Friday 20 October 2017

Forex En Alta Mar

Comercio de divisas utilizando una empresa offshore

El comercio de divisas es una de las actividades más populares para las empresas Offshore

Lo que parece funcionar para la mayoría es que usted estableció una empresa de negocios internacional ( "IBC"), en un país que no requiere detalles de los accionistas / propietarios de s de la empresa para ser presentado públicamente, con un "Nominado" Director y Accionista Como parte de la estructura. De esa manera, incluso si los detalles del director / accionista de la empresa tenía que ser revelado, el nombre del propietario beneficioso subyacente de la empresa todavía no aparecería.

El nominado es organizado o sería proporcionado por OCI y como parte del paquete de incorporación recibirá una serie de documentos (privados) que indican que tenemos las acciones y la dirección para usted como candidato sujeto a sus instrucciones. Estos acuerdos son legalmente aplicables y por lo tanto proteger su propiedad subyacente de la empresa. También suministramos documentos de transferencia pre-firmados que le permiten transferir las acciones / la dirección a usted en cualquier momento. (También podemos proporcionarle si es necesario con una resolución de la junta que nos impide cambiar de signatarios de cuenta bancaria o accionistas / directores sin su consentimiento por escrito).

En términos de aspectos prácticos cómo funciona esto es lo siguiente:

El IBC se establece con un director / accionista nominado

El propietario beneficioso subyacente de la empresa es nombrado, por escrito, como Consultor Financiero (por ejemplo, el Gerente Comercial de Forex)

Como parte de su informe, el propietario tiene la autoridad para negociar ciertos mercados / cuentas en nombre de la compañía, reportando al Director

El director de IBC completa los formularios de apertura de cuenta de corretaje

Se abre una cuenta de Banco y / o Comercio con el propietario (como Consultor / Gerente de Negociación) designado como el firmante o con los códigos de banca por Internet u otra autoridad para poder hacer / colocar operaciones

El IBC comienza a cotizar con la colocación de todos los oficios (órdenes de compra y venta) organizados por / autorizados por el propietario que, en efecto, retiene el control de los fondos.

Si por razones legales el dueño de la compañía no desea que su nombre aparezca como signatario en el banco de IBC o en la cuenta de corretaje, entonces se pueden establecer arreglos para que el Director del Nominado asuma este papel (siguiendo las instrucciones del dueño de la compañía )

Siempre que el IBC sea (y se considere que) gestionado y controlado desde el Offshore, este sistema debería:

Le da acceso a una amplia gama de casas de bolsa y plataformas comerciales

Permitir que los beneficios que se ganan por el IBC "Offshore" potencialmente libres de impuestos, mientras que al mismo tiempo que ofrece el propietario subyacente de la empresa la capacidad de supervisar las finanzas de la empresa y los esfuerzos comerciales.

Idealmente, para que esta estructura tenga la máxima oportunidad de éxito financiero, el accionista del IBC sería una Fundación Offshore o una Fundación de Interés Privado.

Para obtener más información sobre este tema (o si desea saber más acerca de cómo podemos ayudarle), póngase en contacto con nosotros

Este es un ejemplo genérico de cómo una entidad corporativa offshore puede o puede ser utilizada. Las leyes locales pueden afectar su situación. Por lo tanto, recomendamos que busque asesoramiento jurídico y / o fiscal local antes de establecer tal entidad

5 pensamientos sobre & ldquo; Comercio de divisas utilizando una empresa offshore & rdquo;

Offshore Forex Trading

Offshore Forex Trading es una especie de comercio o una alternativa donde el comerciante y su comercio están ocurriendo en dos países diferentes. Es decir, cuando un residente de los EE. UU. abre una cuenta en Canadá que se denomina una cuenta comercial offshore desde el que ejecuta operaciones con o sin la ayuda de su corredor. Esto se denomina Forex trading offshore. Es tan peligroso e impredecible como el comercio nacional y exige tanta precaución. El método para realizar un pedido, mantenerlo y venderlo permanece más o menos sin cambios en todos los países. El punto más importante de la diferencia que existe entre regular y offshore Forex Trading está relacionado con las leyes y tratamientos relacionados con impuestos y otros aspectos legales del país donde los oficios se están ejecutando.

La mayoría de los comerciantes buscan el comercio de Forex en el extranjero porque quieren multiplicar su dinero mejor que creen que es posible si se meten en divisas de comercio exterior; Ya sea por minimizar la carga tributaria que se aplica en su país o por aprovechar las ventajas ofrecidas por el otro. El motivo último es el beneficio financiero.

Sin embargo, uno necesita para manejar el comercio de divisas en alta mar con mucha precaución porque puede haber muchos riesgos involucrados que no puede ser posible para un no residente de ese país para identificar, por lo tanto, también puede resultar muy arriesgado a tiempo.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

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Pasos para abrir una cuenta Forex Offshore

El crecimiento masivo en los mercados internacionales de divisas (divisas) ha atraído el interés tanto de los comerciantes como de los inversores. Con una plétora de monedas disponibles y los volúmenes de comercio que se ejecutan en los billones de dólares, los mercados de divisas proporcionan una manera conveniente de aprovechar el apalancamiento inherente y la volatilidad, y para hacer retornos hermosos. Muchos comerciantes han comenzado a abrir cuentas forex en el extranjero en jurisdicciones extranjeras debido a los tratamientos fiscales favorables en estos lugares y para superar regulaciones excesivamente restrictivas en su propio país (como la Ley de Cumplimiento de Impuestos de la Cuenta Extranjera o FATCA en los Estados Unidos).

Veamos cómo un inversionista con sede en Estados Unidos puede abrir una cuenta forex en el extranjero:

Escoja un corredor de Forex

El primer paso hacia la apertura de una cuenta forex offshore es la selección de un corredor. Hay numerosos sitios que la tasa de los mejores corredores internacionales de divisas, como FX Market Leaders y Forex Brokers Review. Algunas cosas a tener en cuenta al seleccionar un corredor incluyen honorarios y comisiones, el saldo mínimo requerido para operar y financiar la cuenta, las capacidades del personal de servicio al cliente, etc. Es importante asegurarse de que el corredor cumple con todos los requisitos y estándares establecidos por Commodity (CFTC) y la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA) y cumple con las leyes offshore locales. Esto ayudará a evitar que se presenten problemas de regulación más adelante.

Abrir y operar la cuenta de Forex

La documentación involucrada en la apertura de una cuenta forex offshore es relativamente sencillo en estos días, con pequeñas variaciones por las regulaciones del país offshore. La mayoría de las casas de bolsa harán que sus clientes nuevos llenen un acuerdo de términos y condiciones y un formulario de negociación de clientes. Por lo general, se requiere una copia de pasaporte notarizada y otras formas de identificación (por ejemplo, extractos bancarios, estados de cuenta de tarjetas de crédito, facturas de servicios públicos, etc.) que confirmen la dirección del solicitante. Algunos corredores proporcionan la flexibilidad de operar la cuenta de la divisa con la cantidad mínima de tan poco como $ 100.

Alternativas para la inversión Forex

Para los inversionistas con una cantidad considerable para invertir ($ 100.000), la apertura de una corporación de negocios internacionales offshore (IBC) o un fideicomiso offshore podría ser una opción más rentable. Una IBC es uno de los métodos más flexibles y seguros para la inversión forex offshore. El establecimiento de un IBC es un poco caro (

$ 1500), pero libera al inversionista de requerimientos de reporte onerosos y los costos pueden ser recuperados temprano a través de ahorros de impuestos. También permite a un inversor para el comercio de divisas de cualquier manera que él o ella desea.

Divulgaciones y Cumplimiento Legal

Es de suma importancia para comprobar si el corredor seleccionado y los tipos de operaciones de divisas que el inversor tiene la intención de llevar a cabo en la jurisdicción elegida son todos en cumplimiento con los órganos legales y reguladores del país de origen. Para los inversores estadounidenses, la Ley de Cumplimiento de Impuestos de la Cuenta Extranjera del Tesoro (FATCA) gobierna la inversión y la banca en el extranjero. De acuerdo con FATCA, las instituciones financieras extranjeras (FFI) están obligados a proporcionar información sobre los ciudadanos estadounidenses invertidos en cuentas offshore fuera de los EE. UU. al Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). Las FFIs compatibles con FATCA se pueden ver aquí: FATCA FFIs.

Con la integración en curso de los mercados financieros globales, la apertura de una cuenta forex costa afuera ya no es una tarea desalentadora. Los inversores minoristas deben tener en cuenta su desventaja de información relativa y la volatilidad inherente en el mercado de divisas, lo que puede dar lugar a enormes pérdidas. Si optan por una cuenta offshore, los inversores deben tratar de comprender a fondo las implicaciones legales, fiscales y reglamentarias tanto en su país de origen y en el extranjero.

Aprenda los tres objetivos principales del arbitraje de intereses cubiertos y aumente su comprensión del comercio de divisas. Leer respuesta >>

Lea acerca de las diferencias entre una cuenta bancaria nostro, cuenta bancaria vostro y el depósito de demanda común comúnmente utilizado. Leer respuesta >>

Entender las cifras de divisas constantes, y explorar algunas de las razones por las que una empresa es probable que se beneficien de la utilización de informes. Leer respuesta >>

Conozca los beneficios de la compensación financiera, incluyendo una reducción en los riesgos de liquidación entre contrapartes con múltiples. Leer respuesta >>

Comprender los contratos de cambio a plazo en la exportación, y aprender el propósito de utilizar un contrato a plazo y sus ventajas. Leer respuesta >>

La industria de la divisa, especialmente la educación y el entrenamiento que está llegando a ser disponible es una industria emergente y en evolución con un nuevo lenguaje que es creado para describir nuevos procesos encontrados; Indicadores y herramientas de análisis técnico que podrían haber perplejado a generaciones anteriores de comerciantes.

Las ganancias extraordinarias pueden ocurrir instantáneamente. Los beneficios del 100% en 3 días, 3 horas o incluso 3 minutos no son inauditos. Uno de nuestros socios estratégicos enseña un sistema de comercio en vivo que tiene una tasa de éxito aproximada del 91% con un riesgo máximo del 5%!

La mayoría de las personas que entran en el mercado de Forex como comerciantes se darán cuenta de que aprender a comerciar correctamente, rentable y consistentemente (que es el factor clave) toma tiempo para dominar y no hay absolutamente ningún atajo a este proceso excepto acelerar el proceso. La experiencia todavía necesita ser ganada a través del tiempo.

Debido a lo siguiente: la creciente popularidad, el enorme potencial de retornos de inversión tremendamente lucrativos y la diversa selección de lugares de ejecución, como las plataformas de comercio en Internet y los servicios de cuentas administradas, muchos inversores privados y comerciantes minoristas están migrando rápidamente de los otros mercados de seguridad financiera En este escenario de más rápido crecimiento.

Los autores de este resumen ejecutivo, 4xOffshore, en conjunto con su equipo de gestión, proponen aprovechar la tremenda popularidad y mística de la industria de Forex por posicionarnos como el "Forex Offshore Forex Trading Company" - el diseño, el desarrollo y la producción El mejor conjunto de productos y servicios dentro de la industria de Forex, incluyendo formación, Offshore Live Trading Room y productos asociados y servicios tales como Managed Offshore Corporate Account servicios.

Establecer la estructura legal necesaria para esta empresa - estructura corporativa, comercio electrónico y cuentas mercantiles, así como desarrollar o comprar estructuras internacionales, offshore, de protección de activos (nuevos o de estantes) para clientes que desean cuentas de operaciones administradas dentro de una estructura privada.

Crear nuevos sitios web, revisar cualquier sitio existente, comenzar con el diseño del logotipo, sistemas de base de datos de back-end para acomodar los planes actuales y los planes futuros. Iniciar campaña de marketing en línea.

Desarrolle y proporcione la educación y el entrenamiento superiores de la divisa para las habilidades que negocian vivas.

Desarrollar y proporcionar servicios de cuenta administrada en alta mar para aquellos que no tienen interés en operar en vivo, pero todavía quieren aprovechar el potencial de ganancias.

Desarrollar los sistemas necesarios para soportar la mejor plataforma costa afuera con fines de negociación, proporcionando las aplicaciones de hardware y software necesarias para albergar y apoyar las operaciones en vivo de las salas de operaciones y todos los demás productos, servicios, cuentas, etc.

Desarrollar un sitio web de información financiera dedicado a cubrir el mercado de divisas, proporcionando tasas de cambio en tiempo real, gráficos de divisas, últimas noticias de Forex, investigación de mercado, boletines de Forex, sesiones de Q & amp; A en vivo con expertos del mercado; Una esquina comercial para los comerciantes activos, artículos libres, cursos, ebooks, glosario; Etc.

Desarrollar los servicios financieros expertos que proporcionan consejo en estrategias de la inversión de la gente y la diversificación de la cartera en propiedades inmobiliarias.

Crear el proceso de comercialización y ventas.

A continuación, proporcionar a estos clientes con la mejor plataforma offshore para fines comerciales, la incorporación e integración de nuestros programas de software propietario, indicadores técnicos y herramientas analíticas, así como las salas de comercio de medio ambiente abierto como Forex Trading Cafes tanto fuera de línea y en línea.

Mantener un crecimiento constante de los clientes de servicios, mediante la implementación de estrategias superiores de negocios, marketing y ventas, y proporcionando un sistema de cuentas administradas en el extranjero utilizando PAMM para administrar nuestras cuentas (un software de ejecución universalmente aceptado); Y asesoramiento financiero experto en estrategias de diversificación e inversión.

Identificar a los empleados potenciales, socios de JV, futuros propietarios de acciones de beneficio y estudiantes de posgrado que tienen un interés en convertirse en parte de nuestra empresa ya sea como comerciantes en nuestras salas de comercio en vivo, o como otros ejecutivos que asisten en otros departamentos.

Desde su creación en 2001, investorseurope se ha convertido en el mayor proveedor * independiente de Plataformas de Comercio Offshore.

Investorseurope ofrece a sus clientes soluciones comerciales en línea estructuradas para satisfacer sus aspiraciones comerciales, así como la mayor selección de plataformas de negociación en línea en el mundo. Usando las cuentas de los nominados, los inversionistas privados, los comerciantes profesionales y las instituciones pueden entrar, transmitir y administrar órdenes directamente a sí mismos utilizando los sistemas de comercio en línea en tiempo real en un entorno de comercio rápido, preciso y seguro.

Actualmente, 33 plataformas de trading offshore diferentes están disponibles para nuestros inversionistas en todo el mundo. La elección de la plataforma de negociación en línea dependerá de cada perfil específico de los inversores, así como la elección de dar órdenes por teléfono o no.

A continuación se muestra una pequeña muestra de nuestras plataformas de negociación:

Cómo abrir y acceder a una cuenta bancaria offshore

La banca offshore se asocia a menudo con un alto nivel de sofisticación financiera. Sin embargo, la realidad es que la persona promedio puede abrir una cuenta bancaria offshore con sólo unas pocas horas de trabajo. (Para la lectura relacionada, vea también Pros y contras de la inversión offshore.)

Cada banco offshore y jurisdicción extranjera tiene sus propios requisitos, por lo que tendrá que hacer algunas investigaciones para encontrar los detalles específicos de su situación. Lo que sigue es una visión general de lo que puede esperar, basado en centros bancarios offshore comunes como Suiza, las Islas Caimán y las Islas del Canal.

Los requisitos básicos Los conceptos básicos de abrir una cuenta bancaria offshore son similares a abrir una cuenta bancaria en su país de origen. Los bancos extranjeros solicitarán su información personal, como su nombre, fecha de nacimiento, dirección, ciudadanía y ocupación.

Para verificar su información personal, puede esperar presentar una copia de su pasaporte, licencia de conducir u otros documentos de identificación emitidos por una agencia gubernamental. Además, los bancos se preocupan por verificar su residencia o dirección física, ya que esto puede afectar los problemas fiscales. Este requisito puede ser satisfecho mediante la presentación de una factura de servicios públicos o documentos similares.

Debido a la amplia gama de documentos de identificación diferentes que pueden presentarse a los bancos extraterritoriales, se requiere con frecuencia una garantía adicional de la autenticidad de un documento. Una copia notariada de ciertos documentos puede ser suficiente en algunos casos. Otros centros offshore prefieren un sello de "apostillas", que es un tipo especial de marca de certificación que se utiliza internacionalmente. Donde este es el caso, usted tendrá que visitar la oficina del gobierno que está autorizado a emitir este sello para su estado o nación. (Para una visión general, vea también Tomar una mirada a los paraísos fiscales.)

Documentos de verificación adicionales En las actividades bancarias extraterritoriales, a menudo hay requisitos adicionales considerables para abrir la cuenta a la que no está acostumbrado. Estos requisitos están establecidos para desalentar el lavado de dinero, fraude fiscal u otras actividades ilegales que a menudo se asocian con la banca extraterritorial.

En primer lugar, los bancos extraterritoriales pueden solicitar documentos de referencia financiera de su banco actual, indicando saldos promedio y una "relación satisfactoria". Más comúnmente, esto se satisface por los estados de cuenta bancarios para los últimos seis a 12 meses.

En segundo lugar, muchos bancos offshore preguntan sobre la naturaleza de las transacciones que se espera que tengan lugar a través de la cuenta. Esto puede parecer demasiado intrusivo, pero los centros bancarios offshore han estado bajo creciente presión para detener la actividad ilegal. Para este propósito, muchos bancos offshore quieren documentación adicional, señalando desde donde el dinero que está depositando en el banco está llegando.

Si sus fondos provienen del ingreso del trabajo, un salario de su empleador probablemente será suficiente. Para verificar sus ingresos de inversión. Un banco offshore puede pedir información sobre sus inversiones y dónde se encuentran.

Si tiene fondos significativos de una transacción de negocios o bienes raíces, es posible que tenga que proporcionar contratos de venta u otros documentos relevantes. Si está depositando fondos de un contrato de seguro, es posible que tenga que proporcionar una carta de su compañía de seguros. Si su dinero proviene de la herencia, pueden pedir una carta del ejecutor de la herencia testificando a este efecto.

La elección de una moneda para su cuenta bancaria offshore A diferencia de las cuentas nacionales, las cuentas bancarias offshore ofrecen una opción de la moneda para mantener la cuenta pulg Esta puede ser una característica muy valiosa de una cuenta offshore, ya que ofrece la capacidad de mantener los fondos en un Si la moneda nacional es inestable o se espera que se deprecie. (Para saber qué afecta los tipos de cambio, vea 6 Factores que influyen en los tipos de cambio.)

Es importante entender las consecuencias de tener su cuenta en diferentes monedas. Por ejemplo, la celebración de fondos en ciertas monedas puede permitir que usted gane intereses sobre sus depósitos, pero esto también puede resultar en responsabilidad fiscal extranjera. Además, puede que tenga que cambiar divisas para hacer depósitos y retiros, lo que podría ser un gasto significativo dependiendo de la estructura de tarifas y los tipos de cambio ofrecidos.

Depósito en una cuenta bancaria offshore Las cuentas bancarias offshore suelen financiarse electrónicamente a través de transferencias bancarias internacionales. Desafortunadamente, los sistemas que permiten transferencias electrónicas gratuitas comunes en la banca nacional típicamente no son capaces de transferir dinero internacionalmente.

El envío de una transferencia bancaria es una operación sencilla, pero casi todos los bancos cobran tarifas internacionales de transferencia bancaria para enviar o recibir fondos. El precio de las transferencias bancarias varía de banco a banco, así que asegúrese de buscar ofertas. Desafortunadamente hay pocas buenas alternativas. Los cheques nacionales generalmente no son aceptados en jurisdicciones extranjeras, y personalmente cargar fondos es poco práctico.

Retirarse de una cuenta bancaria offshore Los bancos offshore ofrecen una variedad de maneras de retirar fondos con el fin de maximizar la conveniencia de usar sus servicios. Muchos bancos offshore emiten una tarjeta normal de débito / ATM que le permite acceder fácilmente a sus fondos en todo el mundo. Usted deseará mirar en los honorarios para utilizar este método, puesto que los honorarios internacionales del ATM pueden ser costosos. Retirar mayores cantidades de dinero en efectivo al mismo tiempo puede ayudar a minimizar estos cargos.

Algunos bancos offshore ofrecen cheques. Sin embargo, esto no suele ser un método preferido de retirar fondos. Principalmente, esto es porque la confidencialidad es a menudo deseada en cuentas offshore. También pueden surgir problemas porque no siempre se aceptan los cheques extraídos de cuentas extranjeras.

La mejor opción puede ser utilizar dos cuentas: una en alta mar, una en el interior. De esta manera, las transferencias electrónicas pueden ser utilizadas para transferir grandes cantidades de fondos offshore a una cuenta nacional donde se puede acceder fácilmente. Este método ofrece mayor privacidad y seguridad, al tiempo que brinda la comodidad de los servicios bancarios locales.

Ver a través de la mística Offshore A pesar de la mística que rodea la banca offshore, es relativamente fácil abrir una cuenta. A menudo todo lo que se necesita es llenar el papeleo, el suministro de algunos documentos básicos de identificación y proporcionar información adicional para demostrar que no está planeando utilizar la cuenta para la actividad ilegal.

Elegir la mejor moneda y optimizar los depósitos y los retiros son un poco más complicados, pero la mejor opción para estos elementos debe ser más clara a medida que estudiar su situación bancaria personal. (Para una lectura adicional, también eche un vistazo a los ins y outs de las tasas bancarias.)

Aprenda qué califica una cuenta común para ser considerada abandonada y elegible ser evitada por el estado. Las cuentas están en. Leer respuesta >>

Aprender las razones por las que los bancos no tienen capital de trabajo debido a la falta de activos corrientes típicos y cuentas de pasivos. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda cómo los bancos determinan sus ingresos discrecionales y descubra por qué es importante conocer sus ingresos discrecionales. Leer respuesta >>

Averigüe qué tipo de margen de interés neto es típico para los bancos u otras instituciones financieras, y por qué el margen de utilidad neta. Leer respuesta >>

Lea sobre los puntos de referencia más importantes que se pueden utilizar para seguir el sector bancario, y por qué los benchmarks bancarios tienden a. Leer respuesta >>

Belice Offshore Licencia de Forex

Forex trading es atractivo para los consumidores, debido a los beneficios potenciales, y se ha convertido en mucho más popular en los últimos años. Aunque tradicionalmente el negocio de la divisa ha sido regulado ligeramente, su explosión en la popularidad durante los últimos cinco años o así ha llevado a una conciencia creciente ya la supervisión reguladora por los gobiernos.

Aunque todavía hay algunas jurisdicciones extraterritoriales donde la divisa no está regulada, es poco atractivo para hacer negocios en estas jurisdicciones, porque será mal visto por los inversores y los bancos, lo que hace casi imposible recibir fondos de los inversores. Una licencia de una jurisdicción de renombre, por otro lado, aumentará la credibilidad.

Licencias Forex de Belice

En muchos países, los negocios de divisas están cubiertos bajo una licencia general junto con otros servicios financieros. Recomendamos Belice, ya que ha introducido la legislación de licencias específicamente dirigidas a las empresas de comercio de divisas. Una licencia de forex de Belice se puede obtener de forma relativamente rápida y barata, pero al mismo tiempo es una jurisdicción bien regulada y satisfará a los bancos internacionales y proveedores de servicios de pago para la apertura de cuenta.

El capital mínimo desembolsado y no comprometido requerido para la licencia es de USD 100.000. Esta suma debe ser depositada en un banco en Belice.

Otras licencias financieras de Belice

Una categoría de licencia por separado también está disponible como sigue: El comercio de instrumentos derivados financieros y basados ​​en productos básicos y otros valores (por ejemplo, futuros, opciones, tasas de interés, instrumentos de divisas, acciones, acciones, contratos por diferencias, etc.)

El capital mínimo desembolsado y no comprometido requerido para la licencia es de USD 100.000. Esta suma debe ser depositada en un banco en Belice.

Quién puede solicitar?

La solicitud de licencia debe presentarse en nombre de una empresa de Belice que tenga el capital social apropiado registrado. La primera etapa del proceso es por lo tanto formar un IBC de Belice y abrir una cuenta bancaria de Belice. Estos servicios se cobran a nuestros honorarios normales para las compañías de Belice y las cuentas bancarias. Una vez que el IBC se forma y la cuenta bancaria se abre y se financia con el capital, podemos iniciar el proceso de solicitud de licencia.

No se requiere entrevista y no hay necesidad de viajar a Belice.

Plan de negocios

La Comisión de Servicios Financieros Internacionales de Belice está naturalmente interesada en proteger la reputación de la jurisdicción. Ellos revisarán cada solicitud en función de sus méritos y sólo licitarán negocios serios y de gestión profesional. Sólo consideran las solicitudes por escrito.

Por lo tanto, el formulario de solicitud (que proporcionaremos) deberá ir acompañado de un plan de negocios detallado y bien presentado en inglés, incluyendo información sobre los directores y su experiencia, la plataforma tecnológica a utilizar, los profesionales retenidos por la empresa, como contadores y auditores , El plan de marketing, las proyecciones financieras y cualquier otra información relevante. Preferimos que este plan de negocios sea preparado por usted el cliente, ya que usted es el que conoce mejor su negocio y por lo tanto puede describirlo mejor. También le ahorrará dinero si prepara su plan de negocios.

En algunos casos, podemos ayudarle a redactar el plan de negocios, pero este servicio se cobra extra en función del trabajo que se realice y no está incluido en la tarifa que cobramos por el manejo de la solicitud de licencia.

Proceso de solicitud y tasas



Si la licencia es aprobada por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros, el licenciatario debe pagar una cuota anual de USD 5.000 al gobierno inmediatamente después de la aceptación, y anualmente después. Los plazos no se pueden garantizar, pero normalmente esperamos una respuesta de la Comisión en 1-2 meses después de la presentación de la solicitud.

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Tenemos información especial sobre cómo establecer empresas offshore que pueden comerciar en los mercados de divisas. Usted tiene todos los beneficios de la empresa offshore, como el aumento de privacidad y protección de activos, con una cuenta de Fx en nombre de su negocio, similar a una cuenta bancaria offshore o cuenta de corretaje de acciones offshore. Para abrir su cuenta de comercio de divisas, una simple solicitud, prueba de ciudadanía, prueba de dirección residencial y, en algunos casos, una carta de referencia de su institución financiera actual son todo lo que normalmente es necesario para iniciar su propia compañía de divisas. Su empresa se puede formar en cualquier jurisdicción y la cuenta de comercio FOREX se puede celebrar con una serie de instituciones seguras y privadas de su elección.

A diferencia del mercado de valores, que es una estrategia a largo plazo que puede volver 12% por año durante un largo período de tiempo, el mercado de Fx tiene tantas monedas diferentes en el que el comercio con los cambios de precios diarios, muchos comerciantes FX están ganando 12 % -15% por mes. Las fluctuaciones en el dólar y el euro han dado lugar a algunos beneficios fantásticos en sólo un corto período de tiempo.

Mientras que no podemos garantizar devoluciones, podemos asegurarle que podemos formar una empresa para usted y le proporcionamos documentación para abrir su cuenta de Fx para que pueda comenzar a operar en esta arena potencialmente lucrativa de inmediato.

Moneda de Negociación para el Beneficio

Moneda de comercio con la intención de hacer dinero, simplemente significa comprar una moneda cuando usted cree que va a subir en valor. Cuando usted compra una moneda y su valor aumenta, usted lo vende detrás y aumenta su inversión. Hay una cantidad considerable de características para el comercio de divisas que son atractivas, como el mayor mercado disponible con la acción de 24 horas del reloj y se puede empezar con un poco de dinero. Moneda de comercio requiere de un individuo para poder ver las tendencias y los indicadores de tendencia, cada persona debe crecer su apetito por el riesgo sobre la base de su experiencia en el comercio. Puede ver los tipos de cambio en vivo en la siguiente tabla.


Antes de 1998 el mercado de divisas sólo estaba disponible para Corporaciones Globales, Bancos y Distribuidores de Divisas. Este es el mayor mercado financiero con rendimientos en los Trillones. Cambio de divisas simplemente significa vender una cantidad de una moneda y comprar una cantidad de otra simultáneamente.

En el nivel superior del mercado FOREX se compone de los mayores bancos comerciales y distribuidores de valores. Esto crea un mercado de nivel superior formado por estos grandes bancos que representa la mitad (o más) de todos los oficios. Éstas son generalmente transacciones importantes donde la extensión del comercio (diferencia entre los precios de compra y de venta) es generalmente mejor. Después del mercado interbancario, hay bancos más pequeños y grandes corporaciones que necesitan pagar gastos y empleados en otros países. Usted puede saltar en el mercado de divisas y el comercio de divisas con su propia empresa offshore privada y cuenta de Fx.

Usted puede comenzar su comercio de Fx de cualquier parte del mundo con una conexión a Internet. Puede crear una cuenta demo con un corredor y practicar el comercio. Aplicar tus lecciones y cometer errores es parte de la experiencia de aprendizaje. Cuando esté listo para empezar a ganar dinero, puede empezar con unos pocos cientos de dólares. Se recomienda que guarde registros y documente su éxito y cree estrategias basadas en lo que está funcionando para usted.

Trading sólo requiere una conexión a Internet y sus habilidades. Es importante aprender sobre el comercio de Forex, la terminología utilizada y otras características, como el aprovechamiento de los diferenciales de pip, los valores de divisas fluctúan sobre la base geo-política , Socioeconómicos y otros factores, es importante que entienda qué factores impulsan los valores monetarios y hacen que la educación y la información sean una parte importante de su rutina comercial. Le recomendamos que busque asesoramiento legal y fiscal para cumplir con los requisitos legales. Hay muchos recursos disponibles para aprender cuándo comprar y vender monedas diferentes, estos incluyen varios buenos libros, videos y foros en línea.

Hay muchas maneras de empezar. Nuestra empresa offshore y servicio de cuentas Fx proporciona una protección de activos superior y puede costar menos al comercio.

El comercio en el mercado de divisas puede ser lucrativo, emocionante e inmediatamente gratificante. Muchas personas han perfeccionado sus habilidades de negociación de divisas y han creado una nueva vida & # 8211; Trabajando desde cualquier lugar a través de una conexión a Internet. Esto es posible a través de su propia compañía en el extranjero, con cuentas bancarias y Fx en las jurisdicciones offshore más seguras del mundo para protección de activos y privacidad.

Una pequeña inversión y la capacidad de montar la curva de aprendizaje puede traer beneficios saludables incluso al inversor más nuevo. Nuestro servicio combina las características del mercado de divisas con la privacidad y la protección de activos de algunas de las más fuertes y probadas jurisdicciones offshore en el mundo.


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Llamar: 1-800-959-8819

Una vez más en respuesta a Jane, CA.

Sus comentarios son evidentemente difamatorios por naturaleza, ya que son falsos. No tenemos ninguna suspensión pendiente pendiente de seis cifras y no tengo ni idea de quién eres. Puedes publicar un número de cuenta SpartanForex para demostrar que eres o eres un cliente? No pensé.

Bear in mind that FPA keeps IP logs, and that, while you have the freedom of speech to say what you want on forums, demonstrably false information that is defamatory in nature is actionable by law and we can proceed against you both civilly and criminally.

You have been warned.

Review Moderation Team Note: If you click where it asks "Is This Your Site", you will be able to submit comments that tie directly to reviews.

2014-07-05 This is a response to the review left by Jane, CA.

We can appreciate your frustration, but let's let it be known and understood that you did eventually receive your withdrawal.

The delay was due to logistics and not due to a lack of will to get your money to you. Our bank that was handling our segregated client funds only account not only shut off electronic transfers so that we couldn't order your wire (even though the money was sitting there waiting to be transferred), but they also failed to execute physical instructions couriered to the bank, which they had previously stated that they would honor.

This was, of course, our problem and not the fault of the client either, but as much as we wanted to handle the client's withdrawal quickly, we could not due to the logistical limitation. The account in question was subsequently closed, and new accounts were obtained (again, client's only funds, segregated from the company's operating capital).

Our intention and desire is to avoid these issues in the future so that client withdrawals are executed in a timely fashion.

Our commitment to firm and fair operating principles are evidenced by our insistence on keeping CLIENT funds and COMPANY operational funds SEPARATE AT ALL TIMES, and by processing trades STRAIGHT THROUGH to liquidity providers, as opposed to running a dealing desk and taking company positions against the interest of our clients.

This broker is very dependable and honest. They will follow up on all service request personally, and make good if there is a platform issue. They are based in China, but have very good communication and take care of business on a timely basis. I have been trading forex for over 7 years, and can highly recommend Spartan to serious traders looking for a safe and dependable broker that is honest and professional. Good Lord, it's about time!

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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Investors Europe

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U. S. Persons. Products and Services not available to you

Offshore Brokerage for all major stock exchanges around the world. Broker assisted trading over the phone and/ or direct access trading through our offshore trading platforms. Best Offshore Stockbrokers with the biggest choice of trading platforms.

Your Offshore Derivatives Broker in Asia giving you direct market access trading through offshore trading platforms for all major Futures exchanges and all global futures product sectors.

CFDs allow you to trade individual shares without putting up the full underlying contract value, and offer substantial advantages over normal share trading. 38 CFD markets on an offshore trading platform of oyur choice or give Asia's Premier Offshore Stockbroker your order over the phone.

Your Offshore Brokers giving you market access to the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of well over US$1.5 trillion. Trade 24h a day with a margin as alow as 1%. We have various offshore trading platforms available.

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Trade Offshore with our choice of over 20 Offshore Trading Platforms.


Investors Europe was set up in 2001 in Gibraltar. In January 2013, Investors Europe (Mauritius) Limited extended the Brand's activities to Asia, Africa and to Oceania as a regulated stock broker based in the Republic of Mauritius. Investors Europe is an execution-only broker, has no portfolio and does not run any proprietary positions.

This means that the company can never have any conflicts with interests with its clients, all of whom are individually margined and segregated in keeping with the company's profile as a low risk institution.

Investors Europe offers the highest levels of client protection by continuing to hold MiFID client portfolios in the UK rather than in the Eurozone because the UK offers higher levels of overall protection to underlying clients under the UK's Investor Protection Scheme than would be the case in the Euro area.

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Offshore Forex Account

Offshore trading account is a trading account that is opened in a country, which is not the native country of the account holder or where he does not reside as a permanent resident. For example, when a trader living in US opens a Forex Account in Canada, he is said to have opened an offshore trading account. A person may decide to open such an account with a view to take advantage of tax laws and regulations of that country, and save on tax generated from his investment and trading. Trader can also decide to open offshore Forex account when his own countrys laws related to Forex or tax are extremely narrow and stringent. For a trader to open an account in a country other than his own he will require to show proof of an address in that country. Before getting into such an arrangement a trader should not only look at his own country laws related to taxes, profits and leverages but he should also not forget to look at laws of the country where he is opening a Forex account with regard to foreign transfer of funds and transfer fee and size restriction to name a few. Because if funds transfer laws are long wound or strict then it will prove to be one and the same for the trader. The formalities and red tape may cause him loss of time that he could have invested in trading in his own country and would have made profits.

"Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right." - Henry Ford

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Saxo Bank, the online trading and investment specialist, has announced the launch of ForexTrading. com which will offer retail investors a select range of FX crosses and CFDs with variable spreads – as low as 0.8 pips. ForexTrading. com provides investors with a range of basic functionalities designed to make trading flexible and straightforward.

ForexTrading. com is powered by Saxo Bank, which is renowned for aggregating liquidity from the world’s leading FX (www. saxobank. com/en/trading-products/ ) dealers. ForexTrading. com gives traders the ability to trade in the world’s most liquid currency pairs and global commodity CFDs ( www. saxobank. com/en/trading-products/cfds-stocks /) at very competitive spreads.

Claus Nielsen, head of markets at Saxo Bank, said: “Saxo Bank will continue to cater for high-net-worth and institutional traders who increasingly demand usability, mobility, performance, and service when executing online trades and orders. At the same time, ForexTrading. com will appeal to Forex (www. forextrading. com /) and CFD traders who are price sensitive and do not require a personal service, but still want the ability to utilise an award-winning online trading platform.

“We believe the retail foreign exchange market will maintain its growth trajectory for the next 10 to 15 years and we want to cater for high-net-worth investors as well as high-frequency traders to who tight spreads and deep liquidity are essential. There is no additional commission on ForexTrading. com and we see ForexTrading. com as bringing new competition to the smaller competitors, outside the tier-one banks, in the market focused on foreign exchange.”

The minimum initial deposit when opening an account with ForexTrading. com is $2,000 or equivalent and no interest will be paid on funds on deposit. ForexTrading. com will only offer English support and service and ForexTrading. com only supports retail trading accounts.

More information on Forextrading. com forex accounts (www. forextrading. com/trading-terms/forex-spot-and-forwards ) can be found on the ForexTrading. com website.

Saxo Bank is a leading online trading and investment specialist with a worldwide client base. The three specialised and fully integrated trading platforms; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader, the downloadable SaxoTrader and the SaxoMobileTrader application are available in over 20 languages. Saxo Asset Management accommodates high-net worth private clients and institutional investors. In 2010 Saxo Bank continued the diversification of its business with acquisitions of Saxo-ETrade Bank, a specialist in online investment, and Brørup Sparekasse, a Danish savings bank. The Saxo Bank Group is headquartered in Copenhagen with offices throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East and Australia. Saxo Bank opened its Dubai office in 2009 and was the first Danish bank to establish its presence in the Gulf Corporation Council region.

Head of Group Public Relations


One of the reasons our broker is the best forex broker offshore is attributed to the value they ascribe to their customers and the trust that their customers place in them in return. Foreign currency trading with our offshore forex broker is simple, safe and open to every trader and investor. Our foreign forex brokerage was begun by a small group of non U. S. institutional traders. In other words they are safe from stifling regs. that is destroying forex in the U. S. They also have dealt with other problems that plague forex traders at most brokerages even the ones that call themselves the best forex brokers offshore.

Because they were traders themselves and knew the limitations and manipulation that ALL major forex trading brokerages were and currently still are engaged in and wanting to overcome this, this best online forex broker was born in the year 2000. It took two years to get the operation in order and as technology advances the best forex brokers offshore advance as well. Therefore, they also seek new technologies for traders and are open for advice and tips. Future enhancements for traders will always be used, so start now making money with the best forex broker account available to everyone.

All accounts are monitored 24 hours a day during market hours. They tap into the top 15 FX Banks, large FCM's and prime brokers in order to facilitate the best forex broker account and also the best offshore forex managed account programs with real time price feeds. The aggregation system they use also results in the lowest quote for buy, and highest quote for sell thus providing the tightest spreads and best price action. The spreads are often consistenly as low as a single pip.

The performance that is achieved at this foreign forex brokerage used by our offshore forex managed account programs is in our opinion the result of the most successful ECN MT4 Bridges available on the forex market, and there is nothing at other brokerages that can compare to this and that is why these are the best brokers for the forex markets offshore. All of our offshore managed forex accounts are operated under an LPOA ( Limited Power of Attorney Agreement).

Another thing that makes them the best broker for forex is that they are not U. S. citizens and thus are free and can not be put in jail for legally operating something in competition with the U. S. securities industry. They have the freedom to operate as the best broker for forex. They have a real financial services license and are audited yearly by a major auditor. Their customer's funds are held in trust at two very reputable international banks - HSBC and Standard Charter Bank. More good things are coming from this offshore forex broker that you will find out about after you become a customer. So stop asking which is the best one? We have already found it. So contact us now at service (at) freedomoffshore. com to obtain more information about this best forex broker offshore.

Disclaimer: Forex is a leveraged product. It may not be suitable for you as it carries a high degree of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial investment. You should ensure you understand all of the risks.

The most liquid financial market in the world is the foreign exchange market. The daily turnover of this market is an amount which is over $3.2 trillion in volume. This includes all kinds of transactions such as spot, forward and option. The foreign market provides an excellent opportunity for investing in FX managed funds, however the majority of retail investors lack the time and the expertise to successfully trade their own account.

In order to access the forex market, many retail investors are increasingly turning to professional traders for managed FX accounts. These financial services have been rising steeply in popularity. If you invest in a managed forex account, you will be provided the ability to gain profit from the lucrative but volatile currency market. Your account will be managed by professional money managers and you will have unlimited access to your investment without any barriers at any time.

However, you should keep in mind that retail investors generally face an uphill struggle when it comes to finding managed forex accounts which are genuinely profitable. You will need to be diligent about how the manager is working, verify the performance results, analyze the trading style which the manger uses or to monitor the real time risk. The managers of your account will buy and sell rolling spots on currency pairs of all the global currencies. You need to choose a with a decade or more of experience and a proven track record as risk managers.

Allow us to introduce you to an offshore brokerage with an outstanding track record for over a decade. As a customer you would be offered immediate access to your capital and guaranteed safety on your investment with the capability to control your tolerance to risk, plus the level of drawdown which best suits your profile. The investment criteria for these managed FX accounts is very strict, with a priority on risk management. This minimizes your potential losses, still allows drawdowns while maximizing your potential returns.

When you join this program, if you prefer to trade your own account you can leverage sophisticated technology on multiple platforms for trading your account in real-time. Start trading today and you’ll receive a VIP account with your own personal Broker, plus access to multiple products in one account and cutting edge Currenex MT4 API Bridge with straight through processing (no dealing desk), as well as your choice of platforms.

Or leave it to the Pros, as there are a number of unique managed offshore forex fund programs from which to choose from, depending on your preference and risk tolerance. Plus, you select a trader from a network of foreign exchange traders who have years of experience, exceptional credentials and unique expertise. After you have opened and funded your account you will simply have to choose a manager by adding him to your portfolio.

There are a number of advantages that you would receive from a Managed FX account program. These are:

No theoretical performance – These programs will give you real traders, real live accounts and real results.

Experienced and skilled managers – You will get people to manage your account who are the best in the field and would provide you with positive results.

Disciplined behavior – Your manager would be diligent about your account and rigorous in his working style.

Risk management – The features of real-time products will enable you to leverage and draw down adjustments by the Forex fund managers.

Expert trade replication – No trade signals to try and follow. Once you have chosen your trade manager, the trades that they perform will be replicated in your account automatically.

With the FX Managed Funds we recommend you will be able to reap the benefits from a Managed FX account without the stress of day trading. Contact us today for more information about Managed FX Funds

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Home > About brokers > Offshore Brokers on world forex market

Offshore Brokers: new Phenomenon in Forex Trading

While most of us have sort of experience and knowledge about offshore banking the concept of offshore forex brokers is a phenomenon that has become quite popular in the past few months. Is it advantageous to take the professional help of an offshore forex broker in comparison to having a local broker? One of the biggest advantages in favor of offshore brokers is the international exposure and experience that these people possess. Knowledge about international markets and the various currencies is a definite plus factor.

As they trade for a wide range of clients from different countries they have adequate knowledge about taxation and other economic and political scenarios that could affect trading in forex instruments.

In most cases you end up saving a lot of money due to the different tax provisions from where the Forex Offshore Trading is done. Such places are known as tax havens and brokers usually prefer to operate from these places as it will benefit their clients.

The commission charged for this purpose is usually high but it is offset by the gains made due to the tax savings. Clients don't mind paying extra if the long term benefits are good.

There are some do's and don'ts that need to be kept in mind before one embarks on offshore trading with the help of brokers. Any sort of trade is accountable in every country it is done and forex trading is no exception. It would be advisable to check whether the broker holds the requisite license to trade in forex instruments.

There have been umpteen instances where the client money has vanished as due diligence was not exercised while choosing the broker.

When sending money to an offshore account care must be taken that it done only in your account and not that of a broker and you must maintain control over the account and its functioning at all times. The funds of the investors are usually held by a clearing house and this ensures greater accountability and transparency.

The one investment rule that most clients swear by and that a good broker advises is that once the money you have invested increases you should start taking out the principal amount that you had invested and operate the account with the profits made. This way the principal amount is safe and your risk is reduced.

Most good offshore brokers come with good references and it would be prudent on your part to check their anecdotes. You can call up friends or colleagues who have earlier had experience in dealing with such brokers and they could refer you to the best and trustworthy guys in the market.

The forex brokers act in good faith of the client and keep in regular touch with them keeping them updated about the various transactions.

Discuss with the broker the stop loss strategy that they practice and also agree on a guaranteed max drawdown limit. If you can get a contract in this regard then it goes on to increase the trust factor in the broker.

Get an offshore broker you trust and rake in the profits through forex trading.

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If you are aiming to get into forex trading, you should first learn to trade forex. Of course, when you are doing capital investments, you should initially at least know how to open and close transactions. In forex trading, dealing makes no difference and so you have to make sure you are knowledgeable and well rounded about transactions. If you're not familiar with the Forex you can begin to learn how to trade currency online for little or no money. The currency of any country will go down or up in value based on several global events. Forex market is traded 5 days a week 24 hours a day. One of the major advantages in about Forex trading is that you don't need a huge start up capital to make things work for you. In fact, you don't really need money at all to start practicing forex trading in real market conditions, as most brokers will allow you to trade on a demo account to sharpen your skills before you start using real money. You can start forex trading with a small amount of investment and slowly build up your wealth and power as your own knowledge and mastery of the Forex marketplace grows. You Want To Be Smart Do your home work. If you are aiming to get i.

Offshore Forex

By Cristian Stan

On July 30, 2009

Since its beginning in the 70’s, foreign exchange has turned into a colossal international market, having transactions of around US$ 3 trillion a day. As the development of technology emerged, so as with the acceleration of the capital movements, the market even encompassing the continents of Europe, America, Asia and even crossing different time zones.

Many have considered trading in Forex as a more advantageous factor compared to equities. One of the reasons why is the 24-hour trading period that it has to offer. The round the clock operation simply means whenever circumstances that have an effect on exchange rates arise, the traders can also easily respond right away.

They don't need to wait until the market opens the following day. An added advantage of this is the high liquidity. High trade volume secures that the prices are in stable status where the traders can be able to open or close the positions at fair market prices. Different from this, the stock market traders need to deal with much larger price shifts. Moreso, Forex supply the trader with potential profit regardless whether the market is rising or falling.

One buys or sells currencies with regards to how one anticipates the value of one faring against another, as being reflected in the specified exchange rate.

As more investors became more aware of the said advantages, Forex has developed in popularity, which is fueled in part by the very convenient transacting option using the internet. Nowadays, there are just so many options that are available for online trading, one of these is the so-called offshore Forex.

It is described as something that's done offshore. It is basically an activity that's carried outside a person's area where that person lives or is a citizen of. That is the beauty of Forex because this is made possible using Forex as well. The offshore Forex is simply an option that a trader can choose. Its main attraction to aspiring traders is that it's tax-free and it is held private and confidential due to the bank secrecy laws. The major drawback, though, is the potential danger of fraud.

Fraud with offshore Forex roots from the lacking of regulation because the offshore brokers are mainly subject to rules and regulations within the country where they are located. Due to this, it's quite difficult if not impossible to prosecute people that would be responsible and also to recover the investments.

Scams are part of a shameful reality in offshore trading. As a matter of fact, there are several online forums regarding this subject over the internet where some traders even narrate regarding how they fell victims of fraud and also how they lost their investments.

Being a trader in offshore Forex requires skill and a lot of information. Having the correct know-hows of the field can easily assist any person to excel in offshore Forex.

Thread: Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Those of you trading with foreign brokers, how do you report your earnings when you file taxes?

(1) If you are a U. S. citizen or legal U. S. resident, you must report all of your worldwide income to the IRS, and pay applicable tax on it. If you have an offshore forex account, and if you have net profit for the tax year in that account, then you must include that net profit in your tax return just as if it were earned in a U. S. forex account.

(2) If you are a U. S. citizen or legal U. S. resident, and all of your offshore financial accounts (forex accounts, bank accounts, etc.) hold a combined total of $10,000 or more, then you must report the details of those accounts to the IRS (on a separate form) whether those accounts produced taxable profits, or not. The form for reporting these accounts is called FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, formerly called F oreign B ank A ccount R eport). Note that the $10,000 threshold applies to the highest combined balance of all your offshore accounts at any time during the tax year. See here --- Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)

(3) If you are a U. S. citizen or legal U. S. resident, not living abroad, and you are filing your taxes as a single individual, and your offshore accounts hold a combined total of $50,000 or more on the last day of the tax year, or $75,000 or more at any time during the tax year, you must file Form 8938 (Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets) in addition to the FBAR form referred to above. See here --- Comparison of Form 8938 and FBAR Requirements

In addition to all of the above, each individual trader has to deal with the issue of what filing status to choose for reporting forex profits and losses (whether in a U. S. account or an offshore account). The two choices here are Section 1256 or Section 988 ("section" refers to sections of the Internal Revenue Code). Here is some general information regarding this choice --- The Super Basics of Forex Trading and Taxes | Forex Blog: Espipionage

If you are subject to local tax in the country where your offshore account is domiciled, then you will have the added chore of determining whether (and how) you can claim a tax credit for that foreign tax on your U. S. tax return.

Finally, don't rely on anything you read in forums, or elsewhere on the internet, as authoritative tax information. Instead, do your own tax research and due diligence, if you feel qualified to do so, or hire professional legal/accounting services. There are tax accountants and tax attorneys who specialize in taxes for traders. Here is one --- (see the edit, below) --- but, there are others, so shop around. They aren't cheap. But, if you have substantial net worth, substantial annual income, significant foreign holdings, or significant forex profits, then you may discover that the fees charged by tax professionals are trivial compared to the hurt the IRS could put on you for violating their rules.

I have deleted the name of the tax accountant/attorney previously recommended above. This attorney is dispensing false information regarding the legality of trading offshore, and has even taken it upon himself to report one (or more) of the offshore brokers in our List to the CFTC --- a silly move, on its face, because the CFTC reads this thread, and knows more about what we are doing here than the tax attorney does.

Bottom line --- If you consult with a tax professional on the handling of your forex tax obligations, find out right up front whether that professional understands the legality of offshore trading. If (like the name I have removed above) he thinks that your offshore trading is illegal, educate him --- or find another tax professional.

Last edited by Clint; 03-20-2016 at 12:07 PM.

(1) If you are a U. S. citizen or legal U. S. resident, you must report all of your worldwide income to the IRS, and pay applicable tax on it. If you have an offshore forex account, and if you have net profit for the tax year in that account, then you must include that net profit in your tax return just as if it were earned in a U. S. forex account.[/url]

Thanks for the through information. I will report all earnings, but I wonder if I would get in trouble for having a forex account with a foreign broker, since we're not allowed to have accounts with foreign brokers.

Anyone who has reported income earned in forex with a foreign broker? (For those in the US)

Please share your experience.

Join Date Mar 2009 Posts 4,052

. I wonder if I would get in trouble for having a forex account with a foreign broker.

No, you will not get into trouble for trading with an offshore broker.

That question has been asked and answered many times on this thread, including just 4 days ago.

Dozens of forum members have contributed to this thread over the past 4 years, devoting a total of several thousand man-hours to finding, discussing and posting the facts and figures related to offshore forex trading by citizens and legal residents of the U. S. Do you think we would have spent all that time and effort investigating how to do something that would land us in jail?

. since we're not allowed to have accounts with foreign brokers.

Not true. There are no laws or regulations saying that you can't have an offshore forex account.

Anyone who has reported income earned in forex with a foreign broker? (For those in the US)

Please share your experience.

I doubt that you will get any useful responses to that question.

Those who post specific information about their taxable forex earnings, in a public forum, using their real names --- are being foolish, in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't post any of my personal financial information here, or anywhere else on the internet.

And anyone who posts specific financial information, using a screen-name or an alias, is probably blowing smoke.

With the help of this thread I joined finfx sometime last year. Since it's been a while I thought it might be a good idea to provide a short review for the moving offshore thread. I chose to deposit via the debit/credit card option. They also offer skrill and bank wire. Deposits are fairly swift showing up in account within 1-3 days. The only drawback is finfx charges a $30 fee for withdrawals. Which seemed a bit high for my rather small withdrawal of $100.

Even with this fee I'd still recommend finfx to anyone wishing to move their funds off shore since deposit/withdrawal's are processed swiftly and easily.

If it's $30 for withdrawals, that's not too bad if it's a bank wire. A bit pricey, but not outrageous. My bank charges $20 for a wire transfer. Definitely not worth it if you're taking out $100. But if you're taking out $1000+, it's not that big of a deal then.

Join Date Mar 2009 Posts 4,052

I am adding Exness Ltd (Cyprus) to Group 2 (brokers that will not accept U. S. clients ).

Exness is an active advertiser on Babypips, and an active participant in the Forextown forum. However, U. S. members of the Babypips community --- who constitute a majority of the members here --- are not welcome at Exness, and should ignore this broker.

The Exness website uses pop-up messages to warn anyone accessing their site from a U. S. IP address that they are not welcome. And at least one of their pop-ups includes an invitation to rat out anyone you know who is circumventing their policy against U. S. clients.

Here is one of their pop-ups ---

Access denied for the US citizens

According to the Exness company internal policy rules, we do not provide any service to US individuals or legal entities.

US citizens are not able to register any kind of accounts in Exness company. The Company does not proceed any financing transaction from the US citizens.

Attention! If you find out that someone is trying to break this rule, we kindly ask you immediately inform us by the following e-mail: complaints@exness. com

Last edited by Clint; 07-30-2014 at 11:38 PM.

Join Date Mar 2009 Posts 4,052

We have IKOFX listed as a Cyprus broker that will do business with U. S. clients.

The Cyprus part is wrong, for sure. Some other things are not so sure.

I revisited the IKOFX website and learned that they are now domiciled either in New Zealand, where they are regulated by the Financial Service Providers (FSP) --- or in British Virgin Islands, where (apparently) they are unregulated.

If you study the IKOFX website, you will find references to New Zealand headquarters, and New Zealand regulation.

For example, this fine print appears at the bottom of their home page:

Copyright©2010 IKOFX. COM. Todos los derechos reservados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Read full disclosure. IKO Limited. 10c, 17 Albert Street, Auckland Central, 1010 New Zealand. Email:info@ikofx. com

But, only in one place --- on their contacts page --- will you find any reference to British Virgin Islands. And on that page, they make it look as though they have 2 headquarters locations: BVI and New Zealand.

Note that 100ForexBrokers lists IKOFX as an unregulated broker domiciled in British Virgin Islands, with head office in Tortola, BVI.

One thing is certain: IKOFX is not a Cyprus broker.

The relocation of forex brokers from Cyprus to New Zealand is explained in this article from forexbrokerz. com.

In addition to all the confusion about IKOFX referred to above, there is this: The regulator in New Zealand is the Financial Markets Authority (FMA), not the Financial Service Providers (FSP) referred to on the IKOFX website and in the forexbrokerz. com article.

As far as I can tell, IKOFX still welcomes U. S. clients, but this needs to be confirmed.

I'm guessing that U. S. clients --- if they are, in fact, accepted by IKOFX --- will have their accounts domiciled in BVI.

And, I'm also guessing that IKOFX accounts in New Zealand are for New Zealand citizens/residents only.

These guesses need to be confirmed.

For now, I'm going to move IKOFX from our Mediterranean grouping to our Caribbean grouping, and list them as IKOFX (British Virgin Islands). This is subject to further change, depending on what we find out when we contact this broker directly.

I am going to remove FXVV Capital Markets Ltd (United Arab Emirates) from our List.

To the best of my knowledge, this broker no longer exists.

Note that I am not moving them from Group 1 to Group 2, but instead eliminating them completely.

For a couple of years, we have listed FXVV in Group 1 under the Mediterranean / Middle East / Africa heading, as follows:

• FXVV Capital Markets Ltd (UAE ?) --- not regulated --- exercise extra due diligence ---

--- see posts #1477, #1478, #1486, #1582, #1822, #1833, and #1834 for more info

Platform: MT4. -- Min. initial deposit: 10 USD. -- Max. leverage: 1,000:1 for account balance up to 1,000 USD. --

-- Spreads: EUR/USD 1.5 pips (+ commission 8 USD per std lot), GBP/JPY _______ (+ commission 8 USD per std lot).

The website in the FXVV listing (above) no longer exists. And no other FXVV website comes up when you do an internet search.

If anyone has additional information regarding the current status of this broker, please post it here.

In the meantime, I will change the listing for this broker to read as follows:

• FXVV Capital Markets Ltd (UAE) --- removed from this List --- see post #2208 for additional info

Forex Offshore Services

The Last Post

Last post for the year; I actually was thinking of posting some clever comments on a monthly chart until I remembered the words of Warren Buffett who said (roughly) "the road is littered with the bodies of those who attempted to predict market direction on a macro scale" ( and he would know this year!) or as I have elsewhere so succinctly stated; " who cares what will happen a week from now". Therefore in keeping with the time frame I deal in, here is a 240 minute chart for your perusal, but remember "all opinions are my own, and if you don't follow them you only have yourself to blame!" :-) Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Dollar's heavy burden

Regular visitors to this page are already anticipating the end of recent dollar strength, compliments of the kindness of strangers, and a return to a collapsing dollar, as those same strangers scramble to diversify. December 13 marked the 13th rate rise in this tightening cycle, while the current yield inversion tells us this cycle is all but over - and the "Bernanke test" is soon to be upon us.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Nowhere and fast.

Let's have a look at the $DXC today in a daily time frame just to remind ourselves where we've been and where we are likely going. have a close look at momentum, another stand-in for volume in FX markets, and tell me what you think is next. I imagine we will pay lipservice to 90.70 and 90.50 (again) on the way down, and these may make good interim targets. On the other hand, HIA flows have 3 days to run: in case some "last minute shoppers" try to squeeze through the door, you may want to give them room.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Is this chart broken? I think not.

The 240 minute price walks sideways along a 200 ema line that is so flat it appears broken. Lay the blame on low volume, but recognize that this price will have to come to a decision soon, as we are getting squeezed into a bearish descending triangle with all oscillators pointing down.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Phoning it in

Well, yesterday's bearish call on the $DXC could have been phoned in from the easy chair, as today's chart confirms. This shows that reality can't hide behind thin volumes for long. We tested a double "tweezer" top today of resistance confirmed prior to our "Dark Cloud Cover" candle pattern yesterday, before a serious "Bearish Engulfing" pattern ( engulfing no less than 6 candles) sent out a big invitation for the novices to get on board for the ride down - where we will be waiting to sell back to them around 90.20 again. Major confirmation here from oscillators with a MACD signal line cross, and bearish crown formation on the 14 RSI. We are forming a doji here near the 100, 200, and 50 ema so no need to be in a big hurry here.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dollar Index topping out on thin volume

The 240 minute chart displays a dark cloud cover candle formation as we reached a downtrend line going back to 12/02 with excessive divergence from CCI (shown) and RSI (not shown). Currently sitting below stiff horizontal resistance in the 91.20 area, mortgage the kids, it looks like a short opportunity is upon us.

What the Swissie is saying

If it's really all about supply and demand then have look at the Swissie this morning, albeit on extremely thin volume. CCI is failing to cooperate on this last push as we get even further from the 20 MA

What goes up.

Eurozone hints of multiple rate rises in '06, US Q4 GDP comes in weaker than expected, yesterday's PPI was weak, and new home sales are goosed by discounts. dollar rise was a manipulation of very thin trading flows aided by the transit strike in NY. What goes up.

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offshore Malaysia Forex License

LFSA Money Broking License

Money (FOREX) broking license is that license, which is tightly governed and regulated by countries across the globe. It is getting more and more difficult for broking firms to enter in to new regions as the regulatory requirements have become more stringent. Choosing the right jurisdiction for setting up the FOREX broking firm is very crucial as the success of the business greatly rely on this factor. An efficient and dependable regulatory body is essential for the FX broker’s success as the ever changing challenges of the financial market has to be well tackled.

Multiple offshore regions are available globally, wherein offshore Forex license can be availed. Ocfam Global Limited has chosen LFSA, Malaysia for the setting up of money broking license for our clients across the globe for multiple reasons. LFSA, Malaysia offers one of the strongest regulatory frameworks for various financial services activities from Labuan.

LFSA offer straight-through-process license for Money broking, with stringent capital adequacy requirement, which is in line with the onshore STP license of many of its European counterparts. LFSA licensed firms enjoy great tax relief, which is one of the best in the world.

The financial advisors at Ocfam Global Limited carry a wealth of experience to advice the firms who wish to setup offshore Malaysia company and the Forex broking license through LFSA. Our financial advisors have worked specifically in the FOREX sector for over a decade and hence we can proudly guarantee that our services in the FOREX sector will be one among the best in the world.

We have one of the fastest TAT for establishing a money broking license through LFSA. We have 100% success rate in all our Money broking applications till date. It is not only the license but we are able to provide full support for setting up a broking firm right from the scratch.

The basic requirements for setting up Money broking license through LFSA, Malaysia are:

1. A Labuan company incorporated under the Labuan Companies Act 1990 (with Money broking expertise) 2. The applicant should have a minimum paid up capital of MYR 300,000.

Kindly get in touch with one of our advisor for further information.

b) Labuan Financial Exchange (capital markets)

Malaysia's only Offshore Financial Exchange (LFX) was established as a cost effective and practical alternative to existing exchanges in the region. It has proven itself to be an efficient funding mechanism for international companies operating in Asia-Pacific. Wholly owned by Bursa Malaysia, LFX plays a complementary role with respect to its parent company, in attracting international investors to the country.

Among the many advantages of LFX for global investors are the ability to list both conventional and Islamic instruments, the availability of multi-currency securities and instruments, flexibility of trading and freedom from selective controls.

LFX offers: Timely approval for licensing and listing applications, subject to conditions being met. A single point of contact with statutory regulators via the LFSA couple with access to information 24 hours a day is provided.

LFX is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bursa Malaysia Berhard.

For listing in LFX and structuring your product, kindly get in touch with us.

C) International commodity Trading License

Malaysia has been an international hub for physical commodity trading activities for over a decade now. In order to boost the trading activities the government has introduced The Global Incentives for Trading (GIFT) program. which incentives the traders of specific commodities use Malaysia as their international trading hub to undertake international commodity trading in its offshore location.

Labuan also offers Banking Licenses and Fund management licenses. Kindly get in touch with us for further information.

Brokers News

Trading Forex with an Offshore Broker: Pros and Cons

More news about 1PipFix

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Exness announces unlimited leverage for forex accounts below $1000

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February 2016 Monthly Metrics: FXCM & Gain Capital Compared

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Forex. com reports 31% increase in clients' deposits YoY

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FXCM’s client deposits reach $176.5 million in January

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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Invest in Panama & Offshore

Invest in Panama or other offshore locations and gain the benefits of cross jurisdictional diversification in stable, growing economies with a variety of investment opportunities.

Why Invest in Panama?

While we can’t recommend all of the countries you should diversify your investments into, we can recommend investing in Panama for several reasons:

Stability: Since 1989, Panama has had a stable democratically elected government with no political instability or civil unrest.

Economic Growth: In spite of the worldwide economic crisis Panama’s economy has seen steady growth since 2005 with low inflation, low unemployment, and constant GDP growth. Panama’s consistent growth and economic stability far surpasses the United States in relative GDP terms.

Close to the U. S.: Panama is only a 3 to 5 hour flight from most major U. S. cities including non-stop flights from Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and Washington, D. C. There are even direct flights from Toronto.

Foreign Investments Protected: Panama’s Civil Code, Constitution, and its Foreign Investments Act all provide assurance that foreigners have equal rights as Panamanians when it comes to property ownership, investments, and commerce.

Panama has some superb investment opportunities such as:

a. Panama Bank CDs offering from 4% to 5% interest in U. S. Dollars.

do. Panama Corporation and Government Bonds offering from 4% to 6% interest in U. S. Dollars.

re. Panama Reforestation Investments offer 2% median appreciation in teak hardwood, plus appreciation of the land, in U. S. Dollars. Panama teak reforestation had a return of 460% in the last 20 years at an annual 23% average.

e. Panama Pacifico Project rental property investments offer from 7% to 10% CAP rates, in U. S. Dollars.

F. Panama Beach Front Lots averaging from 10% to 15% annual appreciation, in U. S. Dollars.

g. Panama Agricultural Land averaging from 7% to 8% annual appreciation, in U. S. Dollars.

9 Investment Opportunities in Panama

Our Panama law firm provides Panama investment opportunities for investors seeking reliable offshore investments. We have a huge network of bankers, investment brokers, private sellers and other investment professionals providing unique opportunities for offshore investments, including:

1. Residential Panama Real Estate in Panama Pacifico Special Economic Zone There is a housing shortage near the newly under construction small city called the Panama Pacifico development located near the Panama Canal Zone. It is being developed by the renowned London & Regional Properties company which is the biggest property developer in the United Kingdom. This 3,459 acre development contains an air freight airport with offices and plants occupied by over 125 multi-national companies with 50 more scheduled to locate by the conclusion of 2012.

The Panama housing investment consists of 3 to 4 bedroom homes, town houses, and apartments. An estimated CAP rate of 8% to 10% with local bank financing of 4.5% makes this an attractive Panama property investment.

2. Offshore Life Insurance Policies Offshore Life Insurance Policies are offered in the British Isle of Man which allows non-U. S. citizens a tax write off on their life insurance premiums with tax deferred or tax free investments in a variety of government bonds, mutual or direct funds, etc.

3. Foreign Private Placement Life Insurance While being in full compliance with U. S. tax laws, this self directed life insurance policy allows U. S. taxpayers to make tax deferred investments.

4. Own Offshore Gold Bullion Accounts Physical ownership of gold as a hedge against inflation is the preferred method over gold certificates or corporate stocks of mining companies.

We can recommend a solid 20+ year old company which can purchase the gold, transport it to a secure vault for storage, and assist you with selling the gold in a tax advantage manner. Continue reading about investing in gold bullion .

5. Buying and Storing Gold in Panama A few Panama banks are offering gold coins and gold bars for sale and can store them in their vaults. We explain the advantages and benefits with buying, storing, and investing in gold in Panama here: Panama is a Safe Place to Buy & Store Gold.

6. Panama Credit Unions & CDs We’ve prepared a detailed article explaining offshore Credit Unions, which describes how you can earn as much as 8% annual compounded interest rates with deposits in safe offshore Panama Credit Unions. Learn more here: Panama Credit Unions

7. Buying Rare Industrial Metals Physical ownership of Rare Industrial Metals besides gold and silver is another way to hedge against inflation. The Swiss based company we recommend has different baskets of rare industrial use metals for sale. In 2011, one of their basket’s six metals increased in value by 51% while their Silver for industrial use basket rose 78%.

The advantages of owning rare industrial metals are explained here: Own Rare Industrial Metals

8. Invest in Panama Reforestation We’ve seen Panama reforestation provide 23% annual returns, plus through the reforestation visa you can gain Panama citizenship for an $80,000 USD investment.

Green Investments are popular and Panama offers government certified Teak reforestation projects where a $80,000 USD investment buys 5 hectares of teak forest in its early growth stage where over a 20 year period (including thinning every 6 years with sale of those woods) the average annual returns are 23%.

This unique Panama investment is described in our Immigration section here: Panama Reforestation Visa

Contact Us for more information on investing in Panama & other offshore investment opportunities.

What happens if you only invest in the U. S.? Too many investors make the mistake of having all of their investments in one country. If that country’s economy collapses so will the bank accounts, CD’s, corporate stocks, government bonds, treasury notes, and real estate investments.

When the worldwide economic crisis began in 2008 real estate prices in the U. S. plummeted. In addition, so did the U. S. commodities, stocks, government bonds, and banks. U. S. cities are still filing for bankruptcy!

The European Union (EU) has also been greatly impacted by the global economic crisis. Spain and Cyprus became the 4th and 5th EU countries seeking aid from the EU Bailout Funds during the week of June 25, 2012. 5 EU countries are broke along with their banks. Spain’s banks were recently downgraded by Moody’s. Slovenia may soon become the 6th EU country seeking EU Bailout Funds according to its Prime Minister. More EU countries will seek aid within the year.

During the same week, the city of Stockton, California filed for bankruptcy. On June 29 th 2012 the Federal Reserve reported that foreigners are reducing their holdings of U. S. Treasury Bonds.

Countries such as Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, and Turkey recently bought gold to protect their reserves. Chile and a few other countries have agreed not to use the U. S. dollar and settle all trade debts with China in China’s currency (Renminbi). China plans to create a special zone in Shenzhen, one of its wealthiest cities, allowing full exchange and conversion of the Renminbi.

Invest in Panama and Implement Cross Jurisdictional Diversification

Cross Jurisdictional Diversification means diversifying your investments across different countries.

As an investor, it is best to avoid using just one fund manager. Additionally, Cross Jurisdictional Diversification stands for not placing all of your funds into one fund Management Company because that company could go bankrupt, simply close its doors and disappear, or be shut down by government regulators. If any of those should happen what will happen to your funds? A U. S. money management company called MF Global recently filed for bankruptcy reporting $1.6 Billion in missing customers’ funds. Don’t let this happen to you.

Geographical investment diversity makes sense. Putting all of your assets, your home, and your business under one government is putting all your eggs into one weak & frail basket.

Banca Offshore

Offshore Bank Accounts:

The definition of offshore banking is the investor having a bank account located outside of the jurisdiction where he or she resides. This provides financial and legal benefits as it shields the investor from financial, social, and government bodies of their home country. If you are an investor looking to protect your capital, invest in a more favorable tax environment, or diversify investments with a wider range of financial products, then an offshore bank account is perfect for you.

Benefits of Offshore Banking:

The first benefit to offshore banking is the lower tax environment. Depending on the country, there could be very low or zero tax rate. For investors residing in countries where income earned outside of their home country is not taxable, then another advantage to offshore banking would be that interest paid on funds held in offshore bank accounts would not be tax deductible. Offshore banking can also be used to diversify your investments. In addition to being able to geographically spread your investments out, offshore banking provides access to a wider choice of currencies the accounts can be held in. It can also provide an environment where the financial infrastructure, security, and stability is above what the home country can offer. As for the legal benefits, offshore banks are under stricter regulations when it comes to privacy laws. This generally means that when the home country requests the bank to provide its client’s investment details, the offshore bank has no legal obligation to do so (except in the case of the United States.)

FX Broker Bank Accounts:

Opening a corporate bank account as a Forex Broker can prove especially challenging. The reason for this is that Forex Brokers typically use their bank accounts to accept third party funds (deposits from clients.) Banks typically assign a “risk profile” to each account based on a number of different criterias. Corporate bank accounts that are used to facilitate transactions from third party funds are considered “high risk” by banks. The Forex industry in particular has previously been a breeding ground for unscrupulous individuals who have misappropriated client funds. For these two reasons, most banks will not open a corporate bank account for a small to mid-sized Forex Broker.

Prime Intelligence has several experts who regularly open business bank accounts for Forex Brokers. To understand your options, discuss your situation with one of our experts today .

PSP Bank Accounts:

Utilizing a corporate bank account via a Payment Service Provider (PSP) has advantages in that they can be opened relatively quickly and the transaction costs can be low. PSP Bank Accounts can be used to process client deposits and withdrawals via bank wires. The downside is that although the forex broker would have a corporate account in the PSP’s internal system, the PSP’s account name is used when sending and receiving wires.

Offshore Forex

Since its beginning in the 70’s, foreign exchange has turned into a colossal international market, having transactions of around US$ 3 trillion a day. As the development of technology emerged, so as with the acceleration of the capital movements, the market even encompassing the continents of Europe, America, Asia and even crossing different time zones.

Many have considered trading in Forex as a more advantageous factor compared to equities. One of the reasons why is the 24-hour trading period that it has to offer. The round the clock operation simply means whenever circumstances that have an effect on exchange rates arise, the traders can also easily respond right away.

They don't need to wait until the market opens the following day. An added advantage of this is the high liquidity. High trade volume secures that the prices are in stable status where the traders can be able to open or close the positions at fair market prices. Different from this, the stock market traders need to deal with much larger price shifts. Moreso, Forex supply the trader with potential profit regardless whether the market is rising or falling.

One buys or sells currencies with regards to how one anticipates the value of one faring against another, as being reflected in the specified exchange rate.

As more investors became more aware of the said advantages, Forex has developed in popularity, which is fueled in part by the very convenient transacting option using the internet. Nowadays, there are just so many options that are available for online trading, one of these is the so-called offshore Forex.

It is described as something that's done offshore. It is basically an activity that's carried outside a person's area where that person lives or is a citizen of. That is the beauty of Forex because this is made possible using Forex as well. The offshore Forex is simply an option that a trader can choose. Its main attraction to aspiring traders is that it's tax-free and it is held private and confidential due to the bank secrecy laws. The major drawback, though, is the potential danger of fraud.

Fraud with offshore Forex roots from the lacking of regulation because the offshore brokers are mainly subject to rules and regulations within the country where they are located. Due to this, it's quite difficult if not impossible to prosecute people that would be responsible and also to recover the investments.

Scams are part of a shameful reality in offshore trading. As a matter of fact, there are several online forums regarding this subject over the internet where some traders even narrate regarding how they fell victims of fraud and also how they lost their investments.

Being a trader in offshore Forex requires skill and a lot of information. Having the correct know-hows of the field can easily assist any person to excel in offshore Forex.

Offshore Forex Account

growth in the global foreign currency exchange (forex) markets has attracted the interest of traders and investors alike. With a currencies available and trade volumes running into the trillions of dollars, forex markets provide a convenient way to take advantage of inherent leverage and volatility, and to make handsome returns. Many traders have started opening offshore forex accounts in foreign jurisdictions because of favorable tax treatments in these locations and to overcome overly restrictive regulations in their own country (like the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act or FATCA in the HK).

Let us look at how a HK-based investor can open an offshore forex account:

Pick a Forex Broker

The first step towards opening an offshore forex account is selecting a broker. There are numerous sites which rate the best international forex brokers such as FX market leaders and forex brokers review. Some things to keep in mind while selecting a broker include fees and commissions, the minimum balance required to operate and fund the account, capabilities of customer service staff, etc. It is important to ensure that the broker meets all requirements and standards set by Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and National Futures Association (NFA) and complies with the local offshore laws. This will help avoid running into regulatory issues later on.

Opening and Operating the Forex Account

The documentation involved in opening an offshore forex account is relatively straightforward these days, with minor variations per the regulations of the offshore country. Most brokerages will make their first-time customers fill out a terms and conditions agreement and a customer trading form. A notarized passport copy and other forms of identification (e. g. bank statements, credit card statements, utility bills, etc.) confirming the address of the applicant are generally required. Some brokers provide the flexibility of operating the forex account with minimum amount of as little as $100.

Alternatives for Forex Investing

For investors with a sizeable amount to invest ($100,000), opening an offshore international business corporation (IBC) or an offshore trust might be a more profitable option. An IBC is one of the most flexible and safe methods for offshore forex investing. Establishing an IBC is a little costly upfront (

$1500), but it frees the investor from onerous reporting requirements and the costs can be recouped early through tax savings. It also allows an investor to trade forex any way he or she wishes.

Disclosures and Legal Compliance

It is of utmost importance to check whether the selected broker and the types of forex trades the investor intends to carry out in the chosen jurisdiction are all in compliance with the legal and regulatory bodies of the home country. For US investors, the Treasury’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) governs investing and banking overseas. According to FATCA, foreign financial institutions (FFIs) are required to provide information about US citizens invested in offshore accounts outside the US to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). FATCA-compliant FFIs can be viewed here: FATCA FFIs.

With the ongoing integration of the global financial markets, opening an offshore forex account is not a daunting task anymore. Retail investors should keep in mind their relative information disadvantage and the inherent volatility in the forex market which may lead to huge losses. If opting for an offshore account, investors should aim to thoroughly understand the legal, tax, and regulatory implications both in their home country and in the offshore location.

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Offshore Forex Article:

The foreign exchange market, or market, is an around-the-clock cash market where the currencies of nations are bought and sold. The value of your investment increases or decreases because of changes in the currency exchange rate or rate. These changes can occur at any time, and often result from economic and political events. The purpose of this article is to discuss various trading strategies from some of the world's trading greats.

Neutralize Susceptibility: According to Mark Douglas, If a trader hasn't neutralized his susceptibility to give his winnings back to the market, then he is not what I define as a successful trader.

Correct Market Attitudes: According to Howard Abell, True Trading Mastery derives from understanding the relatively small role technical analytical factors play in the overall trading process and the inestimatably important role that correct market attitudes and beliefs exert in facilitating a consistently profitable result.

The Farmer's Shadow: According to Bob Koppel, True Trading Mastery derives from understanding the relatively small role technical analytical factors play in the overall trading process and the inestimatably important role that correct market attitudes and beliefs exert in facilitating a consistently profitable result.

Transaction Costs: According to Van K. Tharp, I seldom see a system that over a number of years produces profits that are much bigger than the transaction costs it generates - that is, if a system generates a million dollars in net profits, then it probably generates more than a million dollars in transaction costs.

Do Not Overlook Information: According to Van K. Tharp, We typically trade our beliefs about the market and once we've made up our minds about those beliefs, we're not likely to

change them. And when we play the markets, we assume that we are considering all of the available information. Instead, our beliefs, through selective perception, may have eliminated the most useful information.

Understand the Concept: According to Tom Basso, The more you understand the concept you are trading, how it might behave under all sorts of market conditions, the less historical testing you need to do.

Losses: According to William O'Neil, My philosophy is that all stocks are bad. There are no good stocks unless they go up in price. If they go down instead, you have to cut your losses fast. Letting losses run is the most serious mistake made by most investors.

Deal with Randomness: According to Larry Sanders, As humans we do not come equipped to deal with the variety of randomness that is around us every day. Many professions deal with making processes and things work reliably. We are taught to strive for perfection, for high scores in school and in sports. This can be a handicap to traders. There is no perfection in trading. Instead traders must put probability in their favor.

Trading Paradox: According to Mark Douglas, I know it may sound strange to many readers, but there is an inverse relationship between analysis and trading results. More analysis or being able to make distinctions in the market's behavior will not produce better trading results. There are many traders who find themselves caught in this exasperating loop, thinking that more or better analysis is going to give them the confidence they need to do what needs to be done to achieve success. It's what I call a trading paradox that most traders find difficult, if not impossible to reconcile, until they realise you can't use analysis to overcome fear of being wrong or losing money. It just doesn't work!

Trading on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.

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Offshore Licence


Belize IBC is a prudent balance between price, reputation and proximity to fairly developed banking system of Belize. Our company specializes in formation of not only an offshore companies and bank account opening in this country. We also can provide you with a list of licences for international financial companies.


We work with a range of global banking partners to open corporate accounts.

The OFFSHORELICENCE website and all affiliate websites/materials are provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE".

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What is an offshore company?

Offshore or non-resident companies are referred to as companies that perform an insubstantial or zero volume of business within their legal system of incorporation.

Precisely, offshore companies have three main features: Firstly, they should be authorized as an organization within the legal system of incorporation. Secondly, the "incorporators" should be domiciled outside of the legal system of incorporation. Conclusively, the company should perform completely outside of the legal system of incorporation. On the other hand, most associate term 'offshore company' as a means of raising tax efficiency.

Why you should use Offshore Licence to start my offshore company?

1. Our experts have over 10 years of experience in offshore working as a consultant. During this time we have been capable to build a network of offshore services dealer that is always unparalleled.

2. Our company is an associate of many foreign tax planning companies. We provide tailor-made suggestions and advice to our clients, fully developing the latest laws and regulations.

3. We are one of the most competing offshore providers.

Which jurisdiction should I choose for my offshore company?

The most crucial factor in selecting a jurisdiction is to be sure that your company will be included in a country that has a:

1. Efficient means of communication;

2. Economic and political stability;

3. Good standing;

4. Superior corporate laws;

All the jurisdictions will work to get pleasure from the above highlighted advantages. However, the right decision of legal system also relies upon where you reside and on the business you do. Our staff members can help you recognize the different jurisdictions so that you may perhaps select which one can make the most sense with respect to individual constraints

Normally, the Belize is economical are well known for their low charges, the fast incorporation procedure and their outstanding confidentiality. Some customers may also want to contemplate onshore jurisdictions such as Seychelles, BVI or the UK to provide even better guarantees to their provider or clients.

Why are your fees lower than those of your competitors?

Owning our own offices or partners in the jurisdictions where we offer our services, we are equipped to offer straight-forward and competing prices, hence we can prevent any intermediaries.

How can I pay my company fees?

You can possibly pay by credit card, bank transfer, skill or PayPal.

Does my company have to provide accounts to any tax authority?

No, commonly not. This is one of the main benefit of "offshore" organizations.

Even so, in a very few selected jurisdictions, such as UK for instance, it is in fact compulsory for companies to provide yearly records and to have them audited, and in some instances, to pay taxes.

While a organization may not be subject to tax reporting to its local regulators, from a private standpoint it must not ease you from seeking counsel from a tax counsellor in your country where you reside in order to determine the extent of your own obligations, if any.

How long will it take for me to get my corporate documents?

Every jurisdiction has its own development time-frame. Please refer to our jurisdiction comparison table. Once the organization has been included, it will usually take about two to six days for the corporate and business documents to get to you.

Can I decide on the name of my company?

Yes, It is even advisable that you do so. On the request form you are asked to enter two company names, in order of your personal preference. We will then check out the Company Registry of the offshore jurisdiction if those brands are available for inclusion. If not, we shall send you some optional names. We also have a record of pre-approved or shelf companies names that we can send out to you upon demand.

What is a UK LLP Offshore Company?

The agency structure is a basic set-up where an onshore organization acts as agent for an offshore principal. This prevents the problems often seen for offshore organizations trading globally. It provides an onshore “face” with all the offshore advantages.

The UK company is established to work as a nominee for the offshore organization. In effect the UK company serves as an agent for the offshore company. The two companies sign an agency contract specifying the precise terms of their contract. All business is then executed in the name of the UK company, but on behalf of the offshore organization. Customers enter into an agreement with the UK company, are invoiced by them and pay the bills into the bank account of the UK company. Most of the profits is then remitted to the offshore company based on the specificities of the contract.

It should be known that the UK company are unable to trade within the UK or with any UK businesses. If it does then this profits would be subject to UK taxation.

The arrangement between the Principal and the Agent must be effectively completed before the UK Company begins to trade:

1. The Agent must not deal within the UK or with any UK business.

2. The arrangement must set out an appropriate commercial fee that also needs to be indeed paid out.

3. The Effective Owner of the offshore organization should not be subject to UK tax.

4. The connection between the UK and offshore organization has to be strictly commercial.

The achievements of this structure is due to the fact that the agent pays business tax in the UK based on the amount of money received for its commission, after reductions on expenses. Therefore, the HMR & Customs can only assess the UK company for taxes and it has no control upon all the income sent to the principal. This structure is absolutely legal, being approved by the UK tax regulators, in English law and even after the G20 there are no upcoming signs that can lead to a probable change.

What is the difference between a shareholder and a director?

The shareholder is an individual who owns a firm through a share certificate. A company can be owned or operated by one or several shareholders. The shareholder can be a person or a company.

The director is an individual in charge of the control of the company. He will sign any business deals, account opening forms etc. Directors are chosen by the shareholders. A company can have one or many directors. The director can be a company or an individual.

Can the same person be a shareholder of the company and act as its director at the same time?

Sí. In most jurisdictions it is possible (and common) that the same particular person acts as director and shareholder of the company.

When do I have to pay my company's yearly fees (Renewal Fees)?

You will be requested to settle the yearly charges before each anniversary of your organization, not at the end of each year calendar. To prevent any last minute hurry, we will send you a renewal request two months prior to the anniversary.

*Offshore Licence wishes to make you informed that you must liaise with a tax counsellor in your country of residence prior to setting up an offshore company.

We deliver high quality and professional services for all our clients and instil a sense of trust, responsibility and reliability with the services we offer. To further enhance their experience with us, we work towards meeting all their requirements and ensure that our customers are contended and satisfied with our services at all times.

In addition to the packages we provide, we offer a variety of other services due to which our customers get benefitted to the maximum extent and enjoy working with us. Listed below are the other services we offer:

Research and legal consultation.

Drafting of documents for all commercial and business purposes.

Planning of Legal Structure to help you have a robust framework.

Managing all regulatory, federal and legal issues.

Creation, enhancing and delivery of website content for marketing purposes.

Facilitating negotiations and communicating with the required entities for successful results.

Helping to set up a framework and set of guidelines to create a robust and hierarchical framework for your company.

Testing and training of company’s employees to enable them to deliver high quality work.

Consultancy services for all organizational and other required purposes by a company.

Money transfers consultancy Services

Forex Brokerage Business consultancy

Please contact our consultants before obtaining any of the following products.


Maintaining privacy is one of the most important aspects which we incorporate in our work. We ensure that the customer’s privacy is maintained through the following:

Our online services are completely secure. Your data is encrypted using SSL 128-bit certificate encryption.

Our IT infrastructure is highly secure in order to avoid intrusion.

The database that we maintain cannot be exported. Therefore, the customers’ personal data which we keep confidential stays within the limits of our offices.

Our privacy policy reaches up to the level of the relevant standards.


Thus, we have the ability to offer customized solutions to our clients considering their personal, financial and organizational circumstances.


We believe that understanding the clients’ profile is very important to make the best decisions. Therefore, our executive team follows a well-planned strategic process to find out the client’s best interest so that we provide best solutions.

Our prices that we offer are based on two rules:

We never increase our fees.

We are a competition to the best prices available.

We offer prices to our customers which is transparent, free from intermediate commission and one which is competing in the market. Our prices attract customers and we ensure that we provide the best services to them at a very competitive price.

We take good care and responsibility of serving our customers with the best. We provide account manager dedicated to each customer who has a specialty in the field of administration having good knowledge of company laws. This manager will serve you for a period of one year and will assist you with administration of your company, bank account and other services which we offer. We have a commitment of responding to our clients’ queries within 24 hours.

It is always essential to choose the best offshore business specialists when you are looking for offshore company incorporation. We serve you with our experience and vast knowledge in the corporate administration. We have clients from all over the world who are using our services with contentment. We have a wide range of client profiles which includes law firms, expatriates, sole traders and entrepreneurs.

Our executive team consists of 40 professionals with a lot of experience in offshore business fields which includes the following:


Business and Company Law

Feel free to contact us and provide us more details about your requirements so that we get an opportunity to analyse your problem and find solutions to them.

We are committed to provide best solutions in the interest of our clients keeping in mind the rules and regulations so that our practice standards are confined to a lawful environment. These things are to be kept in mind to prevent international money laundering. We implement very strict risk management procedure and balance them subsequently.

We ensure that the clients get the most appropriate solutions by undertaking a due persistence check in the clients’ interest. This results in commercial appreciation of the practical concerns of a business by the clients. We hold licences from many risk intelligence companies for processing our persistence check in the best possible way.

Read Latest News

1.Purpose and Scope of Application 1.1 These Terms of Business are intended to govern the business relations between OFFSHORE LICENSE Corporate Services SA ( “OFFSHORE LICENSE”) and its clients (“Client”). On the basis of these Terms of Business, OFFSHORE LICENSE shall provide the Client with various services such as the foundation of offshore companies (“Company”) and some additional related services (“Additional Services”) as well as the assistance in relation with the opening of bank accounts (“Bank Account Opening”) and the supply of virtual offices (“Standard Virtual Office, Virtual Office Premium, and Virtual Office Full”). All these services qualify as mandate agreements within the meaning of Article 394 ff of the Swiss Code of Obligations. READ MORE >>

Forex Broker Licence - FULL Solution

Forex business activities have become highly regulated for the last 3 years. When a company offers Forex services to its commercial and/or.


CONFIDENTIALITY Maintaining privacy is one of the most important aspects which we incorporate in our work. We ensure that the customer’s.

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We deliver high quality and professional services for all our clients and instil a sense of trust, responsibility and reliability with the.

The OFFSHORELICENCE website and all affiliate websites/materials are provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE". This means the information contained on the website of OFFSHORELICENCE and OFFSHORELICENSE as such does not provide a warranty of any kind whether express or implied, of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non - infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy of the information that is publically available via websites of OFFSHORELICENCE. While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate, the material published/available on this website or any affiliate website/materials is for information purposes only and cannot be taken to constitute legal, accountancy or taxation advice. The information is for general guidance on matters of interest only. Prices that can be seen on the websites of OFFSHORELICENCE are approximate. This means they can vary due to nature of the order, specific characteristics of orders or clients. Prices can be changed by OFFSHORELICENCE on the website without any prior notice and it is the responsibility of the visitor/potential customer to keep track of this changes. OFFSHORELICENCE and its employees are not attorneys or accountants, and we do not provide legal or financial advices. Before making a decision or taking any action, visitors/clients of OFFSHORELICENSE are specifically advised and warned that they should seek appropriate and timely tax and legal advice from a qualified licensed professional licensed to render such professional services/ advices. In no event will OFFSHORELICENSE, its related companies, directors, agents or employees thereof be liable to anyone for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this site or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.


Offshore Licence

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How can I use an IBC to trade Forex (Currencies), Futures, Shares and Options?

IBCs are commonly used as vehicles for the trading of Forex/Options/Share/Futures.

In practical terms how it can work is:

For maximum privacy the IBC is usually set up with a Professional “Nominee” Director/Shareholder resident in a nil tax jurisdiction

The owner/client is appointed as Financial Consultant (eg Forex Trading Manager)

The IBC director completes the Brokerage account application/s

As part of his/her brief the client is given the authority to trade certain markets or accounts on behalf of the company reporting to the Director

A Bank and/or Trading account is opened with the owner (eg as Consultant/Trading Manager) nominated as the signatory

The IBC starts trading with all trades organized by or authorized by the beneficial company owner client who, like a bank employed trader, retains day-to-day control (subject to the Directors overview) of company funds earmarked for trading.

NOTE: We are not in the business of providing legal advice. If you require further information and/or advice as to the law governing such matters you will need to obtain such advice from a licensed Attorney at Law in the country of proposed incorporation. If you require further information or legal advice please contact us as we can assist you to obtain such advice via our network of international legal contacts.

For more information on this topic (or if you would like to know more about How We Can Help You) please Contact Us

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Forex Video Zone

Forex Offshore Profits

November 10, 2015 at 13:07 by K. Prabhu

There are times when moving money offshore is profitable. This may be because return on investment is better offshore and it may be because the value of the offshore currency goes up after you move your money. Forex offshore profits can occur in either case. One example was the yen carry trade a few years ago and another is the recurring volatility of the Colombian peson versus the US Dollar. Garnering Forex offshore profits requires that you pay attention to both Forex fundamentals and technical strategies. For years Interest rates in Japan very low and in USA substantially higher. It was a common practice for forex trader to borrow money, yen at a low interest rate back home and then convert the yen to dollars. He would then buy a bond in the USA with the money. The profit would be the difference between the rate of interest on the loan which was virtually zero and the rate of interest on the bond. This worked as long as value of dollar did not fall substantially against the yen. If the dollar went up in value versus the yen it simply increased the forex offshore profits in this case. Swing trading the US Dollar against the Colombian peso ould have resulted in profits of as much as 25% in a given year. Colombia’s consistently sound economic policies and aggressive promotion of free trade agreements in recent years have bolstered its ability to weather external shocks. All 3 major ratings upgraded its governemnt debt to investment grade. Colombia depends heavily on energy and mining exports making it vulnerable to a drop in commodity prices. The value of peso goes up and down with commodity prices. An alternative to trading currencies to gain offshore profits is to look for investment opportunities in growing economies.

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Can US Citizens Trade Forex Offshore

Forex market has grown in leaps and bounds and has led to opening of many brokerage companies that facilitate the traders to trade forex. The forex market is itself an unregulated market and hence anyone can become a broker. However, to regulate the financial markets and the brokers there are several regulatory authorities to safeguard the interest of the investors. In US there are two independent regulatory authorities that safeguard the traders from any kind of fraudulent activities and thus strive to keep their money safe in the hands of the broker. These authorities are CFTC and NFA. In US there are stringent laws which regarding trading and which has made trading a difficult task for US citizens. Also, many forex brokers have banned US citizens from trading from their account. In this case the most common question that pops up in one’s mind is “can US citizens’ trade forex offshore?”

There may be several benefits of being an US citizen but trading as per choice is definitely not one among them. However, there are some legal and simple alternatives like opening an offshore trust or business which is called as International Business Corporation or IBC. As an offshore entity the US citizens have the right to trade forex in the market as per their choice.

To set up a business offshore for trading will cost around $1500 and the annual fees for the same is $600. All those who have money enough to make an investment of $100,000 can easily go offshore and start their business or trade as per their wish. If you set up an IBC offshore, the cost of setting up the entire entity can be recouped easily in one year just through the tax savings. The US citizens who want to start off with small investment can easily open up a broker account offshore.

The traders who are US citizen are not allowed to trade forex through many of the brokers account. However, there are a few companies that do allow traders from US to trade from their account. Though most of these companies are unregulated, it may be a good idea to try them for a small investment. One of the many other options is to get an offshore residency. Getting offshore residency will allow the traders to easily trade with even those brokers who do not allow US citizens to trade from their account.

One more solution which one can try is to take a package of an offshore company foundation which is in fact owned by that foundation but gives you the power of attorney for the same. This will allow you to do business offshore where you are the one managing everything but not officially and that is what you require. The next step would be to open three different accounts all over the world to hold your money in major banks outside US. Thus, you will have all the rights of your business and own everything but not in the view of the public all will be behind the scene. This will allow you to do any kind of business and not only trading without getting caught by the authorities who are constantly after your hard earned money. This will also give you the liberty to trade in the forex market with the broker of your choice, even those which do not allow the traders from US to trade from their account. Thus, we see that the traders from United States of America can do trade forex offshore if they follow some of the guidelines of trading offshore.

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Cyprus is preparing for total financial collapse as the European Central Bank turns its back on the island after its parliament rejected a scheme to make Cypriot citizens pay a levy on savings deposits in return for a share in potential gas futures to fund a bailout.

On Wednesday, the Greek-Cypriot government voted against asking its citizens to bank on the future of gas exports by paying a 3-15% levy on bank deposits in return for a stake in potential gas sales. The scheme would have partly funded a $13 billion EU bailout.

It would have been a major gamble that had Cypriots asking how much gas the island actually has and whether it will prove commercially viable any time soon.

In the end, not even the parliament was willing to take the gamble, forcing Cypriots to look elsewhere for cash, hitting up Russia in desperate talks this week, but to no avail.

The bank deposit levy would not have gone down well in Russia, whose citizens use Cypriot banks to store their “offshore” efectivo. Some of the largest accounts belong to Russians and other foreigners, and the levy scheme would have targeted accounts with over 20,000 euros. So it made sense that Cyprus would then turn to Russia for help, but so far Moscow hasn't put any concrete offers on the table.

Plan A (the levy scheme) has been rejected. Plan B (Russia) has been ineffective. Plan C has yet to reveal itself. And without a Plan C. the banks can't reopen. The minute they open their doors there will be a withdrawal rush that will force their collapse.

In the meantime, cashing in on the island's major gas potential is more urgent than ever—but these are still very early days.

In the end, it's all about gas and the race to the finish line to develop massive Mediterranean discoveries. Cyprus has found itself right in the middle of this geopolitical game in which its gas potential is a tool in a showdown between Russia and the European Union.

The EU favored the Cypriot bank deposit levy but it would have hit at the massive accounts of Russian oligarchs. Without the promise of Levant Basin gas, the EU wouldn't have had the bravado for such a move because Russia holds too much power over Europe's gas supply.

Cypriot Gas Potential

The Greek Cypriot government believes it is sitting on an amazing 60 trillion cubic feet of gas, but these are early days—these aren't proven reserves and commercial viability could be years away. In the best-case scenario, production could feasibly begin in five years.

Exports are even further afield, with some analysts suggesting 2020 as a start date.

In 2011, the first (and only) gas was discovered offshore Cyprus, in Block 12, which is licensed to Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. (NBL). The block holds an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of gas.

To date, the Greek Cypriots have awarded licenses for six offshore exploration blocks that could contain up to 40 trillion cubic feet of gas. Aside from Noble, these licenses have gone to Total SA of France and a joint venture between Eni SpA (ENI) of Italy and Korea Gas Corp.

But the process of exploring, developing, extracting, processing and getting gas to market is a long one. Getting the gas extracted offshore and then pumped onshore could take at least five years and some very expensive infrastructure that does not presently exist. The gas would have to be liquefied so it could be transported by seaborne tankers.

The potential is there: Cyprus' gas discoveries adjoin Israeli territorial waters where the discovery of the massive Leviathan gasfield (425 billion cubic meters or 16 trillion cubic feet) and smaller Tamar gasfield (250 billion cubic meters or 9 trillion cubic feet) have foreign companies in a rush to cash in on this.

There are myriad problems to extracting Cypriot gas—not the least of which is the fact that some of this offshore exploration territory is disputed by Turkey. which has controlled part of the island since 1974.

Gas exploration has taken this dispute to a new level, with Turkey sending in warships to halt drilling in 2011, and threatening to bar foreign companies exploring in Cyprus from any license opportunities in Turkey. The situation is likely to intensify as Noble prepares to begin exploratory drilling later this year in Block 12.

In the meantime, there is no shortage of competition on this arena. Cyprus will have to vie with Israel, Lebanon and Syria—all of which have made offshore gas discoveries of late in the Mediterranean's Levant Basin, which has an estimated total of 122 trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.7 billion barrels of oil.

While Greek Cypriot citizens are not willing to gamble away their savings on gas futures, Russia and the European Union are certainly less hesitant.

This is both a negotiating point for Cyprus and a convenient tool of blackmail for Russia and the EU. Essentially, the bailout is the prop on a stage that will determine who gets control of these assets.

Theoretically, Cyprus could guarantee Russia exploration rights in return for assistance. As much as this is possible, the EU could ease its bailout negotiations if it becomes clear that a Russian bailout of sorts is imminent.

Gas finds in the Mediterranean and particularly across the Levant Basin—home to Israel's Leviathan and Tamar fields—could be the answer to Russian gas hegemony in Europe. The question is: How much does Cyprus count in this equation? Mucho.

Though only half of the estimated resources in the Levant Basin, Cyprus' potential 60 trillion cubic feet of gas could equal 40% of the EU's gas supplies and be worth a whopping $400 billion if commercial viability is proven.

Russia is keen to keep Cyprus and Israel from cooperating too much toward the goal of loosening Russia's grip on Europe before Moscow manages to gain a greater share of the Asian market.

Russia is also not keen on Israel's plan to lay an undersea natural gas pipeline to Turkey's south coast to sell its gas from the Leviathan field to Europe. Turkey hasn't agreed to this deal yet, but it is certainly considering it. This is fraught with all kinds of political problems at home, so for now Ankara is keeping it as low profile as possible.

With all of this in mind, Russia is doing its best to get in on the Levant largesse itself. While it's also courting Lebanon and Syria, dating Israel is already in full force. Gazprom has signed a deal with Israel that would give it control of Tamar's gas and access to the Asian market for its liquefied natural gas (LNG). Tamar will probably begin producing already in April at a 1 billion cubic feet/day capacity.

In accordance with this deal, which Israel has yet to approve, Gazprom will provide financial support for the development of the Tamar Floating LNG Project. In return, Gazprom will get exclusive rights to purchase and export Tamar LNG. It is also significant because Tamar is a US-Israeli joint venture—so essentially the plan is to help Russia diversify from the European market.

What does this mean for Cyprus? The chess pieces are still being put on the board, and both fortunately and unfortunately, Cyprus' gas potential will be intricately linked to its bailout potential.

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) technology—from LNG seaborne tankers and LNG trains to floating LNG facilities have quickly gone from concept to commercialization, opening up new possibilities in new frontiers and rendering the remote—well, much less remote.

Analysts say FLNG terminals will become a major growth market within the next couple of years, as they offer more flexibility than stationary terminals.

Liquefaction of natural gas is the process of super-cooling natural gas to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 162 degrees Celsius) at which point it becomes much safer and easier to transport. After its been shipped to its destination, regasification plants at importing or receiving terminals return the fuel to a gaseous state.

A lot of money is being dumped into LNG technology right now. It’s a major bet on the LNG market, but here’s why it’s solid:

• LNG demand is set to double over the next decade to 408 million tons a year • Major markets for LNG are opening up and some of them can’t be reached by overland pipelines • The Asian market is particularly hot for LNG and they are paying top dollar • Prices and rising global demand make it worth shipping LNG by seaborne tankers • The US may become a major LNG exporter, and customers are already lining up • Russia is now in the global LNG market and it’s determined to become a major player in this field • Britain's natural gas imports from outside the North Sea will surpass domestic production by 2015 and add more than $11 billion to import costs as domestic supplies dwindle and Norway struggles to fill the gap (Qatar is only sending it leftovers right now—the bulk goes to higher paying Asian customers)

As natural gas gains favor over oil and coal because it’s cheaper and cleaner, non-OECD countries are expected to account for 80% of natural gas demand growth by 2035. The largest share of global gas demand comes from the power sector.

China is set to double its LNG imports to 25-30 MTPA by 2015 as Beijing views gas as the foundation of its energy future over the next decade. Australia and Qatar will be the biggest suppliers on the current scene.

India is also set to double its regasification capacity by the end of 2015, as gas supplants liquid fuel demand. By 2015, LNG imports to India are expected to reach 17-20 MT (up from 9 MT in 2011).

Global Liquefaction capacity is set to increase by 4.4% by 2015 and another 7.5% by 2020, when it is expected to reach 470 MTPA. Australia will be the biggest contributor to this number, adding 80 MTPA of LNG supply by 2020. The US could have the capacity to add 70 MTPA to supplies.

The real game-changer will be if the US moves to export its LNG with its 70 MTPA capacity. In the meantime, companies in Canada are winning permits to export LNG. A Shell-led consortium in February became the latest permit holder for an LNG export facility in British Columbia. Shell joins the permit-holding ranks that already include Apache Corp. which has an interest in Kitimat along with Chevron, where the first LNG shipment is scheduled for 2015. The third license went to privately-owned BC LNG Export Cooperative.

Floating LNG production, storage and offloading concepts are revolutionary because they have the ability to station a vessel directly over distant fields, removing the need for offshore pipelines and adding the advantage of mobility—these floating facilities can be moved to a new location once existing fields are depleted.

Floating liquefaction technology can bring additional LNG supply by accessing stranded gas reserves that were previously thought to be too remote, small or otherwise challenging for conventional land-based LNG development. More specifically, the advantages include:

• fast-track regasification for new LNG importers • lower upfront capital investment compared to onshore facilities • rising expense of onshore projects improves the cost differential in favor of FLNG • mobility/relocation to new fields • overcoming restrictions due to limited land availability

There are 10 existing Floating Storage and Regasification projects, and an additional 8 under construction, and at least 30 other potential projects on the drawing board.

There are both small - and large-scale floating LNG projects. Small-scale floating LNG projects target 1-3 trillion cubic feet stranded gas reserves, while large-scale floating LNG projects are primarily focused on avoiding long distance submerged pipelines to shore and enhancing the prospects of fields for which traditional LNG development would be difficult.

Shell, Mobil and Statoil are all developing large-scale FLNG projects in Australia, Nigeria and Namibia. Shell’s most prized LNG project is its Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) Project in Australia, which is moored some 200 kilometers out to sea and will produce gas from offshore fields and liquefy it onboard. The LNG, LPG and condensate produced will be stored in tanks in the hull of the facility. LNG and LPG carriers will moor alongside to offload the products. This vessel will be six times bigger than the biggest aircraft carrier and will cost between $10.8 and $12.6 billion to build—but it also means that Shell won’t have to pay rising prices in Australia’s onshore LNG plants. The facility will produce about 3.6 million metric tons of LNG and 1.3 million tons of gas condensate a year.

The Ichthy’s Floating Production Storage and Offloading Facility (FPSO) venture in Australia, led by Inpex Corp. (1605). will cost an estimated $34 billion and have a capacity of 8.4 million tons annually—of both liquefied petroleum gas and condensate.

Petronas has its own plans to build its first FLNG project, which is set to start in 2015 in Malaysia. The facility will have a 1.2 million ton per annum capacity and will operate at the Kanowit gas field, 180 kilometers offshore Bintulu.

ConocoPhillips (COP) also plans to build an FLNG facility off Australia, and smaller companies like GDF Suez (GSZ) and PTT Exploration & Production Pcl (PTTEP) also plan floating LNG projects.

BHP and Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) are also considering FLNG for their offshore Western Australia Scarborough field because it would eliminate the costs of building pipelines and jetties.

Russia’s Gazprom also plans to build an FLNG vessel to store and export LNG from Israel’s Tamar gas field, about 90 kilometers off the Israeli coast on the eastern Mediterranean. Tamar has estimated reserves of 9.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. According to a deal still being worked out with Israel, Gazprom would export roughly one-third of Tamar’s reserves over a 20-year period, starting in 2017.

Onshore LNG Plants: Second Thoughts?

While there is already some hesitancy about building new onshore LNG plants in Australia and some indications of second thoughts due to the advantages of floating facilities, Italy’s Eni and Anadarko (Texas) are planning an onshore LNG plant in Mozambique, in the Cabo Delgado province. The plant would have an eventual capacity of about 50 million tons a year. The plant would be the second largest in the world outside of Qatar. So far, though, Mozambique seems to have a limited capacity for the plant which is hindering plans for exports to begin in 2018.

Increasingly, though floating LNG is being bandied about as a better answer to tapping into Mozambique’s massive offshore natural gas potential. In 2012, a total of 100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas was discovered in the country’s north. New LNG technology, like FLNG facilities, combined with Mozambique’s proximity to gas-hungry Asia, could propel the country into the major leagues.

Indeed, there are rumors afoot that BP might be having second thoughts about building its own $40 billion Browse gas project onshore in Western Australia. The project is a joint venture with Woodside Petroleum as well as BHP Billiton Ltd, Shell, Mitsubishi and Mitsui. This summer should see a decision on this.

LNG Transport: Seaborne Full Speed Ahead

Demand for seaborne LNG is expected to increase this year by 5.6%, as some 15 million metric tons a year of liquefaction capacity is set to come on line by 2014—enough to fill 20 average vessels, or 80% of the vessels ordered for 2013. Demand growth for oil-product tankers will exceed fleet growth between 2013 and 2015 (expanding 4.8%), with supply growth expanding 1.8%.

Then there’s this: the cost to book an LNG tanker more than doubled from 2010 to 2011. As of today, we count a total of 373 LNG vessels in operation, with orders for over 60 having been placed. Contracts are also being placed by new market entrants like Awilco, Dynagas, Thenamaris, Cardiff Marine and Alpha Tankers.

Shell is the clear leader in the global LNG market because it has its own fleet of vessels so doesn’t incur the same processing and shipping costs, and when its FLNG project in Australia goes on line we expect much better things. Shell is also gearing up for LNG exports from its North American terminal in Kitimat (British Columbia). Shell is also toying with an LNG terminal in India (the country’s first ever), which would handle LNG imports coming from Australia.

But here’s a smaller company that is looking strong: Golar LNG (GNLG). The company had a stellar year in 2011, up 188% year-on-year. The company is one of the largest independent owners and operators of LNG carriers and has 8 LNG-specific vessels. Its focus in 2011 on LNG instead of crude was a winning bet.

Golar’s 4th quarter 2012 results were also impressive, with an increase in net income of $22.83 million compared to $17.18 million in 2011. Comprehensive net income was $32.89 million, up from $26.80 million in the previous year. Revenue for the quarter was $111.84 million--up from $80.62 million in 2011. Last year also saw Golar complete a third follow-on equity offering with a net proceed of $130 million.

Also … Keep an Eye on LNG Technology Companies

Floating LNG has required the development of some very specific technological components that are key to its performance. Specifically, more stringent environmental concerns require specific tandem offloading systems and dedicated LNG tankers. There are also ongoing technological developments that deal with onboard LNG storage to avoid sloshing.

Russia is back. President Vladimir Putin wants the world to acknowledge that Russia remains a global power. He is making his stand in Syria.

The Soviet Union acquired the Tardus Naval Port in Syria in 1971 without any real purpose for it. With their ships welcomed in Algeria, Cuba or Vietnam, Tardus was too insignificant to be developed. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lacked the funds to spend on the base and no reason to invest in it.

The Russian return to the Middle East brought them first to where the Soviet Union had its closest ties. Libya had been a major buyer of arms and many of the military officers had studied in the Soviet Union. Russia was no longer a global power, but it could be used by the Libyans as a counter force to block domination by the United States and Europeans.

When Gaddafi fell, Tardus became Russia's only presence in the region. That and the discovery of vast gas deposits just offshore have transformed the once insignificant port into a strategic necessity.

Earlier at the United Nations, Russia had failed to realize that Security Council Resolution 1973 that was to implement a new policy of “responsibility to protect” cloaked a hidden agenda. It was to be turned from a no-fly zone into a free-fire zone for NATO. That strategic blunder of not vetoing the resolution led to the destruction of Gaddafi's regime and cost Russia construction contracts and its investments in Libyan gas and oil to the tune of 10 billion dollars.

That was one more in a series of humiliating defeats; and something that Putin will not allow to happen again while he is president. Since his time as an officer in the KGB, he has seen the Soviet Empire lose half of its population, a quarter of its land mass, and most of its global influence. He has described the collapse of the Soviet Union as a “geopolitical catastrophe.”

In spite of all of the pressure from Washington and elsewhere to have him persuade Bashar Al-Assad to relinquish power, Putin is staying loyal to the isolated regime. He is calculating that Russia can afford to lose among the Arabs what little prestige that it has remaining and gain a major political and economic advantage in Southern Europe and in the Eastern Mediterranean.

What Russia lost through the anti-Al-Assad alliance was the possibility to control the natural gas market across Europe and the means to shape events on the continent. In July 2011, Iran, Iraq, and Syria agreed to build a gas pipeline from the South Pars gas field in Iran to Lebanon and across the Mediterranean to Europe. The pipeline that would have been managed by Gazprom would have carried 110 million cubic meters of gas. About a quarter of the gas would be consumed by the transit countries, leaving seventy or so million cubic meters to be sold to Europe .

Violence in Iraq and the Syrian civil war has ended any hope that the pipeline will be built, but not all hope is lost. One possibility is for Al-Assad to withdraw to the traditional Aliwite coastal enclave to begin the partitioning of Syria into three or more separate zones, Aliwite, Kurdish, and Sunni. Al-Assad's grandfather in 1936 had asked the French administrators of the Syrian mandate to create a separate Aliwite territory in order to avoid just this type of ethnic violence.

What the French would not do circumstance may force the grandson to accept as his only choice to survive. His one hundred thousand heavily armed troops would be able to defend the enclave.

The four or five million Aliwites, Christians, and Druze would have agricultural land, water, a deep water port and an international airport. Very importantly, they would have the still undeveloped natural gas offshore fields that extend from Israel, Lebanon, and Cyprus. The Aliwite Republic could be energy self-sufficient and even an exporter. Of course, Russia's Gazprom in which Putin has a vital interest would get a privileged position in the development of the resource.

In an last effort to bring the nearly two year long civil war to an end, Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov urged Syrian president Bashar al-Assad at the end of December to start talks with the Syrian opposition in line with the agreements for a cease fire that was reached in Geneva on 30 June. The Russians have also extended the invitation to the Syrian opposition National Coalition head, Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib. The National Coalition refuses to negotiate with Al-Assad and Al-Assad will not relinquish power voluntarily .

The hardened positions of both sides leaves little hope for a negotiated settlement; and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has made it clear that only by an agreement among the Syrians will Russia accept the removal of Al-Assad. Neither do they see a settlement through a battlefield victory which leaves only a partitioning that will allow the civil war to just wind down as all sides are exhausted.

The Russians are troubled by what they see as a growing trend among the Western Powers to remove disapproved administrations in other sovereign countries and a program to isolate Russia. They saw the U. S involvement in the Ukraine and Georgia. There was the separation of Kosovo from Serbia over Russian objections. There was the extending of NATO to the Baltic States after pledging not to expand the organization to Russia's frontier.

Again, Russia is seeing Washington's hand in Syria in the conflict with Iran. The United States is directing military operations in Syria with Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia at a control center in Adana about 60 miles from the Syrian border, which is also home to the American air base inIncirlik. The Program by President Obama to have the CIA acquire heavy weapons at a facility in Benghazi to be sent to Turkey and onward to Syria is the newest challenge that Putin cannot allow to go unanswered. It was the involvement of Ambassador Chris Stevens in the arms trade that may have contributed to his murder ; and the Russians are not hesitating to remind the United States and Europeans that their dealings with the various Moslem extremists is a very dangerous game.

The Russians are backing their determination to block another regime change by positioning and manning an advanced air defense system in what is becoming the Middle East casino. Putin is betting that NATO will not risk in Syria the cost that an air operation similar to what was employed over Libya will impose. Just in case Russia's determination is disregarded and Putin's bluff is called, Surface to surface Iskander missiles have been positioned along the Jordanian and Turkish frontiers. They are aimed at a base in Jordan operated by the United States to train rebels and at Patriot Missile sites and other military facilities in Turkey.

Putin is certain that he is holding the winning hand in this very high stakes poker game. An offshore naval task force, the presence of Russian air defense forces, an electronic intelligence center in latakia, and the port facilities at Tardus will guarantee the independence of the enclave. As the supplier of sixty percent of Turkey's natural gas, Moscow does have leverage that Ankara will not be able to ignore; and Ankara well knows that gas is one of Putin's diplomatic weapons .

When the Turks and U. S see that there is little chance of removing Al-Assad, they will have no option other than to negotiate a settlement with him; and that would involve Russia as the protector and the mediator. That would establish Russia's revived standing as a Mediterranean power; and Putin could declare confidently that “Russia is back.” After that, the Russians will be free to focus upon their real interests in the region.

And what is Russia's real interest? Of course, it is oil and gas and the power that control of them can bring.

The Mediterranean has joined the shale game, but as most of Europe’s Mediterranean countries drag their feet, all eyes are on Israel, Turkey, and Algeria.

For Israel, it will be a slow road without the majors.

For Algeria, it’s full speed ahead, in theory—but the foreign interest is just dabbling for now due to a lack of shale infrastructure.

For Turkey, the situation is more promising thanks to a renewed interest by the majors and a near-perfect blend of good governance and attractive fiscals.

Here’s what the playing field looks like:

Turkey is the best bet here. In Turkey, it’s all about the Dadas Shale, in which the majors have recently expressed a renewed interest, making the game immediately more promising for the North American juniors who are betting heavily on this play.

The Dadas Shale is being compared to Texas’ Eagle Ford shale and Oklahoma’s Woodford shale in both size and potential. What is that potential? Well, those who are investing in it say it has more than 100 million barrels of original oil in place.

While nothing’s being produced, testing is about to begin and new technology has the majors and juniors highly optimistic.

• Everyone likes working with the Turkish government—permits are fast and bureaucracy is kept to a minimum. Turkey is too keen to become a regional energy hub to let bureaucracy stand in the way. There’s just too much riding on this. • Fiscal terms are very attractive: foreign companies get a flat 12.5% royalty tax and a 20% corporate tax rate • The infrastructure is already there; it’s easy to refine and get to your choice of markets • Shell has recently renewed its interest in Dadas (it’s about to drill five wells) • ExxonMobil is in talks with the government right now about a Dadas license of its own

• The National Oil Company is holding on to key geological data that would help the industry, but this year should see some new regulations that make exploration even easier • This is still some way off (but Shell’s drilling in Dadas this year might be the turning point—at least the juniors think so)

Some think Israel is on the verge of a major energy revolution because of the combination of shale discoveries and a recent conventional natural gas discovery (16 trillion cubic feet).

While Israel doesn’t have much by way of heavy oil, it does have world-class shale oil resources.

Israel’s shale deposits sit just outside Jerusalem to the southwest, and estimates—which vary wildly—suggest a potential of between 100 billion and 250 billion barrels of oil. This is comparable to Saudi Arabia’s proven reserves.

Shale can contain both natural gas and oil, and in terms of oil, Israel’s shale plays put it in third place vis-à-vis expected volume, behind the US and China (but ahead of Russia).

• If these shale oil reserves can be extracted, we’re talking about making Israel a rival to Saudi Arabia

• Geopolitical tectonics • Still in the very early stages of this game • The regulatory environment isn’t perfect and the government has raised taxes since discoveries; permits are also hard to come by • For now, this will remain a game for the juniors. The majors aren’t interested: it’s a bit tricky to operate in the Arab world and in Israel at the same time • Because of the above, exploration and extraction will be SLOW, and the market will ignore it for now

Algeria—suffering from a decline in conventional production and foreign investment interest recently--has dived right into shale with its state-backed energy firm, Sonatrach. In fact, Algeria seems to be solely focusing on shale now and all its efforts are directed at attracting foreign partners to its shale plays.

• Estimated 2 trillion cubic meters of shale gas reserves valued at $2.6 trillion (in three provinces that span 180,000 square kilometers) • Soon-to-come (progressive) tax laws and regulations governing the industry; these new laws will encourage unconventional exploration (the opposite that is happening in Europe) • Contractual terms are already favorable and the new tax law, if passed, will adjust royalty fees for levels of production. It will also adjust taxes on oil revenues to be proportionate with exploration difficulty and exploration risk • Already-in-place: more favorable conditions for potential fracking partners • The government has outlined an $80 billion energy investment plan; $60 billion of that is earmarked for exploration, the rest for infrastructure (including refining capacity)

• Doesn’t have the infrastructure for shale (though that hasn’t stopped the interest—Italy’s Eni, Exxon Mobil Corp. Royal Dutch Shell to name a few) • Commercial viability is still a long way off and we’re looking at some 400 test wells in the meantime • The singular focus of the new hydrocarbon law on shale—at the expense of conventional exploration—is not necessarily sending the right message to foreign investors. Algeria needs its traditional oil and gas production to increase in order to fund its shale ambitions, and infrastructure … • The ongoing hostage crisis at a BP-operated gas field in the Algerian Sahara desert bodes ill for the entire Sahel. This will reverberate throughout Algeria and then on to Niger and across the Sahel.

So where do you put your money? Turkey - no contest. This is a combination package that includes good governance, good fiscals, brilliant infrastructure and a clear pay off as soon as the juniors and majors strike shale. This is a solid, long-term play whose importance to Turkey’s overall energy ambitions cannot be understated.

'A regulatory coup for Gibraltarian insurance business as the English High Court sanctions the first Part VII transfer into the UK

In Provident Insurance plc and Others v The Financial Services Authority [2012] EWHC 1860 (Ch), an application was made to the High Court for directions on the application of Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) (Part VII) to a transfer of insurance business from a firm authorised in Gibraltar to a firm authorised in the United Kingdom. This was the first time that an English Court had been asked to consider whether it had jurisdiction to approve such a transfer.

Provident Insurance plc (Provident) and MMA Insurance plc (MMA) were both UK based, FSA authorised companies. Gateway Insurance plc (Gateway) was incorporated and authorised in Gibraltar, but carried out all of its business in the UK under the “passporting” rights conferred by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Gibraltar) Order 2001 (the Gibraltar Order). All three companies belonged to the same group.

The application before the Court concerned a scheme to simplify the legal structure of the group’s UK operations by concentrating its general insurance business into MMA, thus enabling the number of regulated entities in the UK to be reduced. This arrangement would require both Provident and Gateway to transfer all of their general insurance business to MMA.

Part VII FSMA 2000 To assist with the analysis of the Court’s decision, it is beneficial to set out the basic requirements for Part VII and the regime for effecting an insurance business transfer. '

Though the euro crisis appears to have mostly faded from the headlines lately, the economic trouble in Europe isn't going anywhere. Perhaps one of the best illustrations of this is the array of staggering youth unemployment rates across the eurozone, many of which are at all-time highs.

In a note to clients today, Societe Generale's cross-asset strategists warn that given the high rates of youth unemployment, euro-area governments still face very real threats to stability:

'Social unrest still a concern. Economic crisis in developed countries have reinforced unemployment, especially with the youth. In 2013 southern economies plagued with large unemployment will remain in a recession marked by a lack of consumer confidence and greater poverty. With lower population support, large upheavals could threaten government stability. Greek finance minister recently said that Athens still faces "the possible risk" of exiting the single currency if political unrest blocks reforms. Social unrest is also looming in many emerging markets, where income inequality has increased or remained high since the 1980s. Distribution inequalities and corruption are among the main concerns of the Chinese population according to recent surveys.'

It seems likely that this has the potential to re-emerge as a big story on the eurozone front in 2013.

' A cambio de una «no beligerancia» estadounidense, Cabello se presentaba como «el anticubano» - tiene a gala no haber pisado nunca la patria de los Castro-, frente al vicepresidente Nicolás Maduro, el hombre de confianza de La Habana y finalmente ungido por Chávez, según personas conocedoras de los contactos llevados a cabo a través de la Embajada de EE. UU. en Caracas. '

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Capital Gains Tax Exemption for Non-Resident Traders in the U. S.

More and more private investors access international financial markets online. All of them have to deal with foreign tax issues. The result of that are numerous questions. Following our recent article “Why a Private Investor May Need an Offshore Company ” we answer questions on taxation and reporting of U. S. traders using offshore companies.

We are considering here a common situation when:

You are a non-citizen and not a U. S. resident and classified as non-resident alien (NRA) for taxation purposes.

You incorporate an offshore company in jurisdictions like Dominica. Belize. Seychelles or another tax haven jurisdiction having no double taxation agreement with the U. S.

Your offshore company further opens a trading account with a U. S. registered broker and you have no other business activity in the U. S.

The company is involved in day trading and never holds more than 5% of stock in one particular U. S. company.

Offshore Company is Free from Taxation and Reporting in Jurisdiction of Incorporation

An offshore company (being an International Business Company) is exempt from local taxation of any of its worldwide income generated outside of its jurisdiction of incorporation, including from the U. S. sources, neither it is required to file financial reports with its local tax authorities. The only requirement is to pay its annual governmental fee to the Registry.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Exemption in the U. S.

Capital gains are probably the major part of trading income. Under the general rule capital gains of non-residents received from U. S. sources are not taxed with the U. S. This rule should also apply to Forex ordinary income with IRC 988 and short-term capital gains from securities .

Basically, you are considered to be nonresident if you didn’t meet the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year (January 1 – December 31) for individuals, and if you don’t have a U. S. office, business place or relationship that can be classified as a permanent residence for legal entities.

U. S. Interests and Dividends are Subject to Withholding Tax at a Flat 30% Rate

The other income including interests and dividends is subject to different taxation depending on whether it is Effectively Connected Income (ECI) or not.

According to the IRS, “if your only U. S. business activity is trading stocks, securities, or commodities (including hedging transactions) through a U. S. resident broker or other agent, you are not engaged in a trade or business in the United States”. It means that this part of your income is not effectively connected .

“Income that is not effectively connected is taxed at a flat 30% (or lower treaty) rate”. Since there is no double tax treaty in our case, the 30% tax rate is applicable to interests and dividends income.

“Nonresident aliens are taxed based on the source of their income and whether or not their income is effectively connected with a U. S. trade or business”. It means that your taxes on interests and dividends are subject to withholding by the paying agent – U. S. broker.

Same tax rulings should apply to foreign entities including your offshore company.

You Don’t Have to File a Tax Return in the U. S.

You don’t have a permanent establishment in the U. S. nor your income is treated as effectively connected. As a result you don’t need to furnish a taxpayer identification number (TIN) nor employer identification number (EIN).

As this is your only U. S. source income, you do not have to file a tax return in the U. S. because your U. S. tax liability is satisfied by the withholding of tax.

However, you must provide Form W8-BEN (instructions for form W-8BEN ) to establish that you are a non U. S. person and claim that you are the beneficial owner of the income for which Form W-8BEN is being provided. Your broker is to request it from you and you are to provide it to the broker, not to the IRS, before you are paid or credited. Failure to provide Form W-8BEN may lead to backup withholding rate.

Find the Right U. S. Broker

From the practical experience a lot may depend on the policy of a particular U. S. brokerage company you decided to work with. We would advise you to talk to your broker first before you open a trading account. If the broker tends to withhold the tax on capital gains from your foreign exchange and stock trading, it may be wiser to look for another broker. The “right” broker is supposed to understand the issues of taxation of non-resident U. S. traders and be ready to meet your business interests and tax rights.

In case of American taxpayers using an offshore company for the same purposes the situation is different. They may be subject to additional tax obligations and need to consult with a local tax advisor.

Descargo de responsabilidad. pursuant to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance, please be informed that any tax advice given in this article was not intended and is not to be used as an advice to any person or entity for the purpose of avoiding taxes and penalties imposed under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

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'A big part the intergovernmental agreement is to make sure Australian compliance with FATCA happens in a way that reduces its overall burden on Australian business, Treasurer Wayne Swan said in a statement on Wednesday. "This announcement has come at a critical time as the final FATCA regulations are expected before the end of the year," said John Brogden, chief executive officer, Financial Services Council (FSC). Significant compliance costs could be passed on to investors, especially in superannuation, he said. "It is essential that an intergovernmental agreement is established as it is the only way that Australian superannuation funds can be guaranteed an exemption from FATCA", Brogden said. Other low risk investment products could also potentially be exempted, he said. Draft FATCA regulations released in February 2012 sent shockwaves through the industry when it became apparent that superannuation funds would be subjected to FATCA reporting and withholding requirements. The FSC has been in ongoing discussion with senior US Treasury and Internal Revenue Service officials and relevant members of Congress on the impact of FATCA on Australia's financial services industry. '

'A big part the intergovernmental agreement is to make sure Australian compliance with FATCA happens in a way that reduces its overall burden on Australian business, Treasurer Wayne Swan said in a statement on Wednesday. "This announcement has come at a critical time as the final FATCA regulations are expected before the end of the year," said John Brogden, chief executive officer, Financial Services Council (FSC). Significant compliance costs could be passed on to investors, especially in superannuation, he said. "It is essential that an intergovernmental agreement is established as it is the only way that Australian superannuation funds can be guaranteed an exemption from FATCA", Brogden said. Other low risk investment products could also potentially be exempted, he said. Draft FATCA regulations released in February 2012 sent shockwaves through the industry when it became apparent that superannuation funds would be subjected to FATCA reporting and withholding requirements. The FSC has been in ongoing discussion with senior US Treasury and Internal Revenue Service officials and relevant members of Congress on the impact of FATCA on Australia's financial services industry. '

' U. S. Rep. John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, received nearly twice as much financial support from donors tied to the energy sector than did the next-closest recipient, a report from the National Wildlife Federation finds. The 20-page report highlights the role it says oil companies play in U. S. politics, stating energy companies are working behind the scenes on Capitol Hill to influence legislation in favour of oil, natural gas and coal policies. The NWF report finds that the current 112th U. S. Congress has voted one out of every five times against legislation drafted in favour of environmental issues.

Boehner, R-Ohio, in a press conference this week, spoke out against a stagnant unemployment climate in the United States. The U. S. Labour Department, in an early September report, showed the unemployment rate dropped slightly in August to 8.1 percent, down 0.2 percent from its July level. That's the 43rd consecutive month, however, that the unemployment rate was above 8 percent, the longest period since World War II. The House speaker said this was a sign of President Barack Obama's failure to lead.

On Friday, Boehner led the House of Representatives in passing the so-called Stop the War on Coal Act, a measure that would block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases. It's unlikely to pass through the Senate.

"We’re the Saudi Arabia of coal and the president wants to shut down coal production and the use of coal in the United States so that we can export it to our economic competitors around the world," said Boehner in a statement. It's a jobs issue, he said.

The report from the NWF, released on the eve of the House vote, finds that Oxbow Corp. a private company focused on mining and marketing of coal, natural gas and petroleum, donated more than $80,000 to Boehner's campaign since 2010. The NWF explains that Oxbow was founded by William Koch, whose twin billionaire brothers are among the largest corporate financiers of the U. S. Congress. According to information NWF gathered from The Center for Responsive Politics, energy companies like Oxbow gave more than $814,000 to Boehner's campaign during the current Congress.

The NWF's report, however, is non-partisan in its effort to showcase the energy sector's monetary influence over U. S. politics. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va. who serves on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, ranked No. 2 on the NWF's list. Manchin, ahead of Friday's vote in the House, said it was clear that "the EPA has overstepped its bounds" in terms of action that could target the coal industry. Of the top 10 lawmakers listed in the NWF report, however, Manchin is the only Democrat and received $480,050 compared to Boehner's $814,060.

The NWF states that the House of Representatives, led by Boenher and his fellow Republicans, voted 109 times since the start of 2011 to weaken environmental laws or some of the safety regulations in the oil industry.

Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the NWF, said the report provides a "behind the curtains" look into U. S. politics.

"America has been losing ground in the climate fight, and much of this is due to gridlock within our political system," he writes. "The resulting inertia is sustained by oil, gas, and coal companies that have spent more than a billion dollars on campaign contributions, public advertising, and lobbying in the past two years alone." '

' As Japan and France move away from nuclear energy, is it the endgame for nuclear proponents?

As the world slouches into the 21st century, one of the global economic realities is that more and more developing nations, much less the "First World," are competing for fossil fuel resources whose production is rising more slowly than demand.

Complicating the picture are the booming economies of two BRIC nations, India and China, a development that ensures that developed nations will be in increasing competition for global supplies of oil, natural gas and coal, whose production is struggling to keep with increasing demand.

An alternative relentlessly pushed by Western corporate interests is nuclear power, whose proponents never c ease to remind their potential audience that nuclear power plants (NPPs), unlike those fired by coal or oil, emit no greenhouse gases, no small consideration in the world community worried about global warming.

But the global nuclear power industry has three strikes against it - cost, catastrophes, whether man-made (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl) or natural (Fukushima Daiichi) and the not inconsiderable problem of disposing of nuclear waste generated by NPPs. Despite civilian nuclear programs dating back to the early 1960s, no country has yet developed an environmentally safe means of disposing of NPP's nuclear by products, and these three issues are forcing a slow but significant worldwide rethink on the viability of nuclear electrical production.

Needless to say, the well-entrenched world nuclear power generation, with trillions of dollars invested and potentially billions more in the form of new NPP contracts, is fighting a furious rear-guard action, but t he ultimate outcome of the titanic struggle is anything but clear, given a number of recent events.

The United States has 104 NPPs in operation, France - 58, Japan's (currently offline) 54, Russia 32, South Korea 20, India 19, Canada 18, Germany 17, China 11, Taiwan six and Pakistan two, while nations with nuclear power reactors under construction include China with 23, Russia - nine, South Korea - six, India four and Taiwan two.

On 14 September, bowing to public opposition, Japan's government joined Germany and Switzerland in turning away from nuclear power after the March 2011 earthquake unleashed a tsunami that destroyed Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi NPP complex. The decision represents a major about-face by the Japanese government of Prime Minister Yosh ihiko Noda, which before Fukushima stated that the nation's energy policy would increase the country's share of atomic energy to more than half of the country's electricity generation. Noda's government intended to ramp up by 300 percent the country's share of renewable power to 30 percent of its energy mix. Noda's decision earlier this year to restart two NPPs to avoid potential summer power outages, flying in the face of public opinion, energized anti-nuclear protests.

Noda's government's decision to phase out the country's NPPs by both refusing to extend nuclear plant operating licenses beyond 40 years and committing to building no new ones provoked an immediate and predictable backlash from Japan's powerful nuclear energy lobby, which argued that the short sighted decision would boost electricity prices, making industry uncompetitive and complicating efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Nearly fifty years ago, when the U. S. led the way in deploy ing civilian nuclear electricity NPPS, proponents excitedly maintained that soon electricity would be "too cheap to measure."

But, while this advertising slogan never panned out, a second nuclear power reality overlooked by proponents of its centrality to a nation's power generation base is the uncomfortable fact that it was in fact born from the stupendously expensive U. S. "Manhattan Project," which produced the nuclear weapons dropped on Japan in august 1945, which both ended World War Two and inaugurated the Cold War. The nexus between civilian electrical power generation and weaponry have existed uneasily since then, as evidenced by the recent international campaign against Iran.

So, what to make of Japan's tepid decision to downsize its nuclear energy commitment? Thoughtful analysts might note that Europe's leading technological powerhouses, Germany and Japan, have apparently decided to pursue energy alternatives to nuclear while France, Europe's le ading user of nuclear energy, is also rethinking its position.

Do Berlin and Tokyo know something that other nations do not? Whatever occurs, expect a vigorous rear-guard action by the global nuclear power industry, as it attempts to preserve its multi-billion dollar industry, starting with them suddenly joining the climate change bandwagon by emphasizing that NPPs generate zero greenhouse gases.

Which, of course, is why former Fukushima residents outside the NPP's 12 mile exclusion zone breathe so much more easily.'

Subject: Clearing Processing for USD Offshore Chinese Renminbi (CNH) Futures and E-Micro USD/Offshore Chinese Renminbi (MNH) Futures to Launch Sunday, November 18, 2012


This advisory describes CME’s new physically delivered FX futures on the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Offshore Chinese Renminbi. These are referred to as Standard USD Offshore Renminbi (USD/CNH) Futures and E-micro USD Offshore Renminbi (USD/MNH) Futures. The Globex and clearing product codes for the two new futures are CNH and MNH . respectively.

Effective on Sunday, November 18, 2012, for the trade date of Monday, November 19, 2012, CME is launching new Standard-size and E-micro-size U. S. Dollar/Offshore Chinese Renminbi (USD/CNH) Futures contracts on CME Globex and CME ClearPort. These futures contracts feature physical delivery of Offshore Chinese Renminbi (CNH), priced in interbank terms of Offshore Chinese Renminbi per U. S. dollar with associated daily settlement variation banked in Offshore Chinese Renminbi, and fungible (offsetting) on a 10 to 1 basis between the micro and the full-sized contracts.

These two new contracts are in addition to CME’s other currently listed U. S. dollar vs. Chinese Renminbi products: Chinese Renminbi/U. S. Dollar futures and options priced in American-terms of U. S. dollars per Chinese Renminbi with daily pays and collects in U. S. dollars (product code = RMB), and Standard-size and E-micro-size U. S. Dollar/Chinese Renminbi futures (product codes, respectively, CNY and MNY) priced in interbank terms of Chinese Renminbi per U. S. dollar, but with daily implied pays and collects in RMB converted and banked into U. S. dollars. These currently listed dollar/Renminbi products are unchanged and continue to be listed for trading after introduction of the new contracts.

For more information: For more information, contact CME Clearing at 312-207-2525

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Offshore Forex Broker

And Offshore Forex Managed Accounts

As a result of the freedom and wealth robbing rules of the alphabet soup groups in the U. S.A. with the initials NFA and CFTC our enterprise: Freedom Offshore Services can proudly introduce you to the best offshore forex broker and the best offshore managed accounts in the world. To learn more about why U. S. people are moving to offshore forex brokers and offshore managed accounts please read why escape to forex brokers offshore and you will understand what is going on behind the scenes and why you need to open up accounts with offshore forex brokers using an offshore corp.

As a result of the contacts we have had over the years coupled with the technological advances in forex trading which has made it much more profitable for the retail investor, we have included in our offshore LLC package and in our International business corporation package five of the very best offshore forex managed accounts designed for the little guy in mind. By using all five offshore forex managed accounts with the low minimums required, the profits averaged together have continually maintained a high yield uptrend month after month.

Also, we noticed that many people on the internet were searching for an offshore forex broker using these search terms: Bahamas forex broker, Swiss forex broker, forex broker Panama, forex brokers Costa Rica, best forex broker in U. K. Australian forex broker, Canadian forex brokers and Brazil forex broker. Some of the countries looked for in these search terms are not offshore in the technical sense of the word. But we are using the term offshore loosely to describe opening a brokerage in a country that you are not a citizen of or do not reside in.

As a result of these searches for the best offshore forex broker, we have also included in our offshore corporate packages the best ten offshore forex brokers in the Bahamas, Switzerland, Panama, Costa Rica, Australia, and the U. K. The only ones we do not include are forex brokers in Brazil and Canada since people in those countries should be opening their accounts offshore in our select best forex broker offshore so they can partake of the excellent high yield managed forex accounts and high performing automated forex accounts we have found were being traded at those brokerages. Email us today for more information at: service (at) freedomoffshore. com

Disclaimer: Forex is a leveraged product. It may not be suitable for you as it carries a high degree of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial investment. You should ensure you understand all of the risks.

Sedco Forex Company

July 13, 1999 | From Bloomberg News

Schlumberger Ltd. plans to spin off its Sedco Forex Offshore unit to shareholders, then merge it with Transocean Offshore Inc. in a $3.2-billion transaction that would create the world's largest offshore drilling company. Shares of the new company, to be called Transocean Sedco Forex, are valued at $29 each, for a total of about $6.1 billion. Schlumberger shareholders would own 52%.


July 13, 1999 | From Bloomberg News

Schlumberger Ltd. plans to spin off its Sedco Forex Offshore unit to shareholders, then merge it with Transocean Offshore Inc. in a $3.2-billion transaction that would create the world's largest offshore drilling company. Shares of the new company, to be called Transocean Sedco Forex, are valued at $29 each, for a total of about $6.1 billion. Schlumberger shareholders would own 52%.

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Panama tax exempt companies. If structured properly, a non-resident Panamanian company is legally tax-exempt on income derived outside of Panama.

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Solutions to offer financial services

Days when offshore countries issued bank licenses as crazy are long over. Check some easy options how to form deposit taking entities, offer investing services, FOREX, trading with metals. etc. (Swedish credit union, Panama offshore company with financial license, Swedish Trust Companies, New Zealand Financial Company, Offshore brokerage companies, Switzerland Trust Companies)

Sweden trust companies. The Trust Company can manage any type of asset held in Trust for any number of clients (individuals or legal entities) resident anywhere in the world.

Panamanian Financial Off-shore Company. A new offshore financial entity has been introduced to the market. It is designed for corporations registered in Panama which wish to obtain licenses to provide such services as payment processing, credit cards management, metals trading, leasing, factoring etc.

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New Zealand Finance Company. A Finance Company (FC) can offer banking services to both private individuals and corporations worldwide, with no limitations on number of customers, amounts on deposit or number of currencies.

Offshore brokerage license. Government issued International Brokerage and Clearing House License which allows the license holder to engage in activities such as brokering, issuing and underwriting of securities, asset management, transaction clearing, fund management, payment processing, currency trading and financial advisory

Products for gambling and gaming industry

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Our main company is incorporated in Panama and we have office in Panama City. You are welcome to visit us. Our registration number is 877631-1-510466 and our DUNS number 85-376-2784.

Helping Aspects of Trading Forex: Trading forex offshore company and trading forex news

Forex trading is the trillion-dollar business offering something for everyone who is smart and hardworking worldwide. A serious forex trader will do everything in his capacity to gain considerable profit from the international market. One such thing is opening an offshore company account.

Reasons to open a Trading Forex Offshore Company are

Privacy . Nobody is going to know that the trader is having an offshore company account in that jurisdiction. Further, the trader or investor need not provide any type of reports and hence complete privacy is provided for the forex trader.

Better tax benefits . Tax benefits with an offshore company account are more than the individual trading account. This is profitable when the trading volume is high.

Considered as higher level . Entire trading experience is treated with a high status

Separate Personal and Trading accounts . This will clear the situation and equally the risks undergone due to trading activities.

Convenience and Flexibility . As an offshore company, a trader can transact at any time in any mode he prefers. Moreover, the offshore companies receive plenty of trading services and brokerage, which an individual trader cannot avail of.

Importance of T rading Forex News .

Another aspect that helps a forex trader is the forex news. The forex market is moved not by the actual supply and demand that is prevailing but by the anticipation of the supply and demand in future. And, how to make the anticipation? What are the resources to find out these estimates? It is from the trading forex NEWS, both of government and private sectors that the forex industry anticipates and moves along. Most of the forex investors employ three trading forex news techniques . Son:

The News Reversal

Long-term strategy of ‘Use the news’

The Slingshot Strategy

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Books by W. G. Hill and Grandpa, Offshore Banking and Investing

Your guides to going offshore, expat living, offshore banking and investing

If you are looking for practical, tested and proven guides to expatriation and going offshore, books on offshore tax havens, banking and investing, you will find here a good selection of valuable publications by noted authors. These useful and insightful guides provide comprehensive information on the subjects of expat living, Perpetual Traveler, second passports, personal privacy and enjoying the freedoms this world offers. There is also information on forex markets, finances and investments. In our online bookstore you can now purchase offshore and Perpetual Traveler books by W. G. Hill and Grandpa, the International Library and Underground Knowledge books, and of course Bye Bye Big Brother hard cover set, CD-ROM, or e-book format as an instant online download.

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Expert help with your offshore requirements

When it comes to offshore planning and expat living, you need to acquire the right knowledge and timely advice, to ensure that your moving offshore or setting up your business outside of your current jurisdiction is done properly and in line with relevant laws. This is where you need expert help and up to date information, to avoid potential problems later on. We help you find the right sources that will give your professional help and advice for your offshore needs, through our offshore guides. PT reports and privacy books available to buy online on this web site. You also have the chance to attend some of the premier offshore events. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Protect Your Privacy and Guard Your Assets

In these times of growing invasion and attacks on privacy, protecting your personal information, your wealth and investments has become increasingly important. Your right to privacy is inalienable and must be strongly guarded. The lack of financial privacy is of particular concern, that can leave you open to other attacks. Smart individuals arrange their financial affairs in legal offshore PT structures, protecting their business, wealth and finances, often for generations. See also our Articles on offshore and privacy, get some Investing Tips and Wine Investment info. We have also just added section on Finances.

Perpetual Traveler books

In this modern digital age when personal and financial privacy appears to be all but an outdated concept, it's even more important to understand the basics of living your life freely on your own terms. The concept of the Perpetual Traveler, Permanent Tourist or PT was developed a few decades ago by Dr Harry Schultz and later expanded upon by Dr W. G. Hill. Perpetual Traveler book and other works by Dr Hill provide timeless advice on how to live your life free from the Big Brother intrusion. This includes 3-flags and later 5-flags theory of arranging your life and finances for a life of freedom.

Bye Bye Big Brother manual

One of the most saught-after offshore secrets manuals, BBBB or Bye Bye Big Brother manual contains nearly one hundred special reports that have been comissioned and prepared by a team of international experts. This unique series of reports covers offshore financial, privacy and asset protection strategies, tax-free residencies, second passports and citizenships, and many other associated lifestyle and investment issues. If you value your privacy and freedom and wish to escape the clutches of the Big Brother, then this is the book you've been waiting for.

Bye Bye Big Brother sample chapter

Take a peak at Bye Bye Big Brother abridged version book and the underlying PT philosophy by downloading free sample chapter in PDF. Bye Bye Big Brother teaches you how to create a blueprint and action plan for protecting your privacy and assets. You will also learn how to expand your professional activities, your investments and your business overseas. One of the most important PT books, now available in abridged version. This downloadble free chapter gives you an insight into the abridged version.

Expat Wealth books and reports

Our series of Expat, Wealth, Offshore and Banking publications covers a small variety of different subjects. These expat wealth books include: • The Gold Report - how to buy, sell and store gold overseas • Offshore Banking Guide - practical guide to banking offshore • Offshore Road to Riches - the offshore road to riches guide • BBBB Abridged Book - the abridged version of BBBB book • PT2: The Practice - the ultimate guide to privacy tactics • VIP Divorce Kit - express divorce kit for quick offshore divorce

Offshore Banking Countries

Contrary to what you might have been led to believe, offshore banking is a normal thing and happens every day around the world in numerous countries and jurisdictions. It's what makes much of business and financial world move around, and an innevitable part of international trade. Offshore banking countries usually specialize in providing banking services for expatriate businesses and rich individuals, who are looking to get more personalized financial and investing services, with more privacy and better asset protection.

Investing Tips for Beginners

Irrespective of what type of investment you are looking into, good knowledge about the investment area is the key to your success. Each person starts investing with a different goal in mind, which ultimately plays a big impact on how you invest and determines whether you succeed with your objectives or not. There are some fundamental tips that can help a beginning investor make smart and informed choices. These articles on investing explore several investment options, with useful tips and practical advice.

Wine Investment Guides

Global demand for fine wines is on the increase, making Wine Investment an attractive option. But this exciting new investment avenue carries considerable risks and it's not for start-up investors. Nonetheless, investors who have deep pockets and are prepared to take risks, will find this exciting area handsomely rewarding. Learn what makes wine investments both risky and exciting. • Investing in Wines - wine experts reviews can lead to success • Wine as Loan Collateral - yes, it's possible, with considerable risk

Learn about finances

For internet-savvy people finances are thought of as a big bore. Financial planning used to be the domain of their parents and grandparents, who used to plan their finances to manage their family budgets and even earn a dollar or two from careful and sound investing. Nowadays it's all mostly dismissed as unnecessary exercise with so many (hollow) promises of quick riches. Nothing can be further from the thruth, though. Now, more than ever, it's important to do your financial planning and not leave your financial future in the hands of incompetent, debt-ridden governments.

Forex Trading articles

Two trillion dollars is traded daily on currencies market, known as forex or FX market. This is more than the value of most of other markets combined. Forex market involves trading large volumes of currencies by banks, governments, large companies, and financial institutions. These Forex articles explain what is currency or forex trading, and how foreign exchange is conducted. They include: • Forex Software - 6 tips for picking the right FX trading software • Forex Explained - what is currency trading or FX in lay man terms

International Wealth Library

Learn the secrets of creating and preserving your wealth with time-tested, legal strategies, utilizing offshore structures. This highly valuable International Wealth Library contains seven useful books on private offshore banking and investment secrets. Written by the Australian author Lance Spicer, the books include: • The Invisible World - tax, investments, and citizenship strategies • Invisible Banking - offshore banking and investing with privacy • High Yield Investments - 2 investment books; and a few more.

Underground Knowledge books

The Underground Knowledge books series covers secret strategies on international wealth preservation and privacy protection, to live and enjoy a life of freedom. How to beat government surveillance and avoid various scams and fraud. Penned by Lance Spicer, these books also cover the subjects anonymous banking, safeguarding your assets, offshore investments, second citizenships, and more. • Underground Knowledge - books one through to four • Scams and Fraud - financial scams and fraud exposed

Money and Investing archive

Money and investments have always been interesting topics, never more so then at the time of the most recent economic crisis in 2008. The sub-prime and real estate collapse started in the US and then spread throughout the world. The effects of that crisis are still being felt in the sluggish world economy, the US and the EU huge debt and the ongoing economic turmoil around the world. Our Money and Investing archived news gives you the stories as they happened at the time, with interesting insights into politics and finances.

Privacy, Offshore and Investing articles

If you are considering to invest offshore, or want to create an offshore business structure, you will find these articles both useful and informative: • Achieving Success - 7 strategies from self-made millionaires • Investing in Panama - Peter Macfarlane gives the details • Millionaire Mindset - 9 characteristics common to businesspeople • Online Transactions - online security and privacy more important

Business seminars and workshops are a fast-track way to acquire new business knowledge and meet new business partners and clients. From time to time we make announcements on upcoming offshore seminars. To give you an idea of what those seminars are like, where they're usually held, what topics are covered and who are the speakers, read our Seminars updates. • Antigua Conference - Q Wealth Offshore Conference, May 2013 • Panama Seminar - Recipes for Success seminar, November 2008

Hottest Real Estate Markets - Unless you are really, really unfortunate, investing in property is always a good idea. Short of your chosen location being demolished by some man-made or natural calamity, it is usually hard to lose huge on property. Accordingly, there's always a good possibility that your property will increase in value and bring you a good profit.

Binary Options Straddle Strategy - If you are considering alternatives to traditional stock trading, one of the options would be binary options trading. This allows you to place multiple bets on a variety of assets. There are different strategies used in binary options, one of which is straddle strategy. This involves placing a call and put on the same asset.

Price of Crude Oil and Stock Market - The price for a barrel of crude oil has been falling down and it's possible that it still hasn't bottomed. This is of course affecting oil companies and the industries associated with them. But the effect has also been felt across the global economy. We try and give an analysis of what these historically low prices mean for the stock market in general.

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“When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.”

Nikola Tesla, inventor, futurist and engineer, c. 1926.

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Forex Brokerage License

Want your own FOREX LICENSE today? Need to offer forex trading now?

ESEConsult Corporation is ready to assist you!

* Obtaining unique Forex License Forex trading Buying, selling, trading foreign currencies with banks, brokers, stock exchanges, corporate entities and private customers

*Fast and easy company formation No appearing in person at any stage Fast approval No paid up capital

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ESEConsult Corp . offers the full package of forming Forex Company in the safe offshore jurisdictions which allow conducting the business worldwide and tax exempt.

The Forex transactions are related to the category of investment business and deal with the category of “asset management”. License is granted for the following fields of business: Asset management & Financial Advisory Services. Forex License allows you to accept the investors’ funds to your company bank account, to run investment business and to manage your assets. Who issues Forex License?

The Forex License is issued by the authoriteis responsible for regulation of this kind of business. ESEConsult Corp . can offer a wide choice of offshore jurisdictions which are wellknown for their high reputation on the international financial business market and which allow running Forex Business internationally and tax exempt. The specific jurisdiction of the licensing authority can be represented to you as soon as you contact us http://eseconsult. co. uk/about/contact.

The structure for a Forex License application: - Formation of a special offshore company * as license holder - License authorization - Nominee Director Service - Nominee Shareholder Service - Virtual office - Offshore bank account ** for Forex Company (can be opened only for forex license holders) - Merchant Account *** (Visa/Master Card/ AHC/paypal/moneybookers/netteler)

* The special offshore company which is required to be registered as License holder has to be registered under the terms of the License in the same jurisdiction as the License is issued from.

** A bank account for the corporation is opened in major banks located in other countries with bank secrecy and excellent privacy laws. These countries do not respond to information requests for anything other than major crimes like terrorism, murder, kidnapping, blackmail and extortion.

*** This service is available on request. Merchants who accept credit cards, ATM/debit cards enjoy greater sales than those who do not. Accepting cards encourages customer purchasing, stimulates impulse buying . and helps grow your business .

Starting today your own forex business with ESEConsult Corp. you will have: * Unique high-standard service. * Affordable fees. * Fast approval * Highest level of privacy protection. * Fully legal offshore company. * No taxation. * Business can be conducted internationally. * Authentic and legal licensing documentation. * No appearing in person at any stage. * Additional services.

Forex Video Zone

Forex Offshore Profits

November 10, 2015 at 13:07 by K. Prabhu

There are times when moving money offshore is profitable. This may be because return on investment is better offshore and it may be because the value of the offshore currency goes up after you move your money. Forex offshore profits can occur in either case. One example was the yen carry trade a few years ago and another is the recurring volatility of the Colombian peson versus the US Dollar. Garnering Forex offshore profits requires that you pay attention to both Forex fundamentals and technical strategies. For years Interest rates in Japan very low and in USA substantially higher. It was a common practice for forex trader to borrow money, yen at a low interest rate back home and then convert the yen to dollars. He would then buy a bond in the USA with the money. The profit would be the difference between the rate of interest on the loan which was virtually zero and the rate of interest on the bond. This worked as long as value of dollar did not fall substantially against the yen. If the dollar went up in value versus the yen it simply increased the forex offshore profits in this case. Swing trading the US Dollar against the Colombian peso ould have resulted in profits of as much as 25% in a given year. Colombia’s consistently sound economic policies and aggressive promotion of free trade agreements in recent years have bolstered its ability to weather external shocks. All 3 major ratings upgraded its governemnt debt to investment grade. Colombia depends heavily on energy and mining exports making it vulnerable to a drop in commodity prices. The value of peso goes up and down with commodity prices. An alternative to trading currencies to gain offshore profits is to look for investment opportunities in growing economies.

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FOREX-Yuan hits 4-1/2-month low in offshore trade, Swedish crown soars

* Offshore yuan rates fall to weakest since August

* Swedish crown hits 9-month high

* U. S. data eyed for dollar direction

By Jemima Kelly

LONDON, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Offshore rates for China's yuan fell on Tuesday to their weakest since a hefty two-day devaluation in August, mirroring a fall in onshore rates, with traders citing strong year-end dollar demand.

Sweden's crown meanwhile hit a nine-month high against the euro as investors bet that the country's economy would continue to improve and that its central bank would hold off from cutting interest rates further for the time being.

Trading was thin, however, with many traders away for the Christmas holiday season.

The dollar was 0.1 percent higher against a basket of major currencies ahead of U. S. house price and consumer confidence data, which is expected to show an increase.

"In a low liquidity environment, a potential improvement in a measure that foreshadows U. S. consumption could boost the dollar at least temporarily," wrote analysts from broker IronFX.

The greenback strengthened around 0.2 percent against the yuan in offshore trading, to 6.5800 yuan. That was its strongest against the Chinese currency since Aug. 12.

Commerzbank currency strategist Thulan Nguyen, in Frankfurt, said this was a continuation of depreciation trend in the yuan since it was included in the International Monetary Fund's benchmark SDR reserves basket.

"The PBOC (People's Bank of China) is just letting it ease gradually," said Nguyen. "I think they realise now that the best long-term strategy is to let it depreciate, because that will support the economy."

Earlier, the yuan briefly touched a 4-1/2-year low in onshore trade. Traders said it had been dragged down by strong dollar demand, as corporates typically need extra dollars to settle business at the year-end.

The Swedish crown rose 0.3 percent against the euro to trade at 9.1500 crowns, its strongest since mid-March.

"Before the last ECB meeting there was quite a lot of speculation that the Riksbank would have to act as well because the ECB would become more expansionary," Commerzbank's Nguyen said. "But they didn't do anything (and) that was taken as an invite by some speculators to drive down euro/stokkie (crown)."

"The other thing is economically, things are picking up in Sweden. Several banks and statistics institutes are revising their growth forecasts upwards."

Sterling fell 0.4 percent to $1.4827, taking it close to a 8-1/2-month low of $1.4806 hit earlier in the month. (Additional reporting Shinichi Saoshiro in Tokyo; Editing by Alison Williams)

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MoneyForex Financial Ltd. is incorporated in British Virgin Island (Registration Number 629302) under the provisions of the International Business Companies Act, 1984. MoneyForex is authorized to offer futures, securities, and foreign exchange as a forex broker and primary market maker.

MoneyForex Financial Ltd. is one of the world leading online currency trading broker offering low pips and commission-free online forex trading. Founded by Wall Street veterans, MoneyForex's vision is to service individual and corporate investors such as money managers, banks, and financial institutions in easing the complexity in dealing with forex trading. Our dealing software which specialized in forex dealing is rated second to none for it user friendly environment. Lightning speed and efficient execution is one of its many benefits.

Last edited by myforex; 02-25-2006 at 12:59 AM.

Offshore Forex

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Obtaining an Offshore Forex License

May 10, 2010 - PRLog -- Obtaining an Offshore Forex License

The best deal in Forex may well be to have an offshore Forex license. Although money can certainly be made in Forex it can be lost too. The long term winner is Forex is the broker. The old saying from the California Gold Rush days comes to mind. “When everyone is digging for gold it is the time to be selling picks and shovels.” With an offshore Forex license you or your corporation could collect commissions and fees on trading in a market that trades up for $4 Trillion a day.

Central banks, institutional traders, and currency speculators trade around the clock. Some profit and some lose. The most reliable profits in Forex or other markets are the commissions paid to the broker. It is possible to obtain an offshore Forex broker’s license in a number of tax advantaged, financially discrete jurisdictions. Visit http://userbancorp. com/ government_issued_ forreign_exchang. to learn more.

Going Where the Money Is

The legendary bank robber, Willy Sutton, spent most of his life in prison and when he was out he robbed banks. When asked why he kept robbing banks (and going to prison) he responded, “That’s where the money is!” Today – without robbing banks – an individual or corporation can set up shop in an offshore location, advertise, gain clients and prosper while others speculate on whether China will revalue the Yuan (Renmibi) or not.

Many currency speculators did well in anticipating the PIIGS matter and how it would drive the Euro down. Others, later, recognized a reversed head and shoulders charting pattern that indicated a stop, at least temporarily, to the Euro’s slide. At all times and in all markets the licensed Forex broker makes money on the trades and does not worry a lot about fundamental and technical analysis of market trends and market reversals.

How to Get a Forex License

As in all business endeavors it is wise to obtain sound advice and counsel. You will want to find the most advantageous offshore location for being a Forex broker. It won’t just be a matter of which license is easiest to obtain but which offers you the widest range possibilities, which jurisdiction is most tax advantaged for the profits you expect to make, and which jurisdiction is the most financially discrete.

The application process for an offshore Forex license will include filing an application as well as affidavits detailing personal and financial information on all directors, shareholders, and officers of your Forex company. To the extent that you wish to protect your privacy it is possible in many jurisdictions to use qualified nominees. The application fee including government fees including setup cost will run around $27,000.

It is entirely possible to set up an offshore company and/or foundation which will in turn own your Forex brokerage. It is entirely possible and, probably, advisable to outsource a fair amount of the work of your brokerage firm. Look for an advisor going in that will have to competence to help streamline your business, set up a successful web site, and in all ways help you structure your business in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

Visit http://userbancorp. com/ financial_license_ become_a_banker. to learn more about several other available financial services licenses.

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How to Spot an Offshore Forex Scam

There are advantages to having an offshore bank account. Personal attention, privacy, easy access from any location, tax advantages, and opportunities to increase your wealth are just a few. It makes sense to consider this option, but one must do so with caution.

Many offshore transactions are conducted by means of the internet and while this offers the convenience clients are looking for, it also allows scammers to make easy targets of incautious or uninformed investors. One of the fastest growing types of fraud pretends to be a forex related investment—whether in funds or in traditional brokerages. The forex market is relatively new, so the general public has yet to develop an eye for such schemes. According to some estimates, billions of dollars each year are taken by swindlers. How can an honest investor take advantage of offshore opportunities and still protect themselves from fraud?

One thing that puts you ahead of the con artists is simply knowing and believing that it really could happen to you. Knowledge is power as the old saying goes, and this is as true in the arena of offshore banking and investments as it is in other places. People are defrauded every day who did not think it could happen to them. A savvy investor must become educated about different types of banking, investment products, or forex accounts that interest them. Talk to trusted accountants and advisers about opportunities you are considering. Remember that you don’t have to invest millions to become a victim of a scam. Criminals out to get your money will take as little or as much as they can convince you to give them.

Be aware that the manner in which you are contacted – mail, radio, email, internet ad, newspaper – has little or no bearing on whether or not an opportunity is legitimate. Schemers are trying to mimic the business tactics of honest offshore concerns in order to fool you. Do not think that a dishonest person will not put much effort into a scam. They are sometimes willing to put serious effort and even a little of their own money into it for the big payoff. Con men (or women) come from varied backgrounds. You no doubt realize that most of them do not “look like crooks” but they do have one thing in common: their ability to make the sale. Convincing clients of their sincerity is their greatest gift.

Learn as much as possible about any investment you are considering. Ask yourself whether or not the rate of return compared to the risk and amount of cash involved are reasonable. Are the promises too good to be true? Is there time for you to do some research or is it a once in a lifetime chance that will not wait for caution? If the agent pushes to make the decisions immediately, it’s probably a good idea to skip it entirely. Can you get the information in writing? The lack of a street or mailing address may indicate an attempt at fraud. Pay attention to the domain name. Internet sites that list the service provider first and the financial institution second are questionable. Reputable banks normally have domain names that are similar to their own.

You do not have to be one of the hundreds of people defrauded through disreputable offshore banks. Talk to an accountant who specializes in offshore dealings, be informed, and make a wise choice.

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Why Start an Offshore Hedge Fund? The number of offshore hedge funds continues to increase in numbers. The term "offshore" means not in your home country and the term does not refer to any one country in particular. Hedge funds are set up offshore usually for tax neutrality and/or regulatory reasons.

Hedge fund managers should consider setting up an offshore hedge fund if they expect to have investors from other countries or if their home country's laws are not geared toward the hedge fund industry. With a handful of exceptions, most countries have high territorial and jurisdictional taxes. Why would someone not from your home country want exposure to your home country's tax laws? Offshore hedge funds are generally organized as corporations (except in the United States) for tax and regulatory reasons when the investors live in high tax countries. Learn More by Reading our Leading Media Articles

We Offer an International Bias Our law firm is based in the United States but we have solid ties to law offices and hedge fund lawyers around the globe. We can set up offshore funds anywhere in the world. At times on this web site we note items of interest for U. S. fund organizers. However, most of what we suggest to U. S. fund promoters applies equally to non U. S. fund promoters.

Best Hedge Fund Countries For a new hedge fund manager who is a small operator the best location to launch an offshore hedge fund is the United States. the British Virgin Islands. the Bahamas. or the Cayman Islands. These countries have favorable hedge fund and tax laws that allow hedge funds to start out as unregulated funds (private two share class companies) with the option to "upgrade" to a licensed (i. e. fully regulated) hedge fund. At the onset of hedge fund development, it is not necessary or practical to set up a licensed, fully-regulated hedge fund. For smaller startups, it is more practical to set up an unregulated hedge fund. Setting up a licensed, fully-regulated hedge fund takes more time and money.

Remember, if you are not based in the United States . the United States is "offshore" to you. The United States offers tax and regulatory neutrality. In the United States hedge funds are set up as either limited partnerships or as limited liability companies and hedge funds set up in the United States are not taxed at taxed at the entity level. Learn More About US Hedge Funds In the British Virgin Islands (BVI), you can set up a Closed-Ended Company that functions as a type of hedge fund, an Incubator Fund. an Approved Fund. a Private Fund or a Professional Fund. Learn More About BVI Hedge Funds The Bahamas is a good choice but a little more expensive than the BVI. In the Bahamas . you can set up a SMART Fund and there are many types of SMART Funds to choose from. The Cayman Islands offers some regulatory flexibility but remains pricey. Learn More About Cayman Hedge Funds Contact Hedge Fund Attorney Hannah Terhune for Assistance

Offshore Fund Structures If you expect to have only U. S. investors, set up a U. S. fund. However, if you anticipate significant participation by offshore investors and/or U. S. tax-exempt investors (IRAs, pension plans, endowments, etc.) an offshore fund may be more appropriate. In any event, anyone can invest in an offshore fund (i. e. it is a legal form of investment). Hedge funds are set up as offshore and/or onshore funds to allow for different groups of investors. Hedge fund managers who have significant potential investors from different countries create offshore funds to make it easier to blend their customer base. Many hedge fund managers use offshore hedge funds to provide financial privacy to investors. The major consideration for establishing an offshore hedge fund is regulatory efficiency. The majority of offshore hedge funds are established in low or zero tax jurisdictions (i. e. tax neutral countries with no entity level tax applied to hedge fund profits).

UBTI Blocker Funds Hedge fund managers expecting U. S. tax-exempt investors to invest in the fund (i. e. (such as an IRA, ERISA-type retirement plan, foundation, endowment, etc.) should set up an offshore hedge fund (i. e. a blocker entity) when margin trading is required to execute the hedge fund's trading program. The reason for this is the need for such tax-exempt investors to avoid unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) tax exposure. Under U. S. income tax laws, a tax-exempt organization (such as an ERISA plan, a foundation, or an endowment) engaging in an investment strategy that involves borrowing money is liable for income tax notwithstanding its tax-exempt status. The UBTI tax can be avoided by having the tax-exempt organization invest in non-U. S. corporate structures (i. e. offshore hedge funds). Learn More About U. S. and Offshore Tax Issues While the UBTI tax is a unique concern of U. S. tax law, similar laws in other countries encourage fund organizers to set up offshore funds. Awareness of the need for a UBTI blocker fund is useful to non U. S. fund managers seeking to create an offshore fund structure attractive to U. S. investors. While we are based in the United States we have a truly global focus. Contact Hedge Fund & International Tax Attorney Hannah Terhune for Assistance

Master Feeder Fund Structure It is common for hedge fund managers to offer both an onshore U. S. limited partnership for taxable U. S. investors as well as an offshore company for tax-exempt U. S. investors. Arranging the investments of two separate funds so that each fund has the same asset allocation and is pursuing the same investment strategy can be very difficult. This problem has been solved through the development of the “master-feeder” fund structure in which the onshore U. S. limited partnership and the offshore company act as “feeder” funds and invest all their assets in an offshore “master” fund company, which conducts all trading. Pooling the assets into a master fund helps to increase the total amount of tradable assets, achieve economies of scale, and enhance operational efficiencies. When properly structured, an offshore feeder fund structure blocks offshore and tax-exempt U. S. investors from the UBTI tax. The most common offshore fund structures are the master-feeder structure and the side-by-side structure. Once the structure of the offshore fund has been determined, the next step is choosing an offshore jurisdiction.

Single Fund Structure This is a structure which is geared primarily towards non-U. S. investors, and also potentially to U. S. based non-taxable investors (such as pensions and endowments). The sponsor and management company can be either U. S. based or offshore based, but most offshore stand alone fund structures are managed by offshore individuals.

Side by Side Structure In this structure a U. S. based (typical) investment manager will run two completely separate funds in the exact same manner. This means that the manager will form both a domestic and offshore hedge fund. This structure is often good for certain strategies such as a fund of funds strategy. It is not as good for other, trading intensive strategies simply because trade tickets are typically split between the domestic and offshore fund which creates administrative hassles

Offshore Limited Partnerships By dividing the functions of ownership and control, limited partnerships are very effective at protecting assets from seizure by creditors. Private equity funds with a limited number of investors will often make use of offshore limited partnerships. The offshore limited partnership vehicle is very popular among U. S. investors who tend to already be familiar with Delaware limited partnerships which the Cayman limited partnership structure is based on.

Offshore Companies The vast majority of companies are incorporated with limited liability. Some companies may have more than one class of shares, which denote various fee structures and/or denote limitations on the types of investments some shareholders can make. There may also exist multiple series within each class of shares. Companies are the most common offshore vehicle for both open-end and closed-end funds.

Offshore Unit Trusts Formed under a trust deed, a unit trust is an unincorporated mutual fund structure. All unit trusts are open-ended. When investors in a unit trust add funds to their account, they are held by a trustee who has the option of acting as the custodian or selecting another custodian. Profits from these investments in the form of capital gains, interest, and dividends are paid out tax-free to investors rather than being reinvested back into the fund. Many offshore unit trusts act as “umbrella” trusts that encompass several smaller “sub-trusts” (or “series trusts”), each of which represents a single investor’s portfolio. The main “umbrella” unit trust must be carefully structured so that the assets and liabilities of each sub-trust are considered separate from the assets and liabilities of other sub-trusts. As an aside, holding units in a unit trust may be more attractive than holding shares in a company in some jurisdictions. It is possible that local regulations may not consider the units to be securities under their domestic securities laws.

Our Offshore Fund Services Include:

Consulting with and advising you on International legal and business matters (i. e. operative agreements among multiple hedge fund organizers, contractor agreements, algorithm licensing agreements, etc.) that apply to you, your intellectual property, the fund and your investment management company;

Advising on the proper fund structure, entity selection, and jurisdiction of formation.

Consulting, recommending, and linking managers to available third party legal counsel and service providers in the offshore jurisdictions.

Structuring hedge fund performance and management fees (plain vanilla & graduated rate fees) that are lawful;

Answering your fund and management company related questions;

Preparing the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM, Prospectus, etc.) in plain English while accurately and lawfully disclosing the fund’s investment terms, trading approach, and other relevant data from a legal and marketing standpoint;

Preparing the fund's constitutive documents (i. e. M&A and AA);;

Preparing the hedge fund Subscription Agreement;

Preparing the investment management agreement between the fund and the investment management company;

Forming the hedge fund and its management company;

Advising you on fund marketing, branding and operational issues;

Coordinating and arranging for the fund administrator, auditor, prime broker and other service providers; y

Advising you on capital raising issues, database listings, and resources related to finding investors for your hedge fund, and

Numerous other advisory services (i. e. capital introductions).

U. S. SEC Offshore Alert The U. S. SEC's 134-page report published in 200 3--The Implications of the Growth of Hedge Funds --presents the status of the hedge fund industry as viewed in the United States. What is interesting about this SEC Report is that articles and web content authored by our very own hedge fund attorney Hannah Terhune, JD, LLM (Taxation) (when she was the Chief and only Attorney at GreenCompany. com) on offshore hedge funds was cited on page 10 of the U. S. SEC Report as providing information the SEC Staff found to be valuable in its understanding of the hedge fund industry. For a decade, hedge fund attorney Hannah Terhune has been counted on by the U. S. government and hedge fund organizers worldwide as a source of cutting edge and practical information on hedge fund formations.

You will see from this web site that we supply more information about hedge funds than most books do on the subject. It's great to see that Hannah Terhune's expertise is appreciated by the SEC! This is quite a coup for Hannah . and provides one more piece of evidence as to how she can help you. You can reach her today at hterhune@capitalmanagementservicesgroup. com or at +1 (307) 413-2212 or on Skype at: CapitalManagementServicesGroup.

Why Speak With Us? When you speak to us, you gain access to a unique combination of securities, tax, and international experience. We have established a leadership position. We think we have the best set of hedge fund offering documents (and related documents) based on the current and ever changing federal, state and offshore securities, commodities, and tax laws. We have quick turnaround times because we understand that our customers want to begin business as soon as possible. We are one destination for all your legal, tax, accounting and audit needs. Our customers value this one-stop relationship. We will help you start your business and continue to assist you. Only one thing counts with us and that's our customer relationships!

Capital Management Services Group, Inc. is recognized by discriminating business owners as being the foremost tax and legal authority in the hedge fund industry. Attorney Hannah Terhune's education and experience are unsurpassed in the area of hedge fund creation, development and launch. Ms. Terhune's extensive international tax knowledge and hedge fund experience have made her an indispensable resource for serious hedge fund and business professionals. Ms. Terhune's numerous articles on the subjects have appeared in over 100 publications worldwide. Chances are, if you have read anything related to the hedge fund business, Ms. Terhune wrote it.

Why Hire Us? When you engage us you get a unique combination of securities, tax, and global business experience. We think we have the best set of offering documents in the industry for hedge funds based on current and ever changing laws. We aim to deliver quick turnaround times because we understand that our customers want to begin their money management business as soon as possible. We conceive, structure and deploy the best tax saving strategies for your hedge fund business. We will help you start your business as soon as possible and continue to assist you.

Give us the opportunity to use that knowledge and experience for you. Each client receives personalized attention from our attorneys and staff. No client is too large or small for us. We pride ourselves in providing personal attention to each client. We provide the best services and support needed for hedge funds and business projects. No need to coordinate work between accounting, administrative and law firms--we handle the entire hedge fund business process from start to finish. We offer legal services, accounting services, tax planning services, tax return preparation services, business consulting services, and U. S. and offshore company formation services. We provide high quality services at competitive rates. But don't take our word for it, give us a call and let us prove what we can do for you.

Personal Consultations You get answers to your specific questions by speaking directly to Hannah Terhune, an experienced hedge fund and international tax attorney. Ms. Terhune's hard-earned knowledge and experience can be put to work to save you unnecessary steps and costly wasted effort. The consult is an invaluable opportunity to speak to Hannah one-on-one and learn how to achieve more in less time. Ms. Terhune's credentials and experience gives you access to a well-informed professional practitioner with sound ethical judgment. The availability of such expertise required to recommend the best solutions to you and provide sound ethical advice should never be taken lightly. We are confident that when you are finished with your consultation you will be impressed and more informed about your business plans than ever before. Call +1 (307) 213-4732 or Click Here to Request Services.

Our Commitment Henry David Thoreau wrote: "Do not hire a man who works for money, but him who does it for love of it." We are committed to your business plans and bringing you the best possible options. We are an established and internationally recognized law firm that serves and educates our clients throughout the industry. We do this by striving for the best results. A lawyer is a philosopher and role model. The ability to improve our clients' lives is a privilege that we do not take lightly. There is tremendous power in being able to effect a positive change in our clients' lives. Our aim is to welcome our clients and to provide a comfortable, warm environment for all. Thanks for visiting our website. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you.

Website content and design are copyrighted 2001-2016 © by Hannah M. Terhune and all rights are reserved. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of an attorney/client relationship.

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Schlumberger to Spin off Sedco Forex Offshore Unit

Schlumberger to Spin off Sedco Forex Offshore Unit

Article excerpt

HOUSTON (Bloomberg) -- Schlumberger, the second-largest oil service company, will spin off its Sedco Forex Offshore unit and merge it with Transocean Offshore Inc. to create the world's largest offshore drilling company.

The new company, Transocean Sedco Forex, will have a stock market value of more than $6.1 billion. Schlumberger said its shareholders will own 52 percent, a stake valued at $3.2 billion, or $29 a share.

Schlumberger said it's leaving the offshore rig business because oil prices cause earnings to fluctuate wildly and the industry needs to consolidate. The company will concentrate on developing technology that gets more oil of existing wells, analysts said.

Transocean, now the third-largest offshore driller, will add to its fleet of deep-water rigs, which command higher rents than equipment used in shallower waters.

"It should be favorable for both parties. It makes Transocean a much more powerful player, especially in deep water," said James Stone, a Schroder & Co. analyst, who has an "outperform" rating on Schlumberger's stock.

Annual cost savings of about $25 million are predicted for the combined companies, beginning in the second year of the merger. The transaction will reduce Transocean Offshore's earnings expectations for 2000 and then add to earnings thereafter, the companies' said.

Schlumberger investors will get one share of the new company for every five shares of Schlumberger they own. Transocean shareholders will get one share of the new company for each share.

Transocean Sedco Forex will have the world's largest offshore drilling fleet with 75 rigs, and will employ 7,500 workers. The companies wouldn't immediately comment on whether job cuts are planned.

The company will be based in Houston and have operations in all of the world's major offshore drilling regions including the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Asia, West Africa and Brazil. …

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It was in the 1970’s when foreign exchange began and has triumphantly conquered the international market, having an estimated transaction per day around $3 trillion. With today’s advancement in technology and enhancement in capital movement, the international market has included different continents such as America, Asia and Europe, and even successfully crossed a variety of time zones.

Due to the several things that Forex trading has proven, several people have regarded it as a better one than equities. This is due to the fact that it has a 24-hour trading period. This kind of operation just implies that whenever there are instances that can affect the exchange rates, the traders can immediately respond. Yes, they no longer have to patiently wait for the Forex market to open the next day.

Another great benefit of the Forex market is that it will allow you to achieve high liquidity because high trade volume offers a higher level of security that the prices are stable, where the traders can open or close the positions at just very low prices. In contrary, traders in stock market must deal with bigger price shifts. More so, Forex also supplies traders with profit whether the Forex market rises or falls.

One purchase or sell currencies regarding how he foresees one’s faring value against another, as revealed in the indicated exchange rate.

As the awareness of investors increase regarding those advantages, Forex has risen to popularity fueled by the extremely convenient transacting choice utilizing the internet. Today, there are several choices that are available and accessible for online trading. One of these is offshore Forex trading.

This form of trading is something that is performed offshore. It is a great money-making activity carried outside a person’s area where he resides or a citizen of. Well, this is the number one advantage of offshore Forex trading because of the fact that Forex makes it possible. For that reason, it is an excellent option that can be chosen by an offshore broker. Aside from that, this type of trading is also free of tax and privately held due to the laws of secrecy of a certain bank. However, its great downside is the danger of scam. But how does this occur?

Fraud from offshore Forex is said to root from the lack of regulation because the offshore broker is subject to the rules and regulations within the certain country they are currently located. Because of this, it is quite hard to put those people responsible to trial and to recover the investments as well.

Well, that is what you have to expect. In offshore trading, frauds are always there. In fact, there are several online forums tackling this topic where the traders narrate their experiences of getting victimized and losing their investments.

If you are one of the people nowadays who would like to be an Offshore FX trader, you need to be equipped with the right knowledge and information for successful trading. Bear in mind that in this kind of trading, your financial life is at stake. Therefore, be careful in every move you make.

If you trade in Forex as an individual and are already having or you expect to have incomes from your trading surpassing €12.000 yearly, you’ve reached that point in which you have to consider an offshore solution to optimize taxation to that earnings, as much as for enjoying them as for reinvesting free of tax charges .

Mundo–Offshore provides you with the optimal solution for this purpose, as well as with the adecuate advisement to assure that this optimization complies with the Law.

However, you must always consider that any jurisdiction or location is not always valid, provided that in this sort of transactions there are several agents involved.

Please contact us to have a most accurate information. The evaluation of your personal situation made by our Forex Team . will permit us to define the most adequate pattern to follow according to your current and future strategies.

This sort of structures . when efficiently designed, is totally valid to also invest in other stock markets worldwide .


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In the Media


U. S. forex traders may not be able to skirt rules by moving accounts offshore

August 10, 2010 | By: Robert A. Green, CPA

The Dodd-Frank Fin Reg bill may extend the CFTC’s rules for retail forex trading to foreign trading platforms that are also marketed to Americans. This might mean U. S. resident traders won’t be able to evade CFTC rules for the proposed 10:1 leverage and the recent LIFO trading NFA rule change by using a foreign trading platform. Some foreign forex trading platforms offer 200:1 leverage and spread betting (no requirement for LIFO accounting).

A tax and regulatory attorney colleague replied to my questions on these issues: “Our Congress takes a very broad reach of the extraterritorial reach of our securities and commodities regulatory laws. Solicitation of customers who are U. S. persons — even though the solicitation is made outside the U. S. by a non-U. S. person — is covered. That is why, for example, foreign futures exchanges that want to offer their products to U. S. customers must obtain a 30.10 order from the CFTC qualifying them to solicit U. S. customers. As a practical matter, of course, enforcing that extraterritorial jurisdiction can be difficult (is the U. S. going to invade the Cayman Islands?)”

If 10:1 retail forex trading leverage is enacted by the CFTC/NFA, can U. S.-based retail spot forex brokers easily move their U. S. trading customers to their UK affiliates? It seems like the U. S. broker would be switching them to a foreign affiliate to evade U. S. regulations, and based on my colleague’s statement, I think it could be a problem.

U. S. forex traders may be left with two unfortunate choices. Trade on CFTC-sanctioned foreign OTC platforms respecting CFTC rules on LIFO and perhaps 10:1 leverage or take their chances in offshore tax havens (reportable on tax returns). Why go to foreign platforms if the rules are the same and perhaps invite more IRS questions? Why go to offshore havens if it’s potentially illegal and a tax problem – with the IRS scrutinizing offshore accounts?

Tax-haven platforms may never get CFTC sanction, so will they be illegal under Dodd-Frank, or, will it be a viable way to navigate around the U. S. forex trading leverage constraints?

Many comments published on the CFTC site say it’s a bad idea to chase U. S. forex trading business to tax and regulatory havens where there’s much more fraud. The way Congress wrote Dodd-Frank, it seems like it’s either going to be sanctioned by U. S. regulators or prohibited entirely. Can a U. S. person report forex transactions on their tax return from counterparties that are not sanctioned?

My colleague said Dodd-Frank Section 929Y has one reference to “extraterritorial” (which means ”foreign” ) saying the SEC has jurisdiction to regulate extraterritorial swap contracts. We think this same extraterritorial concept may apply to retail forex trading too. The CFTC regulates retail forex, whereas the SEC has authority over swaps. The Dodd-Frank bill couldn’t possibly mention every point, leaving much to interpretation by regulators. We think the CFTC may interpret the legislative text to mean the CFTC has extraterritorial control over retail forex too. It would be too simple for Americans to avoid the new rules with foreign brokers otherwise. If the CFTC has extraterritorial powers on retail forex, then foreign-based brokers will probably not do business with non-eligible contract participants. Good size hedge funds and proprietary trading firms may be qualified participants. Foreign banks and brokers with U. S. affiliates will fear the U. S. regulators attacking their U. S. operations.

Might there be an opening for retail forex trading to move into prop trading firms — with traders joining these firms as partners — inside and outside the U. S. By combining trading capital with other traders, a group of individuals may achieve eligible contract participant status. There are regulatory problems with prop trading firms too, as covered on this blog.

We’re working on these very important issues for U. S. forex traders. We hope to have more information on our conference call Thursday at 4:15pm ET. We discussed it on last week’s podcast too.

Dodd-Frank SEC. 742. RETAIL COMMODITY TRANSACTIONS. PROHIBITION-‘(I) IN GENERAL - Except as provided in subclause (II), a person described in subparagraph (B)(i)(II) for which there is a Federal regulatory agency shall not offer to, or enter into with, a person that is not an eligible contract participant, any agreement, contract, or transaction in foreign currency described in subparagraph (B)(i)(I) except pursuant to a rule or regulation of a Federal regulatory agency allowing the agreement, contract, or transaction under such terms and conditions as the Federal regulatory agency shall prescribe.

Dodd-Frank SEC. 929Y. STUDY ON EXTRATERRITORIAL PRIVATE RIGHTS OF ACTION. (a) In General - The Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States shall solicit public comment and thereafter conduct a study to determine the extent to which private rights of action under the antifraud provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U. S.C. 78u-4) should be extended to cover -

(1) conduct within the United States that constitutes a significant step in the furtherance of the violation, even if the securities transaction occurs outside the United States and involves only foreign investors;

(2) conduct occurring outside the United States that has a foreseeable substantial effect within the United States.

(b) Contents - The study shall consider and analyze, among other things–

(1) the scope of such a private right of action, including whether it should extend to all private actors or whether it should be more limited to extend just to institutional investors or otherwise;

(2) what implications such a private right of action would have on international comity;

(3) the economic costs and benefits of extending a private right of action for transnational securities frauds; y

(4) whether a narrower extraterritorial standard should be adopted.

(c) Report - A report of the study shall be submitted and recommendations made to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Financial Services of the House not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act.

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Forex CTA / CPO Disclosure Document

Recently regulations now require introducing brokers and forex commodity trading advisors (CTA), forex hedge fund managers (also known as commodity pool operators "CPO") whose business involves retail off-exchange foreign exchange (forex) contracts are required to be NFA members and register with the CFTC.

These new categories of registered persons, as provided by the NFA, are called "Forex CPOs" and "Forex CTAs." Like the CPO and CTA disclosure documents, it is likely that both Forex CPOs and Forex CTAs will be required to deliver a disclosure document to prospective investors. The Forex CPO or Forex CTA will need to make delivery at the same time or before the delivery of the Forex Pool's offering documents or the Forex Program's advisory agreement. The Forex CPO or CTA will need to receive signed acknowledgement by the investor that they have received the disclosure document.

The Basics of the Forex Disclosure Document

Cover Page . The Forex Disclosure Document will probably need to have a CFTC mandated disclaimer which basically states that the CFTC has not reviewed the disclosure document for the merits of the trading program.

Front Cover Disclaimer . Inside the front cover the Forex disclosure document there will need to be a few paragraphs that serve as a general disclaimer of risk disclosure statement. This disclaimer will be based on a uniform template for all Forex disclosure documents.

Table of Contents . A basic table of contents will be required.

Basic Background Information. The beginning part of the document will need to include such basic information as name of the Forex CPO or CTA, addresses, phone numbers, etc. The business background of each principal (each a "Forex Associated Person" or "Forex AP") as well as the officers and directors of the firm will need to be provided. The information each of the people will need to provide includes: date of NFA membership, date of CFTC registration, and dates of employment for last five years.

Forex Dealer Member. For Forex CTAs, if the program requires an investor to maintain an account with a Forex Dealer Member ("FDM") then the name of the FDM must be disclosed. For Forex CPOs, the document should disclose who will be the fund's FDM.

Forex Introducing Brokers. For Forex CTAs, if the program requires an investor to have an account introduced by a Forex Introducing Broker ("Forex IB"), then the name of the Forex IB must be disclosed.

Principal Forex Risk Factors. For both Forex CPOs and Forex CTAs the document must include a discussion of the main risks involved in the Forex program. Such risks are expected to include: country or sovereign risk, credit risk, exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk, settlement risk and Herstaat risk. In addition, for Forex CPOs, there are other risks involved in the structure of the investment vehicle which will need to be disclosed.

Forex Trading Program . All aspects of the proposed trading program must be disclosed and discussed. A Forex trading program will usually include information on the investment object and the investment strategies as well as a discussion of the risk management procedures the Forex manager will utilize. This area of the program may also discuss the Forex manager's investment philosophy. Forex Fees. All aspects of the fee structure of the Forex hedge fund or Forex separately managed account must be discussed. This will include both management fees and performance fees (if applicable) as well as the methods for calculating the fees. The rules require specificity here so this will be one area where precise information is required.

Conflicts of Interest. This will be very important information and the Forex manager will want to discuss this section thoroughly with its attorney or compliance professional. All actual or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. All fee and business arrangements must be disclosed. For example, if the forex manager will have any sort of pip sharing arrangement with the Forex Dealer Member, this will need to be disclosed.

Litigation . If any of the persons or entities involved in the trading program have been subject to "material administrative, civil or criminal" actions within the past five years, all information regarding the action must be disclosed. Disclosure is required for the Forex CTA, Forex CPO, Forex IB, Forex Dealer Member or FCM, and any principles of the Forex CPO or CTA. Oftentimes the FCM (with regard to CPO and CTA disclosure documents) must disclose a lengthy list of actions.

Trading Forex for Own Account . The disclosure document must disclose whether the Forex manager and/or any employees will be trading for their own accounts. If the Forex manager and/or any employees will be trading for their own accounts then the document must disclose whether the manager or employees will allow investors to review the trading records of the manager or employees.

Performance Reporting Overview Basically the performance reporting aspect of the disclosure documents requires the manager to provide very detailed summaries of the performance of the offered program (either managed account or fund), the manager's other trading programs, and potentially the performance of key employees. Any other performance which is material will also need to be reported. These performance disclosures will usually take up a few pages of the disclosure document and will face the greatest scrutiny by the NFA reviewers. If the has been no prior performance history of the offered program or by the manager, then there are specific disclaimers which will need to be provided. One of the outstanding questions which we assume will be answered in the coming weeks and months is to what extent a forex manager will need to provide performance reporting from other programs which do not relate to forex (for example, securities or managed futures). Because the characteristics of other investment instruments often differ greatly from off-exchange foreign currency transactions, I am not sure it would be helpful to require such information to be included in the forex disclosure document.

Additional Information Required for Forex CPOS Because there are structural differences between a forex hedge fund and a forex separately managed account, there are additional disclosure items for a forex hedge fund. Some of the items that the Forex CPO is going to have to provide is information on the forex hedge fund's breakeven point (the return needed to break even given the fund's management fees and other fees and expenses including the amortization of legal costs, if applicable), ownership of the forex hedge fund, and when the fund will provide reports to investors in the fund.

Material Information The forex manager will need to disclose all information that is material to an investment in the program. All such information must be disclosed in the document even if it is not required by the CFTC rules.

Supplemental Information The forex manager may include supplemental information (i. e. information not required by the CFTC rules, the CEA, or other federal or state laws) in the disclosure document. However, the forex manager should note that such supplemental information is subject to the same requirements as the other information in the disclosure document and may not be misleading or inconsistent. Generally all supplemental information must be presented after the main disclosure required by the CFTC – this can be accomplished through a separate supplemental information document called the "Statement of Additional Information," or at the end of the forex disclosure document.

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AlgoCharge Launches Advanced Kit Merchant Account for Offshore and Non-Regulated Brokers – Update

Ron Finberg / Technology (Retail FX) Monday, 06.05.2013 / 08:02 / GMT

Update: representatives from AlgoCharge have reached out to Finance Magnates and wished to clarify that the Advance Kit Merchant suit is applicable for forex and binary options brokers who have obtained regulatory license outside of the EU.

Last month Forex Magnates posted an exclusive article about the difficulties some unregulated brokers were facing in terms of their payment processing. As major EU merchant banks are uneager to work directly with unregulated firms, these companies have typically used intermediaries for handling their online payment processing. This contrasts with regulated firms that have a direct facing relationship merchant account with merchant banks. For unregulated firms, there has been an increase of situation where third party firms have been blocking broker withdrawals as due diligence is done on the account.

Providing a solution, payment provider AlgoCharge, who services online businesses including forex and binary options brokers, has announced the launch of AlgoCharge Advanced Kit Marchant Account. The product provides unregulated brokers and offshore entities the ability to receive a ‘Direct Merchant ID’ (MID) for Visa and MasterCard processing. AlgoCharge explained to Forex Magnates that they can provide firms with a direct link to merchant bank by leveraging their existing relationships with their bank partners.

The AlgoCharge Advanced Kit Merchant Account - Direct merchant account for offshore and non-regulated brokers

Following the huge success and popularity of the AlgoCharge Starter Kit Merchant Account supporting small and medium sized offshore and non-regulated Binary Option and Forex merchants, AlgoCharge is proud to release the next generation merchant account capability for Visa and MasterCard processing and complement the evolving industry with the Advanced Kit Merchant Account, that includes a Direct MID for Visa and MasterCard processing.

As part of the ongoing support and concern towards the growth and evolution of new and start up Binary Option and financial service operations, the AlgoCharge team introduce the most robust, advanced and attractive Merchant Account available.

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FOREX-Dollar struggles, yuan sinks to 4-year low offshore

* Dollar inches down against euro, yen

* Canadian, Australian dollars dip as oil falls

* Yuan hits 4-year low of 6.60/dollar offshore (Updates after start of London trading)

By Patrick Graham

LONDON, Dec 30 (Reuters) - The dollar lost ground again to the yen and euro on Wednesday, adding to a weak end to the year that has seen it fall more than 2 percent in just under a month against a basket of currencies.

To most analysts those falls still look to be chiefly the result of a thin holiday market and some profit-taking on the U. S. currency's more than 10 percent surge since January. Its progress against the Chinese yuan and Asia-dependent majors such as the Australian dollar continued.

Offshore rates for the yuan fell past lows hit around a one-off devaluation in August to the lowest in just over four years, briefly breaching 6.60 yuan per dollar for the first time since the second half of 2011.

But against the euro, the dollar fell just under 0.2 percent to $1.0938. It was marginally weaker on the day at 120.445 yen.

BNP Paribas strategist Michael Sneyd said the dollar had lagged significantly behind moves up in U. S. bond yields since the Federal Reserve delivered its first rise in official U. S. interest rates on Dec. 16.

"We would put that down to most market participants being out of the market at the moment. That may change next week," he said. "Long dollars still seems to be a stand out opportunity particularly with the euro almost at $1.10 and the yen at 120 (per dollar)."

Against a basket of currencies, the dollar fell 0.1 percent to 98.166, off a one-week peak of 98.413 touched on Tuesday.

The Canadian and Australian dollars were both down about 0.1 percent, also suffering from another 2 percent fall in crude oil prices.

While the consensus among major bank analysts on the dollar is still for it to gain against peers such as the euro and yen in 2016, such forecasts are less widespread than a year ago and, with some exceptions, stop short of predicting a rise to parity with the euro.

The fall in oil prices and worries over world growth have also generated less certainty about the pace of further rises in U. S. interest rates.

"The yen is basically expected to weaken on U. S.-Japanese yield differentials. But it will be exposed to volatility until U. S. economic growth looks assured, and we could see even wider swings in case of a warm winter," SMBC Nikko Securities chief economist, Junichi Makino, wrote.

"Thus a clear yen-weakening trend may not be established until the spring." (Editing by Louise Ireland)

Rupee Linked Offshore Bonds

With the initiation of a program sponsored by the World Bank, international investors can be able to buy offshore rupee-dominated bonds. By this program, World Bank aimed to further strengthen the financial market in the country by attracting overseas investment.

According to the Press Release circulated by World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC), the program has got overwhelming response. The series of rupee linked bond released by the IFC worth a total of US$1 billion. The first issue, valued at US$160, had amazing demand.

Being the member of World Bank, the primary task of IFC is to develop innovative strategies that eventually boost the economic opportunities across the Globe. With the rupee linked offshore bonds program, IFC have this goal in mind to strengthen India’s capital market, so as to make the Indian market lucrative for the foreign investors to invest on and the Indian economy gains a certainty. The binds could be an alternative source of rupee funding for investment in the nation.

As per the terms mentioned in the bonds, an annual rate of interest of 7.75 percent will be offered over a period of three year. The bonds will be purchased and settled using the US dollar, with the interest payments being based on the rupee’s exchange value against the USD. The International Finance Corporation will be using this bond’s to offer financial backing to the private sectors in the country.

Seeing the scenario from the investor point of view, there was immense excitement post the release of the offshore rupee linked bonds. The response from the investor was greater then what was expected. The initial demand of the bonds is indicating towards the fact that greater and strong demands in future and more bonds should be issued under this program. As per the experts of the IFC, the responses from the global investors are extremely positive and often IFC received double bids for twice the benchmark size of US$ 160 million.

The Indian Government has also greeted the new offshore rupee-linked bonds with open arms and appreciated IFC’s strategies to the Indian economy. Indian experts of economic affairs believe these bonds will strengthen India’s capital market and will bring back the foreign investors, alongside the international savings would also be used in order to bring development to the nation.

Furthermore, permitting the investors to purchase the rupee linked bonds with the use of US Dollar IFC strongly believes to dampen the effects of rapid capital movement between currencies. In the coming years, this feature is going to be immensely important as the United States Federal Reserve adjusts the monetary policy. Such changes can eventually lead to the migration of foreign investors from international currencies which could cause huge fluctuations in the currency’s value.

IFC strongly perceives their new program could pave a way to increase liquidity in the offshore market for the rupee-linked bonds. This rupee linked bonds could also help in providing hedging mechanisms for the investors across the globe. The high potential of this bonds are indeed a matter that invokes some positive vibes in the Indian economic situation.

About Rajandran

Rajandran is a trading strategy designer and founder of Marketcalls, a hugely popular trading site since 2007 and one of the most intelligent blog in the world to share knowledge on Technical Analysis, Trading systems & Estrategias de negociación.

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Big Trading Opportunity in World’s Second-Largest Economy

Article Summary: China is the world’s second-largest economy and its economic growth far outpaces major industrialized counterparts. Yet its domestic currency, the Chinese Yuan, is not a truly international currency. Here is a guide on using the USDCNH to trade the uptrend in the Chinese Yuan.

China is the second largest economy in the world, while its currency Renmnibi is not yet a truly international currency. Yet with the fast developments in China’s financial system, more Chinese currency products such as offshore futures have been and will be launched overseas. Investors are likely to be able to trade in a new global currency competing with the dollar and the euro in the near future.

Get to Know t he Key Terms

Before investing in this new opportunity, traders will want to understand some key concepts first.

China ‘s currency is officially called the Renminbi. People’s Currency literately. The Yuan is the unit of account, similar to the dollar, so China’s currency also can be called as the Chinese Yuan.

Renminbi, denoted RMB is the name for the currency traded both onshore and offshore.

If the RMB is traded onshore (in mainland China), it is referred to as CNY —traded as USD/CNY.

If the RMB is traded offshore (mainly in Hong Kong), the ticker will be USD/ CNH. Thus, RMB is one currency but trades at two different exchange rates depending on locations.

The offshore RMB trading (USD/CNH) started in 2010. As an important global forex broker, FXCM Inc. offers USD/CNH trading via its FXCM Asia and FXCM UK subsidiaries.

Current RMB Exchange Rate and Markets

Many investors may ignore this potential opportunity as they believe RMB is fixed to the US Dollar. It is partly true. Unlike the U. S. dollar or the Euro, the RMB is not fully-pledged simply based on market supply and demand; instead, the trading price of RMB is managed floating within a range of 0.5 percent around the central parity published by the People’s Bank of China. The central parity is determined by a basket of foreign currency including the US dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen and other currencies.

The good news for traders is that despite of controlled volatility, the intrinsic value of RMB is indeed affected by economic forces in the market. Both hedgers and speculators may take advantage of RMB trading.

In the domestic RMB market, the main players are onshore exporters, who demand CNY and sell the US dollar, and importers pay US dollar with CNY. On the other side, most speculators participate in the offshore currency market via the USDCNH in Hong Kong’s markets. As the demand for CNH usually exceeds supply, which is suppressed by government regulation, the CNH is generally trading above the value of CNY.

Regulator in Focus: People’s Bank of China

The Central Bank of China plays the most important role on formulate policy on the RMB exchange rate and also on the reforms to increase the role of Chinese Yuan on the world stage. Investors will want to keep an eye on it to gauge any clues on fundamental changes and the timing for the Chinese Yuan to become a truly global currency.

In order to keep currency volatility within the expected range, PBOC, the largest currency trader in China with over $3 trillion foreign reserves, purchases or sells the US Dollar in the open market.

Historical Chart for Offshore RMB Exchange Rate versus US Dollar (USD/CNH )

Since the height of the global financial crisis in 2008, China has intensified efforts to promote the RMB as an international currency. Yet more important questions to potential investors are when and how the process will take place. In order to predict future, we first need to review history first in order to determine the critical timing for changes in the Chinese Yuan.

The Renminbi was first issued on December 1, 1948 and soon pegged to the US dollar with USDCNY at approximately 2.46 Yuan. At that time, China had little international trade so the setup of exchange system remained in in relative infancy.

As imports and exports continued to increase sharply, China adopted a double currency system starting in 1981: regardless of the official exchange rate, a US Dollar at 2.80 Yuan was used for trade settlement.

From 1994, the Chinese government pegged the RMB to the greenback within a narrow range from 8.27 Yuan to 8.28 Yuan. The fixed exchange rate guaranteed a relatively stable financial market and helped protect against external shocks as China’s economy expanded at a fast pace.

On July 21, 2005, the People’s Bank of China announced that it would lift the peg to the US dollar and increased flexibility of RMB exchange rate. Following the release, RMB appreciated by 2 percent to 8.11 Yuan. As the use of China’s currency expanded from trade settlement to offshore financial markets and direct investment, RMB reform and internationalization has accelerated with a market-oriented focus.

Overall, the development of China’s economy is the main driver to RMB globalization.

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Written by Renee Mu, DailyFX Research Team

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Learn forex trading with a free practice account and trading charts from FXCM.

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Offshore Yuan at Lowest Since 2010

Editor's Choice

The offshore yuan is in a free fall, slumping to 6.6650 against the dollar, the lowest rate since the last quarter of 2010. The gap between the offshore yuan and its mainland counterpart widened sharply on Wednesday, blowing out to a record 1250 pips and reflecting growing expectations of further weakness in the currency as China's economy slows and capital outflows accelerate, pointing to devaluation some time soon.

The onshore yuan has dropped considerably since its August devaluation and stands now at 6.5418 against the dollar. The yuan is primarily traded on the mainland and is subject to strict central bank supervision, while its offshore counterpart is accessible to everyone.

The offshore yuan was introduced in the early 2000 to allow foreigners to settle trade and transactions in the currency and provide Beijing with a presence on the global finance stage while allowing the government to maintain control over the country's capital account.

Offshore Yuan Looser than Counterpart

The offshore rate also moves more freely than its tightly-controlled onshore counterpart, which is only allowed to rise or fall a maximum of 2 percent against the dollar relative to the official fixing rate. The latest slump was prompted by the People's Bank of China (PBOC)’s decision to set the official dollar/yuan midpoint rate at 6.5314, the weakest fixing since 2011. The fix represented a 0.22 percent decline from the previous session.

The offshore yuan plunge followed a day when China's main stock index, which has been volatile for months, tumbled nearly 7 per cent before trading was halted under a new emergency measure.

Cina Coren is a former Wall Street broker and financial advisor. She holds a Master's degree in Communications and spent many years writing for international news outlets and journalistic publications. Today, Cina spends most of her time writing internet articles and blogs, and reading various newspapers to stay on top of the news.

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Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

» 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

» 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

» 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

» 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

» 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

» 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

» 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

Offshore Banking in St. Vincent

With our assistance you will open a bank account in one of the largest banks in St. Vincent.

Benefits of Banking in St. Vincent with Our Partner-Bank

High-level confidentiality – bank secrecy in St. Vincent and Grenadines is reinstated by statutes.

Multiple currency accounts – you can serve your transactions in USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY;

Full operative secure Internet-banking facilities . with no need to install specific software on your personal computer;

Multilingual customer service;

Straightforward account opening procedure and reasonable requirements to corporate and personal documents from you;

Companies and clients from any country, including newly formed companies from lot-tax jurisdictions and tax havens are welcome;

No personal visit to the bank in St. Vincent is required to open a bank account;

NO minimum initial deposit requirement;

NO minimum balance requirement.

Country Profile (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)

Official name . Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Geographical location . a nation in the Lesser Antilles chain (in the Caribbean Basin), consisting of the main island of Saint Vincent (that lies between St. Lucia to the north and Barbados to the east) and a chain of smaller islands named the Grenadines stretching south from Saint Vincent to Grenada. Capital . Kingstown. Time . UTC/GMT-4, Atlantic Standard Time. Language . Inglés. Political status . sovereign state (independent from UK since 1979). Legal system . based on English Common Law. Currency . Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD or EC$), stable exchange rate (US$ 1.00 = EC$2.70).

Member of . CARICOM, CFATF, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Commonwealth of Nations, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank.

Offshore sector . represented by international business companies (IBC), offshore banking, offshore trusts, exempt insurance companies, investment and fund management, international ship registry.

Tax Treaties and exchange of information . 2 DTTs with Switzerland and CARICOM (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago);

TIEAs with: Aruba, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Faroes Islands, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK.

Mutual Legal Assistance Law allows for assistance to be given to Commonwealth countries in criminal matters in relation to serious or indictable offences, including tax offences. There is also provision for cooperation with non-Commonwealth countries but this is subject to amendments to the regulations.

Local authorities are required to gather certain information about final beneficial owners; however, they are only obliged to exchange information with other countries in criminal tax matters only, under TIEA. In other cases dual criminality principle applies. Herewith, criminal conduct is drug trafficking or a relevant offence under the anti-money laundering legislation (crime money proceeds).

Banking Profile (St. Vincent)

Supported languages . English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, Slovak, Czech, Polish and Italian.

Bank services . personal and business accounts; term deposits; international transfers; payment cards; international trust solutions; escrow services; corporate payment system; investment trading in forex and precious metals; yacht registration.

Credit/debit card facilities . Maestro and/or MasterCard attached to your US$ account. Maestro card has daily limit of US$ 2,000 or maximum 5 transactions for ATM cash withdrawal; MasterCard debit has daily limit of US$ 2,000 or maximum 5 transactions for ATM cash withdrawal and US$ 25,000 or maximum 10 transactions for POS purchase). MasterCard Platinum is available.

Currency of accounts . main account is in US$, additionally you can have accounts in EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY.

Internet banking . full Internet banking facilities, with enhanced three level security, allowing for 24/7 access and operation of your account from any place in the world.

Initial deposit requirement . no specific requirement, a reasonable deposit is expected to activate your account, and issue a card, provide courier delivery and/or other services, if requested.

Minimum monthly balance . NO requirements; blocked amount is US$ 300.

Account opening fee . US$ 165.00 with Maestro card including digipass device for secure access to Internet-banking (or US$ 245.00 and US$ 170.00 for 2 courier deliveries with MasterCard debit); plus EUR 5.00, GBP 4.00, CHF 7.00 or JPY 600.00 accordingly for each additional currency account if required.

Monthly service fee . US$ 19.00 for accounts with Maestro card or US$ 35.00 for accounts with MasterCard; Plus EUR 4.00, GBP 3.00, CHF 5.50 or JPY 450.00 for the according currency account;

Transfer of funds (credit to your account): US$ 9.00 for amounts up to US$ 5,000; US$ 15.00 for US$ 5,001 – 70,000; US$ 25 for amounts of US$ 70,001 and higher).

Transfer of funds (from your account, SWIFT): 0.375% (Min. US$ 61.00 Max. US$ 422.50, including intermediary banks charges).

Transfer of funds (internal, per occurrence): 0.1% (min: US$ 5.00, max: US$ 100.00).

Undesirable types of activities . Online gaming and related activities; Dating agencies; Promotion of adult content websites and related industry; Trade of weapons and military arms; Trading of pharmaceutical products; Wholesale of mobile phones, electronic computer components, cigarettes and other tobacco products; Businesses that intend to raise funds from the public or promote multilevel marketing programs; Businesses that offer alternative payment systems, e. g. e-gold, e-cash, or plan to use the company and its bank account for offering unlicensed clearing services / third party settlements for investments and securities; Professional intermediaries that hold funds on behalf of clients; Regulated financial services (insurance brokerage, money transfer systems etc.) whereby a proper license has not been obtained.

Applications for banking from such business are considered on a case to case basis. Please always ask for pre-approval.

Account Opening Requirements (St. Vincent)

Company documents:

notarized copies of standard company documents (certificate of registration, memorandum & articles of association, registers of directors and shareholders, certificate of good standing, power of attorney if applicable);

In case of bearer share certificates, as well as for corporate directors and shareholders, please contact us for exact requirements.

Personal documents:

a notarized copy of passport (or other valid ID document); US and Canadian citizens are to additionally provide a notarized copy of the Driver’s license;

an original recent utility bill (or other proof of address);

an original reference letter from your current bankers.

All documents must be in English or with official translation into English. These documents are required from each authorized person, director and shareholder.

Personal visit to the Bank in St. Vincent . not required; at your discretion.

Our Services – We Provide

Preliminary consultation on opening of accounts, bank services, fees and charges;

Assistance with preparation of the corporate and personal documents and application forms for account opening;

Obtaining a pre-approval from the bank on account opening, if required;

Introduction to the bank;

Guidance through the account opening process, mediation and communication with the bank until you and/or your company is assigned a bank account number.

To request pricing information or initiate the account opening process, please click on the below button, and we will send you all further information.

Investors Europe. Global stock brokers and unique in being the only offshore stock broker to provide a comprehensive and independent choice of FOREX offshore trading platforms such as Touch FX to trade FOREX Markets, the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of well over US$1.5 trillion.

Investors Europe : Global stock brokers and offshore stock brokers offer direct access to Forex trading for private and institutional clients over the phone or via our FOREX offshore trading platforms. For further information please contact us .

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Global Execution Solutions for the Offshore Trading Community

This site is part of the investorseurope network of offshore stock broker sites and dot. coms providing assistance and global execution services to offshore traders and to the offshore trading community online via www. investorseurope. com and www. investorseurope. net a regulated Mauritius stock broker. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our specific disclaimers as well as our General Terms and Conditions

Australian forex brokers VS offshore forex brokers

Description: We take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Australian based brokers and their foreign based counterparts.

As an Australian based trader, it is natural for you to be at a loss regarding the kind of forex broker you should use. The Australian forexbrokers are doing great but it looks as though their foreign counterparts always have something better to offer. Before you make that decision though, here is what you should consider.

Advantages of using Australian forex brokers

Geographically based promotions

With a broker based in your locality, it will be easier for you to benefit from promotions like free seminars, free conference tickets etc. This won’t be feasible if you were using offshore brokers as the cost of transporting yourself to any such events could dent your finances.

Ability to confirm efficacy of broker with other users

Nothing beats using a broker that is also being used by 2 or 3 of your colleagues or friends. Apart from being able to see what the broker can do first hand, it will be easier for you to know if any problems you are facing are widespread or just restricted to you.

Security of funds

Any broker being regulated by the ASIC is mandated to keep the funds of you and other traders in a segregated account. This means that if the broker faces any problems in the future, it will be easy for you to get back any money you have left with them.

Disadvantages of using Australian forex brokers

This could be seen as a big drawback, especially if you do not have a sizeable amount of funds to open an account with. While other offshore brokers can offer as much as 1:2000 in leverage, you will find out that many Australian forex brokers rarely go beyond 1:200. For a trader with a 10,000 AUD account, this may not matter but if you have a few hundred in your account, then the number of trades you can open reduces drastically.

Lower number of tradable instruments

This is another disadvantage of using Australian forex brokers. Many foreign brokers will offer you over 100 tradable instruments including currencies, metals, indices etc. but locally based brokers may only offer you a handful of tradable instruments. Many of them don’t even offer anything beyond the majors and a few exotic crosses.

Lack of monetary incentives

You will have to look long and hard before you can find an Australian forex broker that offers a 100% deposit bonus. The few of them that offer this type of bonus do not go beyond 30% and that will only be offered to traders with certain amounts as initial deposits. With foreign based brokers on the other hand, you can easily enjoy different levels of deposit bonus both on first time deposits and subsequent deposits. Some of them even offer no-deposit live trading accounts.

So at the end of the day, the choice is yours. Australian forex brokers offer more security while their foreign counterparts have more bells and whistles.

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Managed Foreign Currency Trading Accounts:

The currency exchange (Foreign Exchange, FOREX, or FX) market is a cash inter-bank or inter-dealer market established in 1971 when floating exchange rates began to materialize. Currency trading represents more than three trillion dollars per day traded around the world. That is more trading volume than half a years trading activity of both the NYSE and NASDAQ combined!

Liquidity & Accessibility

Foreign exchange, by its very nature, is liquid. The product is cash and accounts can be settled every day. Orders are executed and confirmed by Internet connection and currency trading investors are able to access their account balances and trading activity reports via the Internet at any time.

FOREX Trading Defined

The simplest definition of foreign exchange currency trading is the practice of exchanging one country's currency for another country's currency. Currency trading involves four main variables: currencies, exchange rate, time, and interest rate. The interplay of these variables creates opportunities for small investors to obtain investment returns that are generally unheard of in the traditional investment world.

The FOREX market is concentrated in four major currencies: Deutschemarks (28%), Japanese Yen (23%), British Pound (13%), and the Swiss Franc (9%), all of which are quoted against the U. S. Dollar. For example, using U. S. Dollars (USD) in exchange for German Deutschemarks (DEM): USD is exchanged for an equal value of DEM.

Example of a FOREX Trade

Here's how currency trading works: A currency trader, at noon, may exchange one USD for 1.63 DEM. By 2:00 p. m. the value of that DEM increased in value (became stronger in relation to the USD) to 1.62; the DEM became one U. S. Penny stronger against the dollar. Now the trader exchanges the DEM he holds back to USD, creating a profit of $.01 (one penny).

If, instead of $1 USD, our trader had used US$10M, this exchange would have realized a profit of $100,000.00 -- not a poor return for two hours work! And, yes, this is a realistic description of what happens during currency trading. This process, repeated several times during twenty-four hours, has the potential to increase even small amounts rapidly.

No Bear Markets

A general fear among most investors in the traditional investment world is the "bear market". However, bear markets do not exist in the foreign exchange market. Whether the USD reaches record highs or record lows, the market is active and liquid, and can be traded in either direction.

Using the latest internet communications technology and the most advanced analytical tools, the patient and disciplined Investment Manager can limit downside risk and provide above average returns on a consistent basis. However, the ability to produce above average annual returns does carry a certain level of risk. The ability of the Investment Manager to properly use margin and follow a disciplined trading strategy can produce above average returns on a consistent basis.

Please note that foreign currency trading has certain risks that cannot be completely eliminated. Without this level of risk, the ability for substantial capital growth would not exist. Volatility is the key for profit potential in all markets. Successful Investment Managers use this market volatility as a tool. Furthermore, each investor must acknowledge the inherent risk associated with speculative trading and evaluate the specific percentage of capital which should be allocated for this type of investment.

A successful trading strategy is accomplished by:

1. Comprehending and applying the fundamental economic indicators that affect interest rates and currencies.

2. Applying a proven technical analysis strategy to guide entry and exit points.

3. Creating and sticking to realistic investment goals and objectives.

FOREX Trading is Available to Everyone

Trading opportunities in the FOREX market are now available to individuals through technology interfaces such as those used by major currency trading brokerage firms. If you decide to hire a Money Manager who takes advantage of this technology, you will be able to view your accounts' closed trades 24 hours per day through a secured, online access portal.

Managed Accounts with High Yield Returns

Our managed, foreign currency trading accounts are averaging monthly returns of 10%. Our investment management company trades through a major international, NASD registered, licensed, and insured brokerage firm. The investment management company's traders manage our clients´ funds through a trading authorization whereby they access each sub-account through a "master account". Each trade that is placed in the master account is simultaneously executed in each managed sub-account.

The advantage is that each investor has full signatory control over his/her funds in the brokerage account. The investment management company only has the authority to trade the clients account (through his master account). However, the investment management company cannot withdraw any funds from the client´s account.

The investment management company charges strictly on a "performance based" fee structure, whereby the management company takes a commission of 30% of the monthly investment returns (gains only).

Investment diversification is key in realizing positive long term investment performance. Hiring an Investment Manager is no different than hiring a family physician. Understanding the Investment Manager's investment philosophy and style of trading is important. Over time, by investing in this type of investment, the small investor can achieve the financial independence most only dream of.

If you are seeking a low risk, high yield investment account through a real, licensed, insured, registered brokerage firm, with a reputable investment management company, then a Managed Foreign Currency Trading account is for you.

To set up an account, you need:

1. An offshore corporation or foundation. 2. Minimum of US$25,000. 3. One financial reference letter.

Contact us to set up your Offshore Managed Foreign Currency Trading account today.

Tel (Panama): ++ (507) 227-6645 Fax (Panama): ++(507) 227 7485 Toll Free Voicemail / Fax (USA): 1-800-716-3452

Note: If calling to Panama from the US or Canada, you must dial "011" prior to the country code (507).

Email: info@p-wos. com Encrypted Email: posinc@hushmail. com

P-WOS, Inc. PTY 296, PO Box 0832 - 2745, WTC Panama City, Republic of Panama

right 2000 - 2006 Panama Wholesale Offshore Services . Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or any computer network, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, electro-optical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright holder for which written application should be made.

DISCLAIMER: Panama Wholesale Offshore Services, Inc. is not a bank, nor does it provide banking services. Panama Wholesale Offshore Services, Inc. offers international company formation, corporate administration services, and bank/broker introductory services and account opening assistance. This website is only used for promotional marketing purposes of Panama Wholesale Offshore Services, Inc. and is not intended to portray that this is the site of a bank.

Smart, Smooth & Successful Forex Solution


Pheasant Limited is based in Hong Kong. We are a Financial & Forex Trading Technology Solution Provider Company. We offer turnkey solution for those who want to start a Forex Brokerage Firm or expand their business.


Our vision is to make Pheasant Limited as the Number One Online Forex Digital Solution Provider in the world of Forex Technologies. Our mission is to provide all the services to our clients in the smartest, the smoothest and an affordable manner.

Company Formation

At Pheasant Limited, we have total turnkey solution for those, looking to start their own forex brokerage firm. In this solution we answer the first question of broker with company formation services; that can be useful to make your firm a legal entity. Create an offshore presence with quick process at affordable rates.

Services Include:

Company Registration

Forex Company Incorporation

Open Forex Company Bank Accounts

Payment Solutions

Additional Services*

Forex Brokerage Solution

Forex brokerage solution can help the broker to expand their forex brokerage firm. In this solution, we provide various services which create unbeaten trading conditions to attract wise traders. By choosing this solution services, brokers can reduce their conflict with their traders.

Services Include:

White Label Program

VPS Hosting

Plataforma de negociación



Strongest Customer Support Services

Forex Technology Solution

At Pheasant Limited, we develop an ultimate technology solution that is a fusion of development and marketing that can help brokers to make their business totally automated as well as hassle free promotion services to create their presence in online digital global market.

Services Include:

Forex Web Designing & Development

Forex CRM

Forex Traders Room

Forex News Feed

Forex Digital Marketing

Forex IB & Affiliate System

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DOCs (Dubai Offshore Company) formation

International Business Company (IBC) An international business company or international business corporation (IBC) is an offshore company formed under the laws of some jurisdictions as a tax-free company which is not permitted to engage in business within the jurisdiction it is incorporated in. IBCs are offshore companies that are most commonly used for offshore banking, to conduct international trade, investment activities, to offer professional services and for asset protection.

Name and company activities The company name must not contain the following words and must not pursue with listed business activities: BANKING, INSURANCE and REINSURANCE. The name of the company must end with “LTD” only.

Local requirements The IBC company in RAKIA must maintain a local registered agents approved by the local authorities and a locale registered office which the registered agent provide.

Dubai taxes There are NO corporate tax, personal tax, capital gains tax or VAT in the UAE with exception of oil producing companies and branches of foreign banks. No taxation information exchange agreements with other countries.

Annual report – not required Accounts must be audited and must be distributed to shareholders (but not filed). The accounting records may be retain wherever the directors choose.

List of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (Legislative References as at 19.4.2010) Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Mozambique, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Philippine, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, New Zealand, Ukraine, Belarus, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Tajkistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Poland, Germany, Finland, Italy, Czech, France, Belgium, Romania, Turkey, Luxemburg, Spain, Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Seychelles, Mauritius, Canada, Uzbekistan

Shareholders and Directors Minimum one. No public register, but the registered agent must retain a shareholder register at the registered office.

Directors – minimum one director (corporate director’s allowed). There is no public register of directors, but the registered agent must retain a register of directors at the registered office Local registered office is required.

Minimum Capital Arbitrarily determined by the company owners. Recommended – 1000 AED. However, there is no requirement to pay in the capital. The documents could be notarized by a Notary Public Solicitor (“N”) or could be legalized or attested by a Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country of the applicant and further stamped by the UAE OR Arab Embassy

Annual report – not required. Accounts must be audited and must be distributed to shareholders (but not filed). The accounting records may be retain wherever the directors choose.

In order to start with the procedure please provide us the following documents: 1.) Passport copy (Notarized) 2.) Proof of residence – 2 x utility bill, telephone bill (not older than 3 months, the original) 3.) Bank reference letter in English (the original)* 4.) Bank reference letter (the original) 5.) Name of the company (2-3 of your choice) 6.) Payment to the bank account of EURO COMMERCE LLC

*This letter shall be written by the bank for the attention of : Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority RAK Offshore PO BOX 31291 Ras AL Khaimah UAE

In order to open a bank account, please provide the following: 1. Passport copy (verified in Barclays Bank)** 2. Last 6 months original bank statements. Alternatively copies can be downloaded in front of a Barclays bank employee, who will need to attest to the fact they are true copies of the original and sign and certify each bank statement 3. Bank forms should be stamped and certified by Barclays bank agent

** Documents can be verified by local Barclays Bank branch

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Forex or FX or retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions all refer to the same thing – trading foreign currencies for gain, usually in the spot market. The Forex markets have grown tremendously over the last few years and both individual investors and money managers are trading foreign currencies to make money. There are many reasons why managers have decided to trade the forex markets including the following:

(1) the forex markets are the most liquid markets in the world; (2) the forex markets trade twenty four hours a day, six days of the week; (3) managers have access to a large amount of leverage (sometimes up to 400:1); and (4) there has been relatively little oversight and regulation of the forex markets at the federal or state levels.


For those managers which will be managing forex hedge funds, the disclosure document requirements are in addition to the requirements imposed by other securities laws (please see hedge fund offering documents or a more detailed explanation of the forex hedge fund offering document requirements).

Recently passed regulations require introducing brokers and forex commodity trading advisors (CTA), forex hedge fund managers (also known as commodity pool operators “CPO”) whose business involves retail off-exchange foreign exchange (forex) contracts need to be NFA members and register with the CFTC. These new categories of registered persons, as provided by the NFA, are called “Forex CPOs” and “Forex CTAs.” Like the CPO and CTA disclosure documents, it is likely that both Forex CPOs and Forex CTAs will be required to deliver a disclosure document to prospective investors. The Forex CPO or Forex CTA will need to make delivery at the same time or before the delivery of the Forex Pool’s offering documents or the Forex Program’s advisory agreement. The Forex CPO or CTA will need to receive signed acknowledgement by the investor that they have received the disclosure document.

Forex managers will to provide a forex fund disclosure documents (which include a private placement memorandum, a limited partnership agreement and various subscription documents for investors). Managers will also be required to sit for and pass the Series 3 and Series 34.

The costs involved with process include legal fees and NFA registration fees. The fees include the following: * $200 for the firm registration * $85 for each associated person of the firm (there must be at least one) * $750 NFA Membership (which is due on an annual basis)

In addition to these costs the manager must be aware about other fees like entity formation fees and blue sky filing fees.

Managers must also be aware that there are forex examination requirements. Specifically, all associated persons will need to have a Series 3 exam license (generally for futures trading) and a new Series 34 exam license (for forex only managers).

The Basics of the Forex Disclosure Document

Cover Page . The Forex Disclosure Document will probably need to have a CFTC mandated disclaimer which basically states that the CFTC has not reviewed the disclosure document for the merits of the trading program.

Front Cover Disclaimer . Inside the front cover the Forex disclosure document there will need to be a few paragraphs that serve as a general disclaimer of risk disclosure statement. This disclaimer will be based on a uniform template for all Forex disclosure documents.

Table of Contents. A basic table of contents will be required.

Basic Background Information. The beginning part of the document will need to include such basic information as name of the Forex CPO or CTA, addresses, phone numbers, etc. The business background of each principal (each a “Forex Associated Person” or “Forex AP”) as well as the officers and directors of the firm will need to be provided. The information each of the people will need to provide includes: date of NFA membership, date of CFTC registration, and dates of employment for last five years.

Forex Dealer Member. For Forex CTAs, if the program requires an investor to maintain an account with a Forex Dealer Member (“FDM”) then the name of the FDM must be disclosed. For Forex CPOs, the document should disclose who will be the fund’s FDM.

Forex Introducing Brokers. For Forex CTAs, if the program requires an investor to have an account introduced by a Forex Introducing Broker (“Forex IB”), then the name of the Forex IB must be disclosed.

Principal Forex Risk Factors. For both Forex CPOs and Forex CTAs the document must include a discussion of the main risks involved in the Forex program. Such risks are expected to include: country or sovereign risk, credit risk, exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk, and settlement. In addition, for Forex CPOs, there are other risks involved in the structure of the investment vehicle which will need to be disclosed.

Forex Trading Program. All aspects of the proposed trading program must be disclosed and discussed. A Forex trading program will usually include information on the investment object and the investment strategies as well as a discussion of the risk management procedures the Forex manager will utilize. This area of the program may also discuss the Forex manager’s investment philosophy. Forex Fees. All aspects of the fee structure of the Forex hedge fund or Forex separately managed account must be discussed. This will include both management fees and performance fees (if applicable) as well as the methods for calculating the fees. The rules require specificity here so this will be one area where precise information is required.

Conflicts of Interest. This will be very important information and the Forex manager will want to discuss this section thoroughly with its attorney or compliance professional. All actual or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. All fee and business arrangements must be disclosed. For example, if the forex manager will have any sort of pip sharing arrangement with the Forex Dealer Member, this will need to be disclosed.

Litigation. If any of the persons or entities involved in the trading program have been subject to “material administrative, civil or criminal” actions within the past five years, all information regarding the action must be disclosed. Disclosure is required for the Forex CTA, Forex CPO, Forex IB, Forex Dealer Member or FCM, and any principles of the Forex CPO or CTA. Oftentimes the FCM (with regard to CPO and CTA disclosure documents) must disclose a lengthy list of actions.

Trading Forex for Own Account. The disclosure document must disclose whether the Forex manager and/or any employees will be trading for their own accounts. If the Forex manager and/or any employees will be trading for their own accounts then the document must disclose whether the manager or employees will allow investors to review the trading records of the manager or employees.

Performance Reporting Overview Basically the performance reporting aspect of the disclosure documents requires the manager to provide very detailed summaries of the performance of the offered program (either managed account or fund), the manager’s other trading programs, and potentially the performance of key employees. Any other performance which is material will also need to be reported. These performance disclosures will usually take up a few pages of the disclosure document and will face the greatest scrutiny by the NFA reviewers. If the has been no prior performance history of the offered program or by the manager, then there are specific disclaimers which will need to be provided. One of the outstanding questions which we assume will be answered in the coming weeks and months is to what extent a forex manager will need to provide performance reporting from other programs which do not relate to forex (for example, securities or managed futures). Because the characteristics of other investment instruments often differ greatly from off-exchange foreign currency transactions, I am not sure it would be helpful to require such information to be included in the forex disclosure document.

Additional Information Required for Forex CPOs Because there are structural differences between a forex hedge fund and a forex separately managed account, there are additional disclosure items for a forex hedge fund. Some of the items that the Forex CPO is going to have to provide is information on the forex hedge fund’s break-even point (the return needed to break even given the fund’s management fees and other fees and expenses including the amortization of legal costs, if applicable), ownership of the forex hedge fund, and when the fund will provide reports to investors in the fund.

Material Information The forex manager will need to disclose all information that is material to an investment in the program. All such information must be disclosed in the document even if it is not required by the CFTC rules.

Supplemental Information The forex manager may include supplemental information (i. e. information not required by the CFTC rules, the CEA, or other federal or state laws) in the disclosure document. However, the forex manager should note that such supplemental information is subject to the same requirements as the other information in the disclosure document and may not be misleading or inconsistent. Generally all supplemental information must be presented after the main disclosure required by the CFTC – this can be accomplished through a separate supplemental information document called the “Statement of Additional Information,” or at the end of the forex disclosure document.

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