news. However, the FOREXTrader PRO platform is much better for pro traders.

During our review, we noticed that this platform, if not used for a few minutes, become idle. Although it might be inconvenient as a thought, the company takes adequate measures to protect the security of traders, which is appreciable. The platform seemed impressive as it maintained that same screen we used at the time we left that helped us in picking up from the point where we had left off.

The QUICKDOCK is an interesting feature in FOREX. com where all the activities take place. It is located right at the bottom of the screen. It is the control panel; for traders who would like to monitor the trades in full screen, it can be minimized. QUICKDOCK is the best feature we liked because it offers that clear place for getting your account summary, placing a new order, managing your positions and viewing all your orders, both past and present. You can also access relevant news, charts and information related to the trader using this platform. Even though it is not embedded with any trading instrument, the design is such that it will be an added advantage for the newbie traders who want to emphasize primarily on the execution of trade.

The advanced trading platform, appropriately known as FOREXTrader PRO, comprises of all the important things associated with a proficient Forex Trading platform. The fact that a trader can switch over from one platform to another while retracting same information from the account, is something really interesting and noteworthy. Although this is a useful feature that we identified during the review, most traders may not use it exclusively. Nevertheless, this convenience is likely to be a testament to the ability of the trading platform to address the important requirements of traders.

Some of the critical tools of trading are included in FOREXTrader Pro, such as live news feed, more than 70 technical charts, a watch list and economic calendar. We were really intrigued to find that there was a link to the Forex glossary of the company, placed prominently in the platform than in its web-based version as it will not be as important for the veteran traders as for the new traders. Nonetheless, it was a pleasure to see that this website used all the resources and means to provide information and services related to trading through the trading platform.

Intriguingly, FOREX. com also offers the mobile trading platform for traders through its specialized iPhone application, and for other phones it offers the standard web app. Well, we did not test the app personally, but we have all the reason to affirm that they are definitely user-friendly as all the other trading platforms of the company.


FOREX. com does not include many of the usual peripheral features included by other brokers. For instance, it does not include social trading. Although it is an NFA regulated Forex broker, it does not offer equal leverage offered by the non-US brokers. Nevertheless, traders who want straightforward experience in rating will find that this platform offers some excellent features. Some of the features that we like the most are:

Quality and timely market updates. The company maintains a pool of proficient market analysts offering regular updated, which helps in improving the overall efficiency of trading. Even though this feature is not unique, we have found that the updates are written in an understandable and comfortable manner.

The Forex webinars training sessions are included by the company, which is invaluable for the novice traders. This feature is markedly useful than most printed educational materials.

The fact that it offers automated trading makes it one of the best in the business. This service, along with the ZuluTrade, offers valuable insight to users who require some extra help.

Help and Support

We must admit that we were thoroughly impressed with the customer service offered by FOREX. com. The company’s customer service team is commendable. It offers constant support, 24 hours between 10am on Sundays through 5pm on Fridays EST. Support is also available on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm EST. Live online chat support is available and representatives respond quickly to help you. Email service is also appreciable, and so is telephonic service. Response time is not unusually long.


Throughout the review, we were impressed by most of the intriguing features of FOREX. com. In fact, the intuitive design of website and the rating platforms were simply outstanding. Especially included useful links to other Forex brokers will help users to retain contain information. The fact that this platform has no qualms in leading traders to another trading platform or website shows its confidence.

There were some notable conveniences offered by the website during the process of registration. Upon opening a demo account, it was really pleasant to see that there is an auto login feature that did not require a username or password that most other brokers need. Opening the live account was fairly easy and exceptional because the tax forms were presented at the time of signing up and needed even during the entire process. Straightforward registration process and easy access are the star points of this Forex broker.

DISCLAIMER: No investment advice provided to you! This website is not designed for the purpose of providing personal financial product or investment advice. La información contenida en este sitio web no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión, su situación financiera o sus necesidades de inversión. Debe evaluar si la información contenida en este sitio web es apropiada para sus objetivos de inversión particulares, su situación financiera y sus necesidades de inversión. Debe hacer esto antes de tomar una decisión de inversión. La información contenida en este sitio web no es una recomendación para invertir en inversiones.

Copyright © 2011 - 2016 Forex Monitor. Todos los derechos reservados. www. forex-monitor. com

Forex. com Review

FOREX. com is one of the leading and oldest forex brokers operating currently on international financial markets. Besides trading currency pairs the broker offers investing in such financial assets as Spot Metals and CFDs. The broker was established in 1999 and is regulated by several major financial regulators as follows NFA (US), CFTC(US), FCA (UK), ASIC (AU), FSA (Japan), IIROC (CA), SFC (HK) which makes the company highly stable and reliable.

The broker’s team delivers highly competitive pricing, exact trading order execution and most advanced trading tools to help traders to trade successfully and profitably on the largest financial markets of the world. The broker’s parent company is GAIN Capital Holdings enlisted on The New York Stock Exchange which makes FOREX. co meeting the highest possible standards of corporate governance and financial reporting. The company consistently executes 99.9% of all trading orders in less than a second, with an average execution speed of only sixty milliseconds. This allowed the broker previously to be nominated the best execution broker several times.

The broker offers its customers trading with a wide range of trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4, FOREXTrader PRO, FOREXTrader PRO. web, FOREXTrader and MT4 Mobile with trading accounts starting from 500, leverage starting from 50:1 and spreads on major currency pairs starting from as low as 1.1 pips. The broker’s multilingual support team is available on 24/7 basis and is always ready to help the customers with any technical issues.

Forex. com — Forex Boker information

Well regulated and one of the most popular broker in the world. I’ve almost opened an account with them, but before it I decided to read their agreement. Information that I found there was like a bomb for me. Briefly, from agreement I understood that my name is nobody and I have no rights during trading with this company. It is more than enough for me to stay away from them. Ready to tell more information about this company.

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Forex. com Review

Forex. com – A leading Trade platform!

Forex. com is one of the leading Forex trading platforms in the world of online Forex. The platform was established in 1999 and is headquartered in the Unites States. The Gain Capital Corporation is actually the backbone of Forex. com that runs this great platform with immense integrity. Their trading platform is available in 4 languages, including Chinese, English, Arabic, German and Russian.

Forex. com provides a package of comprehensive information regarding online Forex trade and user friendly features. It also offers up to 45 pairs, including Gold, Polish Zloty and Turkish Lira, which is an additional benefit for all the traders.

Forex. com offers three great trading platforms. The Meta Trader 4 and the Forex Trader PRO are available as a website trading platform, whereas, they also provide a mobile trading platform for easy accessibility of customers to their trading accounts. This great flexibility will allow the customers to perform their trading operations easily.

Excellent Customer Support Service:

With the provision of a quality customer support service, Forex. com rules over the entire online trading community. They offer round the clock service for the whole week, in between 10am to 5pm EST, from Sunday to Friday. Traders can contact them, through call back, phone, email, office and live chats. Their representatives are bold, confident and friendly, and work on the principle of quick support. They will provide all the solutions of customer’s problems with great dedication.

Quality market updates:

Another great thing about Forex. com is that, they update their users through regular updates, which will be quite helpful for conducting the trade. Their senior market analysts provide a great support by their correct market analysis. Although this is not a unique feature, but still their updates are easy to understand, as the updates are written in easy language.

The Forex Webinars are another benefit for Forex traders. They are basically training sessions, which will be valuable for beginners, providing them with all the basics of Forex trading. These sessions are more useful as compared to the printed educational materials for better trade understanding.

Reliability is one of the most key features of Forex. com. Their operations are quite transparent and they are heavily regulated all over the United States. Their proven record of quality service ensures them as the top service providers of reliable trading platform.

Spreads and Commissions:

Forex. com deals with the money making practices from spread. They do not believe in commission, keeping the spread tight. This will help the trader to know that what will be his trading cost per trade in the future.

Currently, Forex. com offers the bonus of 10% to the beginners, when the deposits are made more than $2,000. Usually the promotion table changes every month, therefore; the promotion is not fixed.

On a concluding note, it can be said that the Forex. com quick deposits and withdrawals, make them more prominent and reliable among other platforms. Their payment options check, wire transfer and debit/credit card are the cherry on top of it. Online trading can never be as easy as with Forex. com.

Forex. com Review. 5.0 de 5 basado en 1 calificación

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What to Trade Today?

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi continued to speak in Portugal for a second straight day. The ECB is having its annual conference in Portugal. Traders of the EUR/USD have been watching his comments closely as they are very market moving. & # X02026; [Lee mas. ]

Forex for Profits Review

Trading Concepts, the company running this service, has been around for a while. 20 years actually, at the time of this writing. And they built up quite a reputation during that time. Featuring some very interesting and qualified coaches. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that their Forex for Profits course is a good class to take, if you want to learn (more) about Forex from the ground up. The course will basically walk you through everything related to this market.

You will get almost 30 modules, that come with videos, PDFs and will try to help to help make you a better Forex trader. Even if you are already quite versed in Forex trading, this course is bound to teach you something new. It goes very deep in to the material. The videos are around half an hour long. And the PDFs include reference sheets, strategy guides and checklists that you can easily follow and lay next to you when you are trading.

Supplementing this, but not crucial to the course, is the software that is also supplied with this course. TCI Trend Software and TCI Power Action Zones will help you to be able to improve your technical analysis. They do require you to have at least one of the following software packages: MetaTrader 4, MetaStock, NinjaTrader, or TradeStation.

Although this course is designed with Forex in mind, you can also use the techniques taught inside to other markets. Because many of the same principles apply to trading in for example stocks. Their technical analysis can be used this way, so you won’t be paying for a Forex course only per se.

Course Structure

The 4 level structure of the course is as follows:

Trading thoughts & creencias

Traits and survival skills

Steps of a successful trader

What is the Forex market

Shorting the Forex market

Trading styles

Types of orders & making orders

Trader business plans

Money management and trade sizing

Resources & online FX brokers

Principles of Trading Mastery

Market foundation & Building blocks

Market flow analysis method

Soporte & amp; resistencia

Fibonacci retracements

Keltner channel bands

Promedios móviles

Trend change criteria

Volume analysis

Pro Trading Strategies

Initial trend entry

Extreme running patterns

Price bar pattern trade set-ups

Gestión comercial

Análisis de acciones de precios

Trading psychology

Trading plan execution

Program summary

Unfortunately the course is not always available. This has to do with availability of the coach, since you also get access to him in one-on-one sessions, when you enrol. And you can call and email then at any time during the course. Most of the times it starts in November, so sign up to the notification and they will let you know when it comes available again automagically.

But once you are enrolled, all modules will be released over time. This is a good teaching technique that will help you space out the material and will keep you focused on the information at hand. Taking the learning in little chunks at a time. Letting you master every single thing being taught.


For a payment of $2,495.00 you will get the full course, with all it’s features.

All in all a very detailed and well structured course that will steadily walk you through everything you need to know to get started with Forex and teach you more advanced things about the market towards the end.

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Forex For Lunch

Dan Roberts has developed a Forex trading system that focuses on choosing the right timeframe to make maximum profit. In Forex For Lunch, Dan discusses how he earns big money from trading only the higher timeframes. He believes that this strategy will give traders more time to enjoy their lives, and still profit from their Forex trading.

Just like most other traders, Dan Roberts doesn’t want to stare at his computer all day monitoring the market. After all, a lot of people want to succeed in Forex trading, so they can quit their jobs and enjoy more time for themselves and their loved ones. If you use the trading strategy in Forex For Lunch, you will be able to make the most money out of trading higher timeframes.

According to Dan, trading higher timeframes is a lot easier than trading lower timeframes, because it gets rid of emotional trading that is common with other strategies. It also has a higher win rate than others, so you will feel more confident with the trades you enter. However, to be able to take full advantage of these facts, you need to have a solid trading system to back you up. That's why you need to have Forex For Lunch as a trading buddy.

To make trading even easier and enjoyable for you, Forex For Lunch is written in a step-by-step manner. Also, most of the decision-making has been done for you. All you need to do is to be online during those juicy higher timeframes, and harvest all the pips you can get before you go out to party.

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Andrew’s Forex System Review

Andrew claims that within 11 minute he can prove that any trader can easily duplicate his reliable method. Así que qué es lo? This is an educational program with the center piece being the trading method he claims to have “raped banksters.” The cost to get access to this strategy and indicator is $97 and it is being sold on the ClickBank payment processor.

Andrew’s Forex System Results

Now I will take a look at some of the prove that Andrew has provided and decipher whether or not this is the type of system you should be spending your money on.

So what we have here is a trade example using Andrew’s indicator. Andrew says that “At 1 USD per pip you could have made 325 USD GBP/USD pair.” So what do I think? Well, this seems to be the type of proof being provided for his product and we have been down this road before.

Like always, I am not going to totally condemn Andrew but I had hoped for more substantial proof than a mere two screen shots that kind of leave us high and dry.

At this point I am not able to recommend this product and I suggest if you are interested that you do a lot of research and speak with the Forex Robot Nation team.

As always, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Further there are some draw downs to an automated system. As the main component of the system is trading a trend, EA’s are not perfect in determining a strong trend. Trend can determined in various different ways and coding these to be good and efficient can be a very complicated task.

Also the stops and targets are placed on swing low/ high and these also are hard to use in an automated system, as not everything can be described perfectly within the code.

Finally an automated system takes away the need to learn real Forex trading, thus not benefiting novice traders in the future. Andrew’s Forex System is a great tool for learning for novice traders!

Lo siento. Not impressed. I also have a huge question for stuff like this still being sold. Why not automate it? Automate the trading. We all need to move away from manual trading of any kind. If it is a sound duplicatable method; automate it… code it into an EA. Then let us watch it perform. All of us should not be impressed by these types of packaged systems. Please, automate it.

Forex. com Review

Forex. com Broker Review

Forex. com belongs to GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. who provides online trading facilities to a growing list of worldwide online clients. The company has been registered in the UK since 1999 and trades as GAIN Capital – Forex. com UK Limited as business that performs financial mediation. The business has no corporate debt and almost half of its total $333m in assets is liquid and available for trading. Forex. com operates in a total of six territories; each with their own set of regulations, making their operation one of the most stringently monitored of all forex brokers.

Trading Markets and Products

While Forex. com are, as the name would suggest, primarily forex traders, they trade indices in global economies and commodities, although to lesser extents. Forex. com offer users cash for difference (CFDs) facilities in the UK, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia, as well as the U. S. and Canada. With over 200 currency pairings, Forex. com is one of the most comprehensive of all online forex trading intermediaries and they have access to more commodities than the standard metals that many forex trading platforms cater for.

Plataformas de negociación

Forex. com offer a selection of trading platforms that many people who have traded forex in the past will instantly recognise. MetaTrader 4 is one of the most recognisable platforms and one that is easy to get to grips with. FOREXTrader Pro is another name many people will be familiar with and most people prefer to use one of the two. Forex. com also offers TRADE, which is great if you like the certainty of fixed spreads and it also offers some good analysis tools to spot market patterns. If you have no preferences or are new to forex trading, you should probably use TRADE as this is slightly less feature rich although it does everything required. The only downside with TRADE is they do not offer a mobile version.

Forex. com Advantages and Disadvantages

Users are able to use as much as 400:1 when leveraging to gain large positions and there is a range of trading platforms, which ensures users are guaranteed to find a favourite platform that suits their needs. The ability to trade at screen price through their TRADE platform is better for some who are conscious of constant re-quotes, but the option is there to switch platforms when markets are volatile. The lengthy time Forex. com has been in operation gives people confidence and this is always a plus point when dealing with small or large sums of money.

What I like about Forex. com

The ability to use their software to build a trading strategy and implement that strategy when conditions are right is an obvious plus point, but combine that with some top quality research on tap and Forex. com is better for many new traders and some old hats who could do with hitting a winning streak. The live analysis performed by their research team finishes with a question and answer session, which gives you the chance to clarify any of the information you pick up. This takes away a lot of the guess work and it is as close to employing a personal fund manager as many of us are likely to get. Another good thing is Forex. com keep client assets separate from the company’s liquid cash assets, which are used for completing trades on behalf of customers. This means our deposits are protected from the dangers of a trader with a rush of adrenaline as our funds are banked in other institutions.

Things I didn’t Like

While using the Trade platform, I noticed my losses were approaching the amount I had in my balance and there I received no warning to tell me I may need to increase my deposit or offload some products that were dropping like a lead balloon. This may have been a temporary problem, but I like to be kept in the loop a little more. OF course, you can use stop losses to avoid these problems, but I think people may fall foul if they are not monitoring their investment properly.

Forex. com Special Offers

At the time of writing there were no special offers visible on their website, but that doesn’t mean they will not be running promotions to attract new users.

How to trade forex for free

So many people have been caught out by the “get rich quick” advertising of foreign currency trading platforms and have failed to do their homework properly. If you really want to get into foreign currency trading, you can do it for a faction of the cost.

Last year we wrote about companies offering courses on foreign currency trading through online adverts and social media. Through readers’ letters we raised a warning about their methods.

There are many companies offering to teach you the secrets of trading at a substantial fee. Mostly they target foreign currency trading but some may also advertise similar services for trading on the JSE.

One company that has been very aggressive in its marketing has been Knowledge to Action. They offer an intensive weekend course for R18 000 and once you start trading you have to open an account with a minimum deposit with an overseas trading platform called ETX Capital. You also have to subscribe to charting software at R 1000 (125 USD) a month.

What they do not tell you is that you can obtain all of this for free by going directly to the broker. These companies are simply charging you for something you could access yourself; it’s just that you didn’t know you could.

South African based foreign currency trading houses like Global Trader, World Spread Trader and Standard Bank’s Standard FX Trader all offer have free training, free access to the platforms, free research and free charting software.

These advertised businesses are built around legitimate overseas trading platforms. James Saulez, head of online trading at Global Trader explains that legitimate offshore brokerages sign contracts with local introducing agents or partners in other countries who receive a kickback off revenue earned.

Saulez says these agents go on to build businesses around these agreements. These businesses offer educational seminars, courseware and access to a platform all at very inflated prices. “ETX Capital for example is an above the board London based derivative broker. If you went directly there would be no minimum deposit or monthly fee, it is so competitive overseas. It is the local partners that have put in all the costs.

“They get a kick back on the trade but they prefer to make upfront revenue by charging for educational material and seminars and make promises about ongoing education that never happens,” says Saulez.

Global Trader has experienced some of these tactics first hand as they have had to cancel some of their contracts with their own introducing agents when they discovered that the agents were telling clients they represented Global Trader and that they required R15 000 for the platform, even though accessing Global Trader’s platform is for free. “We would get calls from clients asking if we had received the R15 000’” says Saulez who explains that many of these companies are selling trading platforms and technical packages that are actually available for free. “They charge enough to make people believe it is serious but amounts small enough to put on your credit card”.

The aspirational sale

One way to know whether or not you are dealing with a legitimate broker is the marketing. If you look at websites like Global Trader, World Spread Trading or Standard FX Trader, there is no aspirational marketing, no promise of getting rich quick. Yet these other businesses sell the promise of easy money and great riches and that you are just one seminar away from making “big bucks”.

“Aspirational based advertising should be a warning sign and it is very misleading. The reality is that you can lose a lot of money trading forex. Our emphasis is all on education, you will not see any aspirational elements in our marketing material,” says Saulez.

Apart from the fact that you are being taken for a ride, you may also be breaking the law. Many of these companies allow you to trade using your credit card. This is against the rules of our exchange controls. If you want to trade overseas you have to get foreign exchange approval and it must form part of your foreign investment allowance.

How to access trading for free:

Global Trader, World Spread Trader and Standard FX Trader are three South African based companies with global ties that allow you to trade currencies and you only pay a fee when you trade.

There is no fee to access the platform; they provide charting tools, technical analysis and educational support for free. So rather than blowing R15 000 to R20 000 on signing up to dubious platform, use it to kick start your trading portfolio.

Global Trader and World Spread Trader both offer spread trading which allows you to trade currencies with rands so you do not have to use your foreign investment allowance. They also offer offshore trading capability for investors with offshore funds. Standard FX Trader offers foreign currency trading offshore so you will need to apply for your foreign investment allowance.

Rupert Brown, head of collateralised foreign exchange trading at Standard FX Trader says the advantage of dealing with an institution like Standard Bank is that you are dealing with a large reputable bank and you know where your funds are should you encounter a problem.

Good brokerages make their money through long-term relationships so the focus in on educational support. They cannot grow their businesses if customers are losing money. Any good brokerage offers simulated accounts which allow you to trade without using real money until you are comfortable to begin.

Brown says Standard FX Trader offers a 3y risk-free no obligation demo account. “This simulated trading is exactly the same as live trading; there is no difference except you are not using real money”.

This allows first time traders to get a real feel for what trading is about and the risks that are involved. Clients are encouraged to phone the team and ask for help and advice. “We tutor people on how to trade so they can make informed decision without putting any cash down”

Brown says they also encourage people to go onto the website which provides detailed educational information such as video tutorials. (http://corporateandinvestment. standardbank. co. za/standardfxtrader/education_centre. html )

“Education is free, the platform is free, there are no monthly fees and we don’t charge fees for additional charting platforms”.

Although Standard FX Trader does not provide advice on what to buy, once you become an active client you have full access to their global research to help you make your own decisions.

Global Trader (www. offers free seminars and next year will be creating learning plans that will take clients through a 3 to 4 month experience learning on simulated platform before starting real trades. Global Trader has a trading desk that will assist clients with trading ideas and clients will receive regular phone calls from the team to offer support.

Saulez says one of the biggest problems with the seminars offered by the marketing companies is that they cram your head full of information over a weekend and then tell you that you are ready to start trading, there is no follow through or on-going support.

Saulez says only brokers that are registered with the Financial Services Board (FSB) can offer advice. If you receive trading advice from someone who is not registered you will not be protected under the FAIS Act.

One of the selling points the marketing companies use is that local trading platforms are too slow to take advantage of international markets and therefore you have to use international platforms. Saulez says the difference is literally milliseconds and only makes a difference to institutional or highly professional forex traders who are using algorithmic based trading and rely on high end technical analysis techniques.

Global Trader does offer these services through its London partner, however for the average retail customer it makes absolutely no difference and those more complicated platforms are not a good place to start. Even if you did want to trade on those platforms, it is also free!

Brown says a client’s internet connection is more of an issue and that ideally one should have an ADSL line installed to trade as clients find that 3G connectivity although capable is not as reliable.

Standard Online Trading offers free day seminars on various aspects on investing including: Contracts for Difference, Warrants, understanding company financials, trading futures, technical analysis. https://securities. standardbank. co. za/ost/

This article by Maya Fisher-French was first published in City Press

Mthokozisi Dlamini says:

Truth is I tried Standard Bank FX, I must say it not easy to trade on their platform and another thing it limited only few branches have forex trainers and sometimes you walk in a branch and no one knows about forex but only forex travel not currencies. I studied through these companies blamed but I gained experience and got face to face training.

samuel Ndonga wanjau says:

i appreciate your artical……am situated in kenya nairobi …do the three companies named above have the free forex training institutions in kenya nairobi or the training is only done online?…..soo many people are loosing money to get trained to become forex experts due to lack of information…..

The thing to remember about foreign currency trading is that it is high risk so it should make up a small percentage of your total savings – certainly no more than 10%. So it would depend on how much your total savings are worth. You would need to speak to the brokers offering the platform as to how much you need to be cost effective but it is probably around R5000. Therefore you would need to have around R50 000 of savings in lower risk investments before starting to trade currencies. You do not need to register a company to trade but you need to open an account with a broker like Standard Bank or Global Trader. I would recommend that you start using simulated trading – ie: you do not trade with your own money, until you get the hang of it

pls i need you advice i want to attend sharenet course the are offering the following (a) introduction to the markets,(b)forex tranding for profits (c) equity, index and cfd trading. charged me R550.00 advice me if good for me to attend. if you know other institution which is ofering free of less amount pls reffer me.

Sharenet is a good company and R550 is not unreasonable, if you have the money and you also have saved money to invest then it is probably worth it. Just do not borrow money to invest!

Forex. com

Forex allows individuals to trade currencies and other products via an award-winning trading platform and access a suite of advanced trading tools, including powerful real-time charts and expert market research.

They offer quality trading executions, the trade of currencies and spot metals, trading tools such as charting packages, 24-hour access to licensed representatives, reliable market research, and stability and reliability.

*Descriptions provided by websites and not an endorsement by PeopleSearching. com

Clasificaciones de usuario:

FOREX. com Review

This broker has been around since 2001. And today it is one of the largest in the world. The parent company (GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc.) is even listed on the NYSE as GCAP. And as a market maker, they can deliver low trading costs and good execution quality. Although some people are worried that they might open trades against you, these accusations are not something likely to happen at a big and regulated company like this.


Currencies, Equities, Indices, Commodities and Bonds and Rates. These are all available with them. But Equities and Bonds and Rates are only available for the DealBook platform. That specific platform let’s you trade over 3,200 markets. And is actually available under the company called GFT, but it is also owned by Forex. com.

Spreads are great. Very tight and starting at 1.3 pips for currencies, 0.5 points for indices and 0.35 points for commodities. And leverage is high, but not ridiculously high. Which makes it a little bit more safe to trade with them.

Accounts and Platforms

Offering FOREXTrader Pro in the account with the same name, MetaTrader4 in the MetaTrader account and DealBook (via GFT). Shows they have plenty of platform options. With FOREXTrader having a web version. And with both FOREXTrader Pro and MetaTrader4 having desktop and mobile applications. You will always be able to connect to your trading account from your favorite device.

Tools, Analysis and Education

Looking at all the tools, analysis and education they provide, you can really tell there is a lot of capital behind this operation.

The tool that is available for both platforms at Forex. com is Autochartists. It automatically recognizes chart patterns and draws them in. A great tool. Only available for the FOREXTrader PRO account and platform is the Strategy Center. This tool automatically plots entry and exit points in your charts, according to the chosen strategy. Very handy. And the last but not the least of the tools is eSignal. You get this software with FOREXTrader PRO for free if you maintain an average account value of atleast $1,000. eSignal software gives you access to FOREXTrader PRO’s pricing and executions while offering extensive analytical studies and drawing tools. A great addition.

Market Analysis is separated in research and analysis. Both you get for free if you open an account with them. With research you get the latest research that shows you what is driving the markets and where focus will be. Weekly insights give you a rundown of the upcoming events and market trends. Live trading sessions show and teach you trading from the research team. FOREXInsider gives you intraday commentary and insights. Technical Outlook will provide you with real-time setups on technical developments. And Pivot Points which are predictive indicators of support and resistance levels help you set your entry and exit levels while guiding you to potential market movements.

For the purpose of this review there is too much to name here. But we haven’t found anything that indicates bad quality information.

All in all one of the great Forex brokers in the world.

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USForex Foreign Exchange Services Reviews - www. usforex. com

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Written on: 18/02/2016 by Msmh (1 review written)

I had a serious time crunch to get money from the U. S. To Germany. The staff I spoke with were easy to contact via phone and extremely helpful and walked me through the whole process. Just received word that the money went through - without a hitch. Quicker and cheaper than other companies I checked into. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to wait for the very best exchange rate, which I will do next time, but I am very pleased with your service. ¡Gracias! Much appreciated!… Read Full Review

Usforexinc's Response to Msmh's Review

Written on: 19/02/2016

Thank you kindly Msmh! We're glad we could help.

The USForex Team

Forex For Dummies Online

Korea faces a dilemma as its foreign exchange policy is emerging as a source of tension with the U. S. leading up to the much-anticipated rate hike by the Federal Reserve. Tension is expected to escalate further in the coming months once the Fed starts liftoff at the Dec. 15-16 meeting, which will complicate Korea’s currency decisions.… Read More…

BEIJING – With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) including the yuan in an elite reserve currency basket, the Chinese currency ascended to the heart of global finance in a move that should be welcomed by both China and the rest of the world. It’s hard to overestimate the significance of the decision, a landmark recognition of… Read More…

From January, Korean traders of the Chinese yuan will apply direct won-yuan exchange rates set at currency markets, instead of using arbitrated rates with the U. S. dollar as an in-between, officials said Wednesday. Since the won-yuan direct trading market opened here a year ago, average daily trading volume has grown to $2 billion, reflecting Korean businesses’… Read More…

LONDON, Nov. 25, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Jarratt Davis, one of the world’s most reputable forex traders, is giving professional fund managers and high net worth individuals the chance to take their careers to the next level with a one-on-one consulting programme. Jarratt Davis has launched a comprehensive consulting offer, as he wants high net worth individuals… Read More…

In this article we will explain the most important part of how to make money using the no stop, hedged, Forex trading strategy

In the preceding articles in this series we reviewed trading without stops, not being concerned about which way the price moves and places to cash in on profitable transactions. We are now going to show how you would make money buying and selling simultaneously using the grid strategy .

The no stop, hedged currency trading grid system uses the rule that one should be able to close a transaction at a gain no matter which way the market moves. The only way this is logically possible is that one would have a buy and a sell transaction active simultaneously. Most traders will say that doing this is not recommended but let’s look at this in more detail. Read More…

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Forex. com

Forex. com

Acerca de

United States – CFTC, NFA (ID# 0339826), & SEC, United Kingdom – FCA, Japan – FSA, Hong Kong – SFC, Australia – ASIC, Canada – IIROC

Restricted Jurisdictions - Afghanistan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe

Ownership - New York Stock Exchange listed GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: GCAP)

Segregated - Yes

Broker Type - Market Maker, ECN only for select accounts

Web Security - SSL

Negative Balance Protection Policy - No

Características comerciales

CFD's - Forex, commodities, indices. Futures and futures options for US customers via Daniels Trading

Currency Pairs - 50

Leverage - up to 1:50 for US accounts, up to 1:400 for non-US accounts

Cryptocurrencies - No

Options - Futures Options via Daniels Trading

Trading Signals - Yes, Esignal free for metatrader accounts with more than USD 1,000

Automated Trading - Yes

Social Trading - No

Phone Trading - Yes

Market Analysis & Education

24 Hour Streaming & Commentary - Yes

Educational Materials - eCourses, Videos, Webinars

Demo Account - Yes

Trading Costs

Commission - None

Spreads - Floating

EUR/USD Spread - 1.8 pips

Transfer Fees - $25 wire fee for withdrawals, $40 wire fee outside the US.

Miscellaneous Fees - $15 90 day inactivity fee, £99 and £299 fee for eCourses

Software Platforms

Metatrader 4, Forex Trader, Forex Trader Pro, Forex. com Mobile, Gain GTX, Tradable (US Accounts only)

Servicio al cliente

Online Support - Live chat and email

Phone Support - Yes, 24 hrs a day on weekdays, 9am to 5pm on Saturday, 10am to 5pm on Sunday

Multi-Lingual Support - No

Personal Account Manager - Premium only (USD 10,000 minimum deposit)

Awards -

Best Forex Broker FT and the Investors Chronicle at the Investment Awards 2013. Best US Forex Broker USA 2013 at the ForexExpo Awards Best FX Broker 2012 Shares Awards Best Forex Retail Trading Platform UK Forex Awards 2012 Best Forex Broker USA – World Finance Best Online FX Provider 2011 MoneyAM Best Forex Platform FT Investors Chronicle 2010 Investment Awards Best US Forex Broker Forex Expo awards 2010 Best FX Broker 2010 Shares Awards. “Best Retail Platform” 2008 Profit & Loss magazine. Ranked #1 Currency Forecaster (2004) FX Week. “Best Online FX Trading Platform” (2001) Global Finance June 2001. Forbes “”Best of the Web”” (2001) Forbes. com February, 2001.

Account Options

Minimum Initial Deposit - $250

Base Currencies - USD

Minimum Lot Size - 1,000

Account Types - ForexTraderPro, Metatrader, Tradable

Payment Options - Debit Card, ACH Payment (US Accounts only), Wire Transfer, Check

Please Subscribe!

Forex. com


Spot metals (US unleveraged trading, UK and AU leveraged trading) CFDs (UK and AU entities only)


FOREXTrader PRO, FOREXTrader Web, Mobile Trading: iPhone, iPad and Android applications.

Our FOREXTrader platforms combine ease of use, flexibility and a full suite of professional charting and order management tools, all on a single screen. Best of all, you can use the same User ID and Password to switch between platforms at will, putting you in control of your trading experience. No debit balance guarantee. Free access to charting, news, and research. 24-hour customer support via phone, email and chat during trading hours. Wireless trading available. USD, EUR, CAD, YEN, CHF, AUD and GBP deposits are accepted.

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Форекс для всіх і кожного

Для кожного трейдера вкрай важливо знайти надійного брокера, який зможе задовольнити найрізноманітніші запити. Завдяки бездоганній роботі служби клієнтської підтримки і багатому вибору фінансових інструментів, компанія ІнстаФорекс відповідає всім необхідним вимогам.

При доступності різних торгівельних платформ, трейдеру відкриваються неосяжні горизонти освоєння трейдингу. Пропонуючи торги через ECN, на ринку похідних фінансових інструментів або товарних біржах, ІнстаФорекс не обмежує своїх клієнтів у виборі інструментів та умов торгівлі. Такий підхід дозволяє клієнтам працювати як з валютними інструментами та опціонами, так і акціями, індексами і ф'ючерсами. Крім того, клієнтам компанії доступні 4 типи рахунків, розроблені спеціально з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей. Наприклад, центові рахунки, де обсяг мінімальної угоди становить 0,0001, призначені для невеликих депозитів. Крім цього, трейдер може самостійно вибрати кредитне плече в діапазоні від 1:1 до 1:1 000, що дозволяє більш ефективно оптимізувати робочий процес.

Будь-які теоретичні знання потребують практичного застосування, і ринок Форекс тут не виняток. Професіонали відзначають, що у новачків залишається безліч запитань навіть після проходження грунтовного теоретичного курсу. Саме тому, на початковому етапі трейдери віддають перевагу демо-рахункам.

Демо-рахунок дозволяє осягнути ази торгівлі, вивчити особливості торгівельної платформи і перевірити на практиці торгівельні інструменти абсолютно безкоштовно. Проте, в даному випадку необхідно пам'ятати про психологічний чинник - при такому підході трейдер не ризикує власним капіталом. А без ризику торгівля перетворюється на азартну гру, тоді як страх втрати дисциплінує, організовує і змушує серйозніше ставитися до торгівлі.

Один із способів отримати необхідний практичний досвід - відкриття центового або міні-рахунку. У цьому випадку саме цент служить валютою рахунку. Компанія ІнстаФорекс розробила два типи центових рахунків: Cent. Standard і Cent. Eurica. Обидва - ідеальні для інвесторів-початківців, які хочуть спробувати свої сили на ринку, не ризикуючи великим капіталом. З іншого боку, торгівля на реальному рахунку приносить неоціненний досвід. Відкривши міні рахунок, трейдери отримують весь спектр послуг, єдина різниця полягає в обсязі коштів. Дійсно, непогано спершу протестувати стратегії та напрацювання, не використовуючи великі капітали. Так, Ви можете почати торгівлю з демо-рахунку або центового рахунку, роблячи перші кроки до вершин успіху на Форекс.

Технології, що зберігають час

З появою інноваційних технологій якість брокерських послуг помітно зросла, що, безумовно, позначилося на торгівлі трейдерів економією сил, грошей і часу. Наприклад, за допомогою банківської карти зараз можна не тільки оплатити послуги, але й отримати доступ до торгівельного рахунку, що дозволяє клієнтам фокусуватися тільки на самому процесі торгівлі. ІнстаФорекс була першою компанією, що реалізувала таку можливість - брендова карта InstaForex - Master Card дозволяє її власникам поповнювати рахунок або знімати кошти в будь-якій точці світу.

Завдяки унікальній системі InstaWallet клієнти компанії можуть з легкістю переводити кошти між рахунками. За лічені секунди Ви зможете відправити гроші вашим родичам, колегам, друзям або знайомим. Подібні інновації спеціально розробляються для новачків і тих, хто обмежений у часі. Так, за допомогою системи ForexCopy можна копіювати прибуткові угоди успішних трейдерів. Таким чином, трейдери, що осягають нюанси торгівлі, зможуть аналізувати стратегії більш досвідчених колег, розробляючи свої власні і отримуючи при цьому прибуток. Водночас професійні трейдери отримують комісію за надані для копіювання угоди.

Крім того, додатковим джерелом доходу може стати PAMM-система. Інвестуючи кошти в PAMM-рахунок (своєрідний тип довірчого управління на Форекс), Ви продовжуєте торгувати як звичайно, тоді як управляючий трейдер приносить Вам прибуток. PAMM-система дозволяє інвесторам, управляючим трейдерам і партнерам, що залучають кошти в PAMM-проекти, збільшувати власні кошти. Кошти, отримані від закритих операцій, автоматично розподіляються відповідно до сум, інвестованих учасниками системи. InstaForex гарантує повний контроль і облік всіх операцій і надає гарантію від зняття коштів управляючим трейдером.

Сервіс вирішує все

Для впевненої і прибуткової роботи необхідний високий рівень технічного сервісу. InstaForex гарантує своїм клієнтам 100% підтримку, постійно залишаючись на зв'язку з ними. Отримуючи вичерпні відповіді у зручний для них час, клієнти впевнені в тому, що будь-які проблеми будуть вирішені.

Однією з ознак якісного обслуговування є своєчасно оновлюваний сайт. Якщо Ви тільки почали вивчати ринок Форекс, то Вам, безумовно, знадобляться довідкові матеріали. Адже набагато простіше залишатися в курсі всіх останніх макроекономічних подій і важливих фінансових новин, маючи під рукою якісну аналітику. InstaForex піклується про своїх клієнтів, забезпечуючи їх своєчасною інформацією у вигляді економічних новин, аналітичних статей, інтерв'ю та відео матеріалів.

Безсумнівно, приємно працювати з брокером, який гарантує безперебійну торгівлю. InstaForex надає 10 торгівельних серверів і дата-центрів, які розподіляють торгівельні сигнали. Також компанія запустила унікальну послугу VPS-хостингу, що дозволяє скористатися послугами віртуального сервера. Залежно від торгівельного балансу варіюється і вартість користування сервером. При балансі понад $ 5 000 трейдер може використовувати сервер безкоштовно. Сьогодні комфортні умови для роботи на ринку Форекс - не розкіш, а необхідність. Можливість змінюватися з плином часу дозволяє трейдерам збільшити ефективність роботи і досягати нових професійних висот. Ось чому одним з першорядних факторів при виборі брокера є інноваційна складова і різні можливості самореалізації на ринку Форекс.

Не випадково компанія InstaForex вибрала своїм корпоративним кольором червоний, так як він символізує активну життєву позицію, прагнення і націленість на успіх - все це черговий раз доводить, що брокер піклується про комфорт своїх клієнтів. За шість років молода компанія завоювала міжнародне визнання і довіру тисяч трейдерів. Крім того, компанія отримала велику кількість різних нагород і звань, серед недавно завойованих - Кращий рітейл форекс брокер за версією European CEO у 2013.

Журнал "European CEO", (Осінь, 2013)

Forex. com Review For Bonus Offers & Más

Our Forex. com review in 2016 focused on the actual company “GAIN capital holdings” which has total assets of $1.260 billion and total customer equity of $850.0 million.

In Australia the company trades as ‘Gain Capital Forex. com Australia Pty Ltd” and is ASIC licensed as shown below.

Forex. com is not only a Forex broker but also offers 10 global indices with tight spreads and leverage of up to 200:1. You can also trade commodities including trade metals, softs and energies. A new option is also equities, bonds, rates and options.

Trading Platform Options

There are three forex broker platforms available including the most popular MetaTrader 4 platform. While offering this standard platform, the broker differentiates itself based on its personalised customer service it offers combined with its tight spreads. They also include other services for brokers such as technical research from Trading Central, streaming news and ‘Autochartist’ pattern recognition software.

Another platform option is ‘FOREX Trader’ which offers more custom options not on on desktop but also mobile devices through the app. The platform has advanced charting tools, integrated research and research and analysis. DealBook on the other hand is more relevant for fx traders looking to trade other markets as well such as CFDs, binaries and more. When our team compared the ease of use of this fx broker compared to their competitors the ease of use was considered the poorest, from setting up an account to commencing trading.

Our forex. com review shows that most traders will just opt for the MetaTrader 4 so there is no real advantage of using this fx broker based on the platform alone. Beginners should consider a difference broker.

FX Leverage & Spreads

Forex. com offers a leverage of 400:1 which is lower than the largest Australian ASIC regulated forex brokers as shown on the comparison chart below.

Forex. com has quite tight spreads. On the 01/02/2016 a comparison for EUR/USD (the most traded currency pair worldwide) showed the Forex. com on this day was relatively poor.

Below shows the spreads that Forex. com published on its website for October 2014 which are highly competitive.

Based on our Forex. com review of spreads we find this forex broker to be less favourable in this area that other ASIC regulated fx brokers.

Oferta de bonificación

In the past a 5% bonus offer has existed where the broker will provide this percentage bonus for deposits up to $100,000. Sadly, this offer is not in the market so they only offer the standard demo account pre-loaded with $50,000 fictitious dollars. Based on this forex. com review element, this broker is the weakest when it comes to this bonus offer criteria.

Overall Editors Forex. com Review

Forex. com is a global leader in forex and in Australia have positioned themselves based on price and a range of trading options. On a positive side they have quite low spreads and are ASIC regulated for peace of mind. They have neutral positions when it comes to the trading platforms offered with most brokers likely just to choose their Metatrader 4 platform. On a negative perspective the leverage they offer is poor at 400:1 compared to market leaders which offer 500:1 and there is no bonus offer available to Australian traders presently. This forex broker based on this should be considered by price conscious brokers looking for tight spreads or those looking to trade more than just currency. For those advanced traders looking for high leverage or beginners looking for ease of use a different broker should be considered through the compare forex brokers comparison tables.

Forex. com

Forex. com is a worldwide NYSE listed forex company offering low spreads and the Metatrader 4 platform

Rating: 2.5 Reviewed by Justin Grossbard February 1st 2016

Forex. com Broker Review

In 1999, Forex. com was founded by experienced Wall Street traders as a division of Gain Capital Group, a privately held company. In 2008, “Inc. Magazine” listed Gain Capital Group as #41 on its “Financial Services” category list. In 2008, Forex. com was named the “Best Retail Platform” by “Profit & Loss Magazine.” Forex. com enables customers in more than 140 countries to trade currencies and metals (gold and silver) using market-driven quotes from interbank prices. There are no commissions, only a “dealing spread” based on the difference between the bid and offer prices. Forex. com promises fair efficient trading with spreads as low as 1-2 pips; fractional pip pricing of 0.1 intervals is also available.

Forex. com caters to a variety of online foreign exchange trading levels for institutional investors, money managers and day traders. Brokers can use Forex. com by tapping into the “Institutional Services” sección. The “Introducing Broker Program” allows brokers to collect money for customer referrals. Forex. com will handle all back-office administration. The “Money Manager Solutions” allows money managers to tap into Forex. com’s trading relationships with a dozen of the world’s top FX banks. Forex. com will provide consistent price fills, sophisticated trading platforms and priority access to internal trading data. The “White Label Program” permits entrepreneurs to launch their own FX brand online using the tools, proprietary software and trading expertise of Forex. com. Condiciones comerciales

Customers can trade 45 currency pairs, including gold and silver and receive SMS or e-mail alerts at Forex. com It is easy to add funds via wire transfer, debit or credit card. Forex. com has a dealing desk, yet still promises tight spreads.

There are three primary delivery systems available – Web site, software or mobile trading. The Web site permits customers to use any secure browser for receiving real-time quotes, news and research. Customers can check their positions, balances and reports around-the-clock. The FOREXTrader Pro software can be downloaded to the client’s computer, making it convenient to execute trades rapidly. Mobile trading can be conducted anywhere using a cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), Palm, Android or Blackberry for real-time quotes. There are eight order types available.

For the most experienced professional traders there are “Professional Automated and Direct Execution Solutions.” “Metatrader 4” is a Forex Trading Platform used by the best traders for advanced procedures like micro-lot trading and hedging. “System Trading” allows traders to develop their own strategies to automatically execute trades. “API Trading” uses the Forex. com proprietary API for automated trading.

There are three main trading account types – “FOREXPlus,” “FOREXPremier,” and “FOREXPro,” which all offer the following features: 1.) eSignal Forex Charts and Pivot Points tools, and 2.) proprietary research data through FOREXInsider, Market Updates, Strategy of the Day, Daily Technical Analysis, The Week Ahead and The Weekly Strategy:

Minimum balance of $1000 USD

Dealing spreads as low as 1-2 pips

Self-study and Webinar events

Trading Central provides third-party research with Forex Focus and technical analysis

Minimum balance of $5000 USD

Dealing spreads as low as 1-2 pips

Self-study, 60-minute instruction, and Webinar events

Half-day intensive training

Trading Central provides third-party research with Forex Focus, technical analysis, and technical indicators

Minimum balance of $10000 USD

Dealing spreads as low as 1 pip

Self-study, half-day intensive training, unlimited instruction, and Webinar events

Trading Central provides third-party research with Forex Focus, technical analysis, technical indicators, and Japanese Candlestick data

Additional premium features include Direct Trading Desk Access, Market Strategist Access, Free Outgoing Wire Transfers, and a High Yield Interest Account

Priority customer support on dedicated telephone line, and invitations to special events.

Educación y entrenamiento

There are numerous self-study, group and instructor-led training opportunities at Forex. com, which seeks to attract customers from all trading skill levels. A quick Web site educational video tutorial teaches beginners the basics of FX currency trading. An interactive demonstration, called the “Webinar,” provides hands-on training and discusses typical scenarios that are seen by currency traders.

Clients have many self-help options with the “Learning Center” & # 8211; a repository for various helpful articles on currency trading. The Web site has a number of publications for up-to-date market news: “Market Summary,” “Market Update” and “Weekly Newsletter.” For thirty days, potential customers can test their skills using a risk-free practice trading account.

Forex. com supports multiple languages including Arabic, Chinese, English and Russian. Customers can call the convenient customer support line at 1-877-FOREXGO begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-FOREXGO end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-FOREXGO end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-FOREXGO end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-FOREXGO end_of_the_skype_highlighting (367-3946). During market hours, there is 24-hour customer support via phone, chat or e-mail, where licensed representatives are waiting to serve their clients.

Forex. com is regulated by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA). Forex. com is a division of Gain Capital Group, which is a registered Futures Commission Merchant (NFA ID # 0339826). Gain Capital Group had 2005 revenue of $38 million. The physical address is listed as follows:

Forex. com 44 Wall Street New York, New York 10005

Forex. com is restricted from taking trades from the following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Libya, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, People’s Republic of China, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe.

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Forex. com

FOREX. com offer CFDs and Forex on a range of markets including popular currencies, indices and commodities. With competitive pricing that is reliable and fully transparent, fueled by a committment to technology and liquidity with bank trading partners, FOREX. com are able to offer consistently tight spreads in all kinds of market conditions.

With two platform suites to choose from, FOREX. com offer access to the markets to suit the needs of clients. The FOREXTrader Pro suite of platforms are designed for Forex and CFD trading with customisable features, API functionality and other tools designed for currency traders of all levels. Clients also have access to FOREX. com's pricing and execution through the powerful MetaTrader 4 trading suite. Both of these platforms offer full demo accounts

For beginners, FOREX. com provide a host of videos and tutorials designed to help clients learn the basic and advanced concepts of the forex market. The Learn to trade Forex 1 self study course is available at a price of £99/$99 and offers a series of 7 web based lessons covering pips, margin, technical analysis & tools, charting and more. Combined with a demo trading account with virtual funds, clients can apply the lessons learned at their own pace.

FOREX. com's parent company, GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GCAP), is a global provider of online trading services. Como una compañía global que cotiza en bolsa, GAIN debe cumplir con los más altos estándares de gobierno corporativo, información financiera y divulgación. FOREX. com have offices in the US, UK, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.

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Is Forex For You?

Where to learn Forex trading is a question that many investors would like to know. Learning to trade in a registered forex account may seem a bit daunting; however it is not as bad as one might think. Lets first take a look at some of the various ways that to make money trading forex, it really is not that complicated or difficult. Where to learn forex trading is as simple as doing a few simple keystrokes on your computer. Google forex trading and a wealth of knowledge are at your fingertips. Many of the sites offer a free trial account. That way, you can give forex a try first without having to risk your hard earned dollars. For example, forex. com will provide you with $50,000 make believe dollars into your account to experience the excitement. So if you are serious about investing in a forex account, this is a great place to start. Who knows, maybe you will end up being a forex guru and have to quit your mundane nine to five job. But you will also need a proper education about forex so as to not lose your shirt, your pants, and your socks. So before you begin to invest real money, make sure of the following tips and you may just well succeed. Do not start off with a small investment. Make sure that you are able to manage your risk. Do not be greedy. Going for the home run will only produce a lot of strikeouts. Remember, a bunch of singles can easily win a game. Do not be indecisive. Take each set back that you experience as an opportunity to learn. Do your homework and when you formulate a buy or sell… stick to it without any regrets. Some of the more common questions that a new investor might have are, is it true that forex traders lose money? What things should I look for in a forex broker? Why do some brokers give you so much leverage and is that good or bad? Hay mucho que aprender. You can however, do it at your leisure as you experiment with your practice trading forex account. Many of these brokers offer trading sessions and webinars. They will also be able to help you a variety of marketing tools. Tools such as forex market news or technical analysis or analyst picks. By signing up to a demo account you will be provided with all of the basic skills that can help you get a sense of what you are doing. You must start off by learning how to read a forex quote. That will be closely followed by learning the ins and outs of a forex chart. Then you will have the excitement of actually placing a trade. It can be quite scary to lose one’s money when first making a trade… even if it is only a demo account. With time however, the anxieties will disappear and you will be trading like a pro. It is not a quick get rich scheme and you can make some decent coin if you are patient and not greedy.



Forex. com Review

Well regulated and one of the most popular broker in the world. I’ve almost opened an account with them, but before it I decided to read their agreement. Information that I found there was like a bomb for me. Briefly, from agreement I understood that my name is nobody and I have no rights during trading with this company. It is more than enough for me to stay away from them. Ready to tell more information about this company, my skype is vovkfx.

08 October, 2015

Helga from Norway

I'd like to share my opinion with you. I trade almost 5 month with this broker. Execution is rather fast, when it takes more than 1 second (if any), it is only because of high volatility. It usually happens with strong news. Spreads are very low, significantly lower than by many other brokers. I believe that personal cabinet must be more convenient.

29 September, 2015

By • 24 March, 2016 16:00

So-called intermarket analysis is a snare and a delusion, and we dislike having to try to escape the trap. The most pernicious of the intermarket themes is “oil is down because the dollar is up,” implying demand for oil instantly and automatically sinks when it becomes more expensive in dollar terms.

By • 24 March, 2016 15:00

Resolute performances of Bullard, Evans and other Fed officials this week give investors further speculation about possible interest rate increase already at the April meeting.

By • 23 March, 2016 15:30

Yesterday we said we are mightily impressed by the Saudis apparently going ahead with an initiative to freeze oil prices even without participation by Iran or Libya. The head of the IEA’s oil division, one Mr. Atkinson, told the press any such deal is "meaningless" because only Saudi Arabia, of the participants, has the ability to raise production.

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Copyright y copia; 2016 DFID All Rights Reserved

Forex For Profits Review | Realmente funciona?

It’s no secret. Everyone trades different.

Some people trade from black box systems and complicated indicators …while others prefer the simplicity and accuracy of trading with price.

Some feed off energy from a possible “home-run trade”, while others are content with “settling” for consistent income. Some enjoy jumping from strategy to strategy, while others stick to a tried-and true approach. It’s no different with the Forex. Many people love its leverage and liquidity, while others just can’t get into trading currency.

Because he shares trading insight that applies to all markets (including why today’s technical indicators create unnecessary challenges).

And if you currently trade the Forex or are at least considering it, you’ll discover …

Which two time frames provide the most favorable times to make money

The 6 pairs that offer the most reliable profit opportunities

How to add the Forex to your current trading plan without opening a separate account

The most direct and easily accessible method for seeing the market’s overall supply and demand

Y mucho más

The average daily volume in the Forex market is 47.6 times larger than the entire world’s stock market combined. Don’t you deserve a piece of the profits?

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FOREX. com Review of Their Best Forex Trading Platform

Forex. com is one of the largest online brokers operating in the retail trading scene. While it is headquartered in the USA, in Australia, Forex. com operates under GAIN Capital FOREX. com Australia Pty Ltd and is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

If you are new to Forex trading you’ll need a reputable and reliable broker. Beginners more often than not do not yet have the skills and discipline required to be successful trading foreign exchange. A Forex company that provides training and tuition about the ins and out of Forex trading is always going to be vital for these beginners. Want to get ahead in the world or Forex and looking for a legitimate broker to help guide you? Forex. com is one company you should carefully consider. Their analyses and market insights recently won the 2014 FXSTREET Best Forex Award.

Reasons to Choose Forex. com

1) Price Transparency 2) Tight variable spreads. 3) 24 Hour Customer Support 4) MetaTrader 4 5) Award Winning Research & Análisis

Forex. com Review of Price Transparency

Forex. com are one of the best brokers in terms of price transparency and spreads. They want clients to always feel confident that their prices on most popular currency pairs reflect that of the wider Forex market. In our Forex. com review we found that they publish a frequently updated chart that compares their pricing to an independent third party FX rate feed called the Interactive Data Corporation’s GTIS. This GTIS combines the best bid/ask quotes from over 150 global Forex contributors. As you can see in this Forex. com vs GTIS comparison chart, there is very little price discrepancy.

It should fill traders, especially beginner traders with not too much knowledge of the Forex industry, with confidence knowing they are not missing out on more competitive pricing elsewhere.

Forex. com Review of Competitive Spreads

Another benefit we established in our Forex. com review is that they try to keep their spreads competitive so that your trading costs are kept as low as possible. They don’t charge any commissions either so the only costs traders experience are the spreads between currency pairs. Forex. com post live spreads for each currency pair on their website so traders always know how each currency is performing, the amount of volume traded and liquidity in the market.

Typical spreads for each currency are also posted and frequently updated on the Forex. com website. This is particularly beneficial for beginner traders conducting research on the products that can be traded through forex brokers.

Forex. com Best Forex Trading Platform

The broker provides three different types of trading platforms ForexTrader Pro and Metatrader 4 and DealBook for more experienced traders. ForexTrader PRO is completely optimised for currency trading and comes integrated with several sophisticated features. Trade alerts and customised watch-list are available with no auto synchronisation or 3rd party bridges. The Meta Trader 4 platform gives users access to Forex. com’s pricing and the added advantage of fast execution through Meta Trader 4. This particular account also provides traders with up to 50 currency pairs, top 10 global indices and more. The DealBook platform enables traders to take advantage of 32,000+ markets ranging from Forex to equities, binaries and options. All trading platforms are available through Pocket PC, Android, iOS, Windows and web download making trading easy, especially when you’re on the move.

Forex. com: Range of Markets

As a trader, one has the benefit of trading across Forex, commodities as well as indices. One can trade over 45 different types of currency pairs with 10 global indices and invest in various types of energy, oil and precious metals. In our Forex. com review we found that the leverage offered by Forex. com starts at 200:1 for CFDs and 400:1 for Forex. While leverage amplifies the amount of risk traders are exposed to, it also allows them the ability to control or trade a larger portion of currency thus magnifying their gains if successful. Forex. com’s asset index is pretty expansive and traders are not limited to just trading currency. New assets for trading are always being added to the services offered and traders can access up to 32,00+ markets including equities, indices, commodities, options, FX and much more.

Customer Service at Forex. com

The broker is very dedicated in helping its clients succeed in FX trading and offers very good customer support. One can contact the support staff through numerous channels like telephone, live chat, fax or email. Apart from English the broker offers assistance in numerous languages, like French, German, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, etc. All the trade related queries are addressed within the next 24 hours from the time request has been made. All the customer care executives are very cordial and have a vast amount of experience in market trading. The broker has a quality educational support centre which aims at making its traders knowledgeable by offering numerous articles and other information on Forex trading.

Final Verdict: Why choose Forex. com

Where Compare Forex Brokers believe Forex. com fall down for traders is in the area of guaranteed stops; they do not offer guaranteed stops at this time. As a new trader especially, guaranteed stops are incredibly important because it limits losses. Ultimately, Forex. com is a sound Forex provider that traders from beginners to experienced can trust. We like their transparency, their detailed analyses, customer service and their best Forex trading platform. Traders can feel at ease with the company but should ensure they do whatever they can to limit their losses.

About This Forex Broker Comparison

Forex. com was reviewed after becoming short-listed as one of Australia’s premier fx brokers on our forex broker comparison on 10/01/2016. Each forex broker comparison table on this site was created to help Australian forex traders to find the right broker for them. The charts were made by Australian traders for Australian traders!


FOREX. com is one of the biggest players in the Forex market and are headquartered in the USA.

Rating: 3.5 Reviewed by Noam Korbl January 10th 2016

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Using this page you could contact us on any topic that is of interest to you from link reciprocation to questions about content. Have fun at Review Forex Dot Com!

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Impact of Devalauation in Forex

Foreign demand is likely to increase after devaluation as the goods of the devaluing country become cheaper in terms of foreign currency after the devaluation. Value of exports, however, is not likely to increase significantly because of the limited capacity to export.

Strategies in Minimizing Forex Losses

Trading losses is an inevitable fact that every trader must acknowledge. There are, however, some strategies that can be utilized to minimize forex losses.

When I started trading with Forex. com the I was under no illusion that I'd be paying more in spreads than I would from a commision based broker. My trades are medium term lasting from about 30 minutes to 3 days, so a few pips spread wasn't a big problem for me. Everything was going well so I decided to increase my account size. I was then trading with a $8000 account and that's when everything changed; delayed excecutions, fills at fake prices and slippage (which was always in their favour). On some occasions I saw 20 - 50pips slippage.

I could no longer make money with this broker so I closed my account. So if you want to trade demo then their demo account is great, but for real live trading look elsewhere.

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MB Trading Forex Accounts Have Transferred to TradeKing Forex

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TradeKing Forex, LLC. Actúa como un corredor de introducción a GAIN Capital Group, LLC ( "Capital GAIN"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, LLC. Es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (ID # 0408077).

MB Trading, miembro de IB FINRA. SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. RFED/IB and member NFA. La negociación de futuros, opciones y divisas es de naturaleza especulativa y no es apropiada para todos los inversores. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros, opciones y divisas porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales.

MB Trading obtuvo una calificación 4.5 de 5 estrellas en la reseña de 2011 de Barron de corredores en línea, empatando para el primer puesto en general. La compañía ganó un total de 33,8 puntos, una décima de un punto bajo la puntuación más alta. MB Trading también anotó entre los tres primeros por categorías separadas de Gama de Ofertas, Experiencia de Comercio, Tecnología de Negocio, Usabilidad, y Servicio al Cliente y Educación. MB Trading obtuvo una calificación 4.5 de 5 estrellas en la revisión 2010 de Barron de corredores en línea. La compañía ocupó el segundo lugar en el ranking general y empató en el primer puesto en las categorías de Experiencia de Comercio y Análisis de Cartera y Reportes. La compañía también ganó la categoría de Usabilidad. La compañía también empató el primer lugar en las categorías separadas de "Mejor para Comerciantes Frecuentes" y "Mejor para Comerciantes de Opciones". Esta encuesta evaluó 27 empresas en línea y no incluye todos los corredores en línea.

Las cuentas de demostración reciben cotizaciones de streaming GRATIS, futuros y opciones que se retrasan hasta 20 minutos (por requisito de cambio individual). Las cotizaciones en tiempo real en tiempo real para Stocks, Futures y Options están disponibles para usuarios no profesionales con cuentas financiadas y en vivo.

MB Trading ofrece la traducción de Google de nuestro sitio web con fines educativos o informativos para sus clientes internacionales. Los gráficos, las aplicaciones y algunas partes del sitio web no se traducen. Los clientes deben asumir la responsabilidad exclusiva de evaluar su traducción regional antes de tomar cualquier decisión basada en tal información fuera de lo que representa la versión en inglés del sitio.

Forex. com

In terms of size Forex. com stands as one of the largest online brokers in the United States, as it seemingly has the strongest hand in the realm of online retail. It is owned and managed by GAIN Capital, which is the direct competitor of market rival FXCM. Forex. com has established a reputation for integrity in the marketplace since it’s inception. The benefits of choosing Forex. com are well documented, with free educational tools, expert advisor hosting, free market research and tight spreads all at hand.

Forex. com offers clients three main types of trading platforms.

MetaTrader 4 – Considered the industry standard when it comes to online Forex trading. It is packed with tools and features, along with custimisation tools that allow users to set up automated trading.

ForexTrader Pro – A web-based platform that is much like MetaTrader 4, in the sense that it is fully customisable to a trader’s needs. Specifically created for trading Forex and includes tools such as pattern recognition software.

GTX ECN – For traders who meet the specific qualification requirements, which are usually high net worth individuals who are well versed in Forex trading. Those who use GTX ECN can utilise tighter spreads, deeper liquidity and more transparent pricing.

When you choose to trade with Forex. com, you will have pick between their standard or premium account options. In cost, there is a large difference between the two, with the standard account requiring a $500 ($3,000 recommended) deposit. While experienced traders will want to pay consideration to their premium account, even though such requires a $25,000 deposit in order to get up and running.

Spreads and Commissions

Like most online Forex brokers, Forex. com doesn’t charge commission for their services, as they earn their pay by using a spread on top of the prices that traders receive from the market. Obviously, as market prices fluctuate so does the spread, meaning that such charge is variable, although it does remain competitive in spite of such. Those looking to obtain a more completive spread can choose to trade via the GTX Direct ECN platform if they wish to.

Reliability and Security

Forex. com has a long list of certifications that should reaffirm potential customers about their reliability. They are FCA regulated along with being registered with both National Futures Association and the CFTC, while their holding company GAIN Capital is itself listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In the UK the broker is registered the UK FCE to remain in compliance with the country’s regulatory requirements. Forex. com traders will also be able to utilise the FSCS (Financial Services Compensation Scheme), which means traders are financially protected in the event that Forex. com enters insolvency.

Forex. com stand as worldwide market leader in online trading, offering clients the opportunity to trade within a reliable and soundly backed platform. They offer their clients options when it comes to trading, all of which goes through a regulated broker who prioritises a tight spread. Partnered up with mobile dealing and a committed customer service support line that operates 24 hours a day via email, fax, phone and online live chat.

Those looking to use Forex. commay find its fast moving pace difficult to get to grips with, along with its Pro account deposit being high. They also don’t offer metals trading and are limited by US regulations to cheque withdrawals only.

Risk warning: Spreadbetting, CFD trading and Forex are leveraged. This means they can result in losses exceeding your original deposit. Ensure you understand the risks, seek independent financial advice if necessary. The value of shares and the income from them may go down as well as up. Nothing on this website constitutes a solicitation or recommendation to enter into any security or investment.

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I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

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I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. The reason is simple: this pattern is a bearish pattern that in 73% of the cases indicates a bearish reversal.

Moreover, price has broken downwards the support trend line and has performed 2 accurate pullbacks to test the level from below. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

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FOREX. com Review

FOREX. com, founded in 1999, is a market leader in currency trading and related markets with over 200,000 traders around the world. FOREX. com’s parent company, GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. is a global provider of online trading services. En los EE. UU., FOREX. com está regulado por la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA) y la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). They are also regulated in five other jurisdictions worldwide and maintain offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney and Seoul.


There are three different trading platforms at Forex. com. Forex Trader Pro is a fully-customizable trading platform available via web, download and all major mobile operating systems. Specifically designed for currency traders, the platform offers advanced trading tools and extensive research and analysis. Forex Trader Pro offers a choice of 50 currency pairs including gold and silver. The MetaTrader 4 platform lets you choose among 49 currency pairs and delivers advanced management features and trading tools. Free EA hosting is available for eligible customers. Forex. com offers traders their own GTX Direct trading platform, an independent and innovative ECN for institutions and professional traders managed by Gain Capital. With GTX Direct, eligible clients may take advantage of GTX’s diverse and deep liquidity and leverage GAIN Capital’s own prime brokerage relationships with major FX banks. A minimum deposit of $100,000 is required for this platform.

Unlike other with most other brokers, FOREX. com does not offer a choice of different accounts within each platform. There is a Forex Trader Pro and a MetaTrader 4 account each requiring a minimum deposit of $500. You must click on the chat button in order to open a Premium account but no additional details about this account are provided on the site. Each trading platform does offer a practice account with free $50,000, full access to the broker’s trading platforms and tools for 30 days.

Herramientas de Trading

FOREX. com offers a wide choice of trading tools such as live analysis of the market and critical events as well as technical and fundamental analysis. Their FOREXInsider service allows you to tap into the company research team’s streaming commentary and insights and Pivot Points presents predictive indicators of support and resistance levels to guide you in setting entry and exit levels according to potential market movements. To help build up your confidence, the FOREX. com learning center offers free tutorial videos on basic and advanced concepts of the Forex market. There is no need to login in to view these videos. Webinars are also offered with hands-on demonstration on key Forex concepts.


As a market maker, FOREX. com is able to offer some of the tightest spreads in the market as low as 1.3 on EUR/GBP. Their live Forex spread sheets shows the constantly changing spreads on the most active currency pairs. Chat support is constantly available and a chat box pops up immediately on most pages in order to answer any relevant questions about the topic at hand. Email support is responsive and informative. Funding is accepted via bank transfers, credit cards, echeck and checks from a U. S. bank account. The website is available in English, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. All in all, FOREX. com provides all the bells and whistles a Forex trader needs and navigating the website was smooth and simple.

Forex. com іѕ аѕ forex broker component οf thе Gain Capital Group LLC, set up іn 1999, bу a group Wall Street professionals. Forex. com /Gain Capital Group hаѕ bееn registered аt thе Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) аnd іѕ member οf thе National Futures Association (NFA).

Forex. com a generous broker hаѕ bееn extended, wіth hіѕ οwn, trading platform. Users complain bυt οftеn concerning inertia аnd instability οf іt, јυѕt lіkе thе trading platform οf FXCM. whісh seems tеrrіblе much.

Thе spreads аt Forex. com аrе variable. Thе spread саn bе аѕ a result, low οn ѕіlеnt era, bυt whеn іt іѕ printer – аnd thаt іѕ nowadays complete οftеn – саn thе spread аlѕο above acceptable values shoot.

Thе customer service аt Forex. com hаѕ gone thе previous time reverse. Thеrе іѕ 24/5 customer support bу chat аnd tel. bυt thіѕ support hаѕ bееn institutionalised – lіkе more οftеn thе case аt generous companies – аnd automated, whаt thе effective helpfulness nοt always helps.

Trading platform Forex. com

Forex. com offers trading platforms tο 4 types tο:

Internet site Trading. None downloads necessary. Alѕο arranged fοr thе mac.

FOREXTrader PRO. Trading desktop software. Arrangement concerning more thаn 70 technical indicators аnd possibly tο motivate positions directly аѕ frοm a graph. Alѕο vital news reflects аnd shows thе indices οf thе lаrgеѕt markets.

FOREXTrader Mobile. Real time quotes, monitors аnd managing уουr open positions аnd motivation οf nеw positions. Compatible wіth thе mοѕt οf smartphones, including iPhone аnd Android based mobile tel.

MetaTrader 4. Forex. com supports thе υѕе οf MetaTrader 4 (MT4).

Thе inhouse trading software аrе slowly considered bυt bу several users аѕ аnd unstably.

Account size/lot size

Minimum deposit іѕ $250 οn a mini account аnd thе smallest lots іtѕ mini lots οf 10,000 Units (1/10de οf a standard lot therefore). A pip іѕ іn thаt case $1. Fοr standard account a deposit οf $2.500 іѕ necessary.

Thе maximum control fοr forex аrе οn Forex. com 200:1 fοr a mini account. Thе minimum fork іѕ 0.5%, whаt means thаt уου mυѕt reserve position $50 fοr opening 1 mini lot.

Thе spreads аt forex. com аrе variable. Thаt means low spreads οn ѕіlеnt era, аnd higher spreads іf traders thеrе аrе more іn thе market. Thаt іѕ nοt always pleasant, уουr weet nοt well whеrе уου need, аnd dο nοt remain аlѕο frοm thе market іf уου hаνе gοt a indicator simply bесаυѕе EUR USD spread аrе now аll οf a sudden 4 pips.


Support іѕ nοt nowadays thіѕ way rumbling more. Much hаνе bееn automated аnd small personal. Requesting account іѕ a process complicated, јυѕt lіkе thе uitcashen οf funds.


Forex. com аn brilliant, professional аnd reliable broker, hаѕ bееn regulated аnd customer pleasant. Fοr thе more starting traders wе find especially thе vast educational possibilities аnd trading tools real musts. More experience traders especially tеrrіblе much аrе аblе find аt thе very professional trading platform, whеrе inspect tο technical indicators, note οn vital economic events аnd саn motivate οf orders directly аѕ frοm forex graph, real pluspunten tο bе.

Thе οnlу disadvantage іѕ thаt thе minimum deposit wіth $250 relatively high іѕ bесаυѕе forex. com offers financial statement tο nο microcomputer (wіth positions οf 1,000 Units ipv 10,000 Units). Bесаυѕе οf thіѕ іt іѕ fοr (starting) forex traders wіth a small grant possibly whаt οn thе high side tο directly ѕtаrt аt forex. com. Fοr more traders experience οr those whοm directly wіth $1.000 serious throw want dο аrе forex. com іn ουr eyes аn brilliant сhοісе.



Forex. com does not charge commission or deposit fees, nor impose transaction costs on clients.

Forex. com users choose between a ‘Standard’ and ‘Premium’ account. A minimum starting deposit of £300 is required for ‘Standard’ accounts (although Forex. com recommends clients deposit a minimum of £2,000 in order to access the full gamut of trading instruments). A minimum deposit of £15,000 is required for ‘Premium’ accounts. A subsequent minimum deposit rate of £150 is set for all clients.

An inactivity fee of £15 per month is levied against users that do not hold open positions for 90 days or more.

All banking fees, including but not limited to wire transfer charges, are the responsibility of the customer and will be deducted from the customer’s trading account.

Forex. com imposes set margin requirements on all clients. For clients trading major currencies, a minimum requirement of 2% is levied; for minor currencies, 5%. For commodities such as gold, a 100% margin requirement is imposed. A comprehensive guide to their various margin rates can be found on their website.

Forex. com is an online Forex trading provider. A subsidiary of listed US financial services company Gain Capital, Forex. com allows both retail and institutional clients to speculate and trade on global FX markets, and on commodities such as gold and silver.

Forex. com is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

Forex. com has not published detailed financial information for 2013.

Forex. com offers clients the opportunity to create their own bespoke trading platforms. Users can choose which applications are included, and the design of their trading interface.

Clients can also use the pattern recognition program ‘Autochartist’ to identify and follow emerging trends. Advanced tools are provided to shape which trends are tracked, and how.

Further to this, comprehensive trade planning software is provided free to clients, in the form of analytics package ‘eSignal’.

Forex. com clients can trade via their smartphone in a number of ways. Users can choose between a dedicated mobile site, bespoke FOREXTrader app or branded MetaTrader 4 app. The FOREXTrader app has many features, allowing clients to trade, receive news updates and insight in real-time, scrutinise market trends using chart tools, and receive price alerts.

Forex. com offers a compact educational infrastructure to clients. Training materials include 14 videos on FX concepts, for traders of every level of aptitude (beginner through to advanced). Video lectures on the use of MetaTrader are also provided. Additionally, interactive seminars on FX trading can be accessed by clients.

The primary strong point of Forex. com is that it is backed by a major US financial enterprise. This means significant protection is offered to client accounts. The FOREXTrader app has been designed to provide optimal accessibility and functionality. Tight spreads are also offered, and what fees are levied and minimum rates applied are generally low. The tracking and analytics applications offered to clients are also notable.

Forex. com wish to attract high net worth clients. This is not a service particularly amenable to the needs and abilities of casual traders, or low-volume clients. Further, Forex. com clients do not gain direct access to markets.

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Forex. com

Year established: 1999 Country: Bedminster, NJ Website: http://www. forex. com/ Regulator: CFTC, NFA Payment options: Bankwire, Paper Check, CreditCard, eCheck (US Citizens Only) Min initial deposit: $2,500 Smallest lot size: 0.1 Leverage: 50:1


This broker is one of the largest in the United States, and frequently advertises on many cable channels as it and FXCM are currently vying for domination of the US-based consumer. Gain Capital is the actual corporation that runs Forex. com, and is well-known throughout the world as a leading Forex dealer.

El distribuidor es conocido por su integridad, cumplimiento normativo y facilidad de uso para el comerciante principiante. The site is packed full of information, and is probably one of the better FX sites on the planet for the novice and expert alike.

Forex. com offers a multitude of pairs, (over 45) including such varied instruments as gold, the Turkish Lira, and the Polish Zloty.


Forex. com uses website trading, FOREXTrader PRO, MetaTrader 4, and a mobile trading platform for customers to access their trading accounts. This allows for maximum flexibility as to how each trader gets involved in the markets. The website one is being featured in the video, and has the added advantage of being able to be accessed from anywhere in the world without software downloads.

Servicio al cliente

Forex. com has customer support via phone or email, and is open for help during the open hours of the FX market.


The platform is reliable, and the dealer is as well. Gain Capital has long been known for their services in the United States, and is one of the biggest operators on the planet. The firm operates in a very transparent manner as it is heavily regulated in the US. The trading platform boosts a 99%+ reliability rating from independent resources.

Comisiones y Spreads

Forex. com is a dealer, meaning it makes money from the spread. There is no commission, and the company keeps their spreads tight, so you as a trader will know ahead of time what your costs per trade are going to be. It should be noted however that the variable spread is a touch higher than you will see in other places.


IBFX is constantly changing their promotions for traders, normally coming up with a new one every month. Currently, at the time of writing – they are offering a bonus of 10% on deposits of more than $2,000 for new traders.


Interbank FX is well-known and very popular as a broker, especially in the US. They are regulated in the US, as well as Australia. The platform is ideal, as most traders will have used the MT4 before, and the amount of free add-ons to the platform is simply staggering. The broker allows a credit card deposit, and is quick to return your profits via the same card or check. You can also mail a check to fund your account as well. Of particular note, the account can be attached to an IBFX debit card, giving you access to your account at any time. It also offers virtual private servers for those of you that prefer to use the automated trading robots and require a VPS to protect the robot from Internet outages, etc.


Diferenciales variables. This dealer keeps the cost of trading down.

La plataforma MT4 es muy extensible y se puede personalizar fácilmente.

The web based platform has a multitude of information available as well.

The deposit process is simple and quick, allowing for eChecks, Wire Transfers, and Checks.


It is a dealer, meaning that you are trading against them. If you are uncomfortable with this kind of situation, you will need to look further.

The spreads are slightly higher than what can be found in other places.

&dupdo; ForexUp. net, 2012 EARN BEST ASIA LIMITED Address: 63 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

Forex. com Review 2015

The trading brand of the Gain Capital Group, Forex. com was established in 1999 and is currently one of the leading online forex brokers in the USA. In addition to being a regulated broker in the USA, Forex. com is also regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) through its UK subsidiary Gain Capital Ltd.

Highly regarded by many traders for their integrity, Forex. com is definitely one of the better online forex brokers for traders to partner with, and obvious proof for that are rewards for the best research and analysis by FX Street for 2014 and 2015.

Plataformas de negociación

At Forex. com, there are two main types of trading platforms: 1. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) – Regarded as the industry standard platform for online forex trading, the MT4 platform is packed with features and tools and even allows traders to customize it for automated trading. With the MT4, traders also get to access more than 30 types of CFDs and 45 forex markets. 2. FOREXTrader PRO – The FOREXTrader PRO platform is a web-based trading platform which is fully customizable. The platform is designed specifically for trading forex and features a wide array of advanced trading tools such as pattern recognition software, signal, and advanced charting package.

An additional platform which is accessible for traders who qualify is GTX ECN Platform. The platform is especially suited to high net worth professional traders and institutional clients. With GTX Direct, traders will have the benefit of ultra-tight spreads, transparent pricing, and deep liquidity.

Tipos de cuentas de comercio

At FOREX. com, traders can choose between a standard trading account and a Premium account. The minimum initial deposit required for a standard account is $250. However, traders are recommended to deposit $3000 to be able to access the full range of tradable instruments.

The Premium account requires $25,000 to open. Premium account holders also have a possibility to work with a “Relationship Manager” to help with all their trading needs. There is also a risk-free $50,000 demo account for traders of all levels.

Commission and Spreads

Like all online forex broker, Forex. com does not charge any commission for their services. Instead, Forex. com earn by adding a spread on top of the prices that traders get from the market. The spreads charged are variable and competitive.

They start from as low as 1.2 pips for major pairs like the EUR/GBP. For even more competitive spreads, traders can opt to trade through the GTX Direct ECN platform.


• Tight Spreads – Forex. com is able to consistently offer its traders ultra competitive spreads regardless of the market conditions • Trusted Broker – Regulated by the World’s leading financial regulatory authorities Well Capitalized – With the parent company, GAIN Capital Holdings Inc, Forex. com is subjected to the highest standards of corporate governance as well as being financially stable • Wide Range of Trading Tools – Forex. com comes equipped with a wide array of free trading tools designed to help traders make better informed decisions as well as seeking out profitable opportunities • Multi-Platforms – Apart from providing traders with the industry proven MT4 platforms, Forex. com also provide traders with alternatives such as their DealBook and FOREXTrader Pro


• Market Maker Broker • Slow customer service

Overall, investing with Forex. com is still a good deal since the pros outweigh the cons. Trading in the global market is not as easy as it seems but this company has definitely made it easier.


FOREX. com has covered all bases. Their website is responsive and user-friendly and all topics are covered in depth and are clearly described so that the information is understood by traders of all levels of trading experience. There is no doubt Forex. com is a well-known broker in the Forex retail market.

They have proven themselves to be a broker who is dependable and reliable. Apart from being a regulated broker, traders are provided with superior quality services and products to work, therefore this broker is highly recommended.

This entry was posted in Brokers. Marcar el permalink.

About Alex Welmann

This blog is a home to a competent and skilled Forex writer Alex Welmann. He is well known for his unique ability to offer essential content for both beginners and pros, combining Forex news, analysis and reviews.

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Category: Forex For Beginners


Stop-loss and take-profit are the very important parameters which help to control the process of trading. But what to do in the case of unstable market without clear targets? Is there any instrument to follow every bend of a price chart? Fortunately, there is. It’s called trailing stop. Let’s speak about it. Continue reading Trailing Stop on the Guard of Our Earnings


We specially did not touch the subject of stop-loss in the article about the basics of money management. Generally speaking, stop-loss though it refers to money saving instruments, can also be a part of particular trading strategy. Moreover, there are strategies which don’t assume setting stop-loss. A trader can keep or close any position according to the emerging situation. In this article we are going to understand the basic principles of placing stop-loss both in terms of technical analysis of the market, and from the point of view of mathematical approach to risk management. Continue reading How Can Stop-Loss Save Our Profit?


How we can take maximal profit. Probably, all the traiders ask this question. We often get upset in the case of premature closing of a position. However, our disappointment is much more significant if we kept our position too long to lose a great part of profit. How to deal keeping these factors in mind. With all the variety of trading techniques, none of them gives recommendations how to save any capital from stop-out. Let’s see what the matter is and try to offer something as a reasonable compromise. Continue reading The Basic Principles of Money Management


We have already reviewed the major bullish reversal candlestick patterns. There are also some bearish patterns, that we can call “mirror reflections” of bullish patterns. The difference is that bullish reversal patterns are harbingers of trend reversal from downwards to upwards, whereas bearish patterns usually appear as harbingers of a reversal of an upward trend. Some of them have their original names. Let’s have a closer look at them. Continue reading Bearish Candlestick Reversal Patterns


Candlestick combinations (patterns) are typical configurations that with high probability can act as harbingers of a new trend after flat market or reversal of an old trend. Patterns can include from one candle up to five or even more, however, studying of all options needs a lot of time and practice, so let’s simplify our task. Now we’ll review some popular and well studied patterns. Continue reading Bullish Candlestick Reversal Patterns

A few words from history

It is believed that the idea to use Japanese candlesticks and their combinations (patterns) for prediction of price changes in financial markets is owned by a Japanese merchant Munehisa Homma. It is known that he lived in the 18th century and worked as a successfull trader in rice market. In his writings Homma described the principles that enabled him to succeed in business, and they were built on candlestick analysis. Continue reading Candlestick Analysis: Basic Concepts

Index » Forex para principiantes

Para facilitar la transferencia de su cuenta, revise y acepte el Acuerdo de cliente de MetaTrader de FOREX. com y proporcione su consentimiento electrónico.

Al marcar las casillas que aparecen a continuación y hacer clic en Acepto, autoriza y dirige a FOREX. com a transferir su cuenta de operaciones a una cuenta MetaTrader de FOREX. com. Al proporcionar dicha autorización, usted reconoce y confirma lo siguiente:

Ha leído y entendido las disposiciones del Acuerdo de cliente de MetaTrader de FOREX. com (haga clic aquí para verlo). Sin limitar la generalidad de lo anterior, usted reconoce, acepta y entiende cada uno de los siguientes términos en el Acuerdo del Cliente de MetaTrader de FOREX. com (por favor, reconozca su aceptación de dichos términos marcando cada uno de los siguientes recuadros):

FOREX. com is a division of GAIN Capital Group, a Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer/Forex Dealer Member (RFED/FDM) and a member of the National Futures Association (NFA ID# 0339826). El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Read full disclosure 44 Wall Street, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10005 Tel: 1.877.FOREXGO (367.3946) or 1.908.731.0750 | Email: support@forex. com ©2011 FOREX. com

Tagged with forex for beginners

Technological advancements have junction rectifier to nice strides in each sector of human life. That applies to forex software too, that has become virtually absolutely machine-driven. There currently exist package programs, commercialism systems and platforms that mechanically and with successful trade Forex with none direct intervention of the bargainer. This has displayed an avenue wherever traders will productively interact in Forex while not having to pay more time on analysis, trend-following, and learning. The Forex commercialism package offers the subsequent advantages:

The most prevailing mistakes in Forex commercialism are emotional commercialism. This is often very true among novices and new traders. Once emotions and gut feelings get play, several traders notice that they’re quitting wins too early once there are far more gains to be created, or exiting losses too late and holding on to non-performing trades. Machine-driven forex software ensures that the bargainer sticks to the strategy and keeps the emotions out of the commercialism equation.

It is tough and extremely risky to manually trade from multiple positions at an equivalent time. Machine-driven commercialism makes it doable to soundly and productively enter into multiple, coinciding trades. In addition, the package allows and enhances mirror commercialism no matter the time frames or the range of the multiple markets concerned. One issue that results in failure by Forex traders is that the lack of consistency. The power to stay to a selected strategy greatly affects the gains one might create. Machine-driven commercialism provides consistency and, therefore, maximizes gains created whereas greatly eliminating risks and minimizing losses.

It goes while not oral communication that commercialism package greatly improves and enhances the speed of entry and exit into and from a trade. The package reacts instantly to even the tiniest changes in the commercialism atmosphere and makes changes that best improve the margin of profit of the bargainer. Therefore the neatest thing concerning that the changes can be enforced across multiple positions in a second.

It is vital for the beginner to review the history of trades to measure performances and chart the longer term. Backtesting refers to the review of historical knowledge to work out the viability of the strategy used. The employment of machine-driven Forex commercialism package has created it’s easier for even novices to work out whether or not their expectations are being met and to create changes and changes for higher future performance. This is a wonderful thanks to feel yourself in the market as you set along your own forex commercialism strategy and have the automated forex software package within the background ensuring your emotions do not run away with you and cause you to try and do one thing silly! Like losing all of your cash

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Most people assert that forex commerce is risky and dangerous. This can be as a result of if you’re not prepared, you may lose lots of cash. Forex trading for beginners is especially arduous if the beginner is aware of nothing regarding the forex world.

Take baby steps

If you’re a beginner within the forex world, the most effective factor isn’t to lose cash whereas you’re learning. This can be what you may do if you made the choice to find out victimization real forex accounts. Inserting your cash in an associate investment that you simply don’t totally perceive could be a great way to lose your cash. In taking the baby steps, you’ve got to initial of all learn what the forex market is and the way the forex world operates. If you would like to require categories, that might be best. If you think that you simply will learn by yourself, then move and sleep with. All that matters is that you simply got to get into the forex world ready and data is your best weapon.

How to start with forex commerce could be a question asked by lots of individuals who wish to be traders. Beginning out on forex commerce may be terribly difficult and creating profits terribly tough as a result of the markets will have lots of pitfalls. Thus it’s important that a beginner is aware of what he’s getting into once starting a career in commerce forex.

When beginning out you ought to initially check in for a demo account. The demo accounts you utilize ought to have the Metatrader commerce platform that is incredibly fashionable and is well supported by lots of commerce corporations. A demo account can allow you to trade the markets with unreal cash and you may be commerce real markets. Though you will not be creating some cash you may get the texture of commerce.

A Few Currencies

It’s important that you simply begin commerce a similar try of currencies as a result of the a lot of you’re employed with a similar currency the a lot of you may perceive however they react to 1 another if you are among those who do not know forex trading for beginners . Initially you’ll attempt a couple of that interest you however in a while you may get to opt for that try of the currencies you’re comfortable operating with. As an example you’ll opt to trade the Japanese Yen vs. The monetary unit or trade the America dollar vs British people Pound

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Tom Jaff on Fx Voodoo fxvoodoo works good. Satisfied so far with it. using since June 2015 on my live account.

Impala on Contact us Sir, Dear Sir, Add your robot to your the site! Briefly about the robot: - Since 2012, we started working on.

Mpho on Fx Voodoo Hi. are you enjoying the EA? How profitable is it?

Toru Ohsawa on Fx Voodoo Hi, I am Toru Ohsawa from Japan. I am using FxVoodoo EA since last 4 years. I have 5 licences.

Katherine on Fx Voodoo Version 2 of New FxVoodoo is working nice. Happy :)

chris on Forex Moola Expert Advisor someone contact me chrismonroemarketing@gmail. com im trying to figure out how to install it!

Danila on Forex Moola Expert Advisor Hi, does anyone know how to make upgrades on moola? Gracias

Tom Viktor on Forex Moola Expert Advisor with a little aggressive setup, my account doubled just within a week; Thanks GOD. Thanks Moola. Thanks Moola creator.

Jack Mark on Forex Moola Expert Advisor Very impressed with its working. Awesome trades it done by moola.

John Mantu on Forex Moola Expert Advisor I am trading forex since last 5 years. In my life I seen first time such a really working bot.

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Forex. Com Broker Review!

Forex. com, which belongs to Gain Capital Group and this is how the company is described on its official website:

"FOREX. com is a global leader in Forex and CFD trading for individuals worldwide. We first introduced our retail traders to the global currency markets in 2001 and a decade later we’re still an industry leader. We’re committed to delivering ultra-competitive pricing, reliable trade execution and innovative trading tools to help our clients succeed in trading the world’s most important markets."

Check out the review below to see my insights about my trading experience with Forex. com.

Forex. Com Broker Review

I came across this broker back in 2006. Forex. com is quite a well-known broker and it has two headquarters located in New York and London. The broker allows trading currencies and metals as well as CFDs, and it is possible to execute trades with the FOREXTrader platform, designed by Forex. com, or regular MetaTrader platform.

Personally I never tried their own platform as I at that time I felt perfectly comfortable trading with MetaTrader. Along with its own platform, I like the list of PRO tools they offer such as Autochartist, eSignal and Strategy Center, including DowJones Newswires. It is possible to open a trading account with 1:400 leverage for Forex, and 1:200 for CFD contracts.

During my live experience, sometimes I got lots of re-quotes during volatile times on markets, with spread on EUR/USD reaching up to 3 pips, and I didn’t get that many of them while trading with any other broker. Also, I would debate about the execution speed, as sometimes it took longer than 60 milliseconds to place an order on a live account.

What I liked about the broker is a 24/5 live chat support that helped sometimes answering basic questions related to practical matters (such as opening an account). However, sometimes I got an impression that there was a robot answering my questions.

To conclude, it’s a nice broker, I made my first trading successes and losses with it and it allowed me to get a clearer overview about Forex trading. Yet, for advanced and experienced traders I would suggest trading with others brokers, preferably the ECN-type ones.

Tagged with forex for new user

Forex, the most important money market within the whole world includes commerce between large banks, international companies, currency speculators, alternative money markets and therefore the government. The daily change Forex on a mean exceeds to one. Nine trillion US dollars and retail traders are simply a fraction of this market and indirectly participate through banks or brokers. Forex trading for dummies is changing into a really in style trend among those that are searching for some money freedom, free from the hassles of typical nine to five jobs. The money freedom with marginal efforts is that the most appealing feature of this commerce.

Although the equity market and the Forex market are terribly like one another, some key variations do exist. If you’re a beginner the foremost vital issue you wish to try and do is to decide on the correct broker. Forex brokers offer varied commerce platforms for purchasers like alternative brokers. Technical analysis tools, real time charts, support for commerce system and real time news and information are enclosed within the commerce platform offered by the Forex brokers.

Before you decide to any broker certify that you simply request some free trials so you’ll be able to take a look at the various commerce platforms. Sometimes brokers even offer basic and technical commentaries, economic calendars at the side of analysis work. Thus notice one who is supplied to supply all the desired tools to succeed.

It’s essential to own leverage in Forex as a result of the deviations in value are simply fraction of a cent. Leverage may be a magnitude relation that’s between the whole capital accessible and therefore the actual capital. It’s a quantity that’s Lententide by a broker for commerce, to any consumer. You wish to recollect that low leverage can mean low risk of a demand. Thus if you have got restricted money make sure that your Forex broker offers you a high leverage. Just in case there aren’t any money problems with you, then you’ll be able to choose any broker who incorporates a big variety of leverage choices.

If you are among who are like Forex trading for dummies as a beginner in Forex commerce, there are sure things that you simply have to be compelled to avoid like looking and sniping (buying untimely or merchandising at close to predetermined points). Several brokers try these so they will increase their profits. Such activities don’t seem to be rumored by any organization

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Comentarios recientes

Tom Jaff on Fx Voodoo fxvoodoo works good. Satisfied so far with it. using since June 2015 on my live account.

Impala on Contact us Sir, Dear Sir, Add your robot to your the site! Briefly about the robot: - Since 2012, we started working on.

Mpho on Fx Voodoo Hi. are you enjoying the EA? How profitable is it?

Toru Ohsawa on Fx Voodoo Hi, I am Toru Ohsawa from Japan. I am using FxVoodoo EA since last 4 years. I have 5 licences.

Katherine on Fx Voodoo Version 2 of New FxVoodoo is working nice. Happy :)

chris on Forex Moola Expert Advisor someone contact me chrismonroemarketing@gmail. com im trying to figure out how to install it!

Danila on Forex Moola Expert Advisor Hi, does anyone know how to make upgrades on moola? Gracias

Tom Viktor on Forex Moola Expert Advisor with a little aggressive setup, my account doubled just within a week; Thanks GOD. Thanks Moola. Thanks Moola creator.

Jack Mark on Forex Moola Expert Advisor Very impressed with its working. Awesome trades it done by moola.

John Mantu on Forex Moola Expert Advisor I am trading forex since last 5 years. In my life I seen first time such a really working bot.

Mostly searched terms


If you are looking to read the best Forex Book . then look no further. We review a range of publications about currency trading from introduction to Forex market to trading profitably, giving you the best opportunity to learn and improve your skills.

Offers top selling Forex trading and investment books on subjects such as beginners basics. candlestick charting, scalping and day trading. fibonacci, futures and options trading, swing and short term trading, Forex trading systems and strategies.

I have come across many publications about Forex – some useful but most not. The selected list of books which I believe will help you in gaining a better understanding of the investing in general.

Forex For Profits Program Review | Realmente le hará la renta?

It’s no secret. Everyone trades different.

Some people trade from black box systems and complicated indicators …while others prefer the simplicity and accuracy of trading with price.

Some feed off energy from a possible “home-run trade”, while others are content with “settling” for consistent income. Some enjoy jumping from strategy to strategy, while others stick to a tried-and true approach. It’s no different with the Forex. Many people love its leverage and liquidity, while others just can’t get into trading currency.

Because he shares trading insight that applies to all markets (including why today’s technical indicators create unnecessary challenges).

And if you currently trade the Forex or are at least considering it, you’ll discover …

Which two time frames provide the most favorable times to make money

The 6 pairs that offer the most reliable profit opportunities

How to add the Forex to your current trading plan without opening a separate account

The most direct and easily accessible method for seeing the market’s overall supply and demand

Y mucho más

The average daily volume in the Forex market is 47.6 times larger than the entire world’s stock market combined. Don’t you deserve a piece of the profits?

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Forex. com VS Stock. com

For experienced traders only. Your capital may be at risk.

About Forex. com

FOREX is a market leading broker with over 15 years' experience in the industry serving over 200,000 traders worldwide. As a publically traded company on the NY stock exchange, regulated by multiple regulating bodies including the Financial Conduct Authority in UK, FOREX is a broker you can trust. FOREX offer competitive pricing through its advanced technology and execute your trades fast and at the price you expect or better. Pricing is simple and easy to understand with no complicated commission structures or small print, you know what you will pay. With a commitment to customer support they offer 24 hour support from 9pm Sun through to 9pm Friday.

About Stock. com

Stock. com was founded in 1994. They are a trusted broker regulated by CySEC. They are a regulated broker which provide Forex, CFDs services.

About Forex. com

FOREX is a market leading broker with over 15 years' experience in the industry serving over 200,000 traders worldwide. As a publically traded company on the NY stock exchange, regulated by multiple regulating bodies including the Financial Conduct Authority in UK, FOREX is a broker you can trust. FOREX offer competitive pricing through its advanced technology and execute your trades fast and at the price you expect or better. Pricing is simple and easy to understand with no complicated commission structures or small print, you know what you will pay. With a commitment to customer support they offer 24 hour support from 9pm Sun through to 9pm Friday.

Forex. com VS XTB

For experienced traders only. Your capital may be at risk.

About Forex. com

FOREX is a market leading broker with over 15 years' experience in the industry serving over 200,000 traders worldwide. As a publically traded company on the NY stock exchange, regulated by multiple regulating bodies including the Financial Conduct Authority in UK, FOREX is a broker you can trust. FOREX offer competitive pricing through its advanced technology and execute your trades fast and at the price you expect or better. Pricing is simple and easy to understand with no complicated commission structures or small print, you know what you will pay. With a commitment to customer support they offer 24 hour support from 9pm Sun through to 9pm Friday.

About XTB

XTB provide hyper fast execution with trades executed in less than 85 milliseconds on average. You can also visit their physical office in London if you have any questions you want to ask and speak with a real person. XTB facilitate seminars with external professional traders and hold weekly webinars as part of the XTB Trading Club and provide custom advice dependent on your individual circumstances.

XTB was started with two factors in mind, to provide traders with the fastest execution speeds and to be the most transparent broker on the market and this is reflected by the services and products they provide.

XTB also have a dedicated education area, the Trading Academy contains material to help you become a better trader including video tutorials, trading courses, articles and much more to add to your skills at every step of your trading journey.

If you are looking for a broker that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and focuses on transparency, fast execution speeds and customer service XTB is a perfect option for you.

About Forex. com

FOREX is a market leading broker with over 15 years' experience in the industry serving over 200,000 traders worldwide. As a publically traded company on the NY stock exchange, regulated by multiple regulating bodies including the Financial Conduct Authority in UK, FOREX is a broker you can trust. FOREX offer competitive pricing through its advanced technology and execute your trades fast and at the price you expect or better. Pricing is simple and easy to understand with no complicated commission structures or small print, you know what you will pay. With a commitment to customer support they offer 24 hour support from 9pm Sun through to 9pm Friday.

About XTB

XTB provide hyper fast execution with trades executed in less than 85 milliseconds on average. You can also visit their physical office in London if you have any questions you want to ask and speak with a real person. XTB facilitate seminars with external professional traders and hold weekly webinars as part of the XTB Trading Club and provide custom advice dependent on your individual circumstances.

XTB was started with two factors in mind, to provide traders with the fastest execution speeds and to be the most transparent broker on the market and this is reflected by the services and products they provide.

XTB also have a dedicated education area, the Trading Academy contains material to help you become a better trader including video tutorials, trading courses, articles and much more to add to your skills at every step of your trading journey.

If you are looking for a broker that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and focuses on transparency, fast execution speeds and customer service XTB is a perfect option for you.

FOREX. com

FOREX. com is a subsidiary of GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. a NYSE-listed company, and a leading provider of online trading services to retail traders worldwide. FOREX. com sees its prime objective in delivering competitive pricing, consistent order execution and cutting-edge trading tools to help investors achieve their trading goals.

FOREXcom ensures fully transparent, reliable and competitive pricing. They have a deep pool of liquidity providers, which allows them to consistently quote low spreads in all market conditions. At FOREX. com they perfectly understand the importance of trade execution and accordingly have automated the trade process to guarantee ultra-high speed of filling orders at the requested or better price.

To satisfy the needs of all investor types FOREXcom offers a selection of trading platforms. Their TRADE platform allows access to an impressive range of forex, index and commodity markets with spreads fixed at all times. With TRADE investors have an opportunity to see the most interesting markets at a glance in real time and use a set of advanced trading tools to find patterns and develop and test trading strategies without any coding required. FOREXTraderPRO is another platform offered by FOREX. com. It features a set of integrated decision-support tools and is available through the software install, browsers, tablets and mobile applications. Those, who prefer the tried-and - true MT4, will also be content with its enhanced version with automated order rules, innovative order functionality and the company's research and commentary. Traders seeking ECN environment will get it with the GTX Direct platform.

FOREXcom strives to simplify the trade process for its clients and armors them with a handsome toolkit for market research and analysis, including Live Market Updates, Weekly Insights, Special Reports. Forex novices will also appreciate FOREX. com's educational resources, comprising video tutorials, webinars, online courses and guides.

FOREX. com reviews also mark strong regulatory framework as an important advantage of the company. FOREX. com is regulated in six jurisdictions around the world — UK, the USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, thus ensuring an ultimate level of safety for its customers.

* - Our website does not bear any responsibility for erros in the provided information. Please visit the official website of a considered broker to get the most recent data on trading conditions.

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Truth of the Forex Market: Part II

By Tyler Yell. Experto en comercio de divisas

Tyler Yell es un comerciante para su propia cuenta, Currency Analyst, & amp; Trading Instructor para DailyFX. com que es el News & amp; Sitio de análisis de FXCM. com. Tyler teaches traders the best practices in trading while helping to them to recognize and act on trading opportunities as they arise due to economic or charting developments. A Tyler se le ha pedido que hable con estudiantes universitarios, nuevos comerciantes y comerciantes experimentados de otros mercados para explicar las complejidades del volumen de 5,3 billones de dólares al día 24 horas al día, 5 días a la semana del mercado de divisas de una manera sencilla pero aplicable. Lee mas

Updated January 24, 2015.

The beauty of a website like About. com is that it can help you understand an indepth topic like trading currencies without the bias that can come from people trying to sell you a trading system or from a broker telling you that FX trading is easy. In the first part of this series. we discussed how this simply isn't true but at the same time, we need to discuss how you can still use this information to your advantage.

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The Sad Truth of Trading

At best, most markets are a zero-sum game. A zero-sum game means that when two parties are engaged in a contract, one side wins and the other side loses. However, because most trades in the FX Market are done over-the-counter or OTC a broker is involved. who takes a spread off the trade making trading not a zero-sum game but a negative sum-game.

What's more, leverage will likely be reduced by the end of the year either by regulators or by brokers. Naturally, you have to abide by the regulations and learn to adapt to the new game while learning to improve your trading after understanding where others have fallen short.

Why Traders Come to FX From Other Markets

The FX Market shouldn't be seen as a casino but that's often how it's treated. Traders can access much larger trades than there balance with their broker, known as leveraged trades allowed due to low margin requirements. In some cases, the margin requirements are less than 1% of the total contract size, which allows 100X leverage. As you can imagine, if you're using too much leverage, a small move, or large move, against you will result in a large loss of capital.

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That is why stop losses are always encouraged however they don't guarantee that the level you suggest will be the level you get filled at.

Aside from leverage and low margin to enter a trade, others come to the market because there is a strong potential to trade the FX market profitably without a clear trend because markets can either trade in a range with well defined support and resistance. Because pairs are traded in pairs, traders can buy or sell allowing them to profit in up and down markets and the 24-hour nature of the market allows around-the-clock entry.

Another benefit that traders find in trading these market is the plethora of themes. A theme is any fundamental story that has a multi-month affect on the Foreign Exchange market. Late 2014 and early 2015 has a theme of central banks fighting a deflationary environment which is caused by too little demand that Economics 101 tells us is a problem when demand drops.

Seek and You Shall Find?

As this series points out, while the potential of the FX market is huge, the downside should never be forgotten. According to the NFA, Individual Broker filings for Q2 2013 showed how profitable clients were over one quarter from multiple brokers. Most retail FX brokers like FXCM, Oanda, Gain, & Alpari were sitting around 30% profitability. The other brokers with higher average profitability albeit only around 40% as opposed to 30% have a clear pattern. They have a higher minimum balance of around $10,000 while the smaller desks with smaller average profitability do not.

Traders that try to get something for very little often end up very disappointed. You've heard the low average profitability that only moved up from 30% to 40% when the minimum deposit is raised and also how markets are a zero sum game due to the fees from brokers in an environment. Next, we'll discuss how to benefit from the seemingly dour situation

Forex. com Review

Based in the US, forex. com started as a project by forex professionals to provide the most sophisticated currency trading on the market. Even at its infancy forex. com could boast more industry gravitas than many other established firms. In that time forex. com has expanded internationally, with offices in Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, and Sydney serving hundreds of thousands of clients across more than 140 countries.

Forex. com is a public company (NYSE: GCAP) so they are held to a higher standard of transparency than a lot of other firms. You can count on regularly financial reporting and disclosure that is accurate and regulation compliance in four jurisdictions that should give clients piece of mind. And while the fact that being a public company doesn’t in itself improve a trader’s position in the forex market, it does imply a of professional environment that should stick around for years to come.

Forex. com does offer a risk-free $50,000 training account for those who desire a more hand-on approach to learning or just want to try new strategies without consequences. The website does warn that conditions in a training account cannot always reflect real market conditions. But there is enough similarity that a user can reasonably understanding trading under forex. com without putting a real dollar on the line.

Forex. com Platforms

The website offers a secure and convenient way to electronically submit application materials. Forex. com claims the process can be completed in 10 minutes and, while that is a fair estimation, your mileage may vary. Those who do not wish to transmit sensitive information electronically (though their servers are secure) can also print out a paper application and send the forms via regular mail. Just let forex. com know beforehand that you’re choosing this method.

While forex. com does offer compatibility with Metatrader 4 it tries to steer clients away from this platform. In fact, forex. com clients who wish to use Metatrader 4 will have to sign up for a separate Forex. com Metatrader account as their regular login information will not work. This can be a very nagging issue for fans of efficiency and policies that make sense, but not the biggest hurdle a brokerage has put up to steer customers to their own software.

Forex. com Spreads

Forex. com offers two proprietary platforms. The first one is a simple web-based platform with information organized differently from most platforms, but in a way that should appeal to beginning traders. There are minimal customization options as forex. com seems to take the lead in determining what setup is best for the user. More advanced traders will find this simplicity frustrating, but forex. com does have a solution to that.

Professional and intermediate traders will probably prefer the FOREXTrader PRO platform. Fully customizable, FOREXTrader PRO comes with a number of layout templates and the ability for users to create their own layout from scratch. Having everything exactly where you want is a huge leg up in forex trading. FOREXTrader Pro makes designing an environment that works just for the individual client a breeze.

The platform also comes with dozens of charting and automation tools. With over 70 indicators to choose from, planning your newest strategies should be as quick and effective as they come. And if your trading habits require automation, forex. com has 15 automation strategies to choose from as well. With a large backlog of historical data to research, forex. com has laid a strong foundation to allow their clients to set the exact course they want while minimizing the risk for a misstep.

Of course, because information is king in forex, all forex. com platforms come with the latest market news and developments. Forex. com also employs an international research time to offer their own brand of commentary and analysis to make sure their clients receive the kind of service that puts them just ahead of other brokerages.

In lieu of special value-added features it appears that forex. com expended most of its creative energy developing one of the best proprietary trading platforms on the market. To that end they succeeded and, as such, clients should find the lack of special features disappointing.

Perhaps the only true “feature” to forex. com comes in the form of a few video-training pieces designed for the new trader. These webinars cover the basics such as “What is a pip?” “What is forex?” and “Which currencies should I trade?” Most of these webinars are provided on demand though forex. com also offers live trading sessions every Monday-Thursday. These might be the best ways for a new trader to learn the ins and outs of forex in a live environment. Still, these webinars don’t offer much to clients who already know what they are doing.

Customer support is very accessible, open seven days a week with only a few hours of downtime during the weekend. E-mail questions receive extremely prompt replies and telephone hold times are typically only a few minutes long. There is also a live chat option for real-time communication. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, with the proper knowhow to address almost any problem that comes their way.

While light on extras, forex. com is heavy on all the things the serious trader needs to stake out an effective position in the fierce forex market. Their proprietary trading platform offers all the customizable charting capabilities that will make users forget all about Metatrader 4. And while their spreads aren’t much to write home about, forex. com does boast security and safety standards that place them in the upper echelon of responsible forex brokers.

A true professional’s brokerage, forex. com is worth a look if only for their stability. A company that started out with a professional foundation, forex. com didn’t have to go very far to be one of the best and most popular brokerages in the market. And with hundreds of different charting and automation permutations to choose from, the firm almost dares users find an environment in which it would be uncomfortable to trade, a dare that is next to impossible to win.

Forex. com

Based in the US, forex. com started as a project by forex professionals to provide the most sophisticated currency trading on the market.

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Is Forex For You?

Por forexmy_admin & middot; 24 de abril de 2015

Where to learn Forex trading is a question that many investors would like to know. Learning to trade in a registered forex account may seem a bit daunting; however it is not as bad as one might think. Lets first take a look at some of the various ways that to make money trading forex, it really is not that complicated or difficult. Where to learn forex trading is as simple as doing a few simple keystrokes on your computer. Google forex trading and a wealth of knowledge are at your fingertips. Many of the sites offer a free trial account. That way, you can give forex a try first without having to risk your hard earned dollars. For example, forex. com will provide you with $50,000 make believe dollars into your account to experience the excitement. So if you are serious about investing in a forex account, this is a great place to start. Who knows, maybe you will end up being a forex guru and have to quit your mundane nine to five job. But you will also need a proper education about forex so as to not lose your shirt, your pants, and your socks. So before you begin to invest real money, make sure of the following tips and you may just well succeed. Do not start off with a small investment. Make sure that you are able to manage your risk. Do not be greedy. Going for the home run will only produce a lot of strikeouts. Remember, a bunch of singles can easily win a game. Do not be indecisive. Take each set back that you experience as an opportunity to learn. Do your homework and when you formulate a buy or sell… stick to it without any regrets. Some of the more common questions that a new investor might have are, is it true that forex traders lose money? What things should I look for in a forex broker? Why do some brokers give you so much leverage and is that good or bad? Hay mucho que aprender. You can however, do it at your leisure as you experiment with your practice trading forex account. Many of these brokers offer trading sessions and webinars. They will also be able to help you a variety of marketing tools. Tools such as forex market news or technical analysis or analyst picks. By signing up to a demo account you will be provided with all of the basic skills that can help you get a sense of what you are doing. You must start off by learning how to read a forex quote. That will be closely followed by learning the ins and outs of a forex chart. Then you will have the excitement of actually placing a trade. It can be quite scary to lose one’s money when first making a trade… even if it is only a demo account. With time however, the anxieties will disappear and you will be trading like a pro. It is not a quick get rich scheme and you can make some decent coin if you are patient and not greedy.



Forex For The Best

I have heard many unsuccessful stories about Forex Trading, so I decided to write an article about how to stop losing in Forex Trading and finally make some decent profit. Forex can be difficult worlds for the one who don't know how perfectly use it. Most of people who lose their money in Forex do it manually. On one side, this could actually be good, because you stay alert and aware of all things that happen in the Forex World. But in the down side, you may miss some good deal because you aren't enough fast to sell or buy at good price. What if you could mix fast reaction with good analyze over the Forex Market? I'm going to tell you how. Here is a way to help you getting the best price fast and give you some more free time!

Have you ever heard about Autopilot Forex System? It's a program that allows you to set the buy price and the sell price from any currency you want. You may actually think why such a program exists. Well the reason is simple: Not everybody has the time to stay 8 hours a day in front of their computer waiting for the price to go up and down. With this program help, you going to be able to go play golf, or anything that you couldn't before because of the time consuming of the Forex Trading. This software can help you in many ways. Here is an example of the new life you could get with the program:

-You open your eye; you see the wonderful sun begin to rise in the morning.

-You decide to make you a good coffee, and then start your computer.

-You take around 15-20 minutes to set your buy and sell price, then decide to go take a shower.

-You come back, and oh. You make 30$ profit already. You tell to yourself that it going to be a good day!

This could happen every day for the rest of your life! No more stress with money problem. What is the most amazing thing with this is that you can even go on holiday, and it's still working. Another thing you need to checkout is the broker you want to use. Some brokers are better than other because of their real time chart, but some can be better in the ratio or price they charge by transaction. To be honest, the choice of a broker is personal and nearly every broker is good. Moreover, you can use this program for 60 days and if you aren't persuaded it's good, you got your money back guarantee. Another important thing to remember, and maybe the only downside I see to this program, is you need to be online for it to work, so your computer need to be 24/24 open and connected to internet, but well, not a big deal for those profits! With all those advices, you are in a good posture to be a successful Forex Trader!

Forex signal generators are programs which generate signals for use in the forex market. These are basically like stock picks but for the forex world. These programs have been gaining in popularity in recent years which is likely largely attributed to both the sophistication and advancement of the technology itself as well as the flux of newer traders in the market.

While signal generators have helped an entire new generation of forex traders realize their dreams of financial independence, not all generators are created equal, and oftentimes particularly in today's market, a number of alluring and disguised scam products exist just hoping to capitalize on the success of the programs which do work.

I've tested a number of these generators personally and have been sharing my results for quite some time now. So, without further adieu here are forex signal reviews of the best of the best.

Forex Killer has been on the top of many critics best of lists when it comes to forex signal reviews. This is a signal generator like any other. It makes use of mathematical algorithms and predicts where certain sectors of the market will go before they go there so that you can trade accordingly. Of course a signal generator is only as good as the signals which it generates. For me personally I've experienced winning rates of upwards of 80-90% of every trade I've received and enacted from this program since beginning with it many months ago, easily the best rate which I've experienced from any program which I've tried and all of the forex signal reviews which I've done.

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" is the biggest and largest financial market in the world. It has a daily average turnover of US$1.9 trillion - just imagine that amount of money! Don't you want to join this trillion-dollar industry?

Forex is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Las divisas se negocian en parejas, por ejemplo Euro / Dólar estadounidense (EUR / USD) o Dólar estadounidense / Yen japonés (USD / JPY). So basically, Forex is trading.

Hay dos razones para comprar y vender monedas. Alrededor del 5% de la facturación diaria es de empresas y gobiernos que compran o venden productos y servicios en un país extranjero o deben convertir los beneficios obtenidos en divisas en su moneda nacional.

The other 95% is trading for profit, or what you call speculation. Investors frequently trade on information they believe to be superior and relevant, when in fact it is not and is fully discounted by the market.

On one side of each speculative stock trade is a participant who believes he has superior information and on the other side is another participant who believes his information is superior.

For speculators, the best trading opportunities are with the most commonly traded (and therefore most liquid - meaning its in cash or convertible to cash) currencies, called "the Majors." Today, more than 85% of all daily transactions involve trading of the Majors.

A true 24-hour market, Forex trading begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins in each financial center, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur — real time - day or night.

The Forex market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or 'interbank' market. This is because the transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Trading is not centralized on an exchange compared to stocks and futures markets.

Understanding Forex quotes

Reading a Forex quote may seem a bit confusing at first. However, it's really quite simple if you remember two things: 1) The first currency listed first is the base currency and 2) the value of the base currency is always 1.

The US dollar is the centerpiece of the Forex market and is normally considered the 'base' currency for quotes. In the "Majors", this includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. For these currencies and many others, quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the second currency quoted in the pair. For example, a quote of USD/JPY 110.01 means that one U. S. dollar is equal to 110.01 Japanese yen.

When the U. S. dollar is the base unit and a currency quote goes up, it means the dollar has appreciated in value and the other currency has weakened. If the USD/JPY quote we previously mentioned increases to 113.01, the dollar is stronger because it will now buy more yen than before.

The three exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). In these cases, you might see a quote such as GBP/USD 1.7366, meaning that one British pound equals 1.7366 U. S. dollars.

In these three currency pairs, where the U. S. dollar is not the base rate, a rising quote means a weakening dollar, as it now takes more U. S. dollars to equal one pound, euro or Australian dollar.

In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, that increases the value of the base currency. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening.

Currency pairs that do not involve the U. S. dollar are called cross currencies, but the premise is the same. For example, a quote of EUR/JPY 127.95 signifies that one Euro is equal to 127.95 Japanese yen.

When trading Forex you will often see a two-sided quote, consisting of a 'bid' and 'offer'. The 'bid' is the price at which you can sell the base currency (at the same time buying the counter currency). The 'ask' is the price at which you can buy the base currency (at the same time selling the counter currency). Read More!

Forex for Profits Mentoring Program

Course Checklist and Registration

A Personal Note from Todd Mitchell: "I'm really looking forward to teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know about consistently, confidently and profitably trading the Forex market! Today's the day you finally learn the step-by-step strategies and techniques you need to shatter any frustrations, hestations or struggles you may be experiencing. so that you can go onwards in the direction of higher profits! Forex for Profits will show you how. I guarantee it!" -- Todd Mitchell, Founder of Trading Concepts, Inc.

Please Read the Program Overview, Then Register Below!

YES, I understand that enrollment is limited and, if I miss my opportunity to enroll in the class today, I understand that registration may close and I will have to wait for another class before I am admitted into the program.

YES, please enroll me in the Forex for Profits Mentoring Program. I understand this comprehensive program is broken down into 4-different modules (distributed over 6 weeks) containing over 15 hours of video instruction on how to trade the Forex successfully starting from the Skills Module and building all the way through the Forex Pro Trading Strategies and Forex Pro Trader. I understand that there will be 8 LIVE 1 hour weekly webinars to further enhance my understanding and knowledge of the topic. The webinars will begin approximately 2-weeks after I start the course. I also understand that I will receive Todd Mitchell's PRIVATE email address and phone number for further support.

YES, I understand that I will receive Todd Mitchell's Fully Disclosed Forex Trading Strategies and I Agree to Keep Them to Myself. These strategies are designed for consistent daily and weekly income and all strategies will be fully disclosed to me throughout the course. I will receive these strategies by video and in a special PDF guide which I agree to keep confidential.

YES, I understand that this is a Comprehensive and Interactive Online Mentoring Program. All the material will be delivered online and I will have the ability to download this material to my computer so that I can proceed at my own pace and review the material at any time. I also understand that due to the interactive nature of the course, I'm encouraged to ask questions and participate in the community to enhance my own learning experience and that of others.

BONUS: Exclusive Access to Private Members'-Area and Strategy Vault. (Valued at $20,000) I understand that I will receive 1-year free access into Todd Mitchell's private archive of charts and videos detailing trade setups, entries, and exits. This archive will be updated daily and is easily worth over $20,000 but I will receive access to this information at no cost for investing today.

YES, I understand that this course comes with a 1-year 100% Performance Guarantee PLUS an Additional $500 Additional Cash Back . I understand that Todd Mitchell is giving this guarantee because he believes in the effectiveness of his course and strategies. I also understand that this course is not for the get-rich-quick crowd and does involve work and study. I understand that I must put this course to use and take advantage of the support that Todd is willing to provide to me in order to qualify for this guarantee. I further understand that I must prove to Todd that I did take his course seriously by sharing my trading statements with him (either paper trading or real life trading) for 8 of the 12 months and proof of completion of the chapter exercises to demonstrate that I did apply these strategies exactly as they were taught.

Sign Up Today for Instant Access!

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Exención de responsabilidad del gobierno de los Estados Unidos - Forex, futuros, acciones y opciones comerciales no son apropiadas para todos. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida asociado con el comercio de estos mercados. Las pérdidas pueden y ocurrirán. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología que pueda garantizar beneficios o garantizar la ausencia de pérdidas. No representation or implication is being made that using the Forex for Profits methodology or system or the information in this letter will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses.


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Forex For Candle Chart Guide

To begin with, traders have to be compelled to perceive precisely a way to browse candlesticks before adding them into associate existingtrading strategy. Therefore let’s start learning forex for candle chart guide to browse a candle holder chart!

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The image below represents the planning of a typical candle holder. There ar 3 specific points (open, close, wicks) that ar employed in the creation of a price candle. the primary points we’d like to think about ar the candles open and shut costs. These points determine wherever worth began and ended for a specific amount and can construct the body of a candle. If you’re viewing a daily chart as an example, these points can represent the daily open and shut worth. it’s necessary to notice the colour of the body of a candle holder (red for down and blue for up). Knowing this, willdlesticks can facilitate us quickly determine if the market is commerce higher or lower for a specific time-frame.

Next we’ve the wicks of our candlesticks, which can even be said because the candles shadow. These points ar important as they show the extremes in worth for a particular charting amount. The wicks ar quickly placeable as they’re visually diluent than the body of the candle holder. this is often wherever the strength of candlesticks becomes apparent. Forex for candle chart guide will facilitate us keep our eye on market momentum and far from the static of worth extremes.

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Forex For Lunch A Simple System For Trading On 4 Hour And Daily Charts!

Try the Forex For Lunch System RISK FREE for 60 days on your demo account for only $27. Discover ForexSession Robot that trades range breakouts on EURUSD, EURJPY, GBPUSD and EURGBP pairs using two pending orders. Forex For Lunch By Dan Roberts At last, a down-to-earth no-hype Forex system…Put down your lunch and come closer… Readers of Dan Roberts’ hugely successful Forex While You Work system demanded another high-quality system – and here it is! Dan has been trading Forex for many, many years. He knows the markets inside-out and back-to-front. Anything that Dan does is probably the best stuff you will find anywhere.

Don’t regret this exclusive opportunity to access Dan’s very latest (and probably last!) Forex For Lunch system. I don’t know how long he’s going to make Forex For Lunch available for you…The lid is lifted on two game-changing Forex “tricks”…Pro trader Dan Roberts doesn’t just wait until you gain access to his Forex For Lunch system before he lifts-the-lid on Forex – he does it before you’ve even reached a quarter-way down his website!

Dan is the real deal and proves it to you on his Forex For Lunch website before you even hit the scroll-button. Dan tell you exactly how it is without any hype whatsoever. I can’t remember the last time I met someone who tells you how it really is. Don’t miss hearing Dan reveal everything he knows about Forex…

Trader Dan shows you how easy it really is with his Forex For Lunch System…Full-time trader Dan Roberts proves to you exactly why you MUST have a higher-timeframe system – even if you’ve only ever traded intraday…Dan shows you why trading is not about how many trades you take, or how long you sit in front of the screen. In fact, Dan will show you how higher-timeframe trading is quite possibly the greatest way to trading. On the shorter timeframes, you have to constantly monitor the charts for trade setup. Once you spot a high probability trade setup, you have to act fast as the shorter timeframes are fast moving.

On the other hand, higher timeframes are slow moving with a lot less noise. There is ample of time to plan the trade once you have spotted a high probability trade setup. There is no hurry. Always remember the saying: “Fail to plan and plan to fail.” Always plan your trade meticulously if you want to have a high win rate and low drawdown. Learn how to trade forex while you take your lunch. When you trade using Dan’s Forex For Lunch System, you will start enjoying trading with:

& # 8211; Lower risk – Higher win-rate – No emotions – …and a whole lot more!

Wishing you the best in your trading with Forex For Lunch System!

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I'm really looking forward to teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know about consistently, confidently and profitably trading the Forex market! Today's the day you finally learn the step-by-step strategies and techniques you need to shatter any frustrations, hesitations or struggles you may be experiencing. so that you can go onwards in the direction of higher profits! Forex for Profits will show you how. I guarantee it!

Sign me up ASAP, Todd! I'm ready to learn how to finally become a consistently successful FOREX Trader. and learn from you personally how to make hundreds and even thousands of dollars a week using your trading methods inside the Forex For Profits Mentoring Program™

By registering for the Forex For Profits Mentoring Program, I agree that:

I am a serious trader and will put forth my best effort to learn and study the Forex For Profits Mentoring Program™ as specified in the one year guarantee.

The entire Forex For Profits Mentoring Program™ is hosted online so there are no materials or DVDs to ship, and I will get access to the program immediately.

The Forex For Profits Mentoring Program™ is copyrighted intellectual property and I am prohibited by law from copying, distributing or sharing this information with others.

If I select a multiple-payment option, I agree to make all payments in full and to keep my billing information current.

I have read all legal disclaimers and understand that no guarantee of profit or freedom from loss has been made.

Forex For Profits Mentoring Program Checklist:

SÍ. I understand that enrollment is limited and, if I miss my opportunity to enroll in the class today, I understand that registration may close and I will have to wait for another class before I am admitted into the program.

SÍ. please enroll me in the Forex for Profits Mentoring Program. I understand this comprehensive program is broken down into 4-different modules (distributed over 6 weeks) containing over 20 hours of video instruction on how to trade the Forex successfully starting from the Skills Module and building all the way through the Forex Pro Trading Strategies and Forex Pro Trader. I understand I will have access to 8 weekly webinars (recorded and archived) to further enhance my understanding and knowledge of the topic. I also understand that I will receive Todd Mitchell's PRIVATE email address and phone number for further support.

SÍ. I understand that I will receive Todd Mitchell's Fully Disclosed Forex Trading Strategies and I Agree to Keep Them to Myself. These strategies are designed for consistent daily and weekly income and all strategies will be fully disclosed to me throughout the program. I will receive these strategies by video and in a special PDF guide which I agree to keep confidential.

SÍ. I understand that this is a Comprehensive and Interactive Online Mentoring Program. All the material will be delivered online and I will have the ability to download this material to my computer so that I can proceed at my own pace and review the material at any time. I also understand that due to the interactive nature of the program, I'm encouraged to ask questions and participate in the community to enhance my own learning experience and that of others.

BONUS: Exclusive Access to Private Members' Area and Strategy Vault. (Valued at $20,000) I understand that I will receive unlimited access into Todd Mitchell's private archive of charts and videos detailing trade setups, entries, and exits. This archive will be updated daily and is easily worth over $20,000 but I will receive access to this information at no cost for investing today.

SÍ. I understand that this program comes with a 1-year 100% Performance Guarantee PLUS an Additional $500 Additional Cash Back!! I understand that Todd Mitchell is giving this guarantee because he believes in the effectiveness of his program and strategies. I also understand that this program is not for the get-rich-quick crowd and does involve work and study. I understand that I must put this program to use and take advantage of the support that Todd is willing to provide to me in order to qualify for this guarantee. I further understand that I must prove to Todd that I did take his program seriously by sharing my trading statements with him (either paper trading or real life trading) for 8 of the 12 months and proof of completion of the chapter exercises to demonstrate that I did apply these strategies exactly as they were taught.

Exención de responsabilidad del gobierno de los Estados Unidos - Forex, futuros, acciones y opciones comerciales no son apropiadas para todos. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida asociado con el comercio de estos mercados. Las pérdidas pueden y ocurrirán. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología que pueda garantizar beneficios o garantizar la ausencia de pérdidas. No se está haciendo ninguna representación o implicación de que el uso de la metodología o sistema de Trading Concepts o la información en esta carta genere ganancias o asegure la libertad de pérdidas.


10 Dec 2015, by Admin

On-line Trading Academy, Headman Didactics, Products, and Services Policeman

Existence the monger/trainer in the Protracted Encyclopaedism Rails (XLT) Futures and Forex classes, I get this motion all the clock. Due to the on-going development of these two markets, the solvent is not as mere as you may retrieve. Therein small-arm, I testament discourse what these markets are, discover the advantages and disadvantages of apiece of these two markets, and discourse how we hatful with these markets in the XLT.

Earlier, both of these markets are where ball-shaped currentness values (switch rates) are dictated. These are fantastical markets as they are ever moving and the moves and trends are bigger than you testament discovery in any early set of markets. The &#8220,billet&#8221, marketplace is the cash commercialize which agency the flow rate (rally order) of where the currentness duet is trading at rightfield now. The &#8220,futures&#8221, commercialize represents the percept of where that like up-to-dateness duo testament be trading at on a particular engagement in the succeeding. P. ej. if you are trading the September 2011 Clam / Yen, the terms represents nowadays&#8217,s sensed assess of the succeeding (September 2011) change order.

Hither is a sell around traders in the XLT took a piece backrest in the Euro / Clam. Both charts shew the like chance on the like day in the like meter chassis. The lone dispute is that the graph on the left-hand is the Euro Futures and the graph on the compensate is the Euro Billet. This was a purchasing chance on a tieback in damage to a pre-determined ask zona. Patch the charts and this trading chance aspect about very, infer that these two markets sustain around differences that the norm someone may not be mindful of. Let&#8217,s beginning discourse the Berth commercialise and its pros and cons.

Cash (Spot) Forex

This way that the mart you&#8217,re trading is the mart your factor is fashioning for you. This can leash to roughly fry use occasionally. Thither is a ground you hardly see volume in Spot Forex. Most but not all Forex brokers don&#8217,t charge any commissions or fees. Instead, they get paid on the &#8220,spread.&#8221, What they do is constantly make a spread that ensures they will profit from your trades. When you push the button to buy or sell, they or a partner are typically on the other side of your trade. This means that your goals and their goals may not be in alignment as you are essentially trading against each other.

It is because the real volume is very different than the &#8220,trillion dollar&#8221, volume you read about altogether the marketing. Slowly but surely, the Spot Forex market is being regulated increasingly. It is still one of the least regulated markets around which really can lead to manipulation and risk for average retail clients. Most importantly, if you see a problem with your account, you really have little to no recourse as there is no regulating body that 100% regulates the Forex markets as much as other markets.

When you are trading a semi-non-regulated market, you have to make sure you know exactly where your account is actually being held. Is it being held at a large bank or some account that the broker has rights to? There have been some disaster stories such as Refco not long ago and others that concern mind. Make sure you know where your account is being held and how safe it is.

You will see marketing for the Spot Forex market that suggests &#8220,free trading&#8221,&#8230, If you believe that, I have some beautiful land in the desert purchasable with a huge lake in the backyard and plenty of green grass, trust me&#8230, Anyway, most but not all Spot Forex brokers don&#8217,t charge commission, they instead widen the spread in the real market, offer that artificially wide spread to you and get paid on the spread. Typically, a spread in a major pair might be 2-3 pips but can easily go as wide as 5–10 pips occasionally. At $10 a pip for most, this can mean that you are paying $20 &#8211, $30 to assume the trade. At that rate, commissions would be very cheap so don&#8217,t be fooled when you see the &#8220,no commission&#8221, trading marketing material.

In Spot Forex, 200:1 leverage is not uncommon. You can open an account with as little as $500 dollars and begin trading. That is not ideal, but it can be done. Don&#8217,t forget, leverage can work for you and against you, so be careful and don&#8217,t abuse it.

The Forex market experiences large moves almost daily. There is always a currency pair trending strongly which means very frequent trading opportunity.

Forex Futures

One Central Exchange (CME or another major exchange)

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) is the home of the Forex Futures. The CME is one of the largest exchanges in the world and is ok capitalized. Some of the largest Banks use the CME Forex Futures to hedge currency risk. I actually began my trading career on the Currency floor of the CME and understand the power of a central exchange.

Because there is a central exchange, we can see trading volume and open interest easily and everyone has access thereto.

The CME actually has double regulation. They are a futures exchange so they are under the watchful eye of the NFA and the SEC. They are also a publicly traded company so they have another level of regulation that comes with that structure.

As with other Futures markets, the Forex Futures are traded in the trading pit but also on the Globex system. The Globex system is an electronic order matching system much like NASDAQ for stocks. There is no broker on the other side of your trade. Instead, when you buy, your order is matched up with a seller like you, not a broker. This leads to a more balanced and free market for the retail trader.

Much more information on Forex Futures can be found on the CME website, at our Online Trading Academy website. or by emailing me. The CME is: www. cmegroup. com .

Lots of game playing can advance in the Spot Forex market with certain brokers. Remember, many are market makers largely. Here is an email from a student that I unfortunately receive too often:

I took the eurgbp trade today. I got stopped out even though price never hit my stop! I have an inquiry in with the broker. Anyway, I&#8217,m attaching my trade.

Yes, this can happen so you need to be careful. As you can see, this trader took up his complaint with the broker. This, my friends, is like asking the bank robber if they robbed the bank.

Given the pros and cons of these two gateways to trading global currency markets, what do we do? Here is exactly how we treat these fine markets in the Extended Learning Track (XLT) Forex class. Because the broker is on the other side of your trade Spot, it is not a good idea to try and risk 5 pips to make 15. Especially if you put your stop loss order in the market for this trade. Mostly, you will get stopped out of this trade quickly because of the spreads created by the broker, this is easy money for them. Instead, when trading the Spot market, we never fall lower than a 15-minute chart. This forces us to find demand (support) and supply (resistance) levels that provide opportunities for us to risk 15 pips approximately to make 50 or more. Most of our Spot Forex trading opportunities in the Forex XLT have us risking 15 – 25 pips to make leastways 100 or much more. This accomplishes two things. First, it helps solve the problem of getting stopped out by the broker who controls the spread. While they can move the market ninety-six and try to stop you out, they can&#8217,t move their market too far away from the real market or they run the risk of losing big.

Another important point to remember with the Euro buy setup from the XLT above is that when we (Online Trading Academy traders) frequent demand, we are forcing the broker to sell at demand and they certainly don&#8217,t want to do that. This is why they widen the spread so much at the significant demand and supply levels. Second, by staying away from the very micro time frames and only using the 15-minute chart or higher, we are now able to capitalise of the huge moves that happen in the market almost on a daily basis. Even if the brokers were not an issue, you are still better off trading the Forex markets for the larger moves because this is where the large and quality opportunities are.

So, what about short-term trading in Forex? This is where the Forex Futures inject. While you can certainly trade the Forex Futures longer term and should. you can easily trade the Forex Futures short-term without the big risk of manipulation. Remember, you are trading on the Globex system which is an electronic order matching system. If you want to trade the Euro on a 2 minute chart, go ahead, just make sure you use the Forex Futures for this and not the Spot. Below are some but not all of the many Forex markets we trade each day in the Extended Learning Track (XLT) &#8211, Forex class.

Some Popular Currency Markets:

Master clause: Anglo-Saxon hammer

The hammer was a whole of explanation in Anglo-Saxon England, capable 240 facile pennies and eq to one pounding angle of flatware.

Best Online Trading Sites

Описание : Best Online Trading Sites

Join the number one and most famous Forex platform etoro: http://forextradertraining. info/trader Learn about best online trading sites. Visit http://www. forextradertraining. info to get your free ebook. Whether you are a pro in forex market or looking to learn more about it you can learn everything to get started with it. Don't forget to subscribe and download free ebook to start doing forex trading from today. Get all info about best online trading sites.

When a situation is similar to something you have already done in the past, if your outcome was good, just do the same thing again. Don't try something new out of boredom if what you have already done is working for you. When trading, keep your profits open and running. This entails leaving your market open as long as you're profiting.

It takes a bit of time and dedication. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

When you face a loss in forex trading, analyze and learn from that loss. A loss in forex trading can be very expensive, and it's best to take what you can from that expense. Burying that loss under the carpet won't help you prevent it from happening again in the future.

One way to be safe on the forex market is to use an automatization of your trades. Best Online Trading SitesForex Tips And Tricks That Can HelpIf you want to make a very good supplemental income, Forex trading is a great opportunity. You can use Forex to trade currencies from the privacy and comfort of your home computer and make lots of extra money.

Before doing this, make sure you have a good exit strategy for when the tides turn so that you don't lose what you received. Try running more than one open market and closing earlier ones so that you can continue earning through the newer ones and avoid losses by the older ones.

To protect the money you invest in the forex market you can use a margin stop. Rather than tracking some feature of the market, the margin stop is tied to your account. You set a certain percentage of your initial capital, and if your total investment portfolio loses that percentage of its value your margin stop order cuts off all trading. This can preserve the core of your investment if your strategy turns sour.

A great Forex trading tip is to record all of your successes and failures. Recording all of your successes and failures is crucial because it allows you to be able to see what has worked for you in the past, and what hasn't. Keeping a notebook or a diary is all you need.

When trading with a micro forex trading account, limit your risk. Taking high risks with low capital is not a winning strategy. Low risk means low reward, but also means low losses. Let your gains grow slowly and in the long run you will earn more than if you took big risks.

To keep track of exchange rates, you should of course check them on a daily basis but you can also look at statistics of exchange rates over the years. When something out of the ordinary happens, you should notice a fluctuation: the same kind of variation might happen again if a similar event occurs.

It's easy for anyone to learn Forex trading and make a good income. You just have to be dedicated, and commit yourself to following these kind of hints, in a consistent manner. With the right info, and good discipline, you can become a successful Forex trader.

It evolved into the modern British currency . the pound sterling.

The origins of sterling lie in the reign of King Offa of Mercia, (757&#8211,96) who introduced the silver penny. It copied the denarius of the new currency system of Charlemagne’s Frankish Empire. As in the Carolingian system . 240 pennies weighed 1 pound (corresponding to Charlemagne’s libra), with the shilling corresponding to Charlemagne’s solidus and equal to 12d. At the time of the penny’s introduction, it weighed 22.5 troy grains of fine silver (30 tower grains, about 1.5 g), indicating that the Mercian pound weighed 5,400 troy grains (the Mercian pound became the basis of the tower pound, which weighed 5,400 troy grains, equivalent to 7,200 tower grains). At this time, the name sterling had yet to be acquired. The penny swiftly spread throughout the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and became the standard coin of what was to become England.

09 Dec 2015, by Admin

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DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this interview are those of the guest and not necessarily of "Finance and Liberty" or its staff. Opinions expressed in this video do not constitute personalized investment advice and should not be relied on for making investment decisions.

Bertransaksilah bersama kami dan rasakan layanan trading terbaik

Kepuasan nasabah adalah tujuan kami, nikmati dukungan, kesederhanaan dan akses mudah ke seluruh layanan kami.

Nikmati beragam jenis produk yang kami tawarkan

MPF merupakan pialang berjangka dengan izin dari Bappebti dan merupakan anggota dari seluruh bursa dan kliring berjangka di Indonesia

Tentang Kami


MILLENNIUM PENATA FUTURES memiliki izin usaha pialang dan beroperasi dibawah pengawasan dari Bappebti.

09 Dec 2015, by Admin

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About a decade ago, currency trading was only limited to large banks and financial firms because they were the only ones to have access to the tools and methods required to trade Forex market. However recently, due to up and coming efficient online platforms, technology has advanced to the point of being accessible to any and every individual trader who wishes to trade or invest in Forex. Marketforex. net being one of finest online trading platforms is easily accessible by all who are interested in investing in Forex.

Although trading in the Forex market is ruined almost all the foreign currencies, there are still, some foreign currency pairs which are considered as “Major” currency pairs as compared to the others. This is because these currency pairs are some of the most traded and most coveted currencies in the Forex trading market. These pairs dominate the percentage of trades and are as follows:

Euro / U. S. Dollar

US Dollar/ Japanese Yen

US Dollar/ Swiss Franc

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08 Dec 2015, by Admin

The strange switch (Forex) commercialise entices investors with its gamy earning potency.

How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently

Описание : How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently – Derral shows how to permanently delete your Facebook account, as well as backup a copy of everything on your Facebook, or just temporarily deactivate your profile account.

Derral is a Video Marketing Expert and SEO Professional, he knows the ins and outs of YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. For more tutorials subscribe to his YouTube Channel or visit http://derraleves. com

0:00 So you're permanently looking to delete your Facebook account? And you probably have a million reasons to do so. You might hate Mark Zuckerberg, you're sick of being invited to everyone else's Facebook games like Candy Crush, Farmville, Coasterville, and every other "ville" that's out there. You might be lucky like me to have your own Facebook stalker… yeah. Well, it really doesn't matter the reason why you're quitting, in the next few minutes I'm going to show you how to backup all your personal data and permanently delete your Facebook account forever.

0:30 Ok, now before we delete our Facebook account what we'll want to do is backup everything that we have, so all of our photos, video, and all the posts. And it's really simple to do that. You come up to this little gear in the upper right-hand corner, mouse down to account settings, and once you're there just click on this download a copy of all your Facebook data. And you can click this button, download archive. Basically what it's going to do is save a file to your desktop that has all that information there; it's really, really easy. Just a quick note: if you have a lot of information on your Facebook Account this might take a little bit of time.

0:59 Now the next thing I'm going to show you is how to deactivate your account. This is really simple, come up to the gear, click account settings, over to security here, and then deactivate your account. Now, you'll put the reason why you're deactivating or leaving for a period of time. You can go ahead a click one of those. It's always going to put up a little dialog box and try to convince you to stay, but you don't need to do it you can just click on it and hit confirm, you put your password in and it will deactivate your account, it will be de-indexed, all that other stuff. But all the information is there and anytime you want to restore it all you've got to do is log into Facebook and it will restore your account.

1:35 Alright, you ready to permanently delete your Facebook account? All you need to do is click on this icon in the upper right-hand corner and then click here and then all we need to do is put the word delete in there and basically we're going to click on this first one, how do I permanently delete my account. It's going to tell you why not to do it, but what we want to do is click this link right here, fill out this form. And then click the delete my account. Now what's going to happen you have to put your password in and then you have to put in the captcha, I can't even read that one. So we'll go ahead and put this one in and then hit okay. Now it comes up with this screen, basically it says that you're permanently deleted within 14 days, if you login the account you can cancel the request. But that's how simple it is.

2:17 Now to make your job a lot easier I actually put the link in the description that'll take you right to the delete page, but before you go I'd really like to hear why you're leaving Facebook, put it in the comments below, I'm looking forward to a good laugh. And don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel.

One feature that makes this account popular is its low minimum deposit amount. Mientras que la cantidad mínima exacta varía entre corredores, usted puede abrir la cuenta y comenzar a negociar con tan poco como $ 200 en depósito. En la mini cuenta, puede abrir una posición con unidades monetarias que valen tan poco como $ 2,500 y comenzar a operar con este lote. Esto significa que con sólo un pequeño depósito, puede controlar la moneda por valor de $ 2,500.

How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently — 2013


https://www. youtube. com/watch? v\u003d-qUlr5vtM0s\u0026google_comment_id\u003dz12ehfjolznqzbu0k23lwpwhit2qw1xup”,0,0.0,”http://www. youtube. com/profile_redirector/106584461293462351103″,[] . ””,0,0,0,1,,0,1,,0,1409527840550. 0. 0. [] . 0,0. 0. 0. [] . [“4/jcsn4tfcgtpayv3uhtsrosnpa1pn4gvgixsbiu3diktb2xtlj1ur0/”,4. 0.0. [[0.0,,[] ] ] ,0. 0,[] ,0,0,,”AEIZW7RRJZniUxmAFRSAoF+u7toQF8d6O5MAa8fia86EM/f3pBPaVbEy7qG1deKlYoxch/wcQgST”] . 1,,1,0,,1. ”social. google. com”,0,0,0,,1,0,,”2014-08-31″,0,0,,0. 0,0. [2,5] . [] . 0,10. [] ,0,[] ,0,0. [] . ”https://plus. google. com/106584461293462351103/posts/3pAux4eUpkK”. 1,,[“sara begum пишет: 106584461293462351103

https://www. youtube. com/watch? v\u003d-qUlr5vtM0s\u0026google_comment_id\u003dz12ehfjolznqzbu0k23lwpwhit2qw1xup”,0,0.0,”http://www. youtube. com/profile_redirector/106584461293462351103″,[] . ””,0,0,0,1,,0,1,,0,1409527840550. 0. 0. [] . 0,0. 0. 0. [] . [“4/jcsn4tfcgtpayv3uhtsrosnpa1pn4gvgixsbiu3diktb2xtlj1ur0/”,4. 0.0. [[0.0,,[] ] ] ,0. 0,[] ,0,0,,”AEIZW7RRJZniUxmAFRSAoF+u7toQF8d6O5MAa8fia86EM/f3pBPaVbEy7qG1deKlYoxch/wcQgST”] . 1,,1,0,,1. ”social. google. com”,0,0,0,,1,0,,”2014-08-31″,0,0,,0. 0,0. [2,5] . [] . 0,10. [] ,0,[] ,0,0. [] . ”https://plus. google. com/106584461293462351103/posts/3pAux4eUpkK”. 1,,[“sara begum пишет: 106584461293462351103 No wonder then that the daily turnover in this market has crossed $3 trillion. El comercio en el mercado Forex se realiza principalmente a través de corredores. El primer escalón para todas las personas que desean participar en el mercado de divisas es la selección de un fiable, corredor ético de las casas de corretaje numerosos que ofrecen operaciones de cambio de servicios. Una vez que haya finalizado un corredor, el siguiente paso es abrir una cuenta. Corredores suelen ofrecer varios tipos de cuentas, con cada uno de ellos adecuado para diferentes tamaños de depósito y requisitos de margen.

Tipos de Cuentas Ofrecidos por los Corredores

Los corredores generalmente tienen diferentes tipos de cuentas, todos los cuales varían en los tamaños de lote, cantidades de depósito mínimo y requisitos de margen. Cada tipo de cuenta es adecuado para una categoría específica de inversor. La extensión del tamaño de su transacción dependerá en gran medida del tipo de cuenta que haya abierto en su corredor.

Mini Account This type of Forex account is preferred by investors who are new to the market. Follow mehttps://plus. google. com/1019088589726… http://www. facebook. com/DerralE The mini account has a built-in “Guaranteed Limited Risk” feature, which means that you would not lose more than what you have invested in the initial stage. Sin embargo, esta cuenta tiene un margen de oferta / oferta mayor que el de otras cuentas.

Cuenta estándar Esta cuenta Forex tiene un límite de depósito superior a la cuenta mini. Mientras que aquí también el depósito mínimo depende de los corredores, la mayoría de ellos lo han establecido como $ 2.000. Con un ratio de apalancamiento de 200 a 1, el tamaño mínimo del lote es de $ 100,000. La cuenta estándar también tiene el "riesgo limitado garantizado" integrado en la cuenta. Esta cuenta tiene un spread más bajo y un mejor apalancamiento que la cuenta mini.

Cuentas administradas En las cuentas administradas (también referidas con nombres como Oro o Platino), el requisito mínimo de depósito es generalmente alrededor de $ 10,000. Con esta cuenta, no es necesario pasar horas estudiando, evaluando y negociando activamente en el mercado. Su agente asigna a un operador profesional a su cuenta, que utiliza su dinero para comerciar y tratar de obtener ganancias de numerosas oportunidades.

Puede elegir la cuenta que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades para tratar de maximizar sus beneficios. easy-forex &reg, allows you to open all of the above types of accounts to enhance your trading experience and help you optimize your profits.

07 Dec 2015, by Admin

Receive to the extraneous commutation commercialize, the biggest fiscal mart roughly the world traded by millions of currency traders casual.

Развертывание Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 с нуля. Подробное пошаговое руководство

Описание : Не смотря на то, что сейчас корпорация Microsoft разработала продукт Exchange 2013, он все-же остается сырым и переходным вариантом, в то время как Exchange 2010 продолжает широко применяться в организациях. Это видео поможет начинающим системным администраторам развернуть Microsoft Exchange Server в своей организации с нуля, начиная с подготовки платформы и заканчивая созданием почтовых ящиков, а так же поможет принять решение о необходимости использования данного программного продукта для конкретного предприятия.

Видео представляет собой подробное пошаговое руководство, которое не упускает ни одного момента, необходимого для того, чтобы поднять Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 с нуля.

1. Что такое почтовый сервер Exchange и зачем он нужен; 2. Необходимое аппаратное и программное обеспечение для развертывания Microsoft Exchange Server 2010; 3. Подготовка платформы для развертывания: установка роли Active Directory (контроллера домена) и введение операционной системы в домен; 4. Непосредственная установка Microsoft Exchange Server 2010; 5. Регистрация домена (доменного имени) и настройка DNS для работы почтового сервера Exchange c внешней почтой (настройка Exchange Server на внешку); 6. Настройка Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, создание учетных записей и почтовых ящиков; 7. Настройка доступа к почтовым ящикам Exchange через веб интерфейс (web app); 8. Осуществление доступа к веб интерфейсу (web app) из интернета; 9. Просмотр и анализ отчетов Exchange.


DarkMaycal Sysadmins пишет: Да, это вполне возможно. Мой скайп: maycal-night. Пишите

DarkMaycal Sysadmins пишет: Капризная, не то слово. В видео я старался рассказать о всех проблемах, с которыми я сталкивался в процессе установки Exchange. Но каждый раз, начиная установку Exchange с нуля все время возникает какая-то неведомая ***** которая мешает установке) Кстати, если удалить Exchange (слетел например) то повторно он уже не установиться. По дефолту он его режет – через роутер без этой настройки работать не будет. В видео я показываю как это делать, прокрути до 01:15:55. Если не знаешь что значит "роутер режит трафик", пиши)

Василий Харламов пишет: супер! Спасибо что делаешь такие видео, очень круто для тех кто начинает плавать в сис. админстве !

Just usual guy пишет: Спасибо большое

Как выяснилось эксчендж та ещё капризная скотина, и следуя вашему гайду все к сожалению установилось не сразу. В основном глючит ipv6. В итоге вот правильная последовательность действий – установка правильной таймзоны при инстале винды, отключение ipv6, переименовывание сервера, присвоение ип в адаптер, установка AD, DNS, установка exchange-typical, фильтр-пак по желанию, установка эксченджа, и его конечная настройка. Джва дня убил, но нашёл правильную последовательность. Всё отсылается и читается.

Artur Nedorostkov пишет: Молодец

Руслан Аношко пишет: Автор, небольшую фишечку подскажу) Чтобы Power Shell не запускать 2 раза, когда наводишь курсов на значок, там всплывает Power Shell и убрать с панели, так вот ТАМ на Power Shell снова ПКМ и уже там выбираешь от администратора. Руководство шикарное, автор – снимай ещё, подписался.

Fry Phil пишет: Спасибо!

DarkMaycal Sysadmins пишет: Сообщение 2:

Для упрощения – я делал через DMZ зону. Демилитаризованная зона. То-есть в настройках роутера в разделе DMZ ты прописываешь внутренний IP адрес exchange сервера. Сохраняешь, роутер перезагружаешь и в итоге получается, что роутер спокойно пропускает трафик между твоим провайдером и Exchange. Будет ругаться на то, что уже есть записи в AD. Нужно будет либо переустанавливать AD (что невозможно, если организация большая), либо чистить AD от записей Exchange

Just usual guy пишет: И в довесок – нужно отключать ipv6 в настройках адаптера и в реестре до самой установки. Хаб Транспорт может матерится. Было бы круто если бы были бы разобраны типичные ошибки при установке эксченджа, типа The execution of: "$error. Clear(); install-ExsetdataAtom - AtomName SMTP

Василий Харламов пишет: DarkMaycal, вопрос…. Знаю что туповатый, все не сразу все знали… )

Какой у тебя адрес был прописан на exchange. Выделенный ip адрес в сетевой инфраструктуре где то на устройстве прописывается? Тебе где то еще можно задать пару вопросов по этой теме. )) Спасибо за ответ и понимание =) According to the BIS study Triennial Central Bank Survey 2004, average daily turnover in traditional foreign exchange markets was estimated at $1,880 billion.

Ok, i am interested. How much does it cost to get started?

All you need is a computer and a stable connection to the internet. That’s the only cost.

What do I need to know about forex?

04 Dec 2015, by Admin

Описание : In which John explains why he is always taken aside and searched when attempting to enter the great nation of Canada due to The Insufficient Funds Incident of 1995.


Hank's Twitter: http://www. twitter. com/hankgreen Currency Trade International requires for all employees to attend continuing education seminars and conferences annually to remain current on the current trends in the currency trade industry and banking regulations. Currency Trade International requires all of our employees to have an extensive background with the following:Currency Trade International is registered and compliant with all of the necessary Federal, State, and Local departments and organizations. This includes the United States Internal Revenue Service and the United States Treasury.

A few years ago Currency Trade International President Michael J. Brown, discovered the high demand for the highly popular new Iraqi Dinar. He realized there was no real quick, secure, or efficient way to purchase dinars, including existing layway options . Mr. Brown took it upon himself to establish a more efficient method to deliver the new dinar currency to the entire world through the Currency Trade International website.

When Currency Trade International was founded, the officers were determined to build a successful business with high morals and make it their number one priority to protect customers. In order to achieve these goals, Currency Trade International set up extra policies to ensure the security of all transactions. Simple additions such as the highest security SSL Certificate and a relationship with PaySimple allow us to serve you maintaining the highest integrity while keeping both parties protected.

The SSL certificate used by Currency Trade International is one of the highest grade available on the e-commerce market, so you can rest assured that your information remains private. Currency Trade International went the extra mile with an extensive audit of our purchasing policies and procedures in order to support this security detail. The SSL encrypts all data entered into the website and prevents all outside parties from acquiring your data. Currency Trade International also offers payment with PaySimple so we can use a third party to transfer funds . This method is preferred to protect our clients from any type of possible theft. Mutual protection is a vital part of our operation.

Currency Trade International employs only the most knowledgeable, sincere personnel with integrity and a high moral background. Each employee has willingly gone through an extensive legal and financial background check. Hank's Facebook: http://www. facebook. com/hankimon Hank's tumblr: http://edwardspoonhands. tumblr. com John's Twitter: http://www. twitter. com/realjohngreen John's Facebook: http://www. facebook. com/johngreenfans

Bank Secrecy Act Compliance

Knowledge on all Currency Markets

United States Treasury Procedures and Regulations

Latest Internet Security Standards

Currency Authentication

Money Service Business Operations

Up-to-date on all Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN ) Policies

It also includes proper registration with all states and territories requiring additional registration.

Unlike some of our competitors, Currency Trade International is a US company. Our headquarters are located in Alpharetta, GA where all of the company’s activities take place. We can be contacted with a US based phone line or by e-mail at our corporate offices in Alpharetta.

In order to prove to our customers the validity of our currency, we provide all orders with a Certificate of Authenticity. This certificate attests that our currency is legally declared, transported, obtained and it has not been associated with any criminal activities. All of our currency passes through a United States customs inspection to further prove the authenticity of the transported currency.

03 Dec 2015, by Admin

So essentially 10 Mini Lots make 1 Standard Lot and 10 Micro Lots make 1 Mini Lot or 100 Micro Lot = 10 Mini Lot = 1 Standard Lot. The lower leverage accounts usually requires more money to open an account. So if you are new to trading and want to invest only a small amount then perhaps a Micro or Mini account is the way to go.

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For example with some brokers out there you can have an Standard Account and still place Mini Lots. Just check out the ability of this trading lot with your brokers rules.

A Forex Lot is the amount of currency you buy or sell. For example if you wish to buy 1.000 USD, then the 1.000 is basically your trade size.

Forex Lot is basically representation of Trade Size in a different format. A Standard Lot would represent 1.000 of any currency . whereas a Mini Lot represents 100 and a Micro Lot represents 10. When you office orders on-line you should live what story you birth and how you agent lets you swop.

Forex Micro Lots

Описание :Reduce unnecessary losses and increase your odds of winning with this one easy tool."Forex Trendy" sceans all currency pairs on all time frames to find the best trend for you:http://tinyurl. com/kmmkyy2 forex trading forex trading for dummies

However if you are planning to make a living out of it or planning to trade full-time then Standard account is the preferred choice.

02 Dec 2015, by Admin

Negociación de divisas en línea con Forex Club.

A look inside hedge funds

Описание : Hedge funds used to occupy a dark, undisturbed corner of the financial world, but over the last year theyve been thrown under the spotlight. Still, many people dont know exactly what hedge funds are, or what hedging actually means. The People&#39,s Bank of China..

SamuelJStawarz пишет: Good understanding, I have known this for a while. I have done a few blogs on it. Hedging is one of the strategies I use

Michael Kazadi пишет: Thank you very much for these videos Paddy Hirsh. They are really good. Keep uploading more of them.

Kevi Singh пишет: Whoah…..Charlie Sheen

Educación Forex para principiantes y avanzadas herramientas Forex para comerciantes experimentados.

trade currency

Dollar pares its Fed-cut losses vs. rivals – 13 hours ago

MTI is the online money market forex currency trader in the Forex providing. Traders need to acquire the knowledge to trade candlestick formations and.

Dollar Could Become Carry-trade Funding Currency – yst. lower against every major currency as it quickly becomes a carry-trade funding currency,&quot,.

Subscribe to our Forex newsletter and instantly receive special trade signal. Forex Signal Currency Trading | Forex News And Commentary | 4XFindMe Forex.

The politically sensitive Chinese trade surplus surged to a record $26.9 billion in June, potentially heightening tensions with the United States.

An open trade or position is one in which a trader has either bought or sold one currency pair and has not sold or bought back an adequate amount of that.

Brad, your argument (about low savings rate in the US constraining the ability of the dollar to serve as a carry-trade currency) does not make sense.

The official currency of the People&#39,s Republic of China (PRC) is Renminbi (meaning in Chinese: &quot, people&#39,s currency&quot,). Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains.


z13cxhbafv3axxcj304cixapcouucfyjghg”,0,0,”http://www. youtube. com/profile_redirector/109637801301921063992″,0. 0,[. [] . [] ,0] ,”https://lh4.googleusercontent. com/-m7sUN3oeblc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABg/SqgEeRDIxXo/photo. jpg”. [7,6] . 0,,[“A Farquharson пишет: 109637801301921063992

Ramsay Mery пишет: Very Good. Thank you.

patsperfection пишет: @Trecool1001 unfortunatley it might be a joke for how small that figure is compared to what some people get

Turbominchia2 пишет: and MBA at Harvard like John Paulson or any other prestigious business school I guess.

rajupowers пишет: great explaination

fullfist пишет: it's just a glorified casino.

02 Dec 2015, by Admin

Best Forex Account-Why Should You Trade with a Forex Mini Account?

As forex trading is decent progressively pop, traders are faced with more choices of forex accounts .

HighTower Whiteboard Animation: Brokers vs. Fiduciaries

Описание : Investors are taking a hard look at the people managing their money. They can choose from standard account, managed account and mini account. These accounts cater to needs of different traders respectively. Here I am going to share with traders one of the most popular forex accounts-mini account.

Securities offered through HighTower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC/MSRB, HighTower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser.


iainwish пишет: As a UK fee based CFP and Chartered Financial Planner I must say this is excellent work. We go so far as to say 'we don't want to do all this for you so have to come back and sell you something'.\r The majority of UK financial advisers (rather than planners) still need to flog you the meat to survive. Most of the big UK banks target their advisers to sell different types of meat – meaning that even if the end customer does not need meat they will be sold it!

BladeJones пишет: One thing to beware of is that legally brokers can call themselves anything they want… "investment adviser", "financial planner", "wealth manager", "president", etc. Less than 10% of all of them are actually fiduciaries. You want a "fee-only" and "fiduciary" adviser. Make sure you pay them and they sign a contract with you. The other 90% will sell you expensive, "actively managed" mutual funds instead of ETF's. They'll sell you annuities, life settlement investments, limited partnerships, etc.

thetrustcompany1987 пишет: This is definitely one of the more difficult benefits of working with us to express to clients. Thanks for the illustration!

MisterBile пишет: Nice breakdown… hope there's more coming.

Aayush Patodia пишет: nice one

Iain Crawford пишет: In the UK "fiduciaries" = fee-based independent financial planners and "brokers" = the banks and commission-based financial advisers.

Miguel Gomez пишет: Well done Hightower, well done.

DrHWWolfson пишет: Amazingly simple, quick, to the point and accurate…kudos to all those involved!

Frank DeRigge пишет: Pretty much sums it up…..we are literally lambs being led to slaughter.

Mike Ashe пишет: That was cool. But now I have to google what a fiduciary is. Elliot S. Weissbluth, the CEO of HighTower, has been a visionary on this issue for over a decade. In this whiteboard video, Elliot cleverly explains the difference between brokers and fiduciaries and sheds light on the issues surrounding the industry. http://hightoweradvisors. com/

What is mini account?

Mini account is a type of forex account that allows traders to trade contract sizes of 10,000 units, that is one-tenth the size of the standard lot. A one-pip change in a currency pair (based in U. S. dollars) is equal to $1 when trading a mini lot, which is less when compared to $10 of a standard-lot trade. Trading mini lots is available to traders as long as they open a mini forex account with a forex broker. Mini forex accounts are commonly used by beginning traders who are not quite confident with their trading experience. This kind of forex account can cut down the risk brought by lacking of trading experience. This is because traders can make 10 mini-lot trades but only one standard-lot trade with the same amount of fund.

What advantages of using a forex mini account?

1. Mini forex account requires a relatively small deposit

When traders are not quite sure of their experience or the trading platform, most of them are not willing to deposit a big amount of money into the account. For such traders, they can consider mini forex account for the upfront capital for opening a mini forex account can be a small amount of money that almost all traders can afford to, especially when they use leverage in trading.

2. Limit the risk exposure

The key to successful forex trading is making a practicable risk-management plan and sticking to it strictly. When using a mini forex account, traders can have a greater control of risks in trading. Traders should know that trading with a mini forex account does not mean that they can only trade one lot at a time, they can trade several or more lots simultaneously. The capital that can trade one standard lot can be divided to trade 10 mini lots, which enables traders to control their risks better.

3. Enables experienced traders to test new strategies

Some experienced traders want to test their newly developed forex trading strategies in live trading but do not want to test with a lot of money, for such traders, they can choose mini forex account.

What are the disadvantages of using mini forex account?

The risk of using mini forex account is low compared with standard account. But we should also know that low risk always comes with low reward in financial market. Mini account that trades $10,000 lots can only produce $1 for price movement of per pip, as opposed to $10 in a standard account. This type of forex account is recommended for novice traders and traders who want to test new forex trading strategies.

Copyright Forex for You

Forex para principiantes

Forex For Beginners is the prequel to my first two books, A Three Dimensional Approach to Forex Trading, and A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis. It is your primer to the world of forex. It has been written to lay the foundations and provide the framework for getting started in the world of forex, in what I believe is the correct way. My other books then build on what you will learn here, to further develop your trading skills and knowledge. What I try to do in all my books, is to show you how to apply that knowledge to help you become a more confident trader. After all, learning is all well and good, but if we are not taught how to apply that knowledge in a practical way, then it is of little use. It is the application of knowledge that empowers, and this is what I have tried to do here, and in my online training rooms, and all my books. There are of course manybooks about forex trading. What is different about this book, is the focus on those aspects of trading which I believe are fundamental. After all, there are only two questions we need to answer when considering a position in the market: - What is the risk on this trade - high, medium or low? What is the financial risk on this trade? The first is the hardest question to answer, and the book will explain in detail the analysis and approach to use, in order to answer this question with confidence. The second question is more straightforward and is answered provided you have an understanding of risk, money management and position sizing in relation to your trading capital. Again, this is covered in detail in the book. As the tag line on the front cover says 'What you need to know to get started, and everything in between' which really sums up what you will learn. The book explains everything, from the pure mechanics to the trading methodology that I advocate, and which I have used in all my own trading and investing for over 17 years. Forex For Beginners is also dedicated to all those traders who have asked me to write such an introduction, based on my knowledge and my methodology. This book is for you. Leer menos

Forex For Beginners is the prequel to my first two books, A Three Dimensional Approach to Forex Trading, and A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis. It is your primer to the world of forex. It has been written to lay the foundations and provide the framework for getting started in the world of forex, in what I believe is the correct way. Mi. Lee mas

Forex for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Profiting from the Global Currency Markets

"Backed by a comprehensive list of studies, this book is a brilliant contribution on the connections between exchange rates and economics ."

—Francesc Riberola, CEO and Founder of FXstreet. com

"Adam Kritzer has been covering the forex market for years as a prominent but accessible industry expert. In a market sector full of pitfalls for the novice, this book will help many new traders avoid costly mistakes and get started on the path to success."

—Andy Hagans, Co-founder of ETF Database

"Adam Kritzer is not only one of my favorite forex writers but also one of the best. This book will likely become required reading for those getting into the forex market."

—Zachary Storella, Founder of CountingPips. com

Forex for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Profiting from the Global Currency Markets

is a guide for those who want to earn extra income trading currencies without committing large amounts of time or money. Este libro introducirá a los inversionistas globales a los fundamentos del comercio de divisas (divisas) y les proporcionará un marco sólido para analizar monedas y beneficiarse de sus fluctuaciones. Los temas cubiertos incluyen las fuerzas que causan que las tasas de cambio fluctúen, una visión general de la mecánica de las herramientas de trading, analíticas y pronósticos, cómo beneficiarse de las tendencias de precios y las trampas comunes que a menudo atrapan a los comerciantes.

Mientras que la mayoría de los libros hacen promesas grandiosas del éxito inmediato y de las ganancias grandes, Forex para los principiantes representa un acercamiento alternativo a invertir en forex. El mercado de divisas está dominado por el capital institucional y el comercio algorítmico, por lo que es poco realista pensar que los comerciantes día puede superar el mercado basándose en gráficos y los indicadores técnicos por sí solos. Thus, the emphasis here is on fundamental analysis — using economic concepts to spot currency misalignments—and staking out positions to profit from them over a period of weeks and months.

Si está deseoso de aprovechar el mercado financiero más grande del mundo a tiempo parcial, este es el libro para usted. Usted obtendrá una comprensión de cómo funcionan los mercados de divisas y utilizar este conocimiento para generar ingresos.

What you’ll learn

Investors from all countries will:

Understand how global currency markets operate and how currencies are exchanged

Learn why exchange rates fluctuate, from the standpoint of economics and human psychology

Open an account and become fluent in the mechanics of trading foreign exchange

Learn how to avoid getting skinned alive by trading professionals and brokers

Adapt your personality and financial circumstances to a specific approach to analyzing and trading currencies

Avoid pitfalls and limit risk to prevent profit from turning to loss

Earn money and have fun trading

Who this book is for

Forex for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Profiting from the Global Currency Markets is a guide to trading currencies for those with some investing experience but who lack the specific knowledge they need to trade forex. This guide does not promote a get-rich-quick approach, nor is it predicated on overly complex methods. It is geared instead to international investors who want simple-but-effective answers to these simple questions: "Why do currencies fluctuate?" And, "How can I profit from those fluctuations?" Most importantly, it is for those who want to generate additional income or pad their savings accounts without sitting in front of their computers and trading for hours on end.

Tabla de contenido

Chapter 1: Forex Market: History and Overview

Chapter 2: What Are Your Options?

Chapter 3: What Makes Currencies Move

Chapter 4: Overview of Trading Strategies

Chapter 5: Overview of Fundamental Analysis

Chapter 6: Overview of Technical Analysis

Chapter 7: Advanced Trading Strategies

Chapter 8: How to Choose a Broker and Open an Account

Chapter 9: Open a Practice Account and Begin Trading

Chapter 10: Currency Risk

Chapter 11: How to Become a Successful Investor

Appendix: Internet Tools for Success

Book Details

Title: Forex for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Profiting from the Global Currency Markets

Author: Adam Kritzer

Length: 296 pages

Edition: 1

Idioma ingles

Publisher: Apress

Publication Date: 2012-08-15

ISBN-10: 1430240504

ISBN-13: 9781430240501

Forex Robots Review – The Pterodactyl Robot

An in depth Forex Robots Review of the The Fractal Pterodactyl Forex Robot.

A ruthless animal . That’s how we would describe the Fractal Pterodactyl Forex Robot. Por qué? It tends to hunt pips down like dogs. And its animal instincts won’t let it stop. It loves finding several trades at once. It’s constantly scanning real time fractals to see where more pips could be hiding. Another kill. Here’s a trade it found for us while we were doing this Forex robots review.

Our Forex Robots Review captured this great trade from the Fractal Pterodactyl Forex Robot.

It Loves To Devour Pips Any Chance It Gets

Hunting pips is easy once you know how to find them. The Pterodactyl loves hunting on the middle time frames where fractal setups are frequent. By checking the trend strength it can accurately predict where pips are going to be. The Pterodactyl lives by these pip hunting rules:

Use at least two methods to track the market’s movement. Using trend strength with fractals is a killer combo for this bot.

Wait for the pips to come back to their home. Retracements allow you to hunt pips on familiar ground.

When you strike, grab as many as you can at one time. Grab as many pips as fast as you can and get out.

Double check everything before pulling the trigger. It double checks fractals and retracements before entering.

Another great trade we found during our Forex robots review of the Fractal Pterodactyl Forex robot.

Forex Robots Review Verdict: Use It Now!

Sometimes the best way to hunt pips is with a professional by your side. The Pterodactyl Robot is waiting to help you on your next pip hunt. Together you’re sure to catch some big game. If you need some extra hands on the hunting trip check out this great bundle. It includes the Pterodactyl Robot and two of his best buddies at a great price. It’s time to get ruthless on those pips.

Three Copies of Forex Mastery 2.0 Are Up For Grabs!

Cuál es la captura?

You need to think of a good reason why you should you should receive a complementary copy of this leading Forex Trading product which has just sold out at an impressive $2497.

As you may have heard, Forex Mastery 2.0 has officially SOLD OUT… and the sales page is now closed!

However, there are so many people who are enthusiastic to begin trading Forex but not yet ready to commit to such a high caliber Forex system. If this is you, then this is a one off opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Here is your opportunity to get in the door for FREE

OU Forex Trader are giving away 3 copies of Forex Mastery 2.0. The same system that just sold out at $2,497

There is an easy way to secure a complimentary copy of Forex Mastery 2.0

Forex Mastery 2.0 Webinar!

12 noon and 9 PM EST

You won’t want to miss this! The guys over at OU Forex Trader will be demonstrating and presenting the POWERFUL Forex Mastery 2.0 and the M3 Navigator software LIVE for the last time today at 9 PM EST…

Join Gary R. Albrecht–the mastermind behind the powerful M3 Navigator Software–and ‘Forex’ Joe Atkins tonight at 9 PM EST for a live demonstration and presentation of the POWERFUL Forex Mastery 2.0 program, and the M3 Navigator Software.

Join them tonight at 9 PM EST as they pull back the curtain on this groundbreaking Forex Trading system.

M3 Forex Navigator Software – Low Risk, High reward, High Probability Trades.

Gary R. Albrecht is the creator and mastermind behind the Forex Mastery M3 Forex Navigator Software. Gary has just changed the game and announced some exciting and powerful new enhancements, that take the M3 Navigator software to a whole new level. With the addition of his Slingshot indicator to the Forex Mastery system the bar has been raised once more for trading accuracy. The Slingshot enhanced Forex Market Scanner has evolved into a truly one of a kind system. Nowhere else will you find these trading capabilities. Trading slingshots along with utilizing the powerful tools within the Forex Mastery system could absolutely change your trading career forever.

Now imagine how exciting it would be if you knew exactly when and where a slingshot were forming. Could this be your key to success in trading the Forex market? What if you could actually be alerted when a slingshot is forming and engaging. That would be unbelievable technology, a one of a kind in the industry.

This is just one of the features that is included as part of the new Forex Mastery 2.0 Forex trading system.

Slingshot Indicator:

The previous video showed the Slingshot indicator and how it allows you to enter into trending markets with precision accuracy. Forex example in a trending market you can quickly see the slingshot form and it is indicated but arrows on your trading charts. With the trend slingshots allow you to enter on dips in the trend. While counter trend slingshot allow you to get in with a very tight stop loss and continue in the trend.

Slingshot with MOJO:

This is the most exciting part of the new enhancements. When a slingshot on a currency pair forms in one time frame, it is then confirmed across multiple times frames. If they are all at extremes and rolling over in the direction of the slingshot or snap-back, this is the key to getting on the right side of big moves in the market.

Slingshot Enhanced Forex Market Scanner:

The Forex Market Scanner, scans the market 24/7, watching for and alerting you of setups, so that you don’t have to. This brings the convenience of an Forex EA while still leaving you in full control of your trades.

All time frames are at your fingertips from a M1 (1 minute) to a MN (monthly).

The indicator arrows have also been added to the Market Scanner. Green for Slingshots forming to the upside and red for slingshots forming to the downside.

The USDIX and DOW is now included along with up to 10 currency pairs.

When a slingshot becomes “Engaged” the slingshot indicator turns to bolded red or green.

You will need to watch Gary’s video to appreciate the power that these indicators can deliver when combined with the Market Scanner and M3 Navigator.

For more information about Options University’s Forex Mastery 2.0 trading system, don’t forget to read my Forex Mastery 2.0 Review

Bias & Key Numbers Review by Joe Atkins (AKA “Forex Joe“)

Brett Fogle and Joe Atkins from Options University broke their silence in November 2009, on their new Forex Mastery course and trading software package, code named Project X.

Forex Mastery – M3 Navigator In Action

Forex Mastery Training and M3 Navigator Software It is all about taking your share of 3 trillion dollars. And no that’s not bailout money from the Government. It’s the volume traded daily in the Forex Market! Unbelievable isn’t it? That much trading is going on sight unseen, EVERY DAY. Just imagine getting your hands on some. Anyone with even just a bit of trading knowledge knows that where there’s that much money moving around, there has to be multiple opportunities to “tag along”… Problem is, if you don’t i know what you are doing, you can get sucked in so fast you could lose your shirt. Joe Atkins aka “Forex Joe”, with over 10 years of forex trading experience, explains how Forex Mastery came about and gives some tips to simplify the entry and exit strategies the haunt the majority of traders.

Ever see the movie Titanic? At the end, the ship tilts straight up and finally plunges to eternity. Survivors had to get as far away as possible because that massive movement would’ve surely sucked them down with it. That’s how it can be with Forex.. Huge spikes, massive market swings and plunges. Almost on a daily basis. This nerve racking market gets everybody excited, but it scares the pants off the Average Joe trader. Multinational Corporations, International Banks, World Governments and Big Players with deep pockets shouldn’t be the only guys cashing in on Forex. but unfortunately, that’s been the norm until now. That’s because the Forex Market’s been too dangerous and ‘unsafe’ for the regular traders like you and I… unless you have the right tools

Project ‘X’ Revealed

You see, the guys over at OU Forex Trader have just lifted the veil on “Project X”. The secret project they’ve been quietly working for months. It’s so powerful, so complete, so perfect for the ‘regular guy’ Forex trader… you’ll want to head over there and watch this video about their breakthrough program…

$25K INTO $291K IN 2 YEARS!

What’s the trick?

When Forex is in the equation almost anything is possible! Especially when 6 years of research and development was poured into this. I’d say that is doing it the hard way. I’d rather do it the easy way. 1. The guys over at Options University have developed a simple to use but powerful method of successfully trading the Forex Markets for the average trader (No background experience required)! 2. It generates High Probability Low Risk Forex Trades! 3. Their new M3 Forex Navigator Software makes it visually very easy to interpret WHEN to get in and out of each trade! I recommend watching the NEW video they just released, because I think it speaks for itself…. Not because they’re GIVING AWAY a special set of Professional Trading Sheets that you can benefit from, no matter what you’re trading. Because they’re going to show the M3 Navigator software in action (and in all it’s Simple GLORY) and show: UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT IT WORKS!

Highlights of Gary Albrecht’s video: 1. Discover how to ‘Balance Fear and Greed’ 2. Find trades with ‘Multiple Time Frame Alignment’ 3. How to trade ‘Half Pikes’, ‘Channel Hops’, and ‘Gravy Grains’ 4. Find trades if you’re a Scalper, Day Trader, or Swing Trader And these are the very same strategies that professional traders use, including hedge fund traders, bankers, and the ‘real’ traders in the markets each and every day! You can go and get these Trading Sheets below, but only for the next few hours (because we’re not sure how long they are leaving this up). Get your Trading Sheets and the latest video here http://forexrobotrading. com/Forex_Mastery_2-video2

This is one of the most interesting and exciting videos I’ve seen in awhile… and I thought I had seen it all. So go check it out now. See his actual IRA brokerage statements showing that he’s turned $25k into $291,000 in just over two years..

Don’t forget to get your complimentary ‘Professional Trading Sheets’ showing a simple but powerful method you can use in your trading now! Professional Trading Sheets

In the third and final piece of this powerful method, the Forex Mastery team member Bill Tainter is going to walk you through the third and final piece of the system called the Forex Market Scanner. The Market Scanner is a custom built software package that arose as a result of direct feedback from Forex traders OU surveyed before they began this project. And because traders said they wanted a ‘Visual dashboard’ of all the different trade setups that could be potentially setting up out there — without spending hours a day to do it! But don’t be FOOLED by its simplicity. The Market Scanner runs of the same powerful information that the M3 Navigator is using, but gives you a quick at a glance representation of what you should (and should not) be looking at. Watch Bill explain the Forex Market Scanner . Imagine how POWERFUL it would be if technology could be used to continually scan the Forex markets, according to proven methods above… & # 8211; No More Staring at Charts – No More Missing Potential Trade Setups – Like ‘Training Wheels’ to teach you – Maximizes the FULL POWER of the system – In an easy to read ‘Market Dashboard’

This is the MOST EXCITING video yet!

Options University is run by Brett Fogle and Ron Ianieri, who are two highly experienced options traders. Brett has a strong background in stocks and options trading and Ron is quite simply one of the most experienced and highly skilled options traders in the business. In fact he’s taught many Wall Street traders how to successfully trade options over the years, so who better to learn options trading from?

See the Official Forex Mastery Website

BTW: Forex Mastery SOLD OUT Back in Nov 2009. So if you missed out, now is your second chance. Forex Mastery 2.0 is expected to be available to the lucky few at noon on May 11, 2010 .

Swiss Forex for iPad

Special iPad edition of Swiss Forex app gives you more information at the same time thanks to great display of iPad. This application provides you with the most up-to-date foreign exchange market information in the real-time. You will have rich set of FX tools including quotes, charts, news, calendars and even video reviews provided by Dukascopy TV studio. The application is absolutely free and supports any type of internet connection (3G/WI-FI) so you can stay informed anywhere in the world. Main Features: - Online FX Quotes (20+ currency pairs) - Live Charts with 30+ indicators - Chart Pattern Radar - FX Market News - FX Market Signals - Economic Calendars - Dukascopy TV - SWFX Sentiment Index - Daily High/Low - Movers & Shakers - Pivot Point Levels - Integration with Dukascopy FX Community - Community Indicator - Market Watch - Average Spreads for all instruments - All tools support both portrait and landscape modes Disclaimer: This application includes different financial information. Please be aware that information provided through this application does not constitute a forecast of the market value of the respective instruments at any future point either. It is a result of original and unique methods and technology of information gathering, compilation, analysis and statistical evaluation developed by Dukascopy Bank SA. In addition, information data related to specific financial instruments may reflect the current fair value of the relevant financial instruments as independently assessed by Dukascopy Bank SA and NOT their actual stock-exchange values at a given time. If you are looking to obtain actual stock-exchange quotes please contact the respective stock exchange or other entities that provide this information. The information provided through this application is of an informative nature and should by no means be perceived as guidance for further operations. In particular, nothing contained herein constitutes financial, legal, tax or other advice. Such information is not intended to influence your investment decisions and shall not be construed as an advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial product, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy in any form. Therefore, any action that you may take as a result of information or analysis contained herein is your sole responsibility. You should obtain an external professional advice before making any investment decisions. Market data assessment system is constantly being developed and is provided "AS IS", "AS AVAILABLE", "WITH ALL ITS FAULTS" and is offered without any covenants or any express, implied or statutory warranties including (without limitation and qualification) any warranties as to accuracy, functionality, performance, merchantability, quiet enjoyment, system integration, data accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose and any warranties arising from trade usage, course of dealing or course of performance. Should you come across any technical inconsistency, ambiguity, error or any other suspicious aspects of platform’s functioning, please contact us promptly by email/phone or post a comment on the application’s page. Your feedback will be reviewed timely with necessary measures being undertaken in case of necessity.

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Is Forex For You?

by forexusa_admin · 24 de abril de 2015

Where to learn Forex trading is a question that many investors would like to know. Learning to trade in a registered forex account may seem a bit daunting; however it is not as bad as one might think. Lets first take a look at some of the various ways that to make money trading forex, it really is not that complicated or difficult. Where to learn forex trading is as simple as doing a few simple keystrokes on your computer. Google forex trading and a wealth of knowledge are at your fingertips. Many of the sites offer a free trial account. That way, you can give forex a try first without having to risk your hard earned dollars. For example, forex. com will provide you with $50,000 make believe dollars into your account to experience the excitement. So if you are serious about investing in a forex account, this is a great place to start. Who knows, maybe you will end up being a forex guru and have to quit your mundane nine to five job. But you will also need a proper education about forex so as to not lose your shirt, your pants, and your socks. So before you begin to invest real money, make sure of the following tips and you may just well succeed. Do not start off with a small investment. Make sure that you are able to manage your risk. Do not be greedy. Going for the home run will only produce a lot of strikeouts. Remember, a bunch of singles can easily win a game. Do not be indecisive. Take each set back that you experience as an opportunity to learn. Do your homework and when you formulate a buy or sell… stick to it without any regrets. Some of the more common questions that a new investor might have are, is it true that forex traders lose money? What things should I look for in a forex broker? Why do some brokers give you so much leverage and is that good or bad? Hay mucho que aprender. You can however, do it at your leisure as you experiment with your practice trading forex account. Many of these brokers offer trading sessions and webinars. They will also be able to help you a variety of marketing tools. Tools such as forex market news or technical analysis or analyst picks. By signing up to a demo account you will be provided with all of the basic skills that can help you get a sense of what you are doing. You must start off by learning how to read a forex quote. That will be closely followed by learning the ins and outs of a forex chart. Then you will have the excitement of actually placing a trade. It can be quite scary to lose one’s money when first making a trade… even if it is only a demo account. With time however, the anxieties will disappear and you will be trading like a pro. It is not a quick get rich scheme and you can make some decent coin if you are patient and not greedy.



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